Turn Roman Heel On SmackDown!!!!

That N Word

Actively evolving
Tonight Roman Reigns is scheduled to return at the SmackDown tapings. WWE has alot of momentum going after last night's Raw. So why not keep it going. Everybody is talking about Roman Reigns beating Triple H (Rock esq. 98) last night. So why not at SmackDown instead of having him come at and do his usual bit of acting like the fans love him or saying "I can and I will beat his ass again." Have him come out and say that "He's done." He say's it's no secret the fans don't like him and he's done trying. He say's he's not kissing ass, he is here to kick ass. He say's he is tired of acting like he likes the boo's when he doesn't. He say's all their boo's are doing is motivating him even more and motivating him to beat the hell out of one of their childhood heroes in "The Game" Triple H. He say's "at WrestleMania,I don't do this for you. I do this for me. I do this for my dream." He say's "it's always been One Versus All and that's the way it's gonna stay. So whether you cheer me or boo me I don't care anymore because it just get's my blood boiling. And at WrestleMania, I'm walking out WWE Champion whether any of you like it. So get with the program or shut the (mute/censor) up and just watch.

I think that's what NEEDS to be done. Have Roman fight as a badass who doesn't care about anyone but him and his wife and daughter. Have him be a ruthless asskicker. His match with Triple H doesn't really need a babyface. All it needs to be is too badasses going to war. Reigns can stay as a badass loner heel champion up until WrestleMania 33 when he loses it to Cena in the Double Turn heard around the world with Cena becoming a heel 16x World Champion and Reigns becoming the new Top Babyface in the WWE.

If you're wondering, who could be the Top Babyface in WWE in Cena's absence and with Roman as a heel. You could have Ambrose play that role and then Rollins when he returns. Reigns would get his spot at the top at WrestleMania 33. But this heel turn is needed and this is literally the perfect timing. He doesn't need no long term heel turn. He just needs a year long heel run. Thoughts?
The perfect time to turn Roman heel is at WrestleMania, after winning the championship and hitting the spear on The People's Cousin. No sooner. He can have heelish tendencies, but going into a WrestleMania main event, you need a clear-cut heel and a clear-cut face, or the occasional face vs face. The audience will no doubt reject him as a face, but it will mean a whole hell of a lot more at Mania then it will on the blue show.
Perhaps it would be better to not even have him show up at Smackdown, then. And delay that promo for Raw. I think it would be better to turn him heel before WM (that is assuming, they're tempted to do it at all) rather than at WM, because you don't want the main event to get booed. In the current dynamic...there's a chance it could.

If Reigns is heel going in, and HHH is more of a tweener, then it makes the match more digestible.

All of this is a moot point, because it's not where they're going to take the storyline, unfortunately. But man, he got booed last night. They definitely muted it at some points, but it was clear. When the "heel" destroys the "face", you get cheers, and when the "face" destroys the "heel" you get boos/no response. Not good.
I had to laugh at the comment that WWE has a lot of momentum at the moment. This WM is looking dire. Last years build up wasn't too good and this years been far worse. Ambrose has a good thing going at the moment but Reigns has lost all momentum. He got virtually no reaction last night. The crowd was dead for him. The crowd was mostly dead most of the show but considering Reigns returned I'd of expected bigger cheers or boos. The didn't want to cheer him and had lost all interest in booing him.
So you want a huge part of whats supposed to be one of the biggest angles going on to happen on a taped show?

I have no problem with Reigns turning heel. I think it's necessary in fact. But on a taped show? Think about that for a minute.
There's a good point in turning Roman Reigns into a heel down the road to Wrestlemania but certainly not on Smack down and that too not so soon as on next week. Roman Reigns really looked heelish last night while ambushing Trippe H. Because he came out after his match and beat down a man who was down and out. He disrespected a referee that sorts of things made me reckon momentarily that Roman Reigns is going to turn heel. I do think there might be a chance he can become the Franchise of WWE for the next few years if he turns heel down the road to Wrestlemania. Let it be heel vs heel for the championship nevertheless the crowd will cheer Triple H. If WWE could write a good storyline then this would become a hit.
The perfect time to turn Roman heel is at WrestleMania, after winning the championship and hitting the spear on The People's Cousin. No sooner. He can have heelish tendencies, but going into a WrestleMania main event, you need a clear-cut heel and a clear-cut face, or the occasional face vs face. The audience will no doubt reject him as a face, but it will mean a whole hell of a lot more at Mania then it will on the blue show.

So you would want Roman to turn in his "cuzn" The Rock..which would set up a match at Summer Slam....which in the mean time Roman would then Beat the craps out his "family" The Uso (in a singles match) which would have Jimmy getting hurt and Naomi and tamina coming out to stop him...then he would take out Jay then Dean Ambrose would come out tryin to stop him telling him that he's becoming everything Seth was...then they would have a match and as Roman goes in for the "end blow" que the Rock for a run in to set up the match at Summer Slam? After have Cena v regins or Orton v Regins or Rollins v Regins?
So you would want Roman to turn in his "cuzn" The Rock..which would set up a match at Summer Slam....which in the mean time Roman would then Beat the craps out his "family" The Uso (in a singles match) which would have Jimmy getting hurt and Naomi and tamina coming out to stop him...then he would take out Jay then Dean Ambrose would come out tryin to stop him telling him that he's becoming everything Seth was...then they would have a match and as Roman goes in for the "end blow" que the Rock for a run in to set up the match at Summer Slam? After have Cena v regins or Orton v Regins or Rollins v Regins?

