Should TNA be worried about WWE stealing (or taking back) stars?


JC CooL 420
We've all seen people like R Truth and Christian go back to the E and we've also seen people like Lance Hoyt, Senshi, Gail Kim and the failed Chris Harris get picked up by the E...

It is also very likely that people like The Pope and Anderson are just trying to raise their value and possibly go back to WWE...

Hardy may have burned his bridges, but you can never say never when it comes to going back to the E...

RVD will probably stick around in TNA because of the lighter work schedule and relaxed drug policy...

So my question is, should TNA be worried about making guys like Pope and Anderson too popular, just to be stolen away by Vince... Vince didn't want anything to do with the Truth until TNA made him their world champion and he saw how popular he was in the company...

I know that even if they are stolen away, making them popular and raising for money for TNA could in no way be a bad thing... It just has to suck for them to Invest time and effort into pushing someone and then seeing them go up north and more than likely spending a lot of time jobbing to Vince's guys thus making TNA look weak... Which is why I believe Truth and Christian will never hold a World Title in WWE... (Because they were World Champions in TNA)

And what about guys like Beer Money and the MCMGs, Jay Lethal... Are they at risk of being stolen away by the E?

I know it would be a better chance for those guys to make better money for their families... But honestly, it would make me sick to see guys like Robert Roode and Jay Lethal on NXT season 3 or 4....

Jeff Hardy also won the NWA/TNA world championship but was given two title runs(WWE and WHC) in the WWE so if Vince can bank off of it Truth and Christian would both win titles.
I think beer money stated in an interview their distaste for the E. I remember reading something when harris got fired from the E
We've all seen people like R Truth and Christian go back to the E and we've also seen people like Lance Hoyt, Senshi, Gail Kim and the failed Chris Harris get picked up by the E...
The big part with all of those people is that TNA released them because they had nothing for them to do. Ron Killings didn't do a thing for almost a year before finally leaving TNA. Same deal with Christian, by the time he left there wasn't a lot more for him to do. Hoyt was a jobber in a shitty tag team, Low-Ki didn't have a personality and Gail Kim stopped being interesting as soon as AMW disbanded although I wonder if Gail Kim regrets going from the top of a division to a face in the crowd at WWE.

It is also very likely that people like The Pope and Anderson are just trying to raise their value and possibly go back to WWE...
I doubt it, Ken Anderson knows all to well the political bullshit that goes on in the WWE. While Austin-Anderson comparisions aren't exactly uncommon, how their careers mirror eachother is amazing, Austin was booted out of WCW away on injury and had been prohibited from moving up the card by guys like Flair, Rhodes and Savage. Similarly Anderson got fucked around by Orton, Cena and HHH. Anderson might like making money, but he doesn't strike me as the sort of person who likes being treated like shit.

Same goes for Dinero, Elijah Burke got pushed as one of Vince's chosen ones given that shitty "boxer" gimmick, it got him nowhere. He suggested his Pope gimmick and got told to shove it. Yet that gimmick has since gotten him over much more than he ever did as Elijah Burke of the New breed. In those two cases I'd say how they were treated by the WWE had a massive effect on their decision to head to TNA.

So my question is, should TNA be worried about making guys like Pope and Anderson too popular, just to be stolen away by Vince... Vince didn't want anything to do with the Truth until TNA made him their world champion and he saw how popular he was in the company...
They can't really do anything about it. However as guys like Styles and Joe have shown a lot of wrestlers don't trust the WWE. And a lot of them are loyal to a company like TNA, who doesn't fuck them around.

I know that even if they are stolen away, making them popular and raising for money for TNA could in no way be a bad thing... It just has to suck for them to Invest time and effort into pushing someone and then seeing them go up north and more than likely spending a lot of time jobbing to Vince's guys thus making TNA look weak... Which is why I believe Truth and Christian will never hold a World Title in WWE... (Because they were World Champions in TNA)
funnily how guys like Killings and Christian have been treated does wonders for TNA, because the staff at TNA can point to those guys and say "they were top dogs in this company, hard working wrestlers and McMahon decided to job them out to people with half the talent" it's a great scare tactic to prevent people from crossing over.

