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Should wrestlers be allowed to cut their own promos?

Deexter Jorgan

Has a Dark Passenger on board...
Here is an example of the WWE allowing someone to actually cut a proper promo, yes its the Rock but he got over because of it.


What i want to know is do you think that the WWE today is being overshadowed by writers who have no idea how to get a wrestler over? or should the WWE go back to using their old bog standard formulae of letting wrestlers actually get themselves over?

Rocky Johnson managed to get himself over by being the ROCK, prior he was an undercard player who only got by by milking the family name and attempting to do high flying stunts that nearly killed him, as the Rock he was loved by Millions, as Rocky Johnson he was going nowhere and fast.

Another Example


Since his return Jericho was in danger of being lost in the shuffle with feuds against the likes of JBL and wolling in the upper midcard as Intercontinental Champion, he was used mostly to get other talent over that was until the famous shot at Shawn Michaels, and the emrgency of one of the best heels in the industry today, was this material written by creative...no it was written by Jericho himself, he managed to put together a character that was shunned by the fans and hated by millions, a man who became a two time world champion on Raw and is now on to smackdown for bigger and better things.

now i hate to be one sided so here is some creative concepts


John Cena has been on a role since the time he was left in the undercard working some memoriable matches on smackdown, until a member of creative caught him battle rapping against Rey Mysterio, since then Cena has been on one of the most memoriable role in WWE history being the poster boy of the 21st Century era of the WWE and has remained in the Main event since he won the WWE championship of a man known as John Bradshaw Leyfield.


John Morrison had just came back from a suspension due to a violation of the WWE Wellness policy, he was immediately thrust back into the ECW championship scene, he was paired with an ego maniac and self professed chick magnet the Miz who at the time had just been moved from Smackdown to ECW in hopes of fine tuning his character, both stars came from the WWE's shortlived reality tv show tough enough and made a very memoriable tag team together, wining a slammy award and two tag team championship reigns, they have been one of the best tag teams in WWE's history until being moved onto bigger and better things in the 2009 draft in hopes that both men can make an impact as singles competitors on both of raws flagships shows (Raw and Smackdown).

there is probably plenty more examples on wrestlers cutting promos and creative promos both getting wrestlers over, as ive stated before should WWE allow wrestlers to get themselves over by cutting their own promos?, or let creative take helm please state your opinion and please give examples.

I for one say yes, their is a positive side to Actually allowing talent to get themselves over, it provides them a chance to show the WWE audience what their worth is and if the audience actually takes to them, remember the WWE wrestlers arent actors, and sometimes creative concepts that the writers give to them dont usuallly pan out the way that their supposed to and leave the highly talent members of the roster in midcard hell or even with their futures in doubt.

Imagen if the Miz was actually given a chance to get himself over this week on raw, would it have been as amazing as his promos with Morrison, or worse then what we saw this week?

their still is a negative to this, Wrestlers could use the promo time to actually keep others down and totally destroy them in their promos, ending feuds and destory weeks of build up does anyone remember Scott steiner and the NWO actually burying flair because they abused their promo time?, Ric Flair does its one of the main reasons why WCW didnt pan out, because wrestlers did and said whatever they wanted.

All in all if monitored i think that the WWE could use this as a way of getting talent to show they worth in hopes of achieving new main eventers.
I'm a fan of the writers coming up with bullet points and general overall direction, but I think at the end of the day of course it's better if the wrestlers speak for theirselves. When a wrestler is reading something written by someone else, it usually sounds just like that a wrestler reading something written by someone else.
I have no problem with wrestlers writing their own promos, and actually would encourage it. I bet the writers would have a problem though, because that devalues their status with the company and makes them for expendable. I'm all for that, though, to be frank.

I trust the wrestlers in coming up with better ideas for the direction of their characters, than a lot of today's writers.

Obviously, the writers should have the final say on a character's direction, but as far as the individual weekly promos, yes I am a fan of the talent scripting the promos themselves.
I think different wrestlers should take different paths. Not everyone can cut a Jericho style improv promo. Some guys would spend half their promo time in complete silence if that was the case.

