Should it have been Christian?

Unrated Superstar

Thufferin' Thuccatash!
So obviously the original plan for the "secret attacker" angle with Jeff Hardy was for the culprit to be Christian. But since everyone knew, they decided to change it to Matt Hardy just to swerve us. Now some say (Mark Madden for example) that it was a bad idea to change the plan just for the sake of surprising the audience. And I might be inclined to agree with that...except for one thing...I think it was a stupid idea in the first place. I went into this just a bit in the "Christian to ECW" thread, but I thought this would make a good topic itself.

Really, what sense would it have made for Christian to be the attacker? It's not like he ever had a big rivalry with Jeff Hardy before, and I can't imagine any explanation for it that doesn't involve Edge. Sure, it may have made a bigger splash, but it would have caused him to be overshadowed. The angle wouldn't really have been about him. Even if it led to a match with him against Hardy at Wrestlemania, the premise would have been based on him helping his Edge and it would have been pointless. The angle would have made him just as much of a tool as Hawkins, Ryder, or Chavo Guerrero. How the hell would that benefit him?

Matt Hardy being the culprit had a logical explanation, at least by sports entertainment standards. It was a way better fit and benefitted Matt because it had nothing to do with Edge, it was about Matt doing his own thing.

Back to Christian...he's on ECW, getting a chance to re-establish himself, doing his own thing, and he's getting a pretty decent push. From what I hear, he's not even gonna be there that long, just long enough to get back in the game. There are a few people who say he's being punished, but I feel that making him the Jeff Hardy culprit would have been way more of a punishment. The way they brought Christian back completely focused on him, the way I feel it should be. In addition, the fact that they surprised more people is icing on the cake. In my opinion, the WWE definitely made the right call on this, even if they might have done it for the wrong reasons.

So what I ask is, do you think WWE should have gone with the original plan and made Christian the culprit? Or do you think Matt replacing him in the role and doing what they did with Christian on ECW was a better idea? As you can see, I'm going with the latter, how about you?

Edit: Wasn't sure what section to put this in, went with Smackdown since it's regarding a Smackdown storyline.
Well I'm not sure we can really make a judgment on which would be better for sure, but, for Christian's career in the long term, I would probably go with your choice, simply because, if he was the Hardy attacker, and a match was set up with him and Hardy at WM, Hardy would almost-assuredly go over him (as faces tend to do at 'Mania). This alternate role on ECW should, IMO, help elevate Christian based on how he's going to do. This option allows the WWE to monitor how the fans are responding to him, and book him accordingly (the other option would have had him being forced down the fans' throat, like it or not, with the possibility of burning his character out too fast- him being on ECW leaves you wanting more, it leaves you wanting to watch ECW every week to see what's next for Christian).
I'd have liked it to be Christian - it'd really reignite some old memories for a lot of fans, automatically giving Christian quite a push. I think many fans will tell you that they have some great memories of TLC matches, back when the Tag division had some of the best matches and storylines on the show. Having Christian go straight for one of his oldest rivals, when Jeff Hardy is one of the most loved in the business at the moment would have worked wonders.
Well I'm not sure we can really make a judgment on which would be better for sure, but, for Christian's career in the long term, I would probably go with your choice, simply because, if he was the Hardy attacker, and a match was set up with him and Hardy at WM, Hardy would almost-assuredly go over him (as faces tend to do at 'Mania). This alternate role on ECW should, IMO, help elevate Christian based on how he's going to do. This option allows the WWE to monitor how the fans are responding to him, and book him accordingly (the other option would have had him being forced down the fans' throat, like it or not, with the possibility of burning his character out too fast- him being on ECW leaves you wanting more, it leaves you wanting to watch ECW every week to see what's next for Christian).

Those are certainly good points as well. I also feel it was a better idea to debut him as a face. Redebuting after a 3-year hiatus, a lot of people missed him and are gonna want to cheer him, especially being that he was getting over pretty well toward the end of his last run. And yeah, I couldn't really see him going over Hardy at Wrestlemania, unless it involved a big screwjob, like possibly having Matt run in and cost Jeff the match...but in that situation, Matt would have made much less of an impact when turning on his brother. Plus, in my opinion, Wrestlemania matches should have a good premise, which they normally do...because you want people to care about the match. In this situation, it just would have been another situation where people want to see Jeff beat the bad guy.
I'd have liked it to be Christian - it'd really reignite some old memories for a lot of fans, automatically giving Christian quite a push. I think many fans will tell you that they have some great memories of TLC matches, back when the Tag division had some of the best matches and storylines on the show. Having Christian go straight for one of his oldest rivals, when Jeff Hardy is one of the most loved in the business at the moment would have worked wonders.

