Should Collegiate Athletes...

be forced to stay in College and graduate?

See, this is the first post in the thread. It sets the premise for discussion. It is about a degree.

But I grant that our debate is outside of those lines.

So, once again, no other profession requires a college degree, why should sports? You don't answer this question, at all.

And, for the thousandth time, the NFL, NBA, MLB, PGA, ATF, etc. DO NOT REQUIRE COLLEGE DEGREES.

If they required degrees, then those two kids who went to Europe instead of college until they can be drafted, wouldn't have done that. Your arguments center around your misinterpretation of this fact, so, you lose.

Look, you gave it a valiant effort.

Let's look at your arguments.

You say that you want to improve the quality of the game by giving these kids college coaching. I say that there are better coaches at the pro level. This is one hundred percent correct. So, if a kid is physically ready to compete at this level, pro coaching benefits the kids, and thus, the game more. You lose.

You constantly imply that I am against college sports as a whole. I, once again, am correct in saying that some kids just don't need it. How would college basketball have helped LeBron or Kobe one bit? Another question you don't answer.

You don't know what success means. In the NBA, there can only be 150 starters. If someone gets serious minutes on a good team, how are they not successful? If someone can come into the league at 18, play good minutes, and help a team make a run in the playoffs, why should they go to college when they can get millions? Another question you don't answer.

You claim that the level of competition in college baseball is the same as that in the minors. Once again, you are wrong. If that were the case, every college player would be drafted, and that is not the case. Again, more benefit to the ball player by going pro.

You never answer the idea that having people not go to college or leave early allows more kids to go to school.

Diop played stellar defense, but to people who don't understand sports, like you, all that matters is points.

You claim that getting drafted to the NBA and failing is "the easy road" and that everyone who goes to college goes through meticulous studies. Are you kidding? How many general education majors play sports? Do you think Derek Rose focused on anything more than passing his first semester so he could play in the second one?

College sports are big business. The kids at the level to where they might go pro are encouraged to take blow off classes, so that they can play. How is this beneficial to anyone?

The kids who need college should go. I agree with you here. The ones that don't need it, or don't want it shouldn't be forced to go. That's ludicrous.
And that's where you've been wasting your time. I never supported the degrees and have made myself very clear on that issue. I've explained it out in nearly every post, so if you want to sit there and debate someone over the topic of requiring degrees you'll need someone else to have it with.

I never insinuated you were anti-college.

College coaches are better prepared to develop players. They have leeway. Pro coaches do not. They must win and don't have time to screw around. If you aint producing you're gone. That's why the coaching is more beneficial to college kids in developing them as players.

Most of your points are irrelevant to the topic and HAVE been addressed NUMEROUS times. If you don't agree with my opinion that's one thing, but just because you don't agree doesn't mean I didn't answer it.

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