Should Kane end his career with a return to full-on 1997 Kane?

Should Kane end his career with a return to full-on 1997 Kane?

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Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
Not talking about the lame 2011 masked Kane, but the awesome, intimidating 1997 one. I'd like to see him don his original red and black garb, with the full mask, for the final chapter of his career. He can come out and attack people like he did way back then, crushing opponents until a young superstar finally topples him and retires him for good. This nostalgia run would make Kane interesting again after years of tedium, and end things on a much better note than where he's currently headed. WWE could likely shift a few t-shirts and action figures too, and even garner some extra buys and ticket sales if the angle was compelling enough. A final world title reign wouldn't be out of the question, IMO.

Would you want to see it? If not, how should he bow out?
I was hoping that after Kane lost the Casket Match to Bryan, he'd finally snap and go back to the mask for one more run before retirement...At this point, it's now or never for Kane...It's long overdue for him to stop being The Authority's Big Red Bitch...

Kane has to snap, Chokeslam and Tombstone Noble, Mercury and Rollins and go from there...He could do his infamous run-ins interrupting random matches and laying waste to everyone in the ring...The lights go out..It's silent for a good 10-20 seconds, then Kane's 1997 theme hits and that'd be an ideal way to start Kane's final run with the mask.

If anything, at Wrestlemania 32, Kane should finally get an elaborate, Taker-esque entrance(I'm really surprised that Kane didn't have Taker-esque entrances at all the Wrestlemanias he's competed at). Whenever Kane's last match happens, I want it to be an Inferno Match(Not that bullshit "Ring Of Fire" match he had with Wyatt) where he wins and then disappears into "the bowels of hell-fire and brimstone" forever as JR would probably have said.
This is the Kane I wanna see come back one more time..Not the Kane selling hot-dogs to Ryback, going to "therapy" sessions, jobbing to everyone in sight over the years from Edge, Mysterio to just about everyone else you can think of..

Kane deserves to retire by dominating numerous wrestlers one final time..

It's been too damn long since Kane's been truly what he's meant to be.
I just want Kane to leave. I'm done watching him. His matches bore me now. And he's flipped face/heel so many times it's meaningless. He isn't what he once was, and sadly I feel that so much damage has been done, nothing can reverse it and make him interesting again. If the next time I saw Kane on my TV was the last, I wouldn't complain. He and Big Show just need to go now. They don't add anything significant, and they take away important TV time that could go to a younger star. I respect all Kane has done. He's without a doubt a Hall of Famer. But everybody has their time, and when time is up, it's time to go.
Kane doesn't need to be in a retirement match for good, he is a WWE product and they own all of his rights therefore to never put him in a match again by retiring him would be ridiculous, he needs to go away for a bit and than perhaps only work a part time schedule, they can write him off at anytime with any angle as he still has that supernatural feel about him if he returns in the mask, but he does need to go away, like now and for a long time until he can become an attraction again, same goes for Big Show, neither of them needs to retire but they should be working a part time Brock Lesnar type schedule at best.
I just want Kane to leave. I'm done watching him. His matches bore me now. And he's flipped face/heel so many times it's meaningless. He isn't what he once was, and sadly I feel that so much damage has been done, nothing can reverse it and make him interesting again. If the next time I saw Kane on my TV was the last, I wouldn't complain. He and Big Show just need to go now. They don't add anything significant, and they take away important TV time that could go to a younger star. I respect all Kane has done. He's without a doubt a Hall of Famer. But everybody has their time, and when time is up, it's time to go.

Is this really about Kane or another one of those anyone over the age of 30 needs to retire and never be seen again threads?
I don't get the resentment towards wrestlers over 30 and the desperation of some for them all to retire, Personally I think its good to have someone a little more experianced around to help the younger stars.
I find it quite creepy actually whenever I hear people so obssesed with wanting their wrestlers to be so young all the time.
With his recent actions, something is plainly being planned for Kane. He appears about ready to quit the Authority and is doing a great job of apparently reaching the end of his rope while drawing out the program. One can see Rollins, J & J and Big Show now starting to grow suspicious of Kane, just as they did with Randy Orton before he split with them.

Hopefully, when the break comes, Kane won't be written out of the picture. I figure the idea is to give him a run (perhaps a final run) as an active competitor before going on to whatever is next.

Yet, this has been done before with Kane, right? He's always ready (kayfabe) to abandon the ring, but always comes back. Even as an administrator, he enforces his policies with his fists, never taking long to rip off the tie and pound someone.

