Should WWE turn a negative into a positive? Should they bring "Reality" into TV ???

That N Word

Actively evolving
By know everyone know's the story with Punk and we know that WWE may just get more viewers to see what the hype is about. There is talk between EVERYONE that AJ will be punished. Now why not just make it a storyline instead of punishing AJ in real life. WWE needs to learn to turn a positive into a negative. Some refers to this as 'The Reality Era.' So why not bring 'Reality' into storylines and make the best out of bad situations. So how about have Vince come out to address the rumors and deal with Triple H and Stephanie in the ring and calls AJ Lee out acknowledging her and Punk's real life relationship. Vince say's Mrs. Lee on behalf of the McMahon family and the WWE you can go back tell Punk we would like to apologise for... Stephanie attacks AJ from behind. Vince say's for making your life and the rest of these superstar's a living hell. Now Stephanie and Triple H you will fix this now, you will humble the rest of these superstar's AND DON'T FAIL ME THIS TIME!!!! John Cena comes out and rants about Vince being a low down dirty bastard and say's Punk has a point and tonight you just proved him right. You gave me control of re-hiring these two and I didn't give down my word so they are not re-hired. Vince yells "THIS IS MY DAMN COMPANY AND I SAID THEIR REHIRE!!!!" Cena say's and I will see you in court. This leads to Triple H /w/ Vince and Stephanie vs John Cena (Winner get's control of WWE), and AJ Lee vs Stephanie at WrestleMania 31. This is basically fanasty booking but i'm being serious that this should happen.
You're ignoring the fact that they'd need to get AJ to roll with the idea, which is a stretch. There's also the fact that it's pretty much a retread of the Brie Bella/Stephanie McMahon feud. It also doesn't help that Triple H and Stephanie have been corporate douchebag heels for the past year and a half already, so there's no shock value to capitalize on it.
This is crappy idea sorry to say this mate but it really is! They certainly don't want the CM Punk anymore in the WWE. This will make the crowd to chant more CM Punk CM Punk! That will be annoying and the creative team can never push anyone to the top!!

And another Rumours being that AJ Lee might leave WWE soon to persuade her personal life. So why put on a stupid storyline into this. They already been looking for a good feud in divas section and Steph vs AJ certainly not gonna be the one they want!

Vince playing a face is so far good with Steph and Triple H being the top heel!! why should it get broken?? and Its already been confusing who Triple H will face at WM 31 and the list shouldn't get extended.
They'll have to make a storyline but you're asking the creative team to use Punk's name for two or three episodes of Raw to build up a feud between Hunter and John?? There are lots of holes in your suit mate!!
I don't see WWE publicly addressing the CM Punk podcast/incorporating it into a storyline... they may drop some subtle comments or brush over it. CM Punk did the podcast with his buddy for free, and has no tie to WWE. He also said abysmal things about the company, talked about his lawyer/legal stuff, called Ryback "the steroid guy" so I seriously doubt it was a work given the circumstances and if it was it was very well done... that would be only way I see WWE acknowledging it and I don't think they would have used Colt Cabana's podcast.

While the thing has tons of views/listens, I don't think the casual fan really knows/cares about Colt Cabana's wrestling podcast. Interested to see the reaction on RAW though.
I agree that the product should be more reality based but the idea proposed in OP isn't realistic at all lol.

The most realistic thing they can do right now is to kill off any "authority figures" and stop having HHH/Steph/Vince as on screen characters.

Bring in some type of neutral commissioner who only comes in every few months when there is an issue with contender ship or something. Preferably someone we've never heard of.

The perfect way to start off this reality era and capitalize off of Punk is to have Ryback come out and shoot on Punk. Have him say his rebuttal at the end of RAW.
Oh for the love of God, why should AJ Lee be punished for anything at all? That is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard in my life.

