Should Drew McIntyre have another IC title run?


Forever young!
Who would like to see Drew Mcintyre given another run with the IC belt?
I think with a bit more character, which he has shown already this year, Mcintyre would be my choice to take the IC belt away from Show and have another good run with the belt, and hopefully some decent feuds to go along with it also, maybe Christian if he turns face or Ambrose and turn Drew face!
I also think Cody should be drafted and fight for the US belt or if they keep him on SD move him up to the main event, but if not and I mentioned this a while ago a a Mcintyre/Rhodes feud would be decent, and alot of people have also mentioned this and I agree but who would turn face? Hmmmmm hard one.
They could have dominated for longer though.....shame really! (shit quality video though, Drew sounds distorted?)
Yeah. Drew McIntyre's last run with the Intercontinental Championship was great. His fued with Matt Hardy was pretty good. It will be good to see another Drew McIntyre title run.

Drew McIntyre vs Christian can be a great rivalry. Christian should turn face. He is doing nothing as a heel and most people cheer him anyway. Christian's last heel run till 2005 was great but Christian's current heel run has been lackluster.
Im a bit of a fan of Drew i would love to see him get another run at the IC title. As for a way to go about it i think a tweener role could work for him have him mix and match opponents some obvious faces and some unimportant heels save a diva or 2 from a heel but have him squash a face jobber and the fans could embrace him a bit more i think his entrance music is awesome he has the look just hasnt found that right way to play off the whole Chosen One gimmick
Drew is in the beginning stages of a new character. I think we should see how the fans respond to this before we start giving him championships.

For the sake of this thread, we'll say his new character is good and gets over with the fans. In that case, I say yes. I'm a fan of McIntyre, and if WWE is serious about giving him another push, Big Show is a good guy to put him over.
I think that the idea of the IC title, at least what it should be, is to elevate a midcarder that the crowd loves and give them something to do until they are so over that they can lose the strap and move up to the main event/upper card events.

What the title is being used for at the moment and what you are suggesting is that the title be used to get the superstar over instead of an over superstar giving the belt it's meaning. It hasn't worked in the past, it won't work in the future.

Drew needs to get his pops and work hard, and when the crowd either love or hate him, then give him the strap.

Just My Opinion
I'd rather see him go away than give him the IC title.

He's not bad or anything, but he's a plain looking guy who is so-so on the mic and so-so in the ring. Not sure why the IWC has such a hard-on for him.
I dont think Drew McIntyre deserves another Intercontinental Championship reign for one good reason, he should be holding the World Heavyweight Championship look at the facts.

He came into wwe in 2009 as the Chosen One by Vince McMahon and had a long reign with the Intercontinental Championship.

He had a really crappy partnership with Cody Rhodes which allowed him to hold the Wwe Tag Team Championship for a very short time.

But since then he has been falling and falling and falling, he deserves to be World Heavyweight Champion and if he really is the chosen one then he should have held the title a long time ago.
Should Drew McIntyre have another IC title run?

I'd be happy with him just to have a run, let alone an IC run. Always liked him. He has lots of potential and I could easily see him as World Champion. I always forget how big of a wrestler he is, not that that is all you need, but it always surprises me when you see him stand next to someone like Mark Henry or Sheamus. The guy's huge. While I'd like to see him be a champion, right now I'd just be happy to see him beat someone other that Hornswoggle.
Right now, NO. If he improves and gets consistent reactions, YES.

There is no point in giving him the IC title right away. Both Show and Rhodes have been credible champions and to give the belt to a guy who occasionally appears on TV only to get squashed would be a terrible move. But, if they actually give a decent mid-card run, a couple of decent feuds and make him a credible wrestler, then it would behoove both the title and Drew.
I dont think Drew McIntyre deserves another Intercontinental Championship reign for one good reason, he should be holding the World Heavyweight Championship look at the facts.

He came into wwe in 2009 as the Chosen One by Vince McMahon and had a long reign with the Intercontinental Championship.

He had a really crappy partnership with Cody Rhodes which allowed him to hold the Wwe Tag Team Championship for a very short time.