And what about guys like Beer Money and the MCMGs, Jay Lethal... Are they at risk of being stolen away by the E?
Wouldn't worry about Beer Money and the Machine Guns, WWE hates tag teams, the Guns wouldn't be allowed to perform any of their moves. James Storm can look at what happened to his former partner Chris Harris as a cautionary tale. I certainly doubt they'd want Lethal, he's a good wrestler and he has personality, the WWE doesn't want that, they want boring wrestlers with cliche good guy vs. bad guy attitudes.

I know it would be a better chance for those guys to make better money for their families... But honestly, it would make me sick to see guys like Robert Roode and Jay Lethal on NXT season 3 or 4....
Jay Lethal on NXT would amuse me, they'd call him Jay Potentially Dangerous just to keep it PG.

It really doesn't bother me to be honest. Sure some TNA wrestlers are probably money ****es who'd jump at the chance. But the TNA locker room is pretty tightly-knit. Most of them can look at guys like Killings, Harris, Christian and realise that they'll get the same job-squad treatment. A lot of TNA's wrestlers have been fucked over by the WWE in the past and a lot of their agents and staff have had the same treatment. You can best believe guys like Dreamer, Rhyno, 3-D, Foley, Taz, etc. Don't have the nicest things to share about WWE with the guys in TNA.

So yeah, I wouldn't worry about it. The best TNA stars have proven their loyalty already.
Sad, your a ninja just like me and your post is rather sad and not needed. If TNA cared about THEIR stars they wouldnt be bringing in WWE stars, Hyot is so much better off in WWE then before at least he could accomplish something. Most of the TNA roster are jokes as it is, copies of WWE talent. So WWE would only be taking the guys who feel worthless and make them rich and famous.
Sad, your a ninja just like me and your post is rather sad and not needed.
Anyone know who this guy is talking too?

If TNA cared about THEIR stars they wouldnt be bringing in WWE stars
And by this logic Steve Austin, HHH, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, the Undertaker, Mankind, the Rock, Hulk Hogan and close to every major star pre-2001 wasn't a WWE star but another federations star brought in.

Hyot is so much better off in WWE then before at least he could accomplish something.
Lance Hoyt is a terrible wrestler in a thrown together tag team that no one cares about. Funnily enough that's exactly what he was in TNA.

Most of the TNA roster are jokes as it is, copies of WWE talent.

LOLWUT? Please, who in TNA is a copy of a WWE wrestler?

So WWE would only be taking the guys who feel worthless and make them rich and famous.

That's certainly worked out for Chris Harris and Monty Brown.
I think WWE has more of a chance reclaiming old stars than it does with say A.J. Styles or Jay Lethal who've never been in the 'E. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn/The James Gang/Voodoo Kin Mafia have stated before that they would rather return to the WWE if offered a contract. And from what I've seen, most TNA stars know the risk of jumping ship, knowing if they make the slightest error after doing so, that Vince won't hesitate to turn them into a jobber.
Jeff Hardy also won the NWA/TNA world championship but was given two title runs(WWE and WHC) in the WWE so if Vince can bank off of it Truth and Christian would both win titles.

Jeff Hardy has Never won a TNA title.

Anyway to the thread... The only one i fear going back to the E is Hardy. He started there and he was the top guy for a bit.

Anderson seems to hate HHH and we all know he hates Orton, those guys will be top guys in the E for a while.

I dont think Pope will ever go back either. Hes TNAs future for sure.

RVD i dont think will ever go back there because of the schedule.

I dont think any of the originals would either and if they do... its gonna be a shame seeing them all Job out to anyone and everyone on the E roster.
If they give RVD a deal like what HBK had befofre he left I could see RVD possibly going back, he'd get more money and time off so it wouldn't be to bad for him.

Jeff Hardy could possibly go back, he has got his brother there and he's friends with a few people as well, whether he'd go back to the same postition on the card is another matter.

I don't really see anyone else going though, people like Beer Money and AJ have said how they don't want to work for WWE. I possibly see someone like Desmond Wolfe going, he was offered a deal with WWE but turned it down and seeing as their not doing anything with him he might feel like a switch to WWE.
We've all seen people like R Truth and Christian go back to the E and we've also seen people like Lance Hoyt, Senshi, Gail Kim and the failed Chris Harris get picked up by the E...

It is also very likely that people like The Pope and Anderson are just trying to raise their value and possibly go back to WWE...

