Should Jericho bother coming back?

Arkham Noir

With black birds following me
I know alot of people love Y2J (myself included), but should he really come back to WWE? He has basically done everything there is to do as far as storylines and titles are concerned, but I don't think that there is a hole left in his absences or that the company really needs him.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that he isn't entertaining or that he woudn't add value, but it's just that there are so many up and coming stars that are trying to get their spot on the roster that maybe Jericho should just continue working with his band or maybe even expand his horizons elsewhere on more projects outside of wrestling.Then again, with so many new stars, maybe they should have some more veterans around to help them out.

So what do you think, should Jericho come back to wrestling? Is he needed back in wrestling?
I would like to see a face Jericho before he decides to pack up WWE, but other than that, I agree that he has done everything there is to be done and he's not exactly needed.

I think Jericho could hold down a great position at the announce table.
I know alot of people love Y2J (myself included), but should he really come back to WWE? He has basically done everything there is to do as far as storylines and titles are concerned, but I don't think that there is a hole left in his absences or that the company really needs him.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that he isn't entertaining or that he woudn't add value, but it's just that there are so many up and coming stars that are trying to get their spot on the roster that maybe Jericho should just continue working with his band or maybe even expand his horizons elsewhere on more projects outside of wrestling.Then again, with so many new stars, maybe they should have some more veterans around to help them out.

So what do you think, should Jericho come back to wrestling? Is he needed back in wrestling?

Chris Jericho is one of my favortie superstars of all time and yes he should come back. I am not saying that because I am a Y2J mark. I am saying that mainly because he has not done it all. Their is one thing Chris Jericho still hasn't done and that is win a Royal Rumble match. So Jericho should come back enter the rumble and win it. Another reason he needs to come back is to establish and help build up young and upcoming stars. He doesn't have to always job to them but he can be involved in storylines with them and make them look good in matches. I would love for him to come back with a face Y2J gimmick and have an intense feud with The Miz. I think that would help develop The Miz and give him a main event role on the roster.
In my opinion, I think Jericho should come back. Sure, you can say that he isn't really needed anymore what with him having accomplished enough already in his career. But still, it would be pretty awesome to see him for one final run. Whether it be running for the world title or putting over a talent, it'd be nice to see Jericho in the squared circle once more.

Besides, I know it's safe to say that we would all prefer Jericho to have a fitting ending in the WWE. For Jericho to have ended his career with that match against Orton really doesn't seem like a goo Jericho ending. I remember how he commented [in his DVD] that when the time came that he would retire, he would like to retire as a crying baby. Which, really makes no sense, but hey, it's Jericho we're talking about; I'm pretty sure he can pull it off nicely.

While it may be true that Jericho doesn't really need to accomplish more in the WWE, he could possibly still be a great asset. Jericho does a fantastic job of putting young talent over, and I believe that is what he should be doing once he comes back. Not only will he put some fresh guy over, he could possibly leave the way he's always wanted to leave WWE, as whiney baby.
Now that you mention it, I have barely noticed his absence or missed him. His heel character was starting to get realllly old. Not since his feud with HBK and then attacking all the raw guest hosts/legends has there really been anything interesting for his character. Just the same old promo calling everyone parasites in his annoying heel tone of voice.

As said above, if anything, I would welcome one last run as a face and truly going back to being "Y2J", but I'm not sure if that's in the cards. He played the heel so well for so long, I'm not sure he could ever really come back as the old wise-cracking version of himself. I believe he has said himself he much prefers being a heel but I can't believe he doesn't miss how fun his character used to be to some extent.

I'm kinda surprised how little his absence has meant to me and if word got out that he never planned to make a return to the WWE again, I wouldn't be too upset.

Frankly I haven't liked him as much since the haircut anyway. :p
I haven't missed his heel gimmick yes, but I'd love to see a countdown, face gimmick where he jokes around --> then you "Miz is the best on the mic" people will be shut up with JERICHO's awesome-ness xD.
Honestly I miss Jericho a whole lot. He got me back into the WWE in 2007 and I've continued watching ever since. I remember growing up as a kid and I really loved his work, as a kid I knew wrestling was fake but I still boo'd the hell out of heels because well, I don't know, I wasn't a smark growing up and I would boo them because I actually did hate them. The thing is, JEricho was the one heel I couldn't boo, in fact, I cheered for him the loudest. Yes, he needs to come back, only because I need him back lol. I miss his promos already, I miss his great matches.

