Should WWE Bring Back The NWO?


The Cerebral Assassin
This is a very tenative idea, I don't even know who they could have in it, but there are def some edgy superstars that could fill the spots (such as Kennedy). Some old vets could even return to it, such as Big Show. And don't say that since WWE has Legacy now theyre good to go with stables, because thats not true. A decade ago the WWE was filleddd with stables (DX, 'Taker's Ministry, Nation of Domination, and more come to mind). Now, maybe that was too many, but adding another stable might be good for the WWE. I know there are plans to POSSIBLY bring back the Hart Foundation, but if that doesnt happen, or if the idea never gets off the ground, do you think a new version of the NWO, arguably one of the best stables of modern- pro wrestling, would be good in the WWE? They could feud with Legacy and possibly bring a little edginess back to the WWE. I, for one, think it would be very interesting, as there hasn't been two main factions feuding in the WWE in a long time. Legacy vs. NWO would be amazing. However, I'm not sure Vince would want the NWO (not of one his creations) back in his company, but would any of you?
No. Way. Other word that begins with O.

The idea for big stables simply isn't worth trying right now. The NWO is a flash back to the days of WCW which is something that Vince wants to stay away from. They've been in WWE and they were a miserable failure. You need original members for it to be the same group and with most of them out of the sport, it just wouldn't work. A stable of a different name could be possible, but a big no on the NWO.
Oh God no!

The nWo back in the day was cool. We all loved it. And now its over and it needs to stay far, far away from professional wrestling for the rest of times.

I'm all for a another stable or two, though. Legacy is coming along nicely. I'm toying with the idea of accepting a new Hart Foundation. But without somebody named "Hart" in it, I'm not sure I like that idea either.

But why do we have to rehash old ideas anyway? Make a new stable and create new history. There are plenty of wrestlers across all the brands where a good Stable good form. Just don't call them the New World Order or The Dungeon of Doom or The Nation Of Domination.

It all has a been there, done that feel to it.
Definitely no, but the WWE really could use some factions right now. When the ratings were still good in 98-00, they had tons of factions.

The Nation
Legion of Doom

Corporate Ministry
DX (though not the whole year)
The Union

The McMahon-Helmsley Facgime
Edge & Christian & Angle
The Radicalz

Beginning of 2001:
The Hollys
The Dudleys
The Hardys and Lita

In my opinion the factions were always something memorable, though I guess it helped that the writing was a lot more interesting as well. Triple H as a face in DX is way better than Triple H as a heel and 30 minute speech giver of Evolution. Though I will say the Un-Americans were awesome.
No, not due to the fact that the WWE doesn't need factions (whither it does or not), but due to the fact that the NWO is no longer relevant. If you want to bring back a stable, the best would be something like Evolution. But even the days of Evolution are behind us, and fans want something different, something that isn't like the late 90s or early 2000. They want something from before that, from the good times of Wrestling. Legacy and a possible Hart Foundation fits that. The Harts will fill that want for people like Bret Hart. Legacy could fill the want for something like Ted Dibiase Sr. Fans want the early 90s now a days it seems, but just modernized.
Definitely no, but the WWE really could use some factions right now. When the ratings were still good in 98-00, they had tons of factions.

The Nation
Legion of Doom

Corporate Ministry
DX (though not the whole year)
The Union

The McMahon-Helmsley Facgime
Edge & Christian & Angle
The Radicalz

Beginning of 2001:
The Hollys
The Dudleys
The Hardys and Lita

In my opinion the factions were always something memorable, though I guess it helped that the writing was a lot more interesting as well. Triple H as a face in DX is way better than Triple H as a heel and 30 minute speech giver of Evolution. Though I will say the Un-Americans were awesome.

How exactly was HHH better as a Face in DX than he was as the heel leader of evolution? Because Evol. was one of th best modern day stables. period. I know alot of ppl are now saying tht just another stable like NWO would work, just not NWO, so, something with the attitude of Evol. wud def work. So, sort of a cross between the confident attitude of Evol, but with the edginess of NWO. Now that wud be a stable.
The nWo, NO. But another faction would be a good thing to feud with Legacy.

