Should 'Main Roster' performers step down to NXT?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
This actually happens with some people, such as the Ascension and Adam Rose, but I don't necessarily mean failed NXT call-ups. I'm talking guys like Big Show, Ryback, The Usos, Dudleyz, Ziggler, Swagger, etc.

The main reason why I think this could be interesting is I feel like the Main Roster is just too big right now. Popular performers are being demoted into oblivion because there's just no room for them. What happened to Prime Time Players? Or Jack Swagger? Or Damian Sandow- who was arguably the MOST 'over' person on the roster for awhile? If there's not enough air-time, they won't be on TV and interest will dwindle (Sandow did appear last week on RAW and it was depressing how the crowd seemed to have forgotten about him).

So maybe if there's some alternating going on, RAW won't become as stale because NXT performers will be moving up every handful of months and there would be an actual place for them. None of this Tyler Breeze nonsense where he would win a few times, start jobbing and become another extra within 2 months. Furthermore, the Main Roster performers moving down will be able to work with different opponents, bring a bit more exposure/ credibility to NXT and won't have to be on the road as much.

I remember Big Show and Ryback having a match at NXT and I thought that was idiotic booking (which lead to fans rejecting it). If you're going to have Ryback and Big Show on NXT, wouldn't it be more interesting if you had them take on the NXT Roster? Obviously those in charge would have to be careful though, as I wouldn't especially like Main Rosterers winning NXT gold.

Anyway, just my thoughts. What are yours?
A "guest" appearance from the main roster every once and a while would be ok, like when Cesaro showed up to face Zayn to have those awesome matches a while back. But I wouldn't use it as a way to use unused stars, NXT should be mainly focused on developing new talent and having main roster guys showing up too often would seriously get in the way of that. If they were truly demoted to NXT like say Zack Ryder then fine since that's their job now but otherwise main roster appearances should be very rare.

Also I would have to think that regularly seen guys like the ones you've mentioned would be working house shows when they're not on Raw/SD and it would be a hassle for them to work down in Florida unless they just happen to be in the area, in which case it would probably be more profitable for them to just work in another house show. As for the guys that aren't seen as much, well that's a whole other problem that taking up air time from NXT isn't going to fix.
I actually think this would be a good storyline for the Big Show to go to NXT and just dominating everyone, showing he still has the ability. He would probably piss of Triple H in the process, but get his attention nonetheless. Then have someone make their jump to the main roster to get their shot at Big Show. or Whomever.
I dont know whether its a coincidence or what? But I too had the same idea today and was about to post a thread about it. :D

Unlike you, I had this idea for just a single person who is Damien Sandow! :p

With due respect to you, I disagree about all other guys you mentioned. I am ok with Dudleyz, Usos, Ziggler with the current position they have. No idea about what they are doing with Ryback. All other guys except these 4 have never been more over with the crowd than Damien Sandow. He needs to go there and show his full potential there but i know i am asking for too much from WWE. :disappointed:

Yes, but it should only be limited to those that have the potential to make a noticeable improvement and be a part of something bigger down the line. It shouldn't be your average Swaggers and Zigglers, whom we have seen enough of already, and who don't have much of a scope for improvement. Another risk is that if you send just about anybody over there, it would dilute the NXT product- which has been ranked the #1 wrestling TV show of the year recently by WON.
Another type of wrestlers that can be sent back are those former NXT talents whose main roster run didn't succeed because either the bookers screwed up, or the crowd didn't buy it. e.g. Emma and The Ascension.
A third type are those that can be asked to make a couple of special appearances in NXT, because the NXT crowd would love to see them. e.g. Cesaro, Bryan or even Rollins... but NOT Big Show, Ryback, Del Rio or Kane. They won't tolerate these stars taking away precious time from their beloved wrestlers.
If someone requires some development then yes. Damien Sandow as someone mentioned could test the waters on a new gimmick before being called back up. Kinda how Bray and Ryback did.

But other than that no, I don't mind a guest appearance now and then or a match here or there like Cesaro did. But no, I would not be interested in seeing Dolph Ziggler or Big Show or any established main roster talent stinking up the soup of a developmental brand.
It's not uncommon. I remember Mark Henry being sent to OVW for a while when WWE was still affiliated with them to get in better shape and improve his in-ring work m, Big Show too. Husky Harris returned to NXT and a year or two later returned as Bray Wyatt after being repackaged while down there. Tyson Kidd did the same thing as well. Emma and Cameron too, however I'm not sure how it's working out for the latter. Ryback was never sent back to WWE, there were plans on switching him to Ryback before his ankle surgeries.

