Should WWE Start Having WrestleMania Type Builds For Summerslam?


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So i was having a random thought about wwe recently about the possibility of having a wrestlemania type build for summerslam. I'm thinking this was based off the fact that they plan to have rock vs cena once again at summerslam of next year
What this question is begging and what i want posters to think about:
* does this devaluate wrestlemania build ups by having 2 stacked cards in the space of 6 months? ie having huge main events twice a year?
*is the time frame too short in between the 2 ppv's?
*how would you do it using what gimmick type ppv's ie wrestlemania has royal rumble.
*should it be four hours?
*other questions and answer?

I know wwe is already still relatively new to the ppv names and gimmicks they have at the moment, but what new ppv's should or could be offered in building towards a mega-summerslam?
well if wwe were to do a mega build, using the 14 ppv system they have to offer now, i would perhaps move the elimination chamber in place of capitol punishment or have money in the bank with 1 ladder match for the briefcase with the other being for the chance to main event summerslam. perhaps even bringing to the table a king of the ring style tournament for #1 contendership

i think having a bigger picture build like building towards wrestlemania garners fans that decide to break for the summer back into watching the product. I think it keeps more fans interested on a year long basis & i don't think the 4-5 month gap between wm and ss is too suffocating.
I think WWE may start to do this with non Big4 PPVs being on WWE Network. It'll have an old school feel to it because consumers say the other PPVs are overblown versions of RAW and Smackdown.

To your questions I don't believe having two stacked cards in 6 months would devalue Wrestlemania because they used to do this in the past

The time frame is not too short if and only if they put the other events on the network that build up characters and feuds towards the big 4 so the other events can be like Superstars,Challenge,Saturday Nights Main Event of yesteryear.

As for gimmicks eh I don't know that Summerslam would need a gimmick because they have other events for that.

I would have to say on the length it should stay 3 hours Wrestlemania has that Super Bowl feel to it so the length is good for Wrestlemania but not another PPV that would devalue it in my opinion.
Personally, No, i do not think so.

If this happened it would bring down the hype of Wrestlemania. If there was one there would probably be another needless PPV for some sort of Royal Rumble or something similar.

There is far too many PPV's as it is.
Wrestlemania will always be biggest show in wrestling. Nobody is ever going to care about C.M. Punks Summerslam streak. Its always been a favorite pay per view of mine, but its legacy is that of one of the big four. The Rumble, The Survivor Series and Summerslam where all wrestling fans had for ten years until the King of the Ring came around. The lack of Pay per Views made it special. Now we have 13 a year. Thirteen!!!!!!! If money in the bank had some sort is stipulation where there was always a gimmick leading to a summerslam title shot maybe, or king of the ring, but ultimatly summerslam is just one of twelve other shows trying to get fifty bucks out of you every year.
I`d like to see Summer Slam bigger but not to the level of Mania. Mania has Rumble and Elimination Chamber to build it up. I would have the King of the Ring brought back to build up Summer Slam, for the winner of the tornament would get to face the WWEC. or the WHC. at Summer Slam. I would also like to see Summer Slam, since it is the Summer, in a place without a roof so you can actually see that it is Summer outside. This could help the feel of the event. I would love to see either Wrestlemania or Summer Slam at the Rose Bowl. I think it would be am awesome site for either event. Instead of having Summer Slam at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles every year, just move it to the Rose Bowl stadium. I`m sure with the proper booking and lead up to Summer Slam being the 2nd biggest event in the WWE of the year they could fill the place.
Remove Capitol Punishment, Over the Limit, Vengeance and Money In the bank(seriously one money in the bank winner is enough).

Space out Summerslam a bit more and I will agree to a WM type build up for this PPV too.

Summerslam has been my favorite PPV for a long time, although the main event of SSlam 2010 was more of a survivor series thing for me. A build up like you have suggested will not devalue Wrestlemania, rather it will only force the WWE to make Wrestlemania better. After all we always want something better from the WWE.
I would have the King of the Ring brought back to build up Summer Slam, for the winner of the tornament would get to face the WWEC. or the WHC. at Summer Slam.

I actually had the same idea recently. I believe they should really use the major ppvs (I'm including K.o.t.R. in the "major" for this point) as 2, 3 stage acts. So, Part 1., Act. I: Royal Rumble. Man earns title shot. Part 1., Act. II: Wrestlemania. Man gets title shot. Part 1, Act. III & Part 2, Act. I: K.o.t.R. Rematch for the defeated, and/or a new man earns a title shot (through the tournament). Part 2., Act. II: Summer Slam. Man gets title shot. Part II, Act. III: Survivor Series. Rematch for the defeated, possible in teams between the four main wrestlers. The climaxes should happen in Wrestlemania and Summer Slam respectfully.

I also think it might be to WWE's advantage to get rid of the whole "rematch clause." They could then give the man who lost Wrestlemania a "bye" during the K.o.t.R. tournament. It might also be better to have only one "unified" champion (a WWEWHC), so there is only one focus instead of two (WWEC and WHC).
Heck YES! Take away the money in the bank ppv and have a two month build toward the show. You could also have the king of the ring before it and the winner of that gets a title shot at Summer Slam
They should have major builds towards all their PPVs if they want me to buy them. Now with relegating the non big-4 PPVs to WWE Network, they may actually be able to do this, which I'm excited about.
The time frame between the builds i think would be too short. Its closer to four months between mania and SS. With this shorter time frame and the first month or two after mania being the wrapping of or fallout from those feuds and ppv i dont think there would be really enough time to do it properly or people would complain that there are now only 4 ppv's and the rest dont matter anymore.
WWE needs to improve their builds and storylines for every ppv!! honestly when was the last time you actually were emotionally involved in a storyline and actually cared about the outcome!?
Have a KOTR crowned at the May PPV and him getting the title shot against the World Champion on his brand, can have a enhancement building wins/feud at the June and July PPVs, keeping the MITB theme (but keeping just the one match and even then dropping the MITB at Mania). So have the KOTR winner getting the SS title match in the distance would be a good thing and still not take anything away from the Rumble/Mania title shot.

I hope they do put more effort into the Big 4 PPVs. Summerslam can always have the two title matches and then like this year a BIG Mania rematch or something and give the card a triple main event buildup.
I'd support the idea if WWE tired to do it with their own roster.

Each year a lot of returns and celeb appearances happen in the Mania build-up which pretty much makes the younger stars and most of upper mid-card people and even some main eventers irrelevant for the big event. I'd like Summerslam if it had a big and long build-up like Mania but only done within WWE's current squad so we could see new faces in big stories and big matches.

Take Cena vs. Miz as a good example. It was completely overshadowed by Cena/Rock and it didn't help the Miz that much, while if it was a big summer feud we could see Miz as some big player right now.

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