Hardy may have burned his bridges, but you can never say never when it comes to going back to the E...

RVD will probably stick around in TNA because of the lighter work schedule and relaxed drug policy...

So my question is, should TNA be worried about making guys like Pope and Anderson too popular, just to be stolen away by Vince... Vince didn't want anything to do with the Truth until TNA made him their world champion and he saw how popular he was in the company...

I know that even if they are stolen away, making them popular and raising for money for TNA could in no way be a bad thing... It just has to suck for them to Invest time and effort into pushing someone and then seeing them go up north and more than likely spending a lot of time jobbing to Vince's guys thus making TNA look weak... Which is why I believe Truth and Christian will never hold a World Title in WWE... (Because they were World Champions in TNA)

And what about guys like Beer Money and the MCMGs, Jay Lethal... Are they at risk of being stolen away by the E?

I know it would be a better chance for those guys to make better money for their families... But honestly, it would make me sick to see guys like Robert Roode and Jay Lethal on NXT season 3 or 4....


A number of the TNA stars you're worried are leaving are on long-term deals with the company right now. Beer Money, Inc. if I recall correctly both re-signed to five-year deals not a year ago, same with Velvet Sky, AJ Styles, etc.

Most of the talent in the company has been rather vocal about it's distaste for working for the WWE, citing a number of issues as popular as not liking McMahon personally, as well as the locker room, politics and touring schedule.

In short, am I worried about TNA talent using TNA to springboard [back] to the WWE? No, I'm not, because it's rare a talent does so without running his course in a company first – e.g. Christian, R-Truth, etc.
It's certainly possible. Christian and R-Truth, for example, are quality workers and quality workers are always needed. While it's possible, I don't know exactly how likely it is at this particular time.

The WWE, for close to a year now, has been in the process of elevating younger talent to be the future of the company. That's been especially true over the course of the past several months. It wouldn't surprise me to see some TNA wrestlers being brought into WWE, even older wrestlers, that could mostly be used to help elevate the younger guys. I wouldn't count on AJ Styles, however, going as he signed a 7 year deal with TNA not long back. So, unless things really go south for AJ Styles over the next few years and he's released from his deal, don't expect to see him in a WWE ring. Kurt Angle has said he'd like to retire in TNA in a recent interview.

However, I do think that a lot of guys are in TNA for a paycheck and not necessarily because they want to be there. That's not a knock on TNA or anything, it's just a feeling I've gotten. RVD is right at the top of the list for that line of thinking. We all know that the WWE can offer RVD much more money than TNA, but RVD's main concern has been the work schedule. I'm not sure if RVD works house shows on a regular basis for TNA or if he does at all. But, if he doesn't, then that means he only works for TNA for..what? Four or five days out of a month really?

I think Anderson and Pope were mentioned due to their popularity. While they're over in TNA, I don't think they're probably what WWE Management would see as being significant draws yet. TNA has only just started to really get back to numbers that they used to draw. If TNA builds on its audience to any substantial degree, I wouldn't be surprised to see the WWE looking a certain wrestlers more closely.

Ultimately, however, if Vince pulls out his checkbook, then I'm sure many wrestlers within TNA, even those that have criticized the WWE, would take a serious listen to what he has to say.
Should TNA be worried about WWE stealing (or taking back) stars?

No. As soon as you start "worrying" about these things...then it starts to effect your decision making and ends up ruining your product all together as a result. It starts to take over your thoughts (so to speak) and you begin to think irrationally and make irrational decisions based on your irrational thoughts. This happens with anything in life for that matter. If you start irrationally worrying about begins to effect your decisions, ability to think logically, etc.

So your question being should TNA be worried - No. They should not be worried.

In fact, nobody should ever worry about anything. Worrying, in itself, is irrational and doesn't prevent or change anything from happening. You can take the concern under consideration and professionally prepare for it. But you should never panic or worry. It doesn't help at all - in fact, it can only worsen the situation.

Remember, you can't change what you cannot control. You can only change the way you react to it.

Does this necessarily mean that they aren't worried? Not necessarily. I don't know them personally so they very well could be worried for all I know. But hopefully it would just be that they may have a very slight's certainly the least of their worries at the moment. They're mostly concerned with putting out a quality product. As they should be.
It's an interesting question. It could be that TNA is doing a better job of destroying themselves financially than WWE could ever do......and the smartest thing for Vince might be to wait it out and let TNA keep paying high salaries to wrestlers who aren't really adding anything to the bottom line. In other words, raiding TNA's talent would only ease the payroll woes of the younger company.

