Winning A Smackdown Title Is A Waste Of Time

No not agreed- they will both mean exactly the same. When JR and the King call him 11 time champ they don't say (or won't if/when the WHC title is abandoned) the 5 time WHC and 6 time WWE champion.

Why? Simple. Because they are both equally as prestigious, with reasons already mentioned.

Yeah currently. But once the title goes then it doesn't mean anything. Sure saying he's an 11 time champ will. But for example rthey get rid of the title this year. In 10 years time you mention the WHC to a new fan. He won't have a clue which title it is. It loses all it's prestige once it goes away.

Also Y2Jake are you a mod? If so do u know why I can't post new threads?

Yeah I know. And you would too if you read the rules.
The world title might still have some meaning if it goes away in the age of internet information. I mean I wasn't born during the great days of WCCW, AWA, or the NWA, but I do know that the men who held the top proze in each company held meaningfulf titles.

Also I doubt the WWE would drop the World Title, I mean it could work with two different champions on the same brand. Hell WCW got away with it for years.
No. It meant something when it was around their waists. When WCW was still running. But now the company isn't around anymore the title reigns don't mean anything. They just add to each superstars number. Flair 16 time world champ, Hogan 14 or so.
It still means something to them, and the sports entertainment business. It doesn't make any sense. I will use this for an example. Lou Gehrig, is a major League baseball player, but we shouldn't acknowledge his records because he is no longer in existence. Just because he isn't with us, doesn't mean we cant acknowledge it. Gehrig is dead, but he still has records, and he mas a big part in major league baseball.

So it is like the SD titles, just because they aren't here, doesn't mean we cant acknowledge it. the SD titles have been a major part in the sports entertainment business, so there is something we can acknowledge. Even if they are here now, and gone tomorrow.

I was using sarcasm :thumbsup:

Like I said. At the time it meant something. But that version of the title hasn't been around for 7 years, so not anymore.
this doesn't make any sense, the titles reigns will still be in the book, except if you're Chris Benoit.

No. He should still be considered an 11 time champ. But those title reigns wont mean as much as his WWE championship reigns. Agreed?
I think you are now contradicting yourself. So apparently HHH is a 11 time champion even if the SD title is not existing? But it isn't their, so apparently we shouldn't acknowledge it :rolleyes:
Agreed, Y2Jake is contradicting himself by saying that although HHH is an 11 time world champion, 5 of the reigns won't be as important as the other 6.

You can't have it both ways..either call Trips an 11 time champ, or if/when the WHC title goes, you'll have to call him a 6 time champion.
Let's also not forget that Flair is a 16 time world champion. They don't call him a 2 time just bc he's only held the WWE title 2 times. He held the WCW title and that goes into it as well. Are you gonna take away his title reigns with that? How about Hogan's title reigns with it? The way i see it, it will always be respected. You want to know why imo that WCW title wasn't respected with Booker T. The same reason that WWE wrestlers would go to WCW and drop their WWE titles in the trash. It was the enemy. Since the WHC is a WWE title, it's always gonna have prestige. I mean, hell, they still talk about the European Championship and the Hardcore Championship.
I breezed through the arguement going on, and I'll just drop my opinion. true, most of these titles won't be around forever, but I still won't call them "a waste of time". These titles are helping to make some current main eventers and tag teams. MVP won't be as big as he is if he never won the US title, even if in 5 years the US title is gone. That push he recieved 5 years earlier will still be what pushed him into main event status. So I won't say it's a "waste of time", but more of "winning the lesser title".
I understand Jake's argument and it has been made for him on this thread already. I've read all the post and for three pages the European title has not been mentioned once. They retired or disbanded or whatever word you would like to use, some years ago and now no mention is made of it. I can't remember every word that's spoken when Shane is wrestling, but I'm fairly certain his European title reign is never brought up now a days.

I believe Jake, not to put words in his mouth, is making the old "Out of sight, out of mind" argument, meaning that once the title is gone, the history goes with it. HHH will still be around and he'll still be referred to as an 11 time champion, but if someone started watching after the brands unified, they would assume that HHH was an 11 time WWE champion and know nothing about the WHC. So really, if the brands unify, the titles that retire just become placeholders in a wrestlers stats. The lesser titles, like the US belt won't even get mentioned after a few years.
Agreed, Y2Jake is contradicting himself by saying that although HHH is an 11 time world champion, 5 of the reigns won't be as important as the other 6.

You can't have it both ways..either call Trips an 11 time champ, or if/when the WHC title goes, you'll have to call him a 6 time champion.

I don't see how I'm contradicting myself. He can still be an 11 time champ. But his WWE title reigns will be more important. It's a fact. If the title is no longer there then it doesn't mean anything. But he still won the titles so he is still an 11 time champ.

Anyway I'm bored of this thread.
It might be how the WWE words Triple H reigns in the future, like now he is referred to the 11 Time WWE Champion, back before the WWE brought in the World Title and before their was a undisupted champion, the WWE Championship was known as the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, but when the World Title came, they just went to call it the WWE Championship.

So when/if the brands come together, it would combine the WWE title with the World title to make the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, which would most likey keep the World Title in the mind of fans for a good time being.

Also the World title will always having a lasting image on the WWE as it gave birth the nameplate on WWE titles so it should be remembered in the future, plus like I said before I think the WWE could work with two world titles as boxing has three and no one seems to mind.

the only Smackdown titles that are really a waste of time is the Crusierweight which is gone and the WWE Tag Team championshp, at least the crusierweight title was linked to WCW, but the WWE Tag Team titles came from out of nowhere.
It is not a waste of time because if you win a title and your a lets say "7"2 400 pound giant than you will hold it a while but khali didnt hold it because khali sucks but big show held it for a while and why because big show was a good wrestler and if you win a title on smackdown it is just like raw you hold it for a while than you get beaten but in the end it will be all worth it to hold championship gold in your hands.
If I were to merge the brands again, the roster is big enough to keep most of the belts. I think they would need to drop the US title, rechristen the Smackdown tag belts as US Tag titles or something, and keep two different tag team titles. You have the main "world heavyweight" tag titles, but then I think they also need to have a midcard "intercontinental" level tag team title too. I would unify the WWE and World belts, rename the championship the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, combining the names, and get rid of the spinner belt. Honestly, the spinner belt is stupid. The big gold belt on Smackdown is THE Heavyweight belt, and needs to represent the best of the best.
I don't think winning a Smackdown title is at all a waste of time..If I was wrestling for WWE I would kill for one of them..If the brand extension ever ends and the WH Title disappears you would still be referred to as a former World Champion and a part of history, aren't most the titles that Flair held now non existant??

If the brand extension ever ends here's my opinion on what titles should stay and what should go: The World Heavyweight Title gets unified with the WWE title into the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, The ECW Title would be retired with the ECW programme, Both the IC and US Titles would stay as both have prestigious history and it's always good to have 2 upper-midcard titles, The WWE Tag and World Tag would unify into the WWE World Tag Team Championships, bring back the Cruiserweight Title and leave the Woman's as it 6 Titles in total - all more valued - happy days!!

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