HE needs to return as a face, and go back to the Y2J gimmick and retire with that gimmick. I want to see one world title run before he retires too.
I have no problems with Jericho coming back. One of the best of all time. It'd probably be quite helpful to the younger guy to have him there to help teach and advise. the business needs more vets in that role.
I say as long as he's enjoying it and healthy why not?
Jericho has gone on record saying that he is going through the best of his career and doesn't see himself stopping anytime soon, granted he's putting some focus into Fozzy and no shame to it. As for returning to the WWE, it's going to happen and I think he should come back, there's a whole ton of roster that's new and fresh that Jericho could work a great programme in, from the Nexus to Sheamus to even a proper feud with the Undertaker. Jericho has been one of WWE's top performers for a number of years and really upped his game when he returned in 2007. I honestly think that Jericho is far from done until he is satisfied with having a full out career which has the finish he wants.

People say that he's done all that's needed, but so has Cena, Orton, Triple H, Undertaker, Big Show, Kane, etc and yet they're still going strong, so what is different for Jericho?
Frankly I haven't liked him as much since the haircut anyway. :p

funny you mentioned this because i think this was one of the big reasons i hated his comeback. when i first heard he was coming back, i was expecting the "grunge-VH1-Heavy Metal" Jericho. And they decided a boy-band version would have been better. bleh.
People say that he's done all that's needed, but so has Cena, Orton, Triple H, Undertaker, Big Show, Kane, etc and yet they're still going strong, so what is different for Jericho?

The only difference is that Jericho has more outside of the buisness than those that you named. He has showed more intrest in being involved in outside projects than say Orton. Albeit, Cena has been involved in more outside the company, but those were all things he was doing as a way to promote the company.

I'll enjoy Jericho's return as much as the next guy. I'm just wondering if the need for him to return is there.
The only difference is that Jericho has more outside of the buisness than those that you named. He has showed more intrest in being involved in outside projects than say Orton. Albeit, Cena has been involved in more outside the company, but those were all things he was doing as a way to promote the company.

I'll enjoy Jericho's return as much as the next guy. I'm just wondering if the need for him to return is there.

I don't think it really matters. Jericho is one of their biggest names and IMO best workers as, while some may not enjoy his heel gimmick, he does a damn good job at heating up a crowd. If that's not happening you get massive Y2J chants instead. How do you even argue there's no need for him to return? Please go down the roster...where's the need for most of them to be there in relation to someone who is as established, over, and entertaining as Chris Jericho.
I know alot of people love Y2J (myself included), but should he really come back to WWE? He has basically done everything there is to do as far as storylines and titles are concerned, but I don't think that there is a hole left in his absences or that the company really needs him.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that he isn't entertaining or that he woudn't add value, but it's just that there are so many up and coming stars that are trying to get their spot on the roster that maybe Jericho should just continue working with his band or maybe even expand his horizons elsewhere on more projects outside of wrestling.Then again, with so many new stars, maybe they should have some more veterans around to help them out.

So what do you think, should Jericho come back to wrestling? Is he needed back in wrestling?

They don't really need him? I guess all these rookies are going to pan out! But if he wants to go ahead. I say leave while your on top. He's old now, his body looks more like William Regal's as the days go by. He has won everything there is to win. I also don't think he needs the money. With that said i say Jericho stay gone buddy.
I hope Jericho comes back I miss him terribly. I think that he could come back and win the title again as a face and find out who the gm is. If anybody can find out who the gm is it is Jericho then he could go over to SD. SD needs some more top stars since they want SD to be the #1 show and Raw has all of the top guys. Didn't they say something a few months ago about him going to SD when Edge did.
the very fact that jericho has accomplished it all makes it neccessary that he return. he is the one guy that could probably go on a ten match loosing streak, mainevent wrestlemania, and no one would think it was out of place. jericho can fit in anywhere and have a good fued or match with anyone. hell, the only time i found cena entertaining for the longest time was in his fued with jericho. Jericho can put anyone over, so i think he should come back like shawn micheals. he may never need to have the title again, but he can certainly establish a star better than almost anyone, and with the wwe's youth movement, they need someone like jericho.