But at the same time, some people who are talented on the mic don't get the enough time for promos, let alone improv.
Take CM Punk as an example. His promo on Smackdown sounded like it was all him. And it was cool and funny, especially when he 'owned' Jericho, which not very many people have ever done.
Basically, all wrestlers should be given promo time to see if they actually can do their own stuff. With the exception of Shelton... Dear god...
I think different wrestlers should take different paths. Not everyone can cut a Jericho style improv promo. Some guys would spend half their promo time in complete silence if that was the case.

But at the same time, some people who are talented on the mic don't get the enough time for promos, let alone improv.
Take CM Punk as an example. His promo on Smackdown sounded like it was all him. And it was cool and funny, especially when he 'owned' Jericho, which not very many people have ever done.
Basically, all wrestlers should be given promo time to see if they actually can do their own stuff. With the exception of Shelton... Dear god...

Jericho doesn't do improv promos. All of Jericho's promos are 100% scripted word for word. That is evidenced by the recent script that got released just before Mania, which showed that Jericho's lines are completely scripted word for word.

He has the capability to do improv promos, I don't doubt, but he just doesn't do that with today's product. Nobody does.
Jericho doesn't do improv promos. All of Jericho's promos are 100% scripted word for word. That is evidenced by the recent script that got released just before Mania, which showed that Jericho's lines are completely scripted word for word.

He has the capability to do improv promos, I don't doubt, but he just doesn't do that with today's product. Nobody does.

Then if they are scripted, then Jericho must be the guy behind the writing, because its been reported on this and other sites that Jericho lays out the storylines word for word, he helps the other wrestlers achieve their dialogue and makes sure that everything is done perfectly, so if it is written, then he must have a major part in that.

From what i understand only a select few cut their own promos in todays WWE, Triple H being one, Shawn Michaels being the second, and the third being Jericho, he even stated it in radio interviews that he does his own promos and handles the mic in his own storylines, so if what your saying is true then he must be apart of the creative process telling the writers word for word what hes going to say.
Then if they are scripted, then Jericho must be the guy behind the writing, because its been reported on this and other sites that Jericho lays out the storylines word for word, he helps the other wrestlers achieve their dialogue and makes sure that everything is done perfectly, so if it is written, then he must have a major part in that.

From what i understand only a select few cut their own promos in todays WWE, Triple H being one, Shawn Michaels being the second, and the third being Jericho, he even stated it in radio interviews that he does his own promos and handles the mic in his own storylines, so if what your saying is true then he must be apart of the creative process telling the writers word for word what hes going to say.

It was reported that he has a lot of influence over his promos and was actually scripting most of them leading up to Mania with the Legends program.

So where as he does write a lot of them, apparently, they are scripted 100% and are not said "on the fly", like a lot of people believe, apparently. I was merely correcting the person that was suggesting that his promos are improv'd because they most definitely are not. Nobody's promos in WWE are improv'd anymore.
Well, I think that wrestlers should be allowed to write SOME of their own promos. They are busy people as it is. But, if they write their own promos, they would most likely be better than currently. But, if they write them ALL, then they would be doing something 24/7. They need some break. I mean, most of them have wives/girlfriends, and/or kids. They can't be writing promos, exercising, training, and have a social life all at the same time.
I always think a middle road should be taken. For example creative should say; here's the promo you need to do, you need to mention these three things, get them in and improv around that.

That is giving creative something to do as well as really improving a wrestlers mic skills, if you're in front of 20 thousand fans, and you need to make it up, man would you work on improving there!
I'm not a fan of scripted promos at all. Yes, there should always be direction given and the writers should be on the same page as the wrestler and give guidance to whats needed in the promo, but the wrestler should still have some creative freedom to cut the promo for themselves. Its the only way to really develop a true character, and this has been proven time and time again. The stars who've been really successful in the business have all drawn from themselves in promos and in their characters, because some things you just can't script into working.
First off, I don't know about Rock, but I have read where Stone Cold admits to spending several hours working on his promos. His may not be scripted, but he had a pretty good idea as to what to say. So while promos may not necessarily be scripted word for word, the good ones spend a good deal of time trying to nail down exactly what they want to say.