It may have reignited some old memories, but they were only involved in a tag team feud. Why would Christian attack Jeff time after time and cost him the title just because they had a tag team feud that was never really extremely personal? After all, it was basically just two of the top tag teams feuding back then, it wasn't like there was some big grudge that lasted beyond it. If anything, you'd think he'd rather attack Edge, being that they actually had some intense one-on-one feuds after splitting up. And if you really want to reignite old memories, you might as well put them in some kind of tag team TLC rematch...and that may have been fun to watch, but partnering up Edge and Christian again in a major storyline (as opposed to a one or two night novelty match) would have been a significant step backward for both of them. They've both gone their seperate ways and that's the way I feel it should stay.
I thought at first it would have been better to have Christian to be the culprit but after he debuted on ECW i started thinking about it and agree with you UnderatedSuperstar & PlayTheGame coz if Christian came back as the guy behind Jeff's attacks to help Edge win the title it would make no sense. The only good thing to come out of something like that would be a possibly gimmick match involving the 4 (Matt, Jeff, Edge & Christian) but it wouldnt have allowed Christian to get over again as a singles competitor.

I think this direction is good, it gives Christian a chance to make a name for HIMSELF and after WM and the draft he could possibly move to Smackdown, or even Raw. I think for the moment it's good for him to be on ECW, it will ultimatley help ECW and even Swagger too.
Didn't Matt Hardy say that it wasn't him who did all those things to Jeff during his first heel promo?

Or atleast he said it couldn't be proven, which could be interperted as either he just doesn't want to admit it or he actually wasn't behind it.

I highly doubt it, but maybe Christian was the one and it will be revealed at some point.
I think the angle in the first place when it started in survior series was stupid up to now i mean nobodys is going to belive that matt hardy is trying to kill his own brother by running him over with a car and trying to killing him with pyro techinians people might belive he knouck him unconious but actully trying to kill his brother over jelsouy but yeah i do agree that christian should of been the attacker or someone close to jeff like hurrincane helms maybe i mean hurrincane helms new the hardys befor wrestling and he could of said im tired of the hardys hoging all the spotlight and not leting me someone like a brother get any
Personally I think it's for the best that it wasn't Christian. At first Christian would probably be pushed to the moon, but he would always be under Edge's shadow in the WWE. This way Christian can make his own idenity seperate from Edge. And while he would be in a feud with Jeff not Edge they still would get compared, and probably put together right away which would be a step down from both.

Also look at it this way. Now that Christian is on ECW and wasn't the attacker he is already getting a decent push. It's on ECW which is "low" but it still is a mainevent role. He still is going to be sucessful, where as if Matt wasn't revealed to be the attacker he would have probably had a few rematches with Swagger and countinue to play it safe and plain. Now that it's Matt who is the attacker it really adds to Matt Hardy's credibility and moves him up a few pegs.

I know all of us want Edge, Christian, Matt, Jeff match in someway, shape, or form. I say hold your horses it will happen eventually. Having Hardy be the attacker just made sure both have a chance to countinue to grow.
Didn't Matt Hardy say that it wasn't him who did all those things to Jeff during his first heel promo?

Or atleast he said it couldn't be proven, which could be interperted as either he just doesn't want to admit it or he actually wasn't behind it.

I highly doubt it, but maybe Christian was the one and it will be revealed at some point.

He obviously didn't want to admit it...which makes sense, because why would you publically admit straight up that you did all those things? It was his way of being subtly admitting to it without downright incriminating himself. As for Christian being revealed to be the culprit down the road...I highly doubt it. If they wanted to make Christian the attacker, you'd hope they would have just gone ahead with the Royal Rumble plan where he would have made the biggest impact. They're obviously just having Christian do his own thing, which is the way it should be.

I think the angle in the first place when it started in survior series was stupid up to now i mean nobodys is going to belive that matt hardy is trying to kill his own brother by running him over with a car and trying to killing him with pyro techinians people might belive he knouck him unconious but actully trying to kill his brother over jelsouy

It doesn't really make much more sense, if any, that Christian would have done it. At least Matt Hardy was able to explain a motive, whereas I'm sure when they would have tried to explain Christian's motive, it would have come out a lot more forced. As is the case with most storylines in wrestling, you must suspend your disbelief...and with your disbelief suspended, Matt Hardy was simply a better fit for the role. And may I repeat, the role benefitted Matt Hardy way more than it would have benefitted was win-win for both of them.

At first Christian would probably be pushed to the moon, but he would always be under Edge's shadow in the WWE.

