Should TNA keep the NWA titles?

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Do you guys think TNA should brand their own Heavyweight Champion and Tag Champions, or should they keep the prestige of the NWA titles?
Keeping the NWA titles gives their title picture more history, but on the other hand, if they want to be serious and really make a name for themselves, they may in the future need to have a TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
Also, if they do indeed get there 2nd hour, what if they had 2 heavyweight championships, like WCW used have the WCW title, and the International Title. It seems rather redundant, but it could be a way get more talent pushed and experienced with a title.
What do you guys think?
I don't know...that's real difficult. Given that TNA is still relatively young, they really should keep it for a bit. However, I wouldn't see anything wrong with them establishing their own belt. I don't know. It's a hard question.
I think they should keep the belts after all the officail name of the company is actually NWA-TNA.
If they added a title they would add the NWA Continental title. By the way, TNA is an establishment of NWA therefore, they technically do have their own title.
Well, technically yes, but I was referring to something seperate from the NWA. As far I know the NWA only has sanctioning authority??? (Please correct me if i'm wrong) Couldn't TNA go independent with their product if they wanted to and drop NWA? Like WCW did a long time ago?
i understand the presige in the nwa name, but make no mistake, it is not the nwa. whatever is left of the real nwa became wcw, which got bought by the wwe. just because some guys got together and made a promotion and called it the nwa doesn't make it the nwa. i say that tna should seek it's own identity and formulate their own legacy. and while we are at it, i hope they change that nwa title belt. with respect to the original nwa, that has got to be the ugliest world title belt of all-time, not to mention the oldest that is still in use. they need a new one. you can obviously tell that i'm a belt mark. peace!
If you really were a belt mark, you would know that NWA continued after WCW split from them. NWA had champions all throughout the 90's actually. NWA did not BECOME WCW. WCW split from NWA and the NWA went on with business as usual.
sevastra said:
If you really were a belt mark, you would know that NWA continued after WCW split from them. NWA had champions all throughout the 90's actually. NWA did not BECOME WCW. WCW split from NWA and the NWA went on with business as usual.

i stand corrected, however i still think that tna should seek it's own identity. peace.
Pone said:
I think they should keep the belts after all the officail name of the company is actually NWA-TNA.

I dont think they are anymore. They actually lease the belt from the NWA, but I think their involvement with the NWA is actually only down to the Belts that they have. I could be wrong but I think TNA has an agreement with the NWA for both belts until 2008, it could be longer though.

To be honest down the line they have to go out on their own completely. Casual Wrestling fans wont be able to understand why a company with the Initials TNA has two belts with the Initials NWA. They have the history for now, but in the future they need to get their own belt.
TNA left the NWA but has the rights to those two titles util 2012 i think? But them having the NWA belts doesn't give them more history because this is seen as another era for the belts and people know none of those people were in TNA. I think they should change their name and bring in the nwa women's title.
DeathIsARight said:
TNA left the NWA but has the rights to those two titles util 2012 i think? But them having the NWA belts doesn't give them more history because this is seen as another era for the belts and people know none of those people were in TNA. I think they should change their name and bring in the nwa women's title.

This is correct, TNA split from the NWA and bought the rights to NWA Heavyweight and Tag team titles until around 2012 (that needs checking) so they are a stand-alone company who are building their own identity, just with help of the NWA titles
Personally I think that they should keep the NWA titles for a while at least. It lends some credibility to the company and its champions even if they are not really an NWA territory or affiliate.

As for the future, I really dont understand why they didnt change their name when they split from the NWA and started doing monthly PPVs. TNA makes no sense as a wrestling company on a stand-alone basis. When it was part of the NWA, it was alright because the TNA was always used in conjunction with the NWA. TNA was a descriptor to let people know this is the NWA's TNA brand/branch. I sincerely hope that if and when they move to a prime time two hour slot that they undergo a cosmetic change and rename themselves. Only problem is, it would be damaging to whatever recognition they have received form mainstream media and passive fans thus far. I know its not a big deal but I just think that TNA (well actually moreso the term "Total Non-stop Action") is not entirely appropriate for a mainstream wrestling promotion.
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