I wouldn't mind seeing some of the vets go there and being in roles like Rhyno, or taking on some of the bigger stars in NXT like Chris Jericho did against Finn Balor. I like the idea of Big Show going there and being a mentor/occasional on-air performer at this stage in his career. At the rate he moves around I don't particularly care to see him in a regular run there. He would be good at using in a over the top rope battle Royal.

I believe this was Vince's idea with the original ECW had they sealed another TV deal. His intentions were to send WWE guys there to test new gimmicks. The only thing about that is I feel gimmick testing should be done on shows like Superstars and Main Event because it seems like the NXT audience and Main Roster audience accept certain workers and the main roster audience doesn't. Most recently with Tyler Breeze and The Acension.
If someone needs some work in the ring, on a character or on promos than I'd say yes. I wouldn't put the likes of Damien Sandow on NXT because he doesn't it and it would be to the detriment of the show.

Instead of main roster guys hitting NXT on a regular basis I'd rather they actually turned Smackdown into what they seem to be pushing NXT as now. I think NXT has outgrown its original purpose and I think the WWE needs to be mindful that it is the place where people go to get used to WWE's style and/or develop. They can't keep pushing guys like Zayn, Balor etc. to try to top main roster PPVs but you'll just end up with guys (like Zayn) having serious injuries before they even have a chance to get over with the Raw crowd.

Instead I'd love for them to almost do another brand extension (though I wouldn't call it that and I wouldn't have two world titles) where they unload the likes of Balor, Bayley, Samoa Joe, Emma, Zayn, Itami, Alexa Bliss and Asuka on to Smackdown and have them mix it up with Dean Ambrose, Kevin Owens, Dolph Ziggler, Del Rio and other high midcard acts. The IC or US title could be unofficially used as their world title then. Once someone like Balor or Bayley gets over with the Smackdown crowd than they get switched to Raw on an ever more frequent basis to see how they go. That also leaves NXT for people like Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin, who are good but need more time in the NXT spotlight before going main roster.
It'd be a significant slap in the face to send a main roster mainstay down to NXT.

Earlier this week, as I'm sure many of us read, the winner of the last Tough Enough, I can't remember the guy's name offhand, has gotten a lot of heat for disrespectful Tweets he sent out on Monday in which he called the Social Outcasts "jobbers." While it may technically be true, those guys have earned their places on the main roster and this guy hasn't earned the right as a WWE employee to disrespect anyone, especially since he was just handed a $250,000 contract when others wrestlers all over the world have to work for years to even have a chance at making that kind of money.

Being sent down to NXT also means a major pay cut and main roster guys who've had significant success there aren't gonna just accept that. Someone like Ziggler, who I'd imagine pulls in at least upper six figures, going from that to a $25,000 salary in NXT would consider that a total slap in the face and I wouldn't blame him for thinking that whatsoever.

I'm a fan of NXT as well and I very much hope to see it continue to grow, expand and prosper. However, let's not assign more importance to NXT than it actually deserves because, at the end of the day, it's still WWE's developmental territory and part of the reason why it thrives, a reason that isn't often talked about, is because WWE pays for damn near all the operating cost of NXT. In time, I genuinely believe that if it was something they wanted, NXT can be its own independent entity that pulls in big money, gets its own weekly TV deal, meant big money, etc. and WWE could always set up another developmental territory if NXT simply got too big for that. However, that time isn't now and if it ever does happen is when discussions regarding some sort of talent exchange or assignment can be realistically discussed.
Can people stop pretending that NXT is strictly developmental? They are a televised (internet) brand that tours and even plays and sells out large arenas. They have guys regularly competing with over ten years experience under their belt and occassionally have WWE veterans competing as well. It is basically minor leagues.

That being said it may make for a nice story to have someone "sent down". It may allow WWE to build a great baby face story of someone who hits rock bottom and works their way back to the top. Or a great NXT heel story of someone who goes down to bully people around but ends up getting punched in the face or a heel that feels like their too good to be part of "developmental". Or maybe that heel that is too good goes through a self realization that the NXT has a ton of talent and becomes a face.

