Should Drew McIntyre have another IC title run?

To be honest i would be very surprised to see him win a belt again in the WWE. They guy got a push that most guys could only dream of and yet he wasn't able to make anything good out of it. Compare that to someone like Cody Rhodes who got the dashing gimmick that was more comedy then anything else and turned it into a brilliant heel persona or someone like Ziggler who made a spot for himself through hard work and consistently putting on good matches or someone like Ryder who got over entirely on his own. The better wrestlers are able to take what they get and make their own spot on the card and McIntyre wasn't able to do that despite being given every chance to do so.

Leading up to wrestlemania season he was a jobber and with a influx of new guys coming to Smackdown like Darren Young, Antonio Cesaro, Titus O'Neill, Dean Ambrose, Damien Sandow and guys like Christian, Ted DiBiase and Wade Barrett set to return i really don't see much place for Drew on the blue brand. Expect him to be on superstars for the foreseeable future.

Why should the WWE invest time and effort into giving him another push when the last one didn't work at all?
I like Rhodes and Ziggler also, but when you say Rhodes was given a comedy gimmick and made the best of it, that's total nonsense, because the dashing gimmick was a good one and before that he was in Legacy, so people knew who he was, also Rhodes didn't just disappear from tv after 1 gimmick! He has had more than one gimmick in the past few years and has remained consistent. On the other hand Mcintyre was new (not counting a brief 2007 stint) got his first gimmick and people hated him, then just disappeared after the draft and got buried on purpose and humiliated on tv!....why? Something else must have happened, and I'm sure we have all been through this already on multiple threads!! I get it, people say he got the chosen one gimmick and he didn't go anywhere with it, but lets be honest here...he's not American and he must have got lots of backroom jealousy as well, it's a hard company to work for.

Personally I think he done well for a newcomer from the UK, Sheamus(Irish) done exceptionally well as he was on the RAW brand and had an advantage wrestling Cena etc. As for Barrett he was on NXT and then in Nexus so people knew who he was! Just saying Mcintyre had the hardest part to play as he was the youngest and was just thrown into the mix on SD and proclaimed himself the Future! He kept his head and done his job and had some good moments against Hardy, Morrison and Teddy, not to mention matches with Kane, Edge, Mysterio and The Undertaker!

I for one have seen an improvement in Mcintyre and he works his ass off every match, again he's young and given a decent feud he will shine. People now know him and like Rhodes, Ziggler etc when the WWE decide to give him another whirl he'll be more over this time round! :)
As far as I'm concerned "Yes, Yes he should"

I'm a huge McIntyre fan. To me he has all the skills to be a top talent. He just needs the exposure. That feud that will take him to the next level. The mic time to establish himself.

The WWE writers and some of it's fans expect guys to go over without any help. Calling him the chosen one isn't enough. Fans need a reason to want to "boo" or "cheer" you. And half the time guys aren't given enough to work with.

Drew was on fire on SD till they moved him to RAW and then he wasn't on TV for months. How in the world can someone get over without exposure? And since moving him back to SD, one week they're doing something with him and the next two weeks he's not even on TV. How is he expected to build up steam?

If giving the right storyline and time I do believe Drew would prove to everyone how good he is. But until he gets something to work with he's just another wasted talent.
I like Rhodes and Ziggler also, but when you say Rhodes was given a comedy gimmick and made the best of it, that's total nonsense
Really? So having him appear in videos where he gave men fashion tips(including one where he wore lip gloss), cut a promo on the state of Jack Swagger's shoes and having him leave the ring during matches to check on his face incase it was bruised were all done to make people take him seriously??

because the dashing gimmick was a good one and before that he was in Legacy
The dashing gimmick was average. What came out of it was good with the mask but it could have easily been the death knell for a lesser wrestler. Im sure Rhodes would have killed for the gimmick the McIntyre got.

so people knew who he was
So your saying people didn't know who McIntyre was?? He got a ringing endorsement from the owner of the company and was proclaimed as a future world champion! After that everyone knew who he was, even more so then Rhodes.

also Rhodes didn't just disappear from tv after 1 gimmick! He has had more than one gimmick in the past few years and has remained consistent. On the other hand Mcintyre was new (not counting a brief 2007 stint) got his first gimmick and people hated him, then just disappeared after the draft and got buried on purpose and humiliated on tv!....why?
Because he got the push of a lifetime and didn't make much of it. People didn't really care that much about him and eventually better people took his place.

but lets be honest here...he's not American and he must have got lots of backroom jealousy as well, it's a hard company to work for.
Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Del Rio, William Regal and Rey Mysterio beg to differ.

