Should Triple H pass Ric Flair's record 16 World Championship's


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Now this is my first thread and there may be a thread out there about this but i couldn't find one but i wanted 2 start off with an easy subject.

Should the WWE have Triple H pass Ric Flairs record 16 World Championship's.
I want 2 know wat all of u think bout this.

Does Triple H deserve this honor?
Should Ric Flair keep the honor all 2 himself?
Should another wrestler(other than Triple H) pass Flair?

I personally think Triple H should not pass it but tie it i dont think Triple H really deserves 2 pass it because if u compare the 2 careers than Triple H doesn't hold a candle to Ric Flair.

Wat do u all think bout this and remember its my first thread so take it easy and if u want give me tips on how 2 post a better thread in the future. Thank u and enjoy
Well I would say that while I would prefer Triple to not pass it, he likely will, even if he only appears randomly from now one he still is 20+ years younger than flair so a few more titles are likely in his future
Actually depending on how you look at it, Flair has won 21 world championships. So in reality HHH would have to get 22 to pass him.

On topic, I want him to pass it. Records are made to be broken. And it's not even that hard. He could get to 16 in a month if in the right storyline (wins it at ppv, loses next night on raw, wins the rematch, loses it again, and wins again). It wouldn't be good booking but it can definitely happen.

HHH is arguably the best modern wrestler. If anybody was to beat Flair's record it should be him.
Maybe he'll stop at 15 or space out the time of his reigns more so he can retire with 15 or 16.

Since Flair technically has 21 reigns, maybe Triple H can add a few more than 16, but I really hope he doesn't break the legendary record.
See i would just much rather him tie the record than beat it but like MizarofOzsome said Triple H does got a lot of time left so yeah he'll probly pass it
Actually Triple H is well enough off to get by with the amount of titles he has won, he is already a future HoF er and should let somebody else get the titles, as in the miz, or christian, ziggler, anybody who have zero championships (major ones, not tna, or intercontinental) and elevate them
Actually depending on how you look at it, Flair has won 21 world championships. So in reality HHH would have to get 22 to pass him.

On topic, I want him to pass it. Records are made to be broken. And it's not even that hard. He could get to 16 in a month if in the right storyline (wins it at ppv, loses next night on raw, wins the rematch, loses it again, and wins again). It wouldn't be good booking but it can definitely happen.

HHH is arguably the best modern wrestler. If anybody was to beat Flair's record it should be him.

I have to disagree with you there, HHH is a legend in the ring, but there are many wrestlers out there that outshine him with their in-ring ability.

HBK, Orton, Jericho, CM punk...i can go on and on.

as for passing up Ric Flair, I dont think it's necessary. hes gonna be running the WWE before too long once VKM passes on, because we all know, that he wont retire, he'll have to die before he gives up running things. he needs to focus on pushing the younger stars, and picking his feuds carefully. hes not that young anymore and he knows that.
Records are there to be broken, if Triple H doesn't do it, then someone else will. It's only a matter of time before it happens.

Now as to whether Triple H should be the one breaking it, I don't think it's a question of should he, I think it's a question of will he. There are two ways he could approach this:
1: He Believes that he's Entitled to Surpass a man he regards as a Mentor and finally breaks the record writing his name in history forever, OR:
2: He Settles for 15 or 16 and Calls it Quits as a sign of respect to Flair.

But, like I said above, it's only a matter of time before someone DOES break it anyway.
Don't forget Cena is at 9, Edge 9, Orton 6.
HHH has slowed down his title reigns, he was at 10 while 35yrs old.

I think HHH will break Flair's 16, and I think it'll happen at EC in 2012 and he'll lose the belt a final time at WM 28.
Definitly....He's a biggest star than Ric Flair...He's a better on mic,better in ring,better in...everything...Triple H,The Undertaker,Stone Cold Steve Austin and espetially The Rock are wrestlers who should pass Ric record...I mean come on...Three of these four are not in WWE(undertaker is but hes in "vegetative" state) soo than only one who have a chance and deserve it is Tripli-ache(how Santino Marela say)...You can say whatever you want but that is my opinion...
HHH might surpass the Nature Boy but a few others in the WWE should be considered.