My idea

Based upon Ric Flair making an appearance last week, and we all know that he is missing the business, how abou Flair leads the stable "The New Horsesmen"

Flair has this little words battle with Jericho for a while, but they settle it out, and Flair and Jericho start the new stable. Flair being the Hall of Fame - Old School mentor/manager. Jericho being the mouthpiece leader of the group. Here would be my other three members.

CM Punk - A very good technical wrestler, who has held multiple titles. A great fit in my mind.

Hurricane Helms - A good mid carder who seems to be stuck over on smackdown. Is pretty good on the mic.

And last but not least....Christian Cage. We dont need to say much about him, we all know what he is capable of.

This could be a great charismatic group for about 6-8 months or so, with Cage or Jericho turning heel on the group eventually.

For the feud with Legacy to work, they would obviously need another member, who knows who would work well with that group, im sure we will find out soon about the future of the group.
Im old school through and through and we will prob never see the likes of another Heenan Family, Dangerous Alliance, anti american Hart Foundation, Mega Powers, Slicks Stable, Peanut Teddy Longs crew, JJ Dillons Horseman or the infamous attitude era Dx fully equipped with Waltman Launer Gunn, James and a shield for Slaughters spit

as for the question
When the NWO first came on the seen it was exciting. You had Razor Ramon a familar face chilling in the crowd at a WCW event then add Diesel and eventually Hogan to the mix, it was brilliantly done. Probaly some of the best TV and most exciting wrestling/storylines done ever point blank. And it worked for a while, but then got old repeatative and boring. If WCW didnt oversaturate us with the NWO for years it would have worked again. Just like the Horseman always worked ( except when Mongo was there boo at the writers for that ).

Right now WWE can build on Legacy. Ortons is one of if not there top performer and whether we like it or not Ted and Cody will be shoved down our throats till were forced to believe there top guys not just lackeys ( hence the final 4 of the rumble ). Legacy should stay small , possibly add the likes of Joe Hennig in the distant future, build feuds and help Orton have a lasting heal title run.

I also like the pacific island feel ala the head shrinkers ive gotten with Sim and Manu. Richie Steamboat is coming up fast so a possible underdog faction involved there to seek revenge on Legacy? I know its a far cry but an idea.

My main concern isnt factions its tag teams. First the WWE has to build a solid core of teams to compete. Then from there factions can take shape

all in all I would love to see a few dominate crew, maybe one who completely dominates and holds all the title on a show or something like that. Ohh its nice to dream
now this isn't gonna happen, but i would be intrigued in seeing Miz and Morrison gain a third edgy wrestler, turn face, and feud with Legacy for a while.
No, not due to the fact that the WWE doesn't need factions (whither it does or not), but due to the fact that the NWO is no longer relevant. If you want to bring back a stable, the best would be something like Evolution. But even the days of Evolution are behind us, and fans want something different, something that isn't like the late 90s or early 2000. They want something from before that, from the good times of Wrestling. Legacy and a possible Hart Foundation fits that. The Harts will fill that want for people like Bret Hart. Legacy could fill the want for something like Ted Dibiase Sr. Fans want the early 90s now a days it seems, but just modernized.

i think the Harts would work after they build solid names, like we all kno who they are but an average fan only know Natalya. im not sexist but a stable where the best known member is a women isnt going to work IMO. I think DH and TJ wilson/Hart need solid feud runs with more established talent. Then think Hart reunion maybe even a Bret return a few years down the road ( nat as a performer of course ) but thats an automatic rating boost.

As for Evolution , i think that idea is bland . Trips wants to be a loaner and thats what hes best at. Face it EV was just the wwes answer to the horseman. If u want nostalgia just bring the horseman back. Dont retrace a group who had the greatest Whoooo the next greatest Mr HHH the second generation star Randy and the 76 year old man beast David lol. That stable was a one time thing and truly lived up to its name, it showed the evolution of Wrestling.

