Should Wyatts vs Shield be inside the Elimination Chamber?


Pre-Show Stalwart
With the Wyatts and Shield looking to head into a six man tag match at the Elimination Chamber PPV I got to thinking that maybe we could see the first ever six man tag Elimination Chamber match. It hasn't been done before but with these two factions now is the perfect time to do it.

What do you think? Wyatts vs Shield Six Man Tag Elimination Chamber?
Would be a awesome idea, it's probably going to be the last full-priced PPV for a lot of people so WWE should go big here. Especially since we've been getting a LOT of regular 3v3 tags with the Shield on free tv lately, might as well give us a real reason to want to pay for it.
I think it should. Adds more elements to the match. You could set up The Shields downfall easy by having Reigns and Rowan start the match and have Reigns beat Rowan as the clock is counting down for the next person to enter and bam....its Ambrose. They could get in each others faces or better yet, they could talk strategy and Ambrose can go for a cheap roll up.
This would be epic. It would be better if the time until the next pod opens is shorter as well. I would let them go on last and have total chaos at the end of the show! The showdown will be awesome either way though.
It would be pretty cool. But no. It shouldn't. The first, and likely only, match between the groups should be a standard 6-man match. An Elimination Chamber match should be something they build towards.

With them launching the Network, I'd actually suggest them having a Chamber match on Raw a week or so after the PPV.
they make a elimination team match. roman, ambrose, rowan, bray are locked in cage, rolling and harper start the fight. The ambrose is in, next rowan is in, next bray in, they eliminate rollins. finally reign is in, he destroy rowan with spear and eliminate rowan. Reign accidentely hit ambrose with spear, harper hits closthline to reigns, bray hits sister abigal to ambrose and eliminates him. Reign fights with harper and bray and hits superman punch to bray and spear to harper and eliminates him. Now its bray vs reign. Ambrose attacked reign through cage. Bray hit sister abigal to reign and eliminate and win the match.

The next night they argue and fight each other. Rollins try to calm down but ambrose through rollins to side, that makes rollins angry, then he attack ambrose. The shield is over.
I don't know so much about having an actual chamber match. But what about the possibility of them going on last. Then you have The Shield enter the ring, the lights go out and The Wyatts come on the titantron, Bray cuts some promo about The Shield being prisoners of the machine and the chamber starts to lower. Then, with The Shield locked in the Chamber, The Wyatts make their entrance. Now they just have an all out brawl in the Chamber but without being locked in pods.
Abso-freakin-lutely! When I first heard of this match being announced, I was very excited because I didn't think we'd see it before The Shield disbands. But then, I was slightly let down that it's not an elimination match. That's honestly the best way to book it, make Reigns the last man standing if you want to continue to make him look strong and continue his momentum coming off the Rumble. I think the only reason it's not an elimination match is that they don't want Wyatt to get pinned. Which I do understand, because they're setting up a match with him and Cena. But who's going to be the guy you build around for years to come, Reigns or Wyatt? Reigns, plain and simple.
I've been waitng VERY impatiently for the first ever 3v3 Elimination Chamber tag match in WWE history. It has been an option in WWE video games since 2005 so you'd think they would've done it by now but I guess not - maybe they never will.

But if they were to do it, there has never been a better time in the WWE than now to do it. They're greatest entities at the moment (besides Daniel Bryan) just happened to be two red-hot stables of 3 men each. Both stables have been dominant and seemingly unstoppable so if we're going to have them clash, why not have them clash in EPIC PROPORTIONS. IMO this should be the only way to do it, but instead it will be a tag match and I'm sure they will ruin the steam of at least one of these teams if not both. But with the whole "Elimination Chamber" match losing its allure I'd say this is a great way to not only make a special match in the ppv before WM, but to also bring hype back into that gimmick, AND to help solidify these 6 men as the future of WWE (which they clearly are).
I would be pleasantly surprised if this match was taking place in the chamber, not least because if it did, it could well overshadow the WWE WHC title match that would be later on. Something that the WWE wouldn't want to happen.
I would love it to be in the Chamber. Too bad WWE doesnt like taking WCW's ideas and having it a War Games style match. These two groups would be perfect for that. I can see Roman Reigns pulling off a spear through one of the pods just like Goldberg when he did it to Jericho in the past. Make it happen WWE!
I completely agree, now is the perfect time to do a 6 Man Tag Team Elimination Chamber match!! There are so many possibilities for an intriguing match here. Putting these 6 men in a “regular” 6-Man Tag Team match would not be as good as letting them warm up the Chamber for the Main Event. I understand that having 2 Chamber matches in one night could be a bit redundant, but it’s not like they haven’t done it before…repeatedly. I say put them inside the Chamber!!
Great idea and epic concept in my opinion. I don't think the WWE has done much with teams in the Elimination Chamber, this would be a good throwback to the stable feuds seen with Horsemen during the War Games match, but you have the benefit of it being a unique WWE concept and fit the 3v3 mold vs the War Games 4v4. As stated above, this would give Reigns his unique breakout.
I think that they need to save the Wargames style fight until Wrestlemania, just in case the Shield hasn't broken up by then. If they are still the Shield, then there's nowhere at WM30 for them to fit in, unless it's another battle with the Wyatts.
I know it's not been done, but no. It would make the match more brutal indeed, but if the Chamber is meant to be "random", the only way this match would work is if a member of each team came out alternatively. Otherwise, we could have a 3 on 1 situation, which means you could easily eliminate each member in the 5 minute time limit, leading to a very boring match.

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