Not sure what you do in afterwards, but a turn at WrestleMania can establish Reigns as the new top heel of the promotion, and teases a big money match with Rocky, if done well that is.
I personally think that they had a great chance last year to turn him heel, and missed doing it.

Remember the tournament for the WWE Title at "Survivor Series" when Triple H offered Roman the chance to join the Authority, but he refused.

They should have had him still do that, but when he gets to the final against Ambrose, Triple H comes out and helps Roman. After the match, Roman and Triple H shake hands, ala Austin/McMahon at WMX7, and Roman joins the Authority.

The next night, Triple H tells the WWE Universe that Roman joined the Authority because of them, since he never had their support. Roman would then trash the crowd (and maybe even cut a shoot about how he really feels about the fans' disrespect).

Dean Ambrose then comes out and fights Roman for betraying him the previous night. Then have them feud, which leads to a one-one-one match - WWE Champion Roman Reigns versus Royal Rumble winner Dean Ambrose to main event WM32.

Then, when Seth Rollins returns, he finds that the Authority have replaced him with Roman, and Seth is left out in the cold. Triple H turns on Seth and kicks him out of the Authority. Then have Roman versus Seth at "Summerslam", or even a Triple-Threat with Ambrose as well.

Then have John Cena versus Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 33, or even have Roman fight his cousin the Rock at WM33. This would have worked out well, I think.
Vince wants Reigns as the face of the company, I don't see him turning heel anytime soon and certainly not in the manner the OP suggested. They're going to put the belt on him at Mania, the BIG Mania ending is either going to be Roman celebrating finally overcoming The Authority or Dean Ambrose coming out to celebrate but turning heel. Maybe in a year when Vince finally accepts that the Roman project isn't working but not now. I see an Ambrose/Reigns feud going till Rollins returns for Summerslam for a triple threat. Ambrose should beat Lesnar though if WWE is willing to push him.
I personally think that they had a great chance last year to turn him heel, and missed doing it.

Remember the tournament for the WWE Title at "Survivor Series" when Triple H offered Roman the chance to join the Authority, but he refused.

They should have had him still do that, but when he gets to the final against Ambrose, Triple H comes out and helps Roman. After the match, Roman and Triple H shake hands, ala Austin/McMahon at WMX7, and Roman joins the Authority.

The next night, Triple H tells the WWE Universe that Roman joined the Authority because of them, since he never had their support. Roman would then trash the crowd (and maybe even cut a shoot about how he really feels about the fans' disrespect).

Dean Ambrose then comes out and fights Roman for betraying him the previous night. Then have them feud, which leads to a one-one-one match - WWE Champion Roman Reigns versus Royal Rumble winner Dean Ambrose to main event WM32.

Then, when Seth Rollins returns, he finds that the Authority have replaced him with Roman, and Seth is left out in the cold. Triple H turns on Seth and kicks him out of the Authority. Then have Roman versus Seth at "Summerslam", or even a Triple-Threat with Ambrose as well.

Then have John Cena versus Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 33, or even have Roman fight his cousin the Rock at WM33. This would have worked out well, I think.

You had me on this whole idea, until you gave him a Mic.
Stop giving Roman a Mic. It's the best thing for his character, anyway you cut it. Suckering Succatash and Tater Tots have ruined him.
Vince wants Reigns as the face of the company, I don't see him turning heel anytime soon and certainly not in the manner the OP suggested. They're going to put the belt on him at Mania, the BIG Mania ending is either going to be Roman celebrating finally overcoming The Authority or Dean Ambrose coming out to celebrate but turning heel. Maybe in a year when Vince finally accepts that the Roman project isn't working but not now. I see an Ambrose/Reigns feud going till Rollins returns for Summerslam for a triple threat. Ambrose should beat Lesnar though if WWE is willing to push him.

Dean Ambrose turning heel on Reigns will do absolutely nothing for Reigns as a face. That speaks more to their poor booking for Reigns than anything.

You had me on this whole idea, until you gave him a Mic.
Stop giving Roman a Mic. It's the best thing for his character, anyway you cut it. Suckering Succatash and Tater Tots have ruined him.

They haven't ruined anything. That's just a typical IWC member who can't let things go. I will agree that he needs to do less speaking though. Most monsters should. Heel or face. The Hall of Pain is a great example on how to use a mic for characters like that.
You had me on this whole idea, until you gave him a Mic.
Stop giving Roman a Mic. It's the best thing for his character, anyway you cut it. Suckering Succatash and Tater Tots have ruined him.

They haven't ruined him, but they certainly didn't help him out much. His booking has sucked as well. But I think the main problem is that fans still see him as just part of the Shield. A faction that doesn't exist anymore. They were great, but they are gone for the time being, and Reigns hasn't developed a persona other than being the muscle of the Shield.

Rollins went on to be the Authority's champ, Ambrose is just plain nuts and a mix of Austin, Foley and Pillman wrapped in one. Reigns still wears the same gear, comes out the same way and has the same music. If the WWE wants the fans to connect with him then he has to get a personality that is his and his alone. Sure at some point down the road when the Shield reunites he'll look like he's where he should be. Right now it looks like he's out of place somehow.

Also stop rehashing old gimmicks for him. He's not an underdog and he's not the Rock. As a matter of fact everytime they compare him to the Rock it makes him look worse. The only thing he and the Rock have in common is that they are cousins, that's it. Very few can touch the Rock on the mic, and while he's not the best there ever was in the ring, he's better than Reigns.

The idea of turning him heel on a taped show that no one watches is ridiculous. He's in the main event at Wrestlemania, a show every fan will watch, if you're going to do it, do it there.

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