Should WWE have a season?


Prof Ulti at work as usual....
I mean nearly every sport out there has a season that last for approx. 9 months and why shouldn't WWE? It could start 8 weeks before Summerslam and end at Wrestlemania. This would be a great idea as the 4 main PPVs would be covered, wrestlers will get less injured and have time to spend with their families and reduce the ammount of steriod users (If any). While the wrestlers are in the 'off-season' they could do a few house shows here and there.
They don't need three months off, but a month or so would be excellent. Even two weeks or so. Just give the people time to mentally and physically heal. Let them be with their families, maybe for Christmas. There's no need at all to have shows around that time of the year with people having more important things such as the holidays to tend to. Maybe put on some PPVs on free tv edited for time, or some prerecorded highlights from the year. Why not? It's not like the ratings do great for that time of the year.
They don't need three months off, but a month or so would be excellent. Even two weeks or so. Just give the people time to mentally and physically heal. Let them be with their families, maybe for Christmas. There's no need at all to have shows around that time of the year with people having more important things such as the holidays to tend to. Maybe put on some PPVs on free tv edited for time, or some prerecorded highlights from the year. Why not? It's not like the ratings do great for that time of the year.

Yeah thats another great idea. About christmas time time could be taken off. I feel for the wrestlers, I mean they probably hardly ever see their family during the year. After X-mas WWE could come back fully loaded to hype the Royal Rumble.
They don't need 3 months off? Don't suppose you've had to deal with their schedule to know how much of a toll it takes on their bodies & families? 3 months off is just fine in my opinion. That way, it gives them time to do things a normal family would do, such as go on holiday ect. Also, 3 months is long enough to let any small niggiling injuries heal, or more serious ones get treated to. Mentally also, being able to get a good nights sleep would be a great benefit for all the wrestlers. They'd have more time to go to the gym, and also just be normal again. Catch up with friends ect. Another factor, perhaps they could go down to FCW and learn a few new moves. The younger wrestlers that is. Only positives can be seen from this. Although, 3 months off at once may not be as effective as 2 week breaks every couple of months.
KB beat me to it. There is no need for Wrestlers to have to work from around December 10 to January 10th. The wrestlers would get the much needed time off to be with their families and let their bodies heel. They could have a best of shows playing, the tribute to the troops, taped on their last day and some pay per views during this time. Then have the build up to the Royal Rumble right after the time off.
WWE would lose out on too much revenue both from advertising, and PPV's. Ratings would likely suffer at the start of the season, because of people getting into other habits, and they would have to spend loads on advertising the start of the new season to attract viewers back which would lose more revenue. In fact the only people who would benefit, and probably support the idea would be the wrestlers themselves, as like you said it gives them more time off. However from a business perspective its a non-starter.
You know, the wrestling promotion in my daydreams has a season. I think WWE having an 8 month season from January to August would be great for three reasons. One, it would allow wrestlers time to heal. Two, it would allow the writers a chance to get storylines in order for the upcoming year's season and also make up contingency plans should any of the wrestlers get injured. Third, and most importantly, it would avoid the NFL season almost completely (no one watches the pre-season and there would be no more Monday Night Football by the time RAW came back on the air). However, the biggest question is whether or not WWE would be able to make the same amount of money that they make yearly in just eight months.
KB beat me to it. There is no need for Wrestlers to have to work from around December 10 to January 10th. The wrestlers would get the much needed time off to be with their families and let their bodies heel. They could have a best of shows playing, the tribute to the troops, taped on their last day and some pay per views during this time. Then have the build up to the Royal Rumble right after the time off.