John Cena: I hate him. It's just that simple. I hate him when he beat JBL at WM21 and hated him since then. But you can not deny that he is the face of the WWE and the World title will stay on him like glue. He will win a world title at WM in the next 4 years. Just look at past Maina's he has been involved in everyone of them were title matches.

Edge: Long shot but with 9 world titles to his name you never know when he might steal another 9.

CM Punk: He is young and very talented at with 3 so far expect at least 5 more with in a couple of years

Randy Orton: He is also young and with 6 world titles expect at least 4 more in 2 years.

?????: Who knows guys like Kingston, Swagger, Ziggler, Rhodes, Miz, Sheamus and Morrison might just surprise you!
Why not? Vince outlawed the knife-edge and chop because he does not want to hear WOOOOO!!!!!!! from the fans anymore. The whole Flair lose and must retirement angle which climaxed at WM 24 when he finally lost was the only way Flair could leave without
Vince being made the jackass out of this. He wants to screw with Flair, especially since he joined TNA and has now wrestled, and the best way to do it is by putting the title on HHH however many more times he needs to surpass Flair. That and HHH is the future head of WWE. So, why not screw Flair by doing this, and making a man that has idolized Flair and becoming good friends with the all time record for world championships. But, what Cena has 9 and is in his early 30's and Orton has 5 or 6 and is pushing 30, so my question is will we be asking the same about these two in ten years?
No way should he pass Flair. With that said he probably will. If not for any other reason just the fact that Vince gave Flair a retirement match and Flair decided to go to TNA afterwards and wrestle again. So HHH will pass him up just to show him up(nothing like being the owners son-in-law).
The fact is they are all close to beating flair, you dont hold the title for long anymore, you can win it and lose it in one night. Should HHH be the one to beat Flairs reigh, Hell yes. It should have been HBK but he didnt hold it anywhere near enough times. So far they dont have anyone in the WWE who deserves it more than Hunter. But in saying that if he doesnt beat it, then they should hold it off for many years before they allow anyone else to beat it. Frankly I am not a Flair fan, I think you need to retire while you still have pride. To me Bret Hart coming back has destroyed his legendary status, and now he is just kinda sad, and that blows. As much as I miss HBK with a passion, if he stays retired, he went as a living legend. Flair got induced in the HOF as the only active wrestler, he already as that, let Hunter take the most titles.
I don't think he should,
But he proably will since Ric's went to TNA,
& U know how WWE fills about that,
I think that every great superstar/entertainer has their own thing to bring to the table,
Taker has his undefeated wrestlemania record,
Hulkster has his unefeated SS record,
Michaels has countless titles,
HBK, Icon, Main Event, Show Stopper.
& Rics got his 16 time champ thing,
I think HHH should get his own thing,
He's Great,
But he really doesn't have any titles,
Besides Cerebral Assasin and King of Kings,
It's up to him to make that name,
If he ties w/ Ric or passes him,
He'll still be in Rics shadow
It really doesn't matter anymore. The way titles are shuffled these days, it's not Triple H that is even the worry for that record. He may get there first, but I would almost guarantee that he does not end up with the most reigns.

You have John Cena and Edge who have 9 reigns apiece at this given moment. While Edge has stated he might retire in a couple of years, he is just 35 years old and is the king of transitional reigns. Cena is 33 and also has 9 reigns currently. He has shown no signs of slowing down, and if you don't think that Cena will end up with more reigns than Triple H, you might not be smarter than a 5th grader. You could also add Randy Orton into the discussion, as Orton is merely 30 years old and already has held top gold 6 times. It is entirely possible for The Viper to obtain the belt 10 more times, as despite a few injuries, Orton is young and still in his prime.

