Should HBK be awarded any more World Titles?

SHOULD HBK get any more world titles? I personally think he DESERVES another world title reign. But does he NEED it? Absolutely not. He's already had such an epic, storied career that having another title reign will do him no favors. HBK has nothing left to prove. However, as Sid pointed out already, giving the title to HBK will freshen up the title picture which undoubtedly is what we all want to see. Personally though, I'd LOVE to see HBK hold the proverbial brass ring at least one more time as it would give us something we haven't seen in almost ten years, I believe.
Personally I'd love to see HBK as champion again, but I think the majority of us know that he doesn't need to have a title to back up his main event status; he's been wrestling for years and day in day out he shows us why he'll always be at the top. He's one of those guys that we'll never get tired of seeing, whether he's actually wrestling or just cutting a promo; he brings back memories of classic showdowns with guys like Razor Ramon and Bret Hart in the 90s, as well as his accomplishments after he came back from injury. HBK is a definite Hall of Famer, but he'll never need another title to define him or show his worth; he's earned it well in advance.
For HBK to be champion again would deffinately not be much of a stretch. Unfortuneately he has surpassed the status where making him a champion doesn't change the view or 'worth' of Shawn Michaels. He is surpassed that level to where being a champion wouldn't put any more relavance to him or the character known. In order, honestly, for it to really be fully appreciated, he would have to have close to a year long title reign and retire dropping the belt to the next 'it guy' though as far as getting anymore to define what he is, unnessecary
Sure I think he should have 1 more run with one of the titles. It wont benefit him I agree, however I think he would be a perfect champion for the likes of Morrison to have a great fued with for a strap.

Benefit HBK...not really

Benefit better believe it
Over Shawn Michaels' 20 odd year career with the WWE he has won 3 WWE titles and 1 World Heavyweight Title. I would like to know whether people think HBK's career/legacy will be tarnished atall by the fact that he has now not won either title since 2002.

Of course he is going to be remembered as an all time great, but would his career look better with more title runs? or does the standard of matches he has put on over the years mean that it doesn't matter how many times he has held the belt?

Tarnished? Not in the slightest. At the end of the day when we recognise achievements, at Hall of Fame ceremonies, for example, what do title reigns mean to a persons career? Achievements doesn't necessarily mean the amount of titles held, it's about their contribution to the company, and the amount of things we can remember for them. Making a montage of Shawn's best moments would be incredibly difficult because of all the truly great matches he's had. He's my favourite wrestler for a reason, and that is that he has had more outstanding matches than any other wrestler I've watched. And at the end of the day, the matches are more important than whether he was handed a belt at the end of it or not.
in brief i think yes HBK should have one final run with the title his last one was in 2002 and only lasted a month since then yes he's been in many title matches mostly to Cena and on the losing end every time but ALWAYS putting on the performance of the nighthe truely is the personifaction of MR PPV hes getting to that point where a short heel turn with the title still seems plausible, and with what he's given to the business no one deserves it more while he's still got 'it' where at a perfect point for it to happen to now i highly dubt HBK is gonna win the Rumble so thers gotta be another way for setting u;p the match with Taker at WM maybe somehow HBK could wriggle his way into a title match with Taker before WM and 'steel' the match quickly enraging the deadman and setting up the innevitable next victory in 'The Streak!' for Taker. whatever they do with HBk this god awfule excuse for DX needs to come to an end real soon both HBK & HHH's talents are been wasted both need to be heeel there s no better heel in the business than HHH and HBK need a brief run just to keep his character fresh. HBK doenst so much need one last title run as deserve one even if only for 1 month i think its the right thing to do
While it'd be cool to see HBK get another run with the belt, all reports state he doesn't want it. Too much of a schedule to keep up. Does he deserve it, absolutely. The guy is still probably the best overall worker on Raw. He doesn't need a run with the title obviously, but it'd be great to see it. As a heel especially. But it's probably not possible to turn him heel at this point. Either way, HBK is a legend. I really think it comes down to him not wanting the belt.
I say when HBK is about to retire he should get a few month reign as WWE Champion, while putting over the young talent on RAW. But I do not think Shawn Micheals even wants another World Championship run.
HBK has not been a world chamion in such a long time and I do not think it is a bad move at all considering I feel he could be a very strong champion for WWE even today. I say give HBK the ball one more time.
Shawn Micheals does not need the title aagain but they should let him have it one more time before he retires. Look at what he has done for the business. He has helped it be what it is today. He is going to be one of the best with or without the title but he does deserve it one more time. However with that said maybe he doesnt want it anymore because he does want a lighter schedule so who knows but I hope he does get it one more time.
I think when its time for HBK to retire, they'll work in some sort of program for him to retire as the champ. Maybe at a Wrestlemania, or on RAW...someway I can see them putting the strap on him in his final run, or winning it on his last match, then retiring afterwards. I think HBK deserves it for all he's done in the business. Retire on top.
Seeing HBK make another run with the championship as a heel would be fantastic. There are so many feuds that he could have while on top. Punk, Morrison, Miz, Kofi, etc. The problem is with his back and his limited schedule on the road, it probably won't happen and its a shame cuz he does deserve one last hurrah. However, it is great to know that his legacy won't be tarnished one bit cuz of lack of world title reigns throughout his career. Titles get bounced around from person to person at such ridicoulous paces that it really makes Flair's record seem unimportant. These inflated title reigns are starting to resemble MLB and their HR dilemea. HBK and Bret Hart are in the same boat. Sure others have more world title reigns, but who has performed up to their level? Remember its about quality not quanity.