Just a bit of a gripe I have with that. Is 2 weeks enough build for the Royal Rumble? It is supposed to be a very big PPV with a traditional match which only happens once in 12 months and the winner gets a title shot at Wrestlemania. This PPV IMO deserves more than 2 weeks of hype anf build.
They don't need 3 months off? Don't suppose you've had to deal with their schedule to know how much of a toll it takes on their bodies & families? 3 months off is just fine in my opinion. That way, it gives them time to do things a normal family would do, such as go on holiday ect. Also, 3 months is long enough to let any small niggiling injuries heal, or more serious ones get treated to. Mentally also, being able to get a good nights sleep would be a great benefit for all the wrestlers. They'd have more time to go to the gym, and also just be normal again. Catch up with friends ect. Another factor, perhaps they could go down to FCW and learn a few new moves. The younger wrestlers that is. Only positives can be seen from this. Although, 3 months off at once may not be as effective as 2 week breaks every couple of months.

Yes because I'm sure that you know what the travel schedule for a WWE wrestler is as well.

3 months is FAR too long. Listen to what any wrestler has said about this subject and they'll all say 2-4 weeks a year would be great. No time on the road, a regular sleeping and eating schedule, time to just relax and clear your head. The little injuries would heal just fine in that amount of time and the big ones could get some solid healing time in as well. Three months is a VERY long time. Think about it: three months ago Jericho was world champion. Three months ago, Legacy was just being born. Three months ago Cena was just about to win the title. That's a long time to not have wrestling, just looking at it from a business standpoint. Giving them three months off also would form a lot of ring rust meaning they weould need a few weeks to just get back into their old form. It would be almost four months without them being in top form for the fans. Most of us would wait for it, but a lot of the casual fans wouldn't.
You know, the wrestling promotion in my daydreams has a season. I think WWE having an 8 month season from January to August would be great for three reasons. One, it would allow wrestlers time to heal. Two, it would allow the writers a chance to get storylines in order for the upcoming year's season and also make up contingency plans should any of the wrestlers get injured. Third, and most importantly, it would avoid the NFL season almost completely (no one watches the pre-season and there would be no more Monday Night Football by the time RAW came back on the air). However, the biggest question is whether or not WWE would be able to make the same amount of money that they make yearly in just eight months.

WWE is not at the moment a company in dire need of money. Hell Vince is a Billionairre and although finance is a important aspect it wouldn't hurt WWE would it if they had just a few million dollars of loss and gave the wrestlers some time off and give the creative some time to actually think of some good storylines rather than to rush them and spoil the overall product.
Yes because I'm sure that you know what the travel schedule for a WWE wrestler is as well.

3 months is FAR too long. Listen to what any wrestler has said about this subject and they'll all say 2-4 weeks a year would be great. No time on the road, a regular sleeping and eating schedule, time to just relax and clear your head. The little injuries would heal just fine in that amount of time and the big ones could get some solid healing time in as well. Three months is a VERY long time. Think about it: three months ago Jericho was world champion. Three months ago, Legacy was just being born. Three months ago Cena was just about to win the title. That's a long time to not have wrestling, just looking at it from a business standpoint. Giving them three months off also would form a lot of ring rust meaning they weould need a few weeks to just get back into their old form. It would be almost four months without them being in top form for the fans. Most of us would wait for it, but a lot of the casual fans wouldn't.

Well ok, instead of having it as a season, just have 3 months worth with no house shows. I know the bulk of a wrestler's paycheck comes from house shows, so during those 3 months have a set fee that they would get paid.

But basically, give them say December off like that, where they only have to do RAW, SD! or ECW. Heck, tape the month's worth in the first week and give them the rest of the time off. Then, middle of the year have another month like that, and then another later in the year. Perhaps have that final month spread out into 2 week slots, so maybe one after WrestleMania to let the wrestlers heal up and get stronger after the demanding schedule that WrestleMania provides.
Just a bit of a gripe I have with that. Is 2 weeks enough build for the Royal Rumble? It is supposed to be a very big PPV with a traditional match which only happens once in 12 months and the winner gets a title shot at Wrestlemania. This PPV IMO deserves more than 2 weeks of hype anf build.