But since then he has been falling and falling and falling, he deserves to be World Heavyweight Champion and if he really is the chosen one then he should have held the title a long time ago.

This is stupid. The whole thing, but the bolded especially.

That doesn't mean he should be WHC, it means he's a midcarder. He's been falling and falling for a few reasons. Backstage dumbassery, and really not connecting with fans. He was hot at one time, and now hardly anyone cares. If he can build a base, sure why not? If he can't, Future Endeavor.
Right now, he does not. After a quick start and short run with the IC belt, he's floundered in limbo for a while now, maybe b/c of the whole deal with his ex-wife Tiffany/Teryn Terrell. It seemed to me like he was being punished for that, and may finally be allowed out of Vince's doghouse.

I think he could have a run with the IC title, but a lot of work needs to be done. They need to repackage him (which they're supposed to be doing) and he needs to get better in the ring and on the mic. He basically needs a fresh start. The IC Title is supposed to be the top mid-card guy. Drew and the writers needs to step up and work together to make him that guy.
I'd rather see him go away than give him the IC title.

He's not bad or anything, but he's a plain looking guy who is so-so on the mic and so-so in the ring. Not sure why the IWC has such a hard-on for him.

exactly how i feel, although i didnt think the "iwc" cared for him so much. he's just boring. we haven't even seen this guy have a 5 minute match in the last 2 years. he needs to cut that long stringy hair and look like a real man. THEN he can get my vote of confidence.
Decent in the ring, decent look, decent gimmick (if you class it as one), decent on the mic and decent in backstage promos... Only one thing... Decent isn't good enough. I like the guy, but he needs to do something to stand out from the other Mid Card heels gagging for a Main event push. (Ziggler, Swagger, Rhodes, Miz (right now), Otunga and Barrett (when he returns). Not saying all of these guys deserve it, btw.
I truly have never understood why people love this guy. I think it is just one those situations like the Miz. He is a decent talent in ring, good promo guy who just hasn't been recognized. But if he does make it to the top, people will hate him for being to bland. Because that is just what he is. Bland and ordinary, nothing special.

A character change does not make me feel any different about the guy. He is talented sure, but he does not have what it takes to be a big time superstar in WWE. So please, stop being so excited about him.
Drew obviously has the potential to be a future world champion, but at this point is far from it...(well on other the hand i guess Mark Henry came out of nowhere to win his and that turned out great)... but on topic Drew should be one of the top mid card guys. He has the tools for it. He should be turned face imo, and have just a love to fight kind of gimmick. Have him in some nice brawls to get that gimmick over. Id love to see a face Drew (once established) versus Cody Rhodes over the IC belt. Have them trade it back and forth a bit before one of them winning. McIntyre, Cody, Ryder & Kofi should be running the mid card division right now. All should be feuding over the IC belt. US can just be a comedy belt for guys like Santino, Clay, Khali, Swoggle...

But yes I think Drew McIntyre should get another shot at the strap...
Cannot say I am the least bit interested in seeing Drew McIntyre get another title run. That's not to say he can't do something to get my interest, but it's certainly not there at the moment.

I'd probably stick Drew in a long-term tag team. Pair him with someone like Michael McGillicutty, give them a gimmick, and use them to pump up the tag division.
the only thing Drew does not have is the only thing you cannot learn, and that is swag...

you either have it, or you don't, it's just the reality and that simple...
At this point, I have no idea what they're doing with Drew McIntyre. They're apparently not repackaging him. He's still jobbing. Hell, he's jobbed to guys that aren't even on the main WWE roster yet. So, should he be IC Champion again? That is laughable at this point. How can he win that title when he's nowhere nearly as capable as he was two years ago? Even Jack Swagger winning the United States Championship made no sense and didn't convince me that Swagger was a threat. They look weak and would only make the titles weaker. Drew has the look, awesome in-ring skills and improved mic skills, but it's ridiculous when he can't go over with any of that.
I believe so. Drew has some serious potential and I think throwing him in the IC belt contention with the right storyline could work wonders for his career. It's truly too bad the WWE has forgotten how to make championships important besides the 2 main titles. The IC belt has quite the history but it seems in the past 10 or so years its fallen on the back burner. This current Rhodes vs Show thing while funny at times I don't believe it should be centered around the belt. Not that it really is anyway.