Certainly, WWE wouldn't want to hire the guys making the most money at TNA. Can you imagine raiding people like Hogan, Nash, Van Dam & Bischoff? No, I'm not privy to what TNA is paying these guys, but it has to be more than they're worth in terms of ratings, no?

If WWE wants to hurt TNA by taking people away, their best bet would be to go after guys making a real impact......but not all that much money. I don't know specifically who that might be, but that guy Pope comes to mind.

TNA has increased their payroll immeasurably without notably improving their ratings. WWE might be best off letting them burn themselves out.
It's an interesting question. It could be that TNA is doing a better job of destroying themselves financially than WWE could ever do......and the smartest thing for Vince might be to wait it out and let TNA keep paying high salaries to wrestlers who aren't really adding anything to the bottom line. In other words, raiding TNA's talent would only ease the payroll woes of the younger company.

Certainly, WWE wouldn't want to hire the guys making the most money at TNA. Can you imagine raiding people like Hogan, Nash, Van Dam & Bischoff? No, I'm not privy to what TNA is paying these guys, but it has to be more than they're worth in terms of ratings, no?

If WWE wants to hurt TNA by taking people away, their best bet would be to go after guys making a real impact......but not all that much money. I don't know specifically who that might be, but that guy Pope comes to mind.

TNA has increased their payroll immeasurably without notably improving their ratings. WWE might be best off letting them burn themselves out.

You're making wild accusations and assumptions based on reputations of the past when these wrestlers were in their prime.

Think about it like baseball. When a player gets older and declines or can't hit or pitch as well as they used to (or in this case - wrestle as much or perform at house shows anymore) you pay them accordingly. The years in the contract are significantly shorter and the dollars drop in the same fashion. Now, in wrestling - if you're old and still a top draw (i.e. Undertaker) you can sometimes beat the system and continue getting decent cash.

As for the guys you listed. Hulk Hogan is probably not on salary. I believe he was given a piece of the business and is paid accordingly based on the performance of the company. Ric Flair, from what I hear, was pretty bad with his money and loves the sport more than anything so he probably would have signed on for little to long as it paid the bills + a little extra. Kevin Nash, he probably gets paid a little more but you're also paying for the name, legacy and presence he brings. It is certainly not nearly what they were paying him in WCW however. That's for sure. These guys aren't even getting 1/5 of what they got in WCW.

And back to the "years" or "time" involved in their contracts: Scott Hall was paid "per-appearance". I believe Jeff Hardy may be as well...although that may have changed or I could be wrong.

Regardless of their reputations - there are several highly respected business men, investors, as well as financial advisors that all consult with one another and agree or disagree on certain decisions based on just this. Nobody is wildly throwing darts at a dart board and doing whatever decision it winds up on.

TNA has pretty cheap overhead compared to WWE...and they still have a television deal with Spike, pay-per-view events, and live shows bringing them in cash. Not to mention the other merchandise they have as well. I think TNA is doing alright. They don't travel a lot, they have a small arena, they don't have flashy light shows or nearly as many extras they have to pay (medical staff, engineers setting everything up, employees in general, etc.) as they can afford to pay the wrestlers at least something attractive.

And TNA just made all of these moves in January of this year. When you make a long term investment - you don't impatiently rate the decision after not-even 7 months and unfairly judge it as a failure.
I dont know i think both Truth,Chritian went to back to WWE to Finish there career and have a chance to be in the HoF

Also you say about WWE Makeing guys that goto TNA & Come Back or Ex Guys from TNA jobbers its no diffrent to what WCW did with alot of Ex WWE guys and also WWE Made Ex WCW Midcadders Main Eventers Eddie,Beniot,Jerico,Rey,Austin,Big Show so its just in revrse to what happend with WCW & WWE apart from the occasional star

But yes i see Ex WWE Going back hell i think kurt will be back @ WWE in 2 years or less and im sure i remeber reading that it was suggested by heyman that Anderson should goto TNA for a year or so and improve his craft then go back to WWE