Yeah you do make a good point, maybe move the Rumble back a week. Three weeks should be good, as the biggest seller for the PPV is the match itself. I hate the fact we know so many people in it as it is. This way maybe we would only know at the most 20 people going in.
Yeah you do make a good point, maybe move the Rumble back a week. Three weeks should be good, as the biggest seller for the PPV is the match itself. I hate the fact we know so many people in it as it is. This way maybe we would only know at the most 20 people going in.

Yeah good idea. Giving it three, albiet rushed will be better than 2 weeks where every matched will get announced the same day and the actual matches won't gel together properly at the event.
Well ok, instead of having it as a season, just have 3 months worth with no house shows. I know the bulk of a wrestler's paycheck comes from house shows, so during those 3 months have a set fee that they would get paid.

But basically, give them say December off like that, where they only have to do RAW, SD! or ECW. Heck, tape the month's worth in the first week and give them the rest of the time off. Then, middle of the year have another month like that, and then another later in the year. Perhaps have that final month spread out into 2 week slots, so maybe one after WrestleMania to let the wrestlers heal up and get stronger after the demanding schedule that WrestleMania provides.

Now this could definitely work. At the time, I can't imagine that people would be thinking about going to a live show for the overpriced amounts they already have. That time of the year is about your friends and family. Taping the shows would be just fine. It's not like the spoilers would kill the ratings or anything. They're naturally low in that time of the year, so why notgive them that month or so off?
KB beat me to it. There is no need for Wrestlers to have to work from around December 10 to January 10th. The wrestlers would get the much needed time off to be with their families and let their bodies heel. They could have a best of shows playing, the tribute to the troops, taped on their last day and some pay per views during this time. Then have the build up to the Royal Rumble right after the time off.

Well if it's 10th Jan that would leave two weeks for the build up. The best point would be after Summerslam for a few weeks, and then a week or two at Christmas.

But to me WWE does have seasons, granted they don't have a big break and restart but I see Wrestlemania as the end of the WWE season, things wrapped up nicely to start off the next night on Raw.
Well if it's 10th Jan that would leave two weeks for the build up. The best point would be after Summerslam for a few weeks, and then a week or two at Christmas.

But to me WWE does have seasons, granted they don't have a big break and restart but I see Wrestlemania as the end of the WWE season, things wrapped up nicely to start off the next night on Raw.

Now that must take the mick for the RAW wrestlers. Just had one of the best matches ever, even Vince gives you a pat on the back, just main evented 'mania and won the title. You go to bed all happy about you life, you wake up tommorow, check the calender and.... :cuss2:
What an awful awful idea. There's a reason that Raw is the "longest running episodic show in TV history". Taking time of is a completely ridiculous idea.

First of all, why take the financial hit when you don't have to? I mean, name ONE person who has EVER been forced to work in the wrestling business. They haven't. They do it because they want to, not because they have to. Second of all, as quoted from the movie Tommy Boy, "You're either growing or you're dying. There's no third direction". Time off means money lost, which means a dying business. Finally, you have to remember it's not just ratings that suffers, house show business is some of the best business around in wrestling.

Taking ANY time off is ridiculous. Furthermore, the WWE DOES tape their Christmas show every year (The Tribute to the Troops), so the guys do get a little time off then.

The only LOGICAL way to give some time off, is to find a way, every couple of years, to write guys out of the storylines for a few weeks. Injury angle, "firing" angle...whatever. But, shutting the whole thing down for several weeks just isn't feasible.
Totally agree with everything Slyfox said, makes sense, and plus, you wouldn't want wrestlers to get ring rust now would you?
Taking ANY time off is ridiculous. Furthermore, the WWE DOES tape their Christmas show every year (The Tribute to the Troops), so the guys do get a little time off then.

Tribute to the Troops is not in place of the other shows, though. So, it's not like a vacation.

Isn't there a way that both can be done? WWE has been taping telecasts since it first started doing television, so why couldn't they do it now? Raw still tapes periodically, so why not again?