Personally I think he done well for a newcomer from the UK, Sheamus(Irish) done exceptionally well as he was on the RAW brand and had an advantage wrestling Cena etc. As for Barrett he was on NXT and then in Nexus so people knew who he was! Just saying Mcintyre had the hardest part to play as he was the youngest and was just thrown into the mix on SD and proclaimed himself the Future! He kept his head and done his job and had some good moments against Hardy, Morrison and Teddy, not to mention matches with Kane, Edge, Mysterio and The Undertaker!
Yes Barrett, Sheamus and McIntyre all got big pushes(dispelling your anti-american claim above). Sheamus and Barrett did well and got the fans to care about them(the wrestlers overall objective) while McIntyre didn't, quite simple really. By the way Hardy was an overweight mess when McIntyre was working with him, working with him wasn't much to brag about at that time.

I for one have seen an improvement in Mcintyre and he works his ass off every match, again he's young and given a decent feud he will shine. People now know him and like Rhodes, Ziggler etc when the WWE decide to give him another whirl he'll be more over this time round! :)
Well good for you. Obviously Vince hasn't seeing as he has won a televised match on raw or smackdown against someone not named hornswoggle since a victory on smackdown against Chris Masters on the 19th of April last year. Hate to break it to you but i don't think that run is coming to an end any time soon.
Really? So having him appear in videos where he gave men fashion tips(including one where he wore lip gloss), cut a promo on the state of Jack Swagger's shoes and having him leave the ring during matches to check on his face incase it was bruised were all done to make people take him seriously??

The dashing gimmick was average. What came out of it was good with the mask but it could have easily been the death knell for a lesser wrestler. Im sure Rhodes would have killed for the gimmick the McIntyre got.

So your saying people didn't know who McIntyre was?? He got a ringing endorsement from the owner of the company and was proclaimed as a future world champion! After that everyone knew who he was, even more so then Rhodes.

Because he got the push of a lifetime and didn't make much of it. People didn't really care that much about him and eventually better people took his place.

Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Del Rio, William Regal and Rey Mysterio beg to differ.

Yes Barrett, Sheamus and McIntyre all got big pushes(dispelling your anti-american claim above). Sheamus and Barrett did well and got the fans to care about them(the wrestlers overall objective) while McIntyre didn't, quite simple really. By the way Hardy was an overweight mess when McIntyre was working with him, working with him wasn't much to brag about at that time.

Well good for you. Obviously Vince hasn't seeing as he has won a televised match on raw or smackdown against someone not named hornswoggle since a victory on smackdown against Chris Masters on the 19th of April last year. Hate to break it to you but i don't think that run is coming to an end any time soon.
I'm sure you just repeated yourself again, but broke it into segments!
Anti- American, nope I have family there, try again.
Look we will never know how the "Chosen One" gimmick would have went down with someone else, point is he got it and obvious shit behind the scenes had a big part to play in his de-push. I get it...I do, some people just don't like him and get him, but I for one can't see why that given a gimmick change he has a good chance of getting more over, the ladies love him and the recent pops he was getting on SD a couple of months ago but was edited shows they don't want him over yet...why? Again I'll let you try and find out since you have date accuracy (Chris Masters 19th April last year) Please, you've done your homework and probably wrote it all down before posting. :p
Anyway I'm not that into factual dates etc, just rough estimates, but if you know why Mcintyre was "really" de-pushed then kudos to you my friend.
I'm sure you just repeated yourself again, but broke it into segments!
Not really, i was replying to your thoughts on why McIntyre got a push. I broke it into segments seeing as the main points from my last post seemed to go straight over your head.

Anti- American, nope I have family there, try again.
Sigh. I didn't accuse you of being anti-american, in your post you claimed the WWE isn't an easy place for non americans to work for which i proved wrong due to Sheamus, Barrett, Mysterio, Regal and Del Rio all doing well in the WWE.

Look we will never know how the "Chosen One" gimmick would have went down with someone else, point is he got it and obvious shit behind the scenes had a big part to play in his de-push.
Are you sure it's not because he might not be as good as you think he is?

and the recent pops he was getting on SD a couple of months ago but was edited shows they don't want him over yet...why?
How do you know he was getting pops if they were edited out? Do you have proof he was getting pops? Because i could just as easily claim that people were chanting "McIntyre's shit" but that it was edited out before the show went on air.

Again I'll let you try and find out since you have date accuracy (Chris Masters 19th April last year) Please, you've done your homework and probably wrote it all down before posting. :p
I never claimed to have pulled that fact out of my head :shrug: I simply looked at his match history on profightDB, it took 2 minutes.

Anyway I'm not that into factual dates etc, just rough estimates, but if you know why Mcintyre was "really" de-pushed then kudos to you my friend.
I told you why he was de-pushed in my last three posts, it's not my fault your refusing to listen. :shrug:

Mustang Sally is by a wide margin the most self-admitted Drew McIntyre fangirl surfing the Internet, not even she would agree placing the IC or any belt on Drew as of the typing of this post. WWE have a lot more to focus on in-terms of McIntyre yet, for one they need to make him somewhat relevant again plus he needs an overhaul, peoples opinions on him are poor therefore he wouldn't make a realistic Champion or contender unless they worked it correctly.