A Rhodes vs Drew feud could work if Rhodes wins the belt back from Show and it could spice up the IC belt if they played it right.
Woah Woah Woah slow down there. Drew McIntyre can't even win a match at the moment and you want to put the Intercontinental title belt on him!? Against The Big Show no less!
People wonder why the midcard titles mean shit and here's why. It doesn't say a lot for the title if a guy who can't buy a win at the moment is even given a title shot let alone a victory.

Personally i think McIntyre is bland and boring and has been for most of his time in the WWE. They gave him a big push before and nobody cared including myself. I'd much rather see them push somebody like Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel or Ted DiBiase. Those guys at least have talent and can get over with a crowd. Id put Ambrose in that bracket but with the way they're hyping him id imagine they have bigger plans for him the fighting for the midcard belt.
Woah Woah Woah slow down there. Drew McIntyre can't even win a match at the moment and you want to put the Intercontinental title belt on him!? Against The Big Show no less!
People wonder why the midcard titles mean shit and here's why. It doesn't say a lot for the title if a guy who can't buy a win at the moment is even given a title shot let alone a victory.

Personally i think McIntyre is bland and boring and has been for most of his time in the WWE. They gave him a big push before and nobody cared including myself. I'd much rather see them push somebody like Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel or Ted DiBiase. Those guys at least have talent and can get over with a crowd. Id put Ambrose in that bracket but with the way they're hyping him id imagine they have bigger plans for him the fighting for the midcard belt.
I don't mean walk into the ring and just expect to get the IC belt right away! Like everyone one else, he should be involved in some decent feuds and work his way back up to mid-card, for a shot at the title. It will be hard as they are pushing alot of other guys instead, but Mcintyre has his place, and it's not a jobber. He has more to offer and I'm looking forward to what he has to bring to the table in the next few years, as he grows more confident and becomes a regular name on the WWE roster fighting for a belt! :)
I don't think so, Drew has had his chances. A push which most new superstars could only dream of being labeled the chosen one, endorsed by VKM himself and given a lengthy run with the IC title. Prior to that he has been in plenty of mid-card level fueds noen of which have excited or caught the fans imagination.

I'd rather see the push given to a younger/more inexperienced guy who deserves a shot somebody like Riley, Curtis or Kidd.

I'd look to put Mcintyre in a tag-team to see if he has the credentials and ability to gradually build himself up for another sustained mid-card run.
should he be a champ? yes but as others have pointed out fans dont really care about him. that need to come up with something to make us like him or hate him.
I'm all for seeing another McIntyre IC title run but in my opinion he should really be where Cody Rhodes is at right now which is sort of a mid-carder/upper mid-carder slowly evolving into a ME heel.
I don't mean walk into the ring and just expect to get the IC belt right away! Like everyone one else, he should be involved in some decent feuds and work his way back up to mid-card, for a shot at the title. It will be hard as they are pushing alot of other guys instead, but Mcintyre has his place, and it's not a jobber. He has more to offer and I'm looking forward to what he has to bring to the table in the next few years, as he grows more confident and becomes a regular name on the WWE roster fighting for a belt! :)

To be honest i would be very surprised to see him win a belt again in the WWE. They guy got a push that most guys could only dream of and yet he wasn't able to make anything good out of it. Compare that to someone like Cody Rhodes who got the dashing gimmick that was more comedy then anything else and turned it into a brilliant heel persona or someone like Ziggler who made a spot for himself through hard work and consistently putting on good matches or someone like Ryder who got over entirely on his own. The better wrestlers are able to take what they get and make their own spot on the card and McIntyre wasn't able to do that despite being given every chance to do so.

Leading up to wrestlemania season he was a jobber and with a influx of new guys coming to Smackdown like Darren Young, Antonio Cesaro, Titus O'Neill, Dean Ambrose, Damien Sandow and guys like Christian, Ted DiBiase and Wade Barrett set to return i really don't see much place for Drew on the blue brand. Expect him to be on superstars for the foreseeable future.

Why should the WWE invest time and effort into giving him another push when the last one didn't work at all?

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