If (when) he leaves the Authority, wouldn't it be logical for him to join forces with Randy Orton? It would be a rather loose association because Randy is the ultimate loner; he doesn't need anybody to fight on his side.....but as long as the program lasts, Kane would do his usual fine job in the role. It would be fun to watch him oppose the same guys he's been protecting.

Then, maybe one last singles run for Kane....although it's tough to predict when his professional end will come; we've been hearing for 10 years of his pending retirement.....yet, here he still is.
Well, I doubt Kane can ever get back to how he was perceived in 1997. Back than, he was a legitimate monster who set people on fire, "controlled the elements", and was rarely knocked off his feet. After all these years, and all we've seen Kane do, 97 Kane would be a hard place to get people back to. Also, his full mask apparently made it very hard to breathe and Kane has always said he hated it.

But, I can easily see Kane donning the mask for one last run and taking on the role of The Demon again. Perhaps not a long run, but long enough to get him a WWE title shot against Seth Rollins in his final match. If Kane were to put the mask back on, I'd prefer he stick to The Authority and lower/mid-midcard opponents... no need to see him beating Bray Wyatt or Daniel Bryan at this point, but a few wins over a Ryback or even Dolph Ziggler would get him there.
Kane should end his career that way. He deserves to be remembered as an arse kicker not a corporate shill.

In reference to the 'everyone over 30 should retire' line imagine if that was really the case, all those wrestlers we'd have never seen, Hogan wasn't WWF Champion until he was 32. Flair won his first NWA Championship at the same age. This conversation would never have happened because wrestling would still be territories.
I'll say exactly what I said in a recent Kane-centric thread; when Kane was an unstoppable, demon, juggernaut, he was one of the greatest monster heels ever. When he was feuding with or partnering with the Undertaker, he was useful.

But for the most part, the character went style around the turn of the century. All it does now is urinate on the legacy the character built for himself.

At this point, he may as well be Issac Yankem or Fake Diesal.

Short answer; it really doesn't matter, as he's not fooling anybody.
Is this really about Kane or another one of those anyone over the age of 30 needs to retire and never be seen again threads?
I don't get the resentment towards wrestlers over 30 and the desperation of some for them all to retire, Personally I think its good to have someone a little more experianced around to help the younger stars.
I find it quite creepy actually whenever I hear people so obssesed with wanting their wrestlers to be so young all the time.

Personally it's not that for me. Kane is how old now? 48 at the end of the month? So it's not like he's 31 and we're saying get him off our screens, he's almost 50.

Kane gets so little reactions some weeks, it's like the crowd doesn't care, at all. If he got a reaction like say, Triple H, Undertaker, Sting or Vince it'd be different. Yet Kane can come out to no ovation at all some weeks. He is barely in good enough shape to do his moves, and to be frank we've seen him on our TV's for almost 20 years now.
I love the Kane character, and it's been a fantastic one to watch over the years. Recently, not so much, but regardless of that, he's had a pretty good career. And I would agree on the general consensus that Kane when he first debuted was at his best. But does that mean I want to see it again? No.

People claim all the time that they're tired of the same old recycled garbage, yet call to past times for the return of an era of their favourite superstars? If Kane did the same shit he did back in 1997, people would moan just like The Rock does the same shit in 2015 and people moan. I may be one of those, and that's fine if you don't like it. That's why I would say "no" to the return of an old Kane and "yes" to a rebirth of the character. Yes you can have the mask and all that, but something a little different. I thought the split-personality idea with the Authority when he first joined was a good direction to go in, but it wasn't to be.

Having said all of that, I just hope that the WWE give Kane SOMETHING good before he retires. He fully deserves it, not for his career necessarily, but because of the shit they've had him do the past couple of years.
As long as he comes out to Slow Chemical again, that is all I want.
Kane needs his mask or he needs to act a bit crazy. They castrated him with his current gimmick.
He deserves more than his current role and gimmick. He's given a lot to the company over the years and he deserves to go out on his terms. If he wants to retire, great, if not, he's earned my respect to keep going.

If he's going to be done, I think he does need to be the old masked Kane. Not the crap demon Kane we've seen as of late when he's masked.