Now to the question in the original post. If WWE was to allow people to cut their own promos, it should probably be a select few. (I don't think it is a bad idea at all.) Main-eventers or guys you want to take the next step. (Maybe if you were ready to push Morrison or MVP as examples.) Plus you better have a contengecny plan in case the guy blows it. Something like someone running to the ring to have a brawl with them.

It needs to be guys you trust. (Of course if you don't trust the guys in the main-event, then you could already be in trouble.) Guys who have shown that they have the company's best interest in hand and not just their own agenda. Plus, the guy has to be aware of time restraints. So I think it is a good idea but the WWE should be careful who they allow to do so.
YES! YES! A THOUSAND times yes!

Here's why. Writing out something to say is one thing. THINKING about what to say...in that moment...it's just fantastic. The best in this business may have rehearsed what they were going to say, but most of the time, it was ad lib. Flair, Ole and Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard...hell the ENTIRE Horsemen regime in the 80's. They know what it takes to cut a promo. Raw emotion. A genuine situation. Genuine feelings. We know Ole didn't really hate Dusty Rhodes now. Back then? Try convincing anyone that.

The best promos in this business are from the heart. Not shoots mind you, although those were cool at one time. Promos that are still in kayfabe, but look realistic. Orton would be awesome on the stick if he could just say what's on his mind. Just go over it for a little bit, then deliver it. The MIZ caught on to this. He said a few things that were on his mind as well as the others. He knows the art of the promo. So does HBK and HHH. And Deadman Inc. Undertaker did, also. The promo is a lost art. How do you tell a story without words? Answer...you can't.

Writers from different TV shows won't amount to shit in wrestling because writers can't evoke emotion. The actors do. So I can write the greatest promo in history...and the delivery can kill it. It's a lost art, and if I were to teach a wrestling school, we'd have a classroom set up with a projector and DVD's of Flair, The Rock, Ole Anderson, Arn Anderson, and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Learn how to evoke emotion. Learn to make the crowd WANT to watch next week.

I'm done. I'm going to do a thread on this. Fo' sho'.
You need to have a special charisma to improv your promos, and there's very few today who could pull it off, mainly your top heels- Orton, Jericho, Edge- if given the chance could pull it off.

The main thing to remember is The Rock was, in my opinion, the greatest on the microphone of all time, and I don't think it's even close. It's hard to compare anyone to his style because he was so gifted in the avenue of speaking.

Why I choose Jericho and Orton in particular is the amount of charisma they posess not only on the mic (before Jericho kept repeating the same promo over and over), but their facial expressions and actions are top notch and follow nobody else currently in those regards.
Much like Lee, I think it should be a joint creation unless the wrestler is capable of delivery his own promo. Not everyone can say things with confidence and it takes time as well.

I was watching the most recent Jericho promo, the one thing that tells us that he knows what he wants to say is the delivery. Jericho will go on his promo and just talk in one straight line and then get a reaction. The others rely on the scripts getting a reaction with a slow paced 8 lined sentence, followed by another and another.

Randy Orton is a victim of the script because his delivery is like this:
"I am the new W-W-E Champion...(crowd boos)...I beat Triple H and his wife and his family to get there...(crowd boos)...Triple H is not coming back..."

Jericho would give that within 30 seconds and get one reaction, whilst it would take 1-2 minutes for Orton to deliver it. The problem is that those without the charisma for delivery in their promos let the fans control what they say, especially when they pull the "What?" responses.

Ideally it should mix up creative and wrestler's thoughts and ideas and get what they want out of it. The problem is that they need to make sure the crowd don't try and over-run their promos with "What?" chants
When you don't have some semblance of scripted promos you end up with promos like Scott Steiner spitting out ******ation at the audiences or Samoa Joe whining.

Take a look at a Kurt Angle promo from WWE say...prior to his ECW run and then compare that with a promo he might do a year ago in TNA. You can blame the "lack of" drugs but I blame the lack of creative writing.

The Rock's promos had at least an outline where he would go over it with a writer (see: Beyond the Mat). And I'm not sure what the OP means by him as Rocky Miavia doing high flying moves that almost killed him because the most I remember him doing are crossbodies or a moonsault here and there.

The best thing to do is a middle ground because not everyone can just go out there and make gold on the mic.
Kurt's promos in TNA are just as good as his promos in WWE. It's just the subjects that are the matter. Kurt's forced to cut promos on respect or status or whatever every week, just because there's nothing else to work with in TNA.

