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There's one guy on here, that I see, day in, day out helping this board to run smoothly and yet he gets no credit for it. He works tirelessly behind the scenes and yet no one notices his effort. Does this guy get annoyed when he's overlooked? No, he just gets on with the job, doing his best to make sure that WZ is the best wrestling forum on the net, protecting you from spam and gay porn. We simply do not give this guy enough credit, but we should. Ladies and gentleman, please show your appreciation for the great Luther_Hull, who without, this forum just wouldn't be the same.
Hear, hear, abso-damn-loutley...

This guy is the man on WZ, how can anyone deny what he gives... who can you say honestly has been as consistingly entertaining, as well as damn right hard working as MY favourite G-mod Luther_Hull....

Seriously, this guy even took the time to tell us when he was going on certain occasions. I know in my heart that without Luther I would be half the poster I am on these forums, so don't forget fizzle fans its LUTHER to thank for creating the posting MACHINE I am today... He is what Hulkamania was to my Wrestlemania... my very own posting, joking Ric Flair to me evoloution.

There's one guy on here, that I see, day in, day out helping this board to run smoothly and yet he gets no credit for it. He works tirelessly behind the scenes and yet no one notices his effort. Does this guy get annoyed when he's overlooked? No, he just gets on with the job, doing his best to make sure that WZ is the best wrestling forum on the net, protecting you from spam and gay porn. We simply do not give this guy enough credit, but we should. Ladies and gentleman, please show your appreciation for the great Luther_Hull, who without, this forum just wouldn't be the same.

You know, it's nice to get recognition like this. I ma flattered that someone thinks of me like that. Thank you. :lmao:

:blink: they told me you were smart :icon_smile:
If Jake made this thread how many posts do you think it would have?

lots more thats how many, everyone wants to get noticed

and for Luther hes dece but I mean that in the best way
Just out of shear curiousity.. it says you've been here for over a year, almost two.. who exactly are you though? Did you change your name??
:blink: they told me you were smart :icon_smile:

Luther told me before hand that this thread was going to be about me. It's code that the two of us use. Kind of a wink wink nudge nudge type of thing so that some of you don't catch on. You would know that it you were part of the COOL CROWD, but I guess you're not. :lmao:

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