Shawn deserves one more title reign. He's busted his tail and come back early from injuries because the WWE was short staffed. He's been constantly popular for a long time and really does deserve one more reign before he calls it quits as its been quite a long time since the last time he had the belt.

Personally I think it would be a great injustice if he didn't get it one more time; even if its not a long reign.
yes, he needs another title reign, because he deserves it, and because any championship match he's been in since he lost it in 2002 are so predictable it's pathetic. you aready KNOW he won't win the title so the match is pointless. he either loses or wins by dq. lame. they really need to give him the title or never put him in another title bout, cause it's a discrace making the best ever go like 0-100 in title matches since 03. seriously, why do they REFUSE to give him the title? do they secretly hate him? something is not right. 1 thing is for sure, if he's in a title match, you know he won't win the title EVER AGAIN. that actually ticks me off so much i think i'm gonna stop watching for another year straight. i did it before cause of this, may 07 - May 08. same with the royal rumble, i KNEW he wouldn't win, it's become beyond predictable. making the best of all time a jobber is unexceptable, and the 0 for whatever(0-100?) title match streak is a sick joke. yea, i'm not happy about it if you can't tell
yes, he needs another title reign, because he deserves it, and because any championship match he's been in since he lost it in 2002 are so predictable it's pathetic. you aready KNOW he won't win the title so the match is pointless. he either loses or wins by dq. lame. they really need to give him the title or never put him in another title bout, cause it's a discrace making the best ever go like 0-100 in title matches since 03. seriously, why do they REFUSE to give him the title? do they secretly hate him? something is not right. 1 thing is for sure, if he's in a title match, you know he won't win the title EVER AGAIN. that actually ticks me off so much i think i'm gonna stop watching for another year straight. i did it before cause of this, may 07 - May 08. same with the royal rumble, i KNEW he wouldn't win, it's become beyond predictable. making the best of all time a jobber is unexceptable, and the 0 for whatever(0-100?) title match streak is a sick joke. yea, i'm not happy about it if you can't tell

It's not the case that they refuse to put the belt on him, if HBK had wanted to be champion over the last 7 years he would have been on more than one occassion.