Basically, whatever Triple H does or doesn't do in regards to breaking Flair's record is irrelevant. Today's product features a lot of title changes and has since the late 90s. Thus, you get the number of reigns to be an inflated number in a sense. While Cena has 9 reigns along with Edge, the discrepency in days with the title is drastic. For this reason, I'm not a fan of using amount of title reigns as a barometer for measuring stars. Either way, John Cena will one day hold the record for title reigns whether Triple H passes Flair or not.
i say yes. he deserves it and as sum hav said, records are meant to b broken.

also they need a "legendary" superstar in da E. they need Trips to b dat guy and he needs to do wat flair did. mentor a wrestler or even start a stable! and flair made 3 future stars with Evolution! so y cant he? if Trips does beat da record it would only benefit him n da E
I have been watching wrestling for around 20 years now give or take. And giving someone that record would be a disgrace however back when Flair had the World Title it meant far more. I do agree IF anyone is to break the record and that a big if, it should be Triple H. Although in my eyes know one now in the WWE deserves it nor will they ever
Cena is going to break the record eventually...hes been 9 time champion and what...its been 5 years as a main eventer? imagine if hes 45 and still thinking at least 18 titles in his career
HHH and flair are good friends and if HHH has enough respect, he would ask flair if that was ok with him. Even though he needs no permission he needs to do it correctly. You think the man that will end takers streak when he retires wont have enough respect to talk to him first about how he feels about his record being broken by that individual (if it ends), i dont think so.
Hey Yo!

Personally i want Triple H to beat the record, for me he is a modern Ric Flair he has got it all. He is only part of the select few who can actually further a story through his wrestling and also has the potential to play any character role. (heel or face).

Right now i think Vince will let him pass, as punishment ofr Ric Flair going to TNA, seems a little edgy but hey it's Vinnie Mac.
I don't know that it really matters if he should or not because there's little doubt that he will. Long title reigns are a thing of the past. The amount of title reigns really doesn't matter anymore. One good example I can give is comparing the British Bulldogs to Edge and Christian. I was looking the other day and I saw that E and C were champions seven times and the bulldogs had the titles once. The bulldogs held the belts one day longer. Edge has been a nine time champ for the course of five years Harley Race was a seven time champ. i don't think anyone would put Edge in front of Race. Bottom line, It really doesn't matter that trips breaks flairs's record
This just isn't a noteworthy achievement anymore. Edge has won the world title an average of twice a year for the past 5 years, dropping it so much because of injury, and just because the WWE books short reigns for champions as a standard. Anyway, Jerry Lawler had like 50 world title reigns back in the Southern territories, so Flair's record is pretty artificial anyway. It's just the most publicized, since many of his reigns were in WWE and WCW, instead of just the territories.
It really doesn't matter because he's probably going to anyway.

Regardless of whether he does or not...Ric Flair earned all of his the hard way and had lengthy title reigns throughout a span of several decades. Triple H literally did the old business cliche (ironically the other way around though - gender wise) and slept his way to the top. Repeatedly.

Ric Flair also won the majority of his World Titles in a time where the tenure as Champion was very long...and it didn't change hands everytime somebody sneezed. Ric Flair won 16 world titles in three different decades. Triple H has won 13 titles in basically ONE decade.

To put this in even more perspective. John Cena has been in the WWE for only 8 years and he's already a 9-time World Champion.

So personally, I wouldn't like to see it happen...but if it does it won't bother me because Triple H's reigns are no where near as special as Ric Flair's...and they never will be.
I'd actually like to see Edge surpass hit, since he has, what? 12 Championships already? He still has a few years left on him, just put him back in the title scene. He would have a definite spot in the Hall of Fame if he did it. If he could get just some MAJOR feuds and then start a whole storyline revolving around it, then I believe that he could get it if the WWE would go through with it.

The problem that I have with Triple H winning it is that I believe it would be too "easy" in a way, even though I'm a big fan of it. If he could really do the work for it, I believe that I'd be ready for him to do it, but until I can see that he wants to do it without any help, I don't know if I'll believe in him.

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