Turn Cena super heel, give him his wanna be act back add Cryme Time and another black dude R Truth?? Mvp? whoever and turn Orton into the NEW Stone Cold type dude who defies all odds hates his boss doesnt give a F and basically gets loved for it. just a thought im not freddie prinze or anything
a good idea for a stable would be a Hardy/OMEGA faction with Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Shannon Moore, Shane Helms, Marty Garner, Joey Mercury and Christian York. i might be leaving out somebody.
or they could do like a new brood or ministry of darkness or the new church or ravens flock type thing with all the rejects like Kizarny and Raven, or Gangrel, you know all those cool weirdos.
NWO - hell no. And i'm the biggest NWO supporter/fan out here from day one. nwo was on that rare time when what they did was original and ground breaking. of course this is teh original 3 man NWO. not nwo hollywood, wolfpac, silver, elite, renuion, none of that spin off nwo garbage and especially not any of teh desecrating biters like bwo lwo jwo hwo....

what the wwe needs now is to take its time and slooly build a long standing ffcction that has a purpose and meaningnd connects well either way with the fans

Example orton's legacy is shapingup nicely. thats a true faction not business alliances like big show dge and chavo.

TNA had it right MEM until they created teh Front Line and had the most boring mofo named rhino lead teh pack. which bored me, and inevitably watred down the star power and attraction of MEM.

Now MEM is just a bunch of complainers. It was awesome when kurt took over tna nash and booker took over announcing and remember bookers rediculously nerdy white announce voice? classic.

it would have been awesome if they kept taking over tna each week ala nwo style until someone rose up to start challenging again.

back to WWE you need more story lines and plays for power. You have the john cena element of doing whats right and honorable for teh fans, the chris jerico element of doing exactly opposite with a reality twist spin on it and randy orton with the third party whatever i want element.

but we dont want to go back to teh days here stables dominated programs. you had on one show: DoA, los boricuas, the nation, early DX. It was nuts with so many factions.

WcW did the same thing, NWO white, nwo Red, wcw main front, lwo, ravens flock, millionaires club...etc

Just a faction or two is all that needed.
NO. The only way i want to see the nWo again is them getting in the hall of fame as the greatest stable in the history of pro wrestling.
Bring back the nWo? Why? How? It was pointless when they brought them back in 2002, how's it gonna work without any of the original three members?

I honestly think Legacy is enough to provide my stable fix. I have no problem with stables in wrestling, but if you have too many it seems forced and takes away from the novelty of it. If you wanna add one more, I guess they could try the new Hart Foundation, but if they were to feud with Legacy, I feel they'd need a better premise than just saying, "Hey, our dads were wrestlers too, and they could kick your dads' asses any day of the week! It's on!" That would be kind of corny in my eyes.

But in closing...naming a new stable "nWo"...not a chance. It would make more sense for WWE to start a new brand to showcase midcarders, and give it the name of an old wrestling organization that used to hold shows in bingo halls and died years ago...and WWE obviously agrees with me.
no, no, no fucking way. :lmao:

The n.W.o. was a great thing.. in 1996, when we were all still raw and green to the behind the scenes stuff. But they rode the shit outta that bus, and it ended badly in the forum of trying to use all the colors in the crayon box. (n.W.o. white, black, red, gold, silver, orange, blue, purple, etc.)

Besides the fact that the bus was drove into the ground, the W.W.E. doesn't know how to market or properly push the n.W.o. to begin with, remember 2002? "Hi guys, we're the n.W.o., just randomly walking out through the entrance and trying to glad hand everyone in the back, only to be mocked and teased by the top faces." Seriously awful.

If you're gonna bring back a faction, let it be the Nation of Domination. We need more racial angles in the W.W.E.. I mean, we have enough of them behind the scenes, might as well make it real. Real worked for Matt Hardy, I'm sure it'll be gold for Mark Henry. :lmao:

This message has been posted by those who don't support stupid ideas.
Dude are you serious? this idea is impossible, because who in the hell would WWE put in this new NWO? The members are all long and gone. The audience for the most part have forgotten this stable so there would be absolutely no point bringing it back. And besides isnt there already a stable in Legacy?? so with yet another stable wouln't they crowd up the spotlight? so like good o'll Vince would say No Chance In Hell.
Aw heck give them another one shot at a pay per view. We can mark for the porno entrance music, Hogan playing air guitar to said porno entrance music, the unavoidable Hall Booze references and the sheer beauty that is Kevin Nash trying to sound like an intellectual during promos.