I'm not a fan of Drew McIntyre. He defines the word, boring. They consistently pushed him for little under a year, they had the owner of the company introduce him as "The Chosen One" and they attempted to establish him as a strong heel. Some are of this skewed belief McIntyre's fall was due to the external actions of his then wife Tiffany, the argument in the hotel etc, but it wasn't, may have quickened the pace of his fall but he'd only himself to blame. McIntyre was a failure. Simple as.

They gave everything they could. Backed by the boss, mallicious in his rivalries with Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy, high up the card; what was the issue? Not one fuck about Drew McIntyre was given. He is somewhat of an acquired taste, some see potential in him yet most see him for what he is. A very dull, boring performer they could find in any independent promotion in any country in any section of this planet. He has no exceptional talents.

They gave him this awesome entrance music, with a unique and awesome titantron entrance, everybody is excited once it hits and then, McIntyre appears and acts as a black hole, sucking the life and excitement out of the crowd with his bland facial features, mannerisms and God forbid they hand him a stick, voice, his promos are drastic; and no, it isn't the accent, it's what he says.

Unless Drew McIntyre were to be shown special attention, he'll never bounce back to do anything of signifigance again. Chances are WWE will try their best based off the sole fact Vince went over the top and pronounced him as "The Chosen One", a failure under a moniker like that gives WWE's creative a bad image. McIntyre needs to improve, a lot. Cause if he doesn't, he'll be seeing broken dreams, and he won't be makin' 'em come true.
Not really, i was replying to your thoughts on why McIntyre got a push. I broke it into segments seeing as the main points from my last post seemed to go straight over your head.

Sigh. I didn't accuse you of being anti-american, in your post you claimed the WWE isn't an easy place for non americans to work for which i proved wrong due to Sheamus, Barrett, Mysterio, Regal and Del Rio all doing well in the WWE.

Are you sure it's not because he might not be as good as you think he is?

How do you know he was getting pops if they were edited out? Do you have proof he was getting pops? Because i could just as easily claim that people were chanting "McIntyre's shit" but that it was edited out before the show went on air.

I never claimed to have pulled that fact out of my head :shrug: I simply looked at his match history on profightDB, it took 2 minutes.

I told you why he was de-pushed in my last three posts, it's not my fault your refusing to listen. :shrug:

1. Nothing goes over my head.....sorry what was that again?

2. Clearly you don't even know what you put in parentheses.

3. He can be as good as Sheamus and Barrett, given he is 26, when he is there age he will be, more over than Barrett and as good as Sheamus.

4. Sheamus beat Drew McIntyre. Drew actually got a babyface pop and controlled most of the match but Sheamus connected with the Brogue kick for the win.

5. ( Smackdown Jan 27 2012, 12:46:15 Courtesy of :p

6. Please tell me again, you have all the answers .....right? ( Do some more research on Drew)
Mustang Sally is by a wide margin the most self-admitted Drew McIntyre fangirl surfing the Internet, not even she would agree placing the IC or any belt on Drew as of the typing of this post.

You're right, I do agree. Right now, they've got Drew stuck in Never-Never Land and it's impossible to tell what, if anything, they have in mind for him. But that's the present; since his "Chosen One" days, he's worked hard and gotten better. If the tumble from his initial push has forced him to become a better soldier and worker, so much the better, but the moveset he possesses for such a big guy is remarkable and I'd like to think he's been easier to deal with in the locker room than he was in the past.

Someone else in this thread suggested Cody Rhodes would kill for Drew's original gimmick. I can't believe that's true; no one in the company has been the recipient of as many programs designed tailor-made than Cody. As it is, I don't see much difference between Cody and Drew....both are young and able-bodied. Both are rather nondescript in their personalities but willing, agile in-ring workers. Both sell well for their opponents and have gained valuable experience as they've gone along. Yet, many on this forum regard Cody as an exciting superstar while seeing Drew as a washout. I think the two of them are very similar.

I say it's all in the packaging. I saw a YouTube video of the recent European tour in which Drew teamed with Booker T to fight Christian and Mark Henry in Glasgow, Scotland. That's right; Drew fought as a babyface and got to address his hometown crowd before the match. Yes, of course his reaction was positive largely because of the "favorite son" factor, yet he did well as a good guy and I keep wishing Vince McMahon would give him the chance to function as one on Smackdown. When Sheamus was in trouble against Bryan and Del Rio last night, I was wishing Drew would come out to make the save. That's one way to turn a guy good, no?

I think the "Chosen One" gimmick was an almost impossible one for a brand new wrestler to bear; I'm not sure it would have been beneficial for even a John Cena or Hulk Hogan to handle at the beginning of their WWE careers. Think about it....even Jerry Lawler had to work for years before he merited being called "King." Instead, WWE takes this guy from Scotland whom no one had heard of and saddled him with a royal-type storyline.

If Drew wants to be the chosen one, all he needs to do is come over to my house.:worship:

But as far as him becoming IC champion right now? Uh-uh, ain't happenin'.


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