Well as far as Christian being "pushed to the moon" at first, I don't know if I'd even call it that. He would have been under Edge's shadow from the start. A push is about more than just being involved in a major storyline. In my opinion, it's also about making a wrestler look like a legitimate force to be reckoned with. I think comparing the role he'd have to Chavo Guerrero's, while he may naturally look considerably more credible, isn't too much of a stretch. He'd be making his initial impact as Edge's cronie, which is what Chavo is as well. Sure, Chavo is involved in this major storyline, but would you say he's being pushed to the moon? No, he's being portrayed as a total putz. That's what Christian would be as well, just to a lesser degree. Chavo was pushed when they made him ECW champion. He may have been the champion of the C show, but he was progressing...then he became Edge's bitch and it was a complete step backwards that I doubt he will ever be able to recover from. If Christian had initially been put in that role, the same damage may have been done to him.

For arguement's sake, let's say Christian had been revealed as the culprit, what would have been the best storyline possible to make him look credible? Best I could think of for his sake would be him turning on Edge soon after, saying he didn't take out Hardy as a favor to Edge, but rather just to get him out of the way so he could challenge Edge for the title. That's the best method I could imagine to make put him in that role without making him look like a tool. But in the long-run, it wouldn't have worked for him, or storywise. He would be feuding with Edge, naturally presumed to be the good guy, but he already fucked up Hardy, so people are already gonna be hating him...can't just change things up like that so easily. Also, he wouldn't have ended up going over, and then it most likely would be all downhill from there. I can't think of any other way to make him look credible in that role, much less one that would have made sense. Bottom line, how could he be made credible as long as he's alligned with Edge, naturally being second-string below him? He'd be doomed from the start, thus not being involved in anything at all that I would ever consider a legitimate push.

Also look at it this way. Now that Christian is on ECW and wasn't the attacker he is already getting a decent push. It's on ECW which is "low" but it still is a mainevent role. He still is going to be sucessful, where as if Matt wasn't revealed to be the attacker he would have probably had a few rematches with Swagger and countinue to play it safe and plain. Now that it's Matt who is the attacker it really adds to Matt Hardy's credibility and moves him up a few pegs.

My sentiments exactly. Like I said, it works best for Matt and Christian. Win-win. Christian has an opportunity to build himself up on his own, and Matt advances from a point where he had done pretty much all he could do in ECW.

I know all of us want Edge, Christian, Matt, Jeff match in someway, shape, or form. I say hold your horses it will happen eventually. Having Hardy be the attacker just made sure both have a chance to countinue to grow.

Agreed completely. I have no doubt that there will be some combination of these guys in some sort of feud. Whether there be alliances involved, or even every man for himself, it'll happen. But it's better off not being rushed, and when it does happen, it'll be worth waiting for.
I said it when the rumours started flaring up, so I shall say it again.

The best thing you can do for Christian is to keep him away from Edge for a while, have him on another brand. They need to do with Christian what they did with Jericho when he came back. He came in, went in the midcard and worked his way up to win the WHC becoming a much bigger star for it.

What would be better for Christian in the long run? Throwing him straight in to a situation in WWE where he's had no experience (ie main eventing, he did in TNA but not really in WWE) or have him as main event on their third brand and work his way up from there. Yup, the ECW option.

So it's because of that, and the fact that I wanted to see Matt v Jeff that I am glad they had Matt as the assailant with no Christian involvement whatsoever.
I totally agree with Lee, he would've become Edge's sidekick if they had been on the same brand.
While I did want it to be Christian who attacked Jeff since it would've been a bigger way for him to come in, that's all it would have been. It would've done nothing for him in the long term, he merely would've had a match at Mania which he would probably lost to Jeff.

Now, he's the biggest guy on ECW, he's bound to be the champion and then he'll go to Smackdown to be a serious WWE title contender now that Edge has (has he?) gone to Raw.
In fact, I think we'll be seeing Orton vs Christian in the future, maybe by Summerslam? Here's hoping, anyway.
Actually, I still want Matt Hardy to be the assailant, but here's where my opinion differs. Christian should wait out until a surprise appearance at No Way Out Smackdown Elimination Chamber.

Last 2 wrestlers, Jeff and Edge duking it out. Jeff beats the hell outta Edge and prepares for a Swanton Bomb. Matt Hardy interferes and Edge capitalize for the moment. Jeff becomes insane and beats Matt out of the cage, and beat Edge down again.

The crowd would go "Jeff even survived Matt's attack! What's stopping him from getting back his title!?" As the crowd is popping like crazy as Jeff prepares to hit the Swanton Bomb again, Christian comes out of the crowd and screws Jeff, and Edge successfully pins him this time. E&C raise arms high at the end of the PPV. Tremendous emotional roller-coaster ride.