After that the only way to keep it watchable (I mean they're like 500,000 years old) would be to let Hall get a sauced as possible before matches and butcher the tattered remains of kayfabe for our entertainment.

"Hey Giant, that's your cue you big dummy!"
They shouldn't bring back the nWo, as the nWo concept was played out and boring by the late 90s. nWo will never work again, for that reason and thus, does not need to be re-done.
Nope, the NWO and the Horseman have run their courses. Why do wrestling fans always want to see old things rehashed or some former person come back - let it die, and hope that creative can come up with fresh ideas.

I like Legacy, problem is they have yet to establish who that ONE guy will be they can't beat. The Horseman had Dusty, the Freebirds had JYD in Georgia, the NWO had Sting and the Clan in Portland had Piper and the Rat Pack in Mid South had JYD.

This group needs a big name that always thwarts their plans and it should not be Cena.

So to reiterate, no the NWO should not return.
In its day, the nWo was something revolutionary. Almost never was the "war" between WWF and WCW acknowledged on air. The nWo not only brought this concept to the forefront, but turned it into an integral part of the show. Never did the viewer truly go "backstage" and see the workings of a show, or was privy to how a show was put together. The nWo provided the segueway for that type of programming. Hulk Hogan was always the ever persistent face, adorned in the yellow and red telling kids to train, say their prayers, take their Hulksters chewable vitamins, and believe in themselves. The nWo gave us Hollywood Hogan who told the fans that they could stick it.

The combination of all these factors and more made the nWo something truly unique in a business that was filled with the same tired concepts and overused personalities and gimmicks. As for bringing them back today, it just doesn't make any sense. For the old guard members, the "been there, overdone that" mantra rings true. If WWE tried to employ younger talent with the same "mindset" as the original faction, it would probably turn into what reissues of the nWo and the Four Horsemen turned into... shells of their former selves that quickly fizzled out after the immediate pop of their return.

That said, I think the idea of a new faction that goes against the established principles of today's wrestling product (everything is real, everything is "personal") is a good one. The question becomes which direction do you go in? With kayfabe being a forgotten art in the eyes of many, does it make sense to create a faction where those concepts come back to the forefront? Vladamir Kozlov is a good example in that he embodies the "sterotypical persona" of a 80's era kayfabe guy along with a moveset that suggests wrestling is real. His latest Smackdown vignettes showing him in the gym further solidify that notion.

In an economic climate that absolutely promotes "escapism", does a faction based on athletes that suggest wrestling is "real" have any place in the current product, or will folks just laugh it off like they did circa 1996-1997 when the nWo was actually relevant?
Bring back the NWO? Oh hell no!!

The NWO back in the WCw days was great somehow it got old (overpopulation)
the WWE version was even wrose the the waterdowned WCW version. I say the NWO need to stay where it is. Don't let vince mcmahon ruin the legacy of on of the greatest stables in the wrestling world even more than it already is
I think bringing back the nwo would be a dumb move. However I do like the idea of another stable like the nation of domination. Using a militant racial group could work. Even maybe using the idea that we now have a black president so why can't a black man get a considerable run as world champion. There is no way a guy like Mark Henry could be the forefront of that group but he would make a good enforcer type. Give a guy like MVP the push to be the figurehead of this group. Throw in Shelton Benjamin and make either Ezekial Jackson or R-Truth the 4th member. I dont think either member of Cryme Tyme would work b/c people see them in more of a joking manner.
Nope. A NWO for this era would be as piss weak, As ECW is compared to it's mondern counter part.

If anything the WWE should build faction's, Instead of re-creating old one's. They are one of the easiest thing's to create as well, Have 3-6 wrestler's that all have one goal. Give them a name, A leader, And diffent level's of talent, And boom, Faction!
Another problem is who else would you put into it? Right now Legacy is working on the same three man formula that the original NWO worked with and it's working like a charm. People keep talking about how Legacy needs a third member. No they don't. Honestly, they don't. The NWO died off because they had too many people. Right now there's not enough people alike to get something powerful going. The heels are too seperate to unite in an NWO.

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