Personally, I think wrestlers should be able to cut their own promos. Well, should they feel comfortable to. I'd imagine there is some semblance of improvisation there anyway. Guys like Edge and Cena certainly can cut promos that seem spontaneous.

Should a wrestler desperately want to cut "his own" promo, then let him. However, give him some direction. Tell him what to cut it on, what tone to deliver it in and any key words he should work into hit. Maybe a killer sign off would work too. Something better than "... ... ...Kennedy".
First all i think that good promos in wrestling these days is DEAD! Completely none of them wiht the exception of Randy Orton, Triple H and maybe like 1 or 2 more know how to cut a good promo. Everyone else on the roster sucks at it. There are no catch phrases anymore in the attitude era there was atleast 20 good ones. Now theres nothinggggg.
Its so annoying/boring that all the heels in the WWE come out and say the exacttttt same thing. They all say their name its so lame. Its basically there way of saying "i dont know how to say anything else cool or catchy so ill just say my name is _____". Do you notice that?
I'll go through the list of people there are tonss
Brian Kendrick says "i am THE BRIAN KENDRICKK" (o wow how uninteresting..)
THE MIZ (THE WORSTE OF THEM ALL says) "i am THE MIZZ" (like we are suppose to care?????
Kennedy says "I'm MRR KENNEDDDYYYY KENNEDDY" (yep just like everyone else)
Dolph Ziggler "i am DOLPH ZIGGLERRRR" (ok see waht i mean these guys are so boring??? but there is a lot more)
Shelton Benjamin says "IMMM (he might throw in the golden standard) shelton benjaminnnnn" (wowww how lame)
COdy Rhodes/Dibiase says "i am CODY RHODESS" or "i am TED DIBIASEE"
hell evennn MVP says "im MVP!"
I mean see how pathetic this roster of guys is these days? They all suck on the mic and all they can say is to remind the fans who they are. Maybe because they suck so bad that they have to remind us all HAH!
What do you think? Agree/Disagree ?
Now I'm no huge John Cena fan but I'll admit that I think he is great on the mic, he really knows how to show intensity and passion. Therefore, I think he would be one of the few guys to benefit from having creative freedom over his own promos...the reason for this is that although his promos largely come off good imo, some of the scripted jokes he has to pull off are horrible. Therefore, I wouldn't mind seeing how he would fare on his own.

Perhaps the problem with today's promos is that they are scripted, hence why they come off really forced sometimes...maybe if the wrestlers were allowed to come up with their own stuff then we would return to an age were promos were entertaining and when they seemed natural, effortless and spontaneous . Though, even in today's world guys like Edge, Orton, MVP, Jericho and Cena who I've already mentioned know how to deliver a good promo even if it is scripted. I actually think wrestler's would stand a better chance of getting over if they cut their own promos instead of having to recite some of the rehearsed crap they are given or at the very least it should be a two way street i.e. creative and the individual performer come up with the promo. Perhaps scripted promos should only be reserved for guys that well and truly have no credibility on the stick at all....
when i watch The Miz it seems like he's doing all of that off the cuff. he seems like he's just improv'ing it. he's pretty bad on the mic though i can def say that. i dont believe his angle one bit. he still comes off as Mike from Ohio or whatever his name is. i liked his Miz angle more on real world when it was just a mere Rock ripoff..now that he's in a position where he actually has to do it and cant bite The Rock i dont think he has it..he's not an impressive wrestler to me either. im not sure what cutting his own promo would do for him other than maybe make him seem a little better...he's got promise, he has to ditch that outfit and work on his mic skills..i think he should stayed in tag mode for another 2 years even tho JOMo is obviously more talented on the mic and in the ring than him.

i dont know who writes what promos but some people just dont need it, like Jericho you could tell he kind of did that himself, his character isnt too far left of himself anyways. guys like Ahmed Johnson couldnt do their own promos haha, MVP probably couldnt cut his own promo even tho he 's alot better on the mic than i could have ever imagined(even with a below avg voice). i'd like to see what Orton or Edge could write for themselves...or even Christian since he tends to be in funny situations, i'd like to see how good that'd be.

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