But I doubt you can tell much of a story since it might mean a huge cut in pay for the guy who gets sent down.
The WWE writers drink their own nasty Kool-Aid. They truly feel that NXT is just a farm where they produce the "superstars" who are considered worthy of stepping up to the big show.

When it comes to pro-wrestling, fans basically just want that, and they'll go anywhere they need to go to get it. If the path of least resistance is watching some NXT, then they'll go there to get their fix.

Unbeknownst to the WWE; the stars of NXT as a whole are no less talented than the stars of every other show under the Titansports umbrella. You'd think that the WWE would be wise to that fact, but for them the idea apparently still remains that if a main roster guy goes to NXT, it's a demotion.

NXT is less glam and more action, which ends up as a much better show if you don't want your senses bogged down by needless horseshit. If you buy a ticket to a show, you're probably not going so you can gawk at the *ugh* Titantron while they play a pre-taped segment in-between matches. You want to watch people wrestle live, which is basically all you get for your ticket money if you go to an NXT show.

I think it would be a blessing if they put someone on the main roster into the NXT mix. The WWE royally fucked up on a few occasions of that (Curtis Axel, Adam Rose) in typical WWE fashion, but there's potential if they just put them there to put on some decent matches without a lot of hoopla.
It'd be a significant slap in the face to send a main roster mainstay down to NXT.

Is it though??

Unbeknownst to the WWE; the stars of NXT as a whole are no less talented than the stars of every other show under the Titansports umbrella.

Often, its actually the other way around.

Hello, Braun Stroman.

Can people stop pretending that NXT is strictly developmental? They are a televised (internet) brand that tours and even plays and sells out large arenas.


I doubt anyone's downside garuntee is changing when being sent there, and since downsides increased after the networks creation, that is all that matters.

That said, yes, absolutely if someone is simply floating and doing nothing, they should head down for a change of pace and adding some star power to the NXT brand....ESPECIALLY if their style works better in NXT and appeals to the NXT audience, ALA the epics that Cesaro and Jack Swagger put on with Sami Zayn once upon a time.

Its really, really, REALLY time to move on from the "step down" or "send down to" or "developmental" perception. NXT regularly sells out large arenas and are universally praised as the best wrestling promotion in the western hemisphere.

Why WOULNDT someone be better utilized in a place were their style speaks to the crowd and they aren't in everlasting feuds that do nothing with Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler.

Tyson Kidd (if he can come back)
Jack Swagger (less appealing with the emergence of America Alpha)
Darren Young
The Ascension
All members of the social outcasts, except Curtis Axel, please just make him go away or become a manager.

Are the first guys who pop into my mind when thinking of people who could GREATLY benefit from going to (or back to) NXT.
I think we it be a great way to reintroduce a superstar that's maybe been out injured, they can come in to NXT and get rid of the ring rust and what not and reintroduce him to the fans. Or test out a new gimmick. Plus it would be a boost for NXT
Until WWE stops treating NXT like their "developmental territory" or labeling it as such, main roster performers are not going to go down. Putting The Big Show and Kane in NXT is fine... as long as NXT becomes a legitimate brand. Otherwise, it just screws up the whole dynamic of what NXT is supposed to be. Guys like Sandow, Axel, Ascension? Fine, these are guys who actually need a huge shake-up to resurrect their floundering careers. Ziggler, Kane, Big Show? These guys have already made their names, why would they go down to the developmental territory? And before GSB jumps down my throat, let me say I personally don't view NXT as developmental. WWE however, still does and until that changes, they won't disrespect vets by putting them down there. Unless of course the vets want to go help out.

I think bringing somebody down for a match is a great idea. Both guys can build the program on separate rosters and face each other at Takeover or something like that, but for a main roster guy to permanently stay in NXT? Like I said, it won't happen until NXT becomes WWE's third brand on par with Raw and Smackdown (in terms of everything other than the actual product).
It would be a useful tool, but not too often and only for certain wrestlers. The likes of Damien Sandow, Darren Young (assuming the PTP are no more) and Los Matadores would likely benefit, a chance to re-ignite their careers.