and as one person said, he still needs a royal rumble victory. :)
Of course Jericho should come back. He has stated a few times that he still has a few years left in him, and he's enjoying his time right now. Why should he stop now? He's still on of the best in the ring and on the mic, no matter how much people felt he was getting stale. I enjoy his work, and if he is too then there's no reason for him to leave. While he may have other interests outside of wrestling, he still has a passion and love for wrestling. Until that's gone, he should continue as long as he wants. So, yes, he should come back.
He's a big star, but he's not a huge start. He's also smaller and older. He's not the Triple H type that will always have a spot on the card. Jericho is someone that gives the huge star his next feud, he isn't the star that gets his next feud.

However, I'd like to see one more epic, all-out run and then a retirement, to be honest. I don't want to see a man that worked his ass off to get out of the mid-card be relegated back to the mid-card.
Jericho should come back. One thing you failed to say is Jericho is the reason that most of those young guys have gotten over (in the littlest bit) in the WWE. That guy has give so much back to the business in so many ways with the younger wrestlers (er eh entertainers). He has taken his lumps, dished them out, and taken them again so many times.

I know he has done everything stat wise that a wrestler can do but, I would like to see him find his replacement first. Groom the young man, and have that guy retire him in a match. That is how I think he should go out.
Jericho is still great, one of the overall best in pro wrestling today in my view. I think Jericho has contributed quite a bit since his return to the WWE. He continues to put on high quality matches, continues to be solid gold on the mic and can put anybody on the roster over while still coming out smelling like roses.

Chris Jericho is, quite simply, having a lot of fun doing what he's doing in the WWE right now. He would've been gone a long time ago if he wasn't as he certainly doesn't need the money. Right now, I'd love to see Jericho come back soon and start a feud with Daniel Bryan. Since CM Punk is on the injured list for the next 3 months, I think Jericho would be a great fued for Bryan. We know the matches would be great, the promos would be gold and a feud with Jericho would only elevate Daniel Bryan even if he were to come out on the losing end.

Chris Jericho is someone that can contribute a helluva lot. He knows it, the fans know it & the WWE brass knows it too.
Does Jericho need the WWE anymore, no.
He is an established WWE Legend, future Hall of Famer (if it had NFL Rules he'd be '1st Ballot'), a bonafide rock star with successful tours and album sales, in the mainstream media he can be placed firmly in the C-D List (which aint bad for a wrestler with only one major motion picture).

Does WWE need Chris Jericho anymore, not necessarily.
They have their main eventers in place for now (Cena/Orton/Taker/Edge) and the next 5 years (CM Punk, Miz, Sheamus, Barrett). So Jericho who, while a great champion, was basically a 'spot starter' in the main event isn't really needed unless injury or worse insues. WWE has midcard talent (Rhodes, Bryan, Ziggler, Mysterio, Del Rio, DiBiase, and yes Santino) that, while Creative hasn't really helped always, can entertain in ring and on the mic. So Chris can only really be best utilized to make up for the deficencies in the writing room. Kinda below his pay grade in my opinion.

But because they (WWE/Jericho) don't need each other, it doesn't mean we don't need him.
There is a void there now that he is gone. It may not affect all of us but seriously, his last SD! run, he was a solid promo, could get everyone involved over, generated heat, and delivered in the ring, and never got seriously injured. He was the one person on that roster that you could put out there and not worry about.

Unlike Taker, Mysterio, and Edge (all injury prone); Swagger or MVP (can't connect with the crowd); CM Punk, Big Show, and Christian (seem to have all of 'it', but 'it' doesn't come together for some reason).

On NXT he was very instrumental for helping Wade Barrett get over. Besides the backstage help Barrett has praised him for, check out the commentary when Jericho had Wade replace him in the 'Pro vs. Rookie' tag match...amazing. His job as a manager ringside was great also, the way he'd interact with Josh Matthews while working the apron. He'd yell at Josh to mention how great Wade was after a move or counter. Every now and then the camera would catch the smile on his face as he was actually enjoying himself before they'd cut away.