But i Can see some of the older Non HoFers going back to WWE near the end of there career to get in the HoF & get a legends deal
Also you say about WWE Makeing guys that goto TNA & Come Back or Ex Guys from TNA jobbers its no diffrent to what WCW did with alot of Ex WWE guys and also WWE Made Ex WCW Midcadders Main Eventers Eddie,Beniot,Jerico,Rey,Austin,Big Show so its just in revrse to what happend with WCW & WWE apart from the occasional star

Which Ex-WWE wrestlers did WCW punish in this way? Hulk Hogan won the World Heavyweight Title in his very first match in WCW after coming from WWF. Randy Savage was immediately put in the spotlight - helping his friend, and main eventer, Hulk Hogan upon his start in WCW. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall helped pioneer the greatest storyline in the history of wrestling immediately when they came in.

I find your accusation entirely inaccurate.

As for the WWE promoting mediocre personalities from WCW into main eventers. That's their own problem. I personally thought it was a horrible idea to have Guerrero, Benoit, Booker T and Rey Mysterio as World Champions. They were all mostly small cruiserweights with barely any personality (although Eddie's personality increased as he became more hated). I do wish WCW had pushed Jericho as a headliner though - he was great. As for Austin, he won over the fans with his own gimmick. And the Big Show was TWICE the World Heavyweight Champion in WCW before coming over to WWE. Hardly a mid-carder at all.
R-truth in the hall of fame? Lofty expectations. Then again the hall has been losing credibility recently anyway.

TNA should be aware, not worried. They have plenty of talent so losing one or two guys is nothing major. What is important is making sure they are prepared for the possibility and not building the product entirely around those that are leaving risks. I do not think Pope is that much of a risk to leave. His gimmick is not exactly PG era and I think he appeals more to the powers that be in TNA than WWE. Anderson's gimmick is not exactly PG era either but I am sure he could adapt it. He has his issues with many of the wrestlers that have political clout in the wwe but Anderson leaving would not be especially surprising. That is probably one reason he has not made it all the way to the top yet in TNA. Another guy who has not made it all the way yet is Jeff Hardy. Overall, I have been disappointed in hardy in TNA and do not think they would miss much besides his obvious fan connections if he left. I would love to trade him for christian if such a thing was a possibility. IMO TNA is doing a good job using the talent in ways that are both effective yet aware of who the leaving possibilities, thus there is little to worry about.
R-truth in the hall of fame? Lofty expectations. Then again the hall has been losing credibility recently anyway.

Who the hell wrote that?? I've been looking everywhere for it.

That could be one of the most ridiculous things I've EVER heard (related to wrestling).

If R-Truth is inducted into the Hall of Fame (assuming he stays with the same gimmick the whole time), I'll swan dive into Mount Vesuvius.
Nah they shouldn't be worried. If Jeff Hardy, RVD, Kurt Angle or any other major star TNA has really wanted to be in WWE right now they would be. I know Hardy turned down a HUGE contract from WWE. RVD doesn't want to work WWE's schedule. Angle is looking to reduce his TNA schedule right now so it's obvious there's no way he could handle WWE's brutal schedule again.

As for the younger more unestablished guys I think WWE would definately be interested in bringing back The Pope and Matt Morgan since they have showed so much potential in TNA. When that time comes it will be up to TNA to convince them to stay. So they better start pushing them because otherwise I can definately see them going back to WWE.
what most posters are forgetting is the fact when working in the WWE, you have to deal with the backstage political BS. always was that way, and it always will be.

VKM treats the lower echelon wrestlers like shit, while practically blowing the big names on the roster!

HHH, orton, Cena....i could go on for hours.

i look at both promotions like this.

WWE is the walmart of wrestling, cold, sterile and quite unfeeling towards the little guy, whereas TNA is more of a mom and pop setup, where everyone is more like family then employees.
I would put money on some major TNA stars, e.g Pope or AJ heading to WWE in a few years, either for a big money deal or because TNA goes out of business.

If you look at wrestling since 1990, many top talents have appeared in more than one top organisation.


Austin, Goldberg, Triple H, Angle, Booker, DDP, Big Show, Bret Hart, Hogan, Nash, Sid, Steiner, Jericho, Benoit, etc

It is likely that several home-grown TNA talents will head to WWE in their careers

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