I do think you have a valid point though when you say any title match with him in has become extremely predictable. And while I also agree with a majority of the posters on this thread that he does not need the title, the fact that a superstar of his calibre has had so many title shots since 2002 and not won any of them is not right regardless of whether he wanted or needed to be champ.
yea, he has lost an insane amount in a row. that or the predictable lame DQ win. i hate the argument he doesn't need it. that's punishing him for being great and rewarding slugs like Shameus, Jeff Hardy, Batista, JBL, etc for being mediocre. it makes no sense
yea, he has lost an insane amount in a row. that or the predictable lame DQ win. i hate the argument he doesn't need it. that's punishing him for being great and rewarding slugs like Shameus, Jeff Hardy, Batista, JBL, etc for being mediocre. it makes no sense

I think you've misunderstood Shawn 'not needing' the title - it's in no way punishing him for being great. Shawn is always going to be remembered as an all-time great. He hasn't won nearly as many titles as is becoming the norm for big stars, but that isn't taking away from him legacy in any way. We'll always know him as The Showstopper, the man who could steal a show and have a great match with absolutely anyone.
but that's punishing him for being great. "ahh let him lose 100 straight title matches, he's still great and everyone knows it". while it's true he's great with or without a title(best ever imo), that doesn't excuse the ridiculous unjustifiable predictable streak of coming up short for 7 straight years. he should have had it at least twice within that span, 0 is inexcusable. triple h gets the belt 13 times with not even 1/4 the great matches hbk has had, same with edge, orton, cena, etc. punishing him for being great, or vince secretly hates him, or hbk rufeses the title behind closed doors(that i doubt). him and his fans deserve another title reign or 4

they made him get jumped by the spirit squad every other week for a year and 1/2. ending it with that throw you really high in the air thing each week. for that embarrassing time alone they should owe him 4 titles. but he gets 0 instead, nice. i bet TNA would love to give him the title and show him respect
but that's punishing him for being great. "ahh let him lose 100 straight title matches, he's still great and everyone knows it". while it's true he's great with or without a title(best ever imo), that doesn't excuse the ridiculous unjustifiable predictable streak of coming up short for 7 straight years. he should have had it at least twice within that span, 0 is inexcusable. triple h gets the belt 13 times with not even 1/4 the great matches hbk has had, same with edge, orton, cena, etc. punishing him for being great, or vince secretly hates him, or hbk rufeses the title behind closed doors(that i doubt). him and his fans deserve another title reign or 4

Look at my avatar and signture, in no way am I saying anything bad about Shawn or that he doesn't deserve a title win, and him 'not needing' the title is not a reason to justify not giving him it, it's a way to appease those who complain this is going to harm his legacy - it isn't. If you view his schedule now, he rarely works House Shows. And with him also working Smackdown, it simply isn't feasible to expect all the extra shows; it'd tire him out, possible cause injury to an already less than 100% body (In some ways...) and possibly shorten the amount of time he stays in the business - is it another title reign worth that to you?
Yes, he should. He lets young guys go over unlike Triple H. He is in good shape and shows up every week sometimes to wrestle unlike his longtime feud Undertaker. He still can pull off good matches. He survived a career threatening back injury.

He is way deserving of another World title reign. He should get more fueds an work with more good people too like Jericho and Morrison, Punk and fued wih Legacy or Miz. Maybe have Jenetty a contract and Shawn can maybe try to boost his talent.

HBK is very good talent, and is way deserving of another World title shot. But, he would rather have a young guy go over him which is good but atleast have a 6 month world title or compete in the mid card title division to help the young guys out like he always does.
I absolutely think HBK should be awarded at least one more title reign, and a lenghty one at that. He is arguably the best in ring performer of all time. He can cut a killer promo, heel or face. I personally prefer he have a 6-9 month title reign as a face sometime shortly after Wrestlemania 26. Have Sheamus beat everybody in some way up until just before Summerslam. He gives his cliche "I've beaten everybody" speech and then out comes HBK. Have him build the fued through SS and take the title off Sheamus and hold it through Mania 27. HHH wins the Rumble next year and turns on Shawn right after EC or NWO (whatever it happens to be next year) and spouts jealousy ridden promos leading to HHH retiring HBK at Mania 27. They hug it out at the end and everybody is happy. HBK gets one more, and in my opinion what could be his defining, title reign if it's handled correctly. It can lead to some fresh main event matches if they avoid repeated storylines. Keeps the title off of other established stars for a while, and it can lead to a great Mania moment.

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