You could potentially tape a month's worth of shows in a week if need-be, thus, airtime would still be occupied and the wrestlers could still get a bit of a holiday.
3 months was just a suggestion. I mean every sport takes time off and it doesn't hit them that hard financially. For example the footie season. The clubs have a waaaaaay more expenses to cover in 9 months which MOST clubs do, so if they can, why can't WWE? Maybe they could start doing normal shows in bigger arenas to make up for the time lost.
Tribute to the Troops is not in place of the other shows, though. So, it's not like a vacation.
The house show work is much lighter then, and they don't have to do a TV show that week. It is easier.

Isn't there a way that both can be done? WWE has been taping telecasts since it first started doing television, so why couldn't they do it now? Raw still tapes periodically, so why not again?

You could potentially tape a month's worth of shows in a week if need-be, thus, airtime would still be occupied and the wrestlers could still get a bit of a holiday.
Injuries...firings...spoilers...change in creative plans...all things that can affect taped shows. Let's say you tape three weeks of shows, build to the PPV, and then in a house show two weeks before the PPV, Cena gets hurt. Now, he won't appear in an advertised match, and you have no way of telling people he won't. Fans are ticked, and quit buying your product.

Why tape a month worth of shows? Where's the benefit to it? To give guys time off? They can quit and have all the time off they want.
3 months was just a suggestion. I mean every sport takes time off and it doesn't hit them that hard financially. For example the footie season. The clubs have a waaaaaay more expenses to cover in 9 months which MOST clubs do, so if they can, why can't WWE? Maybe they could start doing normal shows in bigger arenas to make up for the time lost.
Legitimate competition...especially competition that has been around for decades can afford time off because it is legitimate competition. When you look at TV shows, how many of them last for 15+ years? Very very few of them. Why? Because when you take time off, show reruns, people learn to look for other things.

Once you have them hooked, you have to keep them hooked.
I agree with what someone said about the house shows. Having a break in those for a month or so could help. I also like letting them have 2-3 weeks off during Christmas time. Maybe tape just 1 episode of each show ahead of time. Then you could show that, a best of the year show (which they normally do anyway), and perhaps a show a condensed WM on cable. People would still watch those things and the wrestlers would get to be with their families for the holiday season. As KB said, most of the wrestlers themselves say that just a couple weeks is good. Being on the road 24/7 is just hectic and understandably so. They go out there night in and night out and put their health on the line for the fans...I think they deserve a couple weeks break.
Honestly I think I am kind of tired of this age old question. Should the WWE have an off season???? None of us are wrestlers so no we do NOT know the schedule nor do we know the hardships that wrestlers have to go through by traveling a lot and hardly seeing their family. OR maybe the family travels with them all the time, I mean if its just a wife a lot of the wrestlers hopefully have saved their money and are able to bring their wives with them throughout their travels??? ANybody think of that?? Maybe a lot of the wrestlers are not attached to anybody at home making it that much easier for a full time road job?? Who knows and I don't think we will ever know what their motivation is to have such a grueling schedule. BUT on the other hand ALL of these wrestlers know what the schedule is like before signing up, ALL of them know what they are getting into BEFORE they start wrestling. Shouldn't we be asking them whether or not they want an off season instead of us wrestling fans GUESSING that they would like one. Maybe they do, maybe they don't, that is for the WRESTLER to decide, not the fan.
i like the idea but maybe not for 3 months maybe two or one months.they would get big hype for the season opener i think it would be cool
Yes! I always thought so. Like very sports or Tv shows, just do it season wise. It will be much better for the wrestlers. Being on the road 300 days a year is just crazy... exaggerated. It takes out way too much out of the wrestlers. Many end up taking steroids or stuffs like that to stay on stop...we know the consequences.
Take a sport like soccer. It`s an 8 months season...with some 1-2 matches per week. Still by the end of the season. the players are too tired to go further and this is not even nearly as physical as wrestling.
Besides, having seasons would make people miss WWE when it`s off the air and I think it would be great for ratings.
But that`s not going to happen, there`s too much money involved.

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