On RAW...back to JeriShow, he was entertaining all of the time. The banned from RAW conspiracy theory, while not as classic as his WCW one back in the day was so much fun. He did get lost in the shuffle when he last had a RAW run, but thats because the show was too top heavy. He needed to stay on SD! then.

In closing, I think there is a lot left for Chris Jericho to accomplish in WWE. While he has won the World Title a few times since his '07 return, he hasn't won the WWE Title since he Unified them 7 or so year's ago. So a title run there would be awesome.

A U.S. Title run can accomplish a few things, help get the champ he beats to the next level by having some great matches, give him the one non-crusier title left for the taking (he's never been US Champ), and then put over another up-and-comer when dropping the title. I think CM Punk is the only one left on both roster's that are able/most likely willing to do such a thing.

He never won the Royal Rumble. That IMO is a travesty that meeds to be rectified.

And I feel he deserves a shot at Taker at Wrestlemainia, of course to lose. There are only a few Susperstars left that Taker hasn't faced that EARNED the privelige to go at 'Mainia. Chris Jericho heads that list. (Cena and Mysterio, surprisingly are the other two).
He's a big star, but he's not a huge start. He's also smaller and older. He's not the Triple H type that will always have a spot on the card. Jericho is someone that gives the huge star his next feud, he isn't the star that gets his next feud.

I couldn't disagree more. He is a huge star in the WWE, and he's accomplished a lot for a smaller guy. His age isn't a factor here either. There are lot's of guys on the roster around the same age he is and they're doing just fine.

Of course HHH will always have a spot, he's married to the owner's only daughter. One day he and Stephanie will be running the company. As a matter of fact, he's only wrestler on the entire roster who never has to worry about having a position in the WWE.

I do agree that they could use Jericho to get some of the mid card over, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen. As much as I would love to see Jericho back, it's really his choice.

Like someone else said, he has projects outside wrestling that he can get involved in, and more power to him.
Why exactly shouldn't he bother? He's had a great past 2-3 years time with WWE and have accomplished a lot. Sure he doesn't exactly need to return because he has accomplished everything. Yet the very fact that Jericho had already accomplished more or less anything in WWE when he left the first time, should show that he is more than able to return.

Jericho still has a great ability to put over people. Be it main eventers, mid-carders or anything. Whether anybody likes to admit it or not, he is just like Shawn Michaels, completely and utterly beatable without loosing much, if any credibility.

Chris is still able to entertain the crowd, able to accomplish creating more stars with the business and beyond. And I'm sure considering he's only 39, that he's still more than able to go.

Also, let's not forget that a paycheck is a paycheck, and I doubt Chris makes a lousy amount of money with WWE.
I do think there is a bit for Jericho to achieve in his career. For one he has never exactly been a great face as he has been as a heel. Now at the *** end of his career, I think he would make a great veteran babyface in the mould of HBK.

I do feel his heel character has run its course no matter how great it was. But then again there is a dearth of heels on the Smackdown roster so he could go there to even things up a bit.

But I do want him to turn face. He could, in that way, feud with so many guys he has not feuded in the past. Maybe he could come in once again to save Raw from Wade Barrett and the Nexus. It could lead to a great teacher vs student feud. The whole stuff of "I made now and now I'm gonna break you" could be classic.

Then he hasn't won the Royal Rumble either. I'd like to see him do that as well.
He just turned 40, but that isn't an automatic retirement age. It just means he has to plan how he wants to go out in the next few years. He can still make a lot of young guys look great. Beating Y2J is a big rub for anyone starting out. I think his last run should be as a face, with the long hair and topknot, shouting all his catchphrases, classic countdown spread arms entrance, etc.
Hell yes- No question about it. Jericho is a well established name in wrestling and has had a tremendous career complete with dozens of great matches and memorable promos. He's still able to put on quality matches and elicit a good reaction from the crowd on a consistent basis.

This is all well and good, but the most important part of it all is that he is willing to put people over using this qualities. The WWE has finally begun creating solid main event guys for the future and Jericho could be a vital part in ensuring that these guys have staying power. He can work a fued with anybody and make it meaningful. Unlike many of the older guys, Jericho has shown a tremendous willingness to put over new talent. The WWE would be crazy not to take advantage of that.

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