The Ultimate Opportunist gimmick is just getting... old. Beating down contenders, or abusing Vickie's authority to sneak his way into championship matches. He's surely gonna win the damn title when that happens. Arghhh...

Christian acts as Edge's sidekick for a month, using his relations with Vickie to secure a spot in MITB for WM. Christian wins it, and either 1) show the dominance of E&C at the end of WM, raising up the MITB briefcase and WWE title up high, or 2) go with a shock factor of Christian turning on Edge and cash in immediately after his title defense.

That solves the problem of Christian being Edge's lackey, or Christian being Jeff's bitch at WM. And this sets up a credible 4-way Hardy/E&C title match down the road, probably Summerslam. Matt/Edge - Lita affair, Matt/Jeff - Assailant angle, Jeff/Christian - Screwed at NWO, Edge/Christian - Screwed at WM, Edge/Jeff - current feud.

But the corporate backstage is much more complicated than we can comprehend. I guess Vince just can't wholeheartedly trust a guy who left the company for TNA.
So obviously the original plan for the "secret attacker" angle with Jeff Hardy was for the culprit to be Christian. But since everyone knew, they decided to change it to Matt Hardy just to swerve us.

Umm, nowhere was it ever set in stone that Christian was suppose to be the culprit, it's not obvious at all in fact, the only reason why people thought that crap was because they read that Christian was leaving TNA, and then came up with this shit on their own, no where was it even reported that Christian had even signed with WWE by the time the RR happened, WWE's idea was likely always to have Matt turn heel, the IWC just simply fooled themselves into believing Christian was going to return at the RR
Umm, nowhere was it ever set in stone that Christian was suppose to be the culprit, it's not obvious at all in fact, the only reason why people thought that crap was because they read that Christian was leaving TNA, and then came up with this shit on their own, no where was it even reported that Christian had even signed with WWE by the time the RR happened, WWE's idea was likely always to have Matt turn heel, the IWC just simply fooled themselves into believing Christian was going to return at the RR

Ok, maybe not obvious or set in stone, I'll give you that. I would disagree with you on the plan being for Matt to be the culprit the whole time though, as I've heard various reports that Christian was at least being considered and they are certainly believable. Regardless, a legitimate premise for the thread still stands, as it was a conceivable plan, regardless of whether the IWC, WWE, or both had it in mind.
If the original plan was to have Christian be the culprit, then they should have
gone with it, it would have made more sense.
Forget overshadowing by being Edge's lackey, he could have turned on Edge too if
they had plans to move him up quickly, in any case, being a lackey in the main events
on Smackdown beats being a road agent performing with rookie talent on ECW.
It almost seems like they purposely did not want to make a big deal of his return.
As far as Matt being the one that was behind all the "accidents", well, they didn't
make it clear yet, and I hope they don't pin them on him, it's already laughable that
Matt would turn on Jeff in a way that would benefit Edge, of all people, but if they want
us to buy he actually tried to kill Jeff over some title, well, they are out of their mind.
Matt Hardy never confessed to doing those things to Jeff. It's just assumed he did since he turned on his brother. WWE probably left this whole thing open ended so that maybe down the line they can reveal who truly did that stuff to Jeff and his girl. It could still be Christian.
It's a good thing for Christian and his success in the WWE this time around. That he wasn't involved in any angle involving Edge. The problem during his last run with the company wasn't that he didn't possess the talent. It's that he wasn't Edge. Christian worked really hard to build an identity for himself in TNA. But then he was misutilized by being overshadowed by far inferior talent or lack thereof. Now he's on ECW and he will have a chance to shake off a little ring rust, build himself back up, work with some young talent who could use the rub, and stay the hell away from Edge. Edge is doing his thing Christian is doing his. Also Matt is now a breath of fresh air as before he was so dry. I always found myself asking why matt hardy? I mean we all give him a free pass for TLC thats what it is. You could ask why I hated Matt Hardy and then I'd retort with why do you like him? Simple Question. He's actually interesting now. This kind of feels like the Owen/Bret thing to me. Could be the whole fighting brothers thing idk. Silly ain't it?:smashfreakB:
No it shouldn't have been Christian. There was never any reason for him to attack Jeff whatsoever. People jumped to conclusions like no other on this angle. Just because Christian was rumored to be signing on Smackdown and then there was a single rumor on WZ, people KNEW it was going to be Christian, just like they KNEW he was going to be in the Rumble, and then they KNEW he was going to be at NWO, until he debuted on ECW as a face in a completely unrelated role. People for some reason ignored the simple answer that Edge attacked Hardy. Was it impossible to assume that Hardy caught a glimpse of who beat him up and it was Edge?

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