Of the list above, Cesaro, Swagger, Neville, Stardust, the Outcasts, the Ascension - no. What people are forgetting is that WWE needs mid-carders, and not everyone should be, or needs to be, challenging for a title. Neville, for example, has been on the main roster for less than a year, has he not? What these guys need is not to 'transfer' to NXT, but for WWE creative to pay more attention to everyone below the upper-mid-card.

I've said on here before that a potential way forward for WWE, rather than just giving us endless segments on Raw and endless rematches and tag matches on Smackdown, is to seperate the roster AND creative into effectively divisions. Then every few months or so, or when an injury occurs, etc, these divisions can be reviews, switched around, etc depending primarily on how over a wrestler is. You could have the top liners (oh how we long for the days of the Attitude Era when there were 6-8 genuine title contenders and Royal Rumble winners (see Armageddon 2000/RR'01); the next batch down would be the upper mid card, possibly sub-divided further into US and IC divisions. Then you have a tag division with a specific creative team assigned to it; and finally one or two low/lower-mid divisions.

In terms of modern creative, the term too many cooks spoil the broth springs to mind; but with the roster at an all time high in terms of numbers, surely the sensible thing to do, which can only benefit the product long-term, is to spread the cooks out so they aren't all preparing the same broth...
I just would like NXT to stay how it is really. You don't want to go fixing or tweaking something that doesn't need it. I don't mind occasional appearances but I don't care to see someone like Ziggler or Sandow be sent down to NXT permenantely. If you've spent an extended period of time on the main roster and you simply aren't clicking, my advice would be to release that individual or put them in a non-wrestling role.

The term developmental isn't to undermine guys like Balor that have years of experience but obviously they've never performed on a grand stage like WWE. I feel this is their way to see how marketable they are before they send them up and how well they connect with the crowd. I would say it's a platform more or less - once they get to the main roster it's up to them to get over with the cards they're delt.

Some make it, some don't and some take a little longer than others to get over. I still stand by Social Outcast being WWE's last attempt at getting these guys over and if it doesn't work out, what sense does it make to send them back to NXT? Nobody in that group has a shred of charisma but Slater in my opinion.

Also I feel sending guys back down is robbing the opportunity for someone else trying to get in the door. As I pointed out before, I like occasional appearances. Instances like Sami Zayn vs John Cena on Raw or Jericho vs Balor are the only acceptable instances I would prefer when it comes to any main roster worker being involved with NXT.
I think they should. As someone who has watched NXT from the beginning I remember Tyson Kidd being "sent down" along with Nattie and it worked wonders for his career (before getting injured). Add in Cesaro going down for a set of tapings and having a feud with Sami Zayn, that set of matches actually is what got the fans invested in the former El Generico. Having him constantly lose to a main roster guy and finally getting the big win was good booking.

WWE should do it more. I think the Social Outcast would be a good group to send down and reestablish their selves for a few weeks or months and then get sent right back up.
You want to give the Social Outcasts some momentum, have them do some sort of invasion storyline of NXT. I still like the idea of Main Rosters invading NXT for some sort of saga, claiming that they're sick and tired of hearing about it.
I think they should. As someone who has watched NXT from the beginning I remember Tyson Kidd being "sent down" along with Nattie and it worked wonders for his career (before getting injured). Add in Cesaro going down for a set of tapings and having a feud with Sami Zayn, that set of matches actually is what got the fans invested in the former El Generico. Having him constantly lose to a main roster guy and finally getting the big win was good booking.

WWE should do it more. I think the Social Outcast would be a good group to send down and reestablish their selves for a few weeks or months and then get sent right back up.

Tyson Kidd just needed an identity because he was known more as the guy linked to the Hart Family than a good worker me thinks. But he was being booked to lose and forging partnerships with random guys like 'Jackson Andrew' and JTG. That wouldn't get anyone anywhere. He was booked to win in NXT and that's the leverage he needed.

Tyson Kidd in my opinion is a better worker than those Social Outcast guys. They don't need to re-establish themselves, they would just require better booking. That's all they realistically did to Kidd in NXT. They can't get over and today's fans don't have the patience especially when they're aware there's a guy down in NXT that could be getting their TV time. They could do the same to Outcasts, but what you got to realize is some people on the roster are just meant to be enhancement talent and I believe that's all they'll be until they quit or are released. Their loss to Big Show told me all I needed to see.
Yes, but it cannot be booked as a step down. I've notice that NXT is rarely being referred to as a developmental territory on WWE TV. Lately, call ups have been referred to as "rookies in NXT" and the promotion itself is being referred to as a brand. Correct me if I'm wrong.