She married CM Punk, she wasn't in control of him and what he did, she's his wife, and for the WWE to punish her for falling in love and getting married well that's the lowest of the low. Do you really think she would go along with such a lame story, especially if they are taking the mickey out of her husband.

She is one of the best Diva's to come along in years and just because her husband has a bone to pick with HHH, and he isn't liked, that should have no effect on her at all. They aren't the same person, and while the WWE might not like what Punk did isn't there something called "Freedom of Speech".

Now if I was Punk, I would have waited until she left so there couldn't be any backlash, but if there is it would pretty much prove that everything he said was true and they are a bunch of raging douchebags. Which we all know they are anyway, but some are still a little innocent in that matter.

And someone else said Ryback should come out and answer Punk's charges. Well that would be a car crash in slow motion. We've already seen on here the Youtube video of him throwing Punk onto the cement. We've seen the clothsline that put Steamboat into hospital, and short of taking a drugs test live on the air, there is nothing he can say in his defense.

I really think the WWE wants to distance themselves from this as much as possible, and the less said about it the better. Once the shit starts to fly, you can do two things. Start throwing it back and make it worse, or duck and run. I think the WWE in this case will do the latter.
I am okay with a more reality based product but this is would not fly. The E should simple distance themselves from the entire Punk situation. They are a global brand and Punk is simply as disgruntled former employee. This is not the first nor the last time the corporate beast will be bashed by an ex employee. Let Punk continue airing his grievances to his small audience while the machine rolls on.
I haven't watched in quite some time, but this generally sounds like an all-around poor idea.

Reality tv, to me at least, isn't much good to begin with, but then OP asks if adding it to the RE would be a good idea or not. This would turn away many fans, and bring much more (negative) attention towards the WWE than it would do good.

It doesn't take much.

I do like the idea of Vince coming back though. But not too much can be done here, nor should anything significant. It'll be like watching a dog chase its tail and subsequently get hit by a bus. :|
I believe WWE should bring more reality into their programs. If you look at it, we're living in a time where reality tv is in. You got RHOA, The Braxtons, Duck Dynasty, Real Husbands of Hollywood, and now you got the Preachers, letting you in their lives and behind the scenes with Preachers Of LA. But they should. More realistic storylines, gimmicks, and a little bit of the wrestler behind the gimmick sort of thing.

And 2. if anyone watched I want to say it was either the 1st or 2nd episode of the Monday night wars, one of the main reasons why Eric Bischoff was kicking Vince McMahon's butt in the ratings was because, Vince was in the sports entertainment business with non believable characters, while Eric delivered real wrestlers with real personalities or real gimmicks, Which made a lot of since. Back in 90's we've watched A wrestling Circus Clown (Doink) with a clan of midget clowns vs. Jerry Lawler, and the Royal Court of midget Kings. A Trash Can Carrying Garbage Man. (Duke The Dumpster Droses.) A hog farmer tag team. (The Godwinns.) A bunch of Spandex wearing Richard Simmons Wannabe's. (The Body Donnas.) And a Tormented Tempered Tantrum overweight hockey player in The Goon.

And now that there is no competition, look at what we got now to look at on television. Los Matadores and El Torito. A Corporate Suit Wearing Devilish Demon Sellout, and Adam Rose and a doggone Bunny. Ratings were at it's best when you got rid of the stupidity and substituted it for Reality. It's pointless. You ain't getting no ratings out of it. A Interspecies Tag Team match, who in their right frame of mind ever heard of that Crap. WWE I tell Ya. Dab Blame WWE.
I was wondering whether WWE would at some point turn this into a storyline, myself. Whether you're a fan of CM Punk or you can't stand him, it seems like a lot of fans have been wondering, at least casually, what went down to cause Punk to feel the need to walk out and lose his passion for a career that he loved before. Well, now we have Punk's side of the story, but the bigger issue here is that this has been a hot issue for some fans and one might think, if done right, would make an intriguing storyline for Raw, even if just for the undeniable controversy involved.

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