He needs to be a terror and do his random run in's for matches. Lay out the people in the ring. Terrorize the company and end it with a young babyface taking him down at WM32 or whenever he decides to hang it up. He's still got the size and ability to have one more terrorizing run and it would be a good chance to give a young guy a rub on a big stage. He's not going to wrestle a five star technical match but with the mask and that old school kick ass gimmick, he can put on a show with a good physical wrestler.
Not talking about the lame 2011 masked Kane, but the awesome, intimidating 1997 one. I'd like to see him don his original red and black garb, with the full mask, for the final chapter of his career. He can come out and attack people like he did way back then, crushing opponents until a young superstar finally topples him and retires him for good. This nostalgia run would make Kane interesting again after years of tedium, and end things on a much better note than where he's currently headed. WWE could likely shift a few t-shirts and action figures too, and even garner some extra buys and ticket sales if the angle was compelling enough. A final world title reign wouldn't be out of the question, IMO.

Would you want to see it? If not, how should he bow out?

I'd love to see it. That's what he was famous for. I wouldn't want to see him in the main event though, save that for the younger guys. I'd like him to be a thorn in The Authority's side if anything. It wouldn't matter to me if he fought Big Show etc.
It looks like they're building towards Kane getting another run with the mask and turning face. It seems like they were teasing a break up with Kane and the Authority last night. When Kane eventually snaps and cleans house on members of The Authority it's going to get a huge pop. I could see Rollins and Kane having a good feud in the upcoming months.
However I don't see him returning to his 97 look and gimmick. Back then he had a great debut and an epic feud with The Undertaker and was part of the highest drawing period ever during the Attitude Era. They are not going to be able to recreate that just by giving him his old attire and music back.
YES. Kane has always been so much better when he's masked. The original 1997 Kane is arguably the most intimidating looking character WWE have ever had, and he was an awesome, unstoppable force. I was a huge fan of his up until he took the mask off, and then he was never the same. The "aura" had gone. The later masked incarnations were ok, but nowhere near the greatness of his debut persona.

I definitely think he'll end his career with the mask on, and will probably take it off in the ring as a symbol that he's calling it a day but I just want to see him look like 1997 Kane again, with the full body suit and PROPER Kane mask. Surely they can make it slightly easier for him to breathe, as he's said before he hated it (but wore it for years anyway).

I'd immediately be more interested in him again as I bet alot of the crowd would be too. Kane isn't a modern exciting character anyway and he's clearly in the final stages of a great I'd love the nostalgia of seeing his most popular persona return for one final run, so the fans remember this legend in the right way. Nothing beats original Kane, the guy was fucking brilliant.
They've tried to relaunch Kane in his 1997 style gimmick a few times now but we've got to remember that was 18 years ago, that Kane is gone. He deserves to go out in style, but I don't know how that would be.
Might as well. Go out with a bang, not a whimper. Everyone's favourite gimmick for Kane is his actual gimmick, so why not just go all out? If you think it's too old, then at least consider it will get a nostalgia pop before the end.
The 1997 Kane was unreal. Literally lights out at any second in the show, he comes out, Tombstone's everyone, Paul Bearer sends out a message to Undertaker, he leaves. It was so damn good.

The problem with doing that again is the mystique of him is gone. Back then we believed his face was badly burned in a fire, he was a tormented soul, he couldn't talk (remember when he first spoke with the voice box aide?). But now he'd just be wearing the outfit for the sake of it, without the mystery.

People fear what they don't know, and we didn't know what Kane was thinking or what was under the mask. Unless some angle comes along that causes him to have to wear the mask again, it'd be not much more than nostalgia without being able to believe that he is the same monster as during his initial run.
I use to always say so, but at this point I don't think so. I think where this thing with Rollins is going may be retirement for Kane. Think about it Kane turns face, and has a mini-feud with Rollins that ends with a Raw match and the stip being "NO DQ "if Kane loses he must retire." Kane losing the match with help from The Authority.

Post-match, he sits up to "Thank You Kane" chants and then sets his fire pyro off one last time.

We see Kane again at Summerslam as it is Triple H vs Roman Reigns (If Reigns wins there is no more Authority.) As Triple H begins to escape, Kane's pyro goes off and he returns in his 1997 attire with the rest of the roster behind him (even Show,J&J Security.) Triple H get's in the ring to a spear and 1-2-3. The Authority is gone. The roster begins to celebrate with Reigns, as Kane walks up the ramp and Undertaker walks out and they do the last ride post and walk away. Kane is never to be seen again, at least until his HOF induction. As for Taker, he is not to be seen again until a face-off with Sting.

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