This is the place they should be going to. You already have Samoa Joe and Rhyno working in NXT. Both are emphatically not rookies or in need of development, but NXT is their brand.

NXT is becoming a brand, not just developmental. That's only a good thing. We've seen Tyson Kidd, Cesaro, and Curtis Axel all have tours of duty in NXT. Zack Ryder has been doing Hype Bros in NXT (thankfully putting Mojo's singles career on hold). Why not move talent to NXT when you nothing for them instead of letting them become expensive dark match talents or releasing them?

The key here is in the booking. Remember during the ruthless aggression era when Stevie Richards was banished from Raw and relegated to Sunday Night Heat? Richards made the most of the Stevie Night Heat gimmick, but someone banished to NXT would make it seem like a punishment.

If someone like Sandow, Swagger, or anyone else not being feature on regular TV shows up on NXT claiming to want to be part of the hottest brand, then why not? It might be a good place for midcard talent to end their careers instead of being released. What about as a place to try new gimmicks? Los Matadores were rumoured to be getting repackaged.

I think it's an excellent idea, and eventually as NXT transitions into its own fully fledged brand, it'll become something of a necessity.
Can we just remember for a second that WWE's main roster isn't deep enough to creatively fill its 6 hours of scheduled programming a week, so we have to see the same matches over and over again? Making the roster thinner by sending several veterans down to NXT would not help that in the slightest, unless you call up a ton of NXT talent. But then NXT would suffer hugely as a result.

And going back to the problem of overexposure, we don't need to see anymore of the likes of Big Show or Ziggler. I don't care about Show, or Ziggler, or Swagger, or Ryback. I don't think Show will ever be relevant again. And Ziggler is just so blah. While I'm sure the Full Sail crowd would cream their jeans over Ziggler vs. Finn or Ziggler vs. Zayn, I don't want to see those matches. I don't want Ziggler's mediocrity rubbing off on the talent that are so much better than him. We don't need them making NXT worse. Even as solidly and consistently as NXT is booked, I don't think it could resurrect the careers of those guys.

Then only time a main roster star should head down to NXT is if its a one-off deal, which is often exciting, or if they need to rework their character, like Emma is doing quite well at the moment. Don't send down stale midcarders just for the sake of doing something with them.
I personally think it's a great idea to have people go to NXT, especially if they are in need of rebranding. "Moving down" to NXT completely revitalized Tyson Kidd's career, before almost ending it over a year later. He wasn't even floating around the midcard, he was stuck in oblivion, before going to NXT and showing off his ring ability as one of their top contenders. By the time he came back up, he was very over and was able to secure tag team gold along with Cesaro. It's a shame what happened with Samoa Joe but I think Tyson would be the first to tell you about the benefits of 'new scenery'.

To a lesser extent we're seeing the same thing with Zack Ryder in the Hype Bros. Getting the chance to re-invent yourself on a different show opens the door for guys who don't get air time to become relevant. It shouldn't be considered a slap in the face at all, but rather a second chance at relevance and stardom. I personally would move guys who could still go but aren't quite connecting (such as Sandow, or even R-Truth) to NXT to not only re-invent themselves but to put over the guys down there like Apollo Crews and Sami Zayn.
For me, i don't see the point. So Big SHow goes down to NXT and puts someone over - does that actually mean anything when they come up to the main roster? Unless they want to start an angle there and carry it over to the main roster(which will never happen since so many are repackaged for the main roster), i think it is a waste. If the main roster really wants to help out NXT, guys like Show and Henry who have been there forever and don't add to the product, and guys like Orton and Cena who have been on top so long and don't need the spotlight anymore, need to start taking time off so spots clear up on the roster and it gives others a chance to shine. I am not saying they need to quit(although for a few guys, prime is so far in the rearview that they can't even see it anymore) but the biggest issue in wwe right now is too many guys have been there forever and there are no spots open unless wwe creates a new one like with Reigns. Give the guys and girls some tv time and you never know what might happen.
Allen jobber Neal Styles is heading to NXT right after I see perhaps Kevin Owens heading to nxt he is been a constant jobber send big slow there , Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns definitely NXT bound!

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