Should Cena Take Some Time Off?

Cena should step away from the scene for a couple of months, after a casket match with Kane. This feud could be played with Cena still being a face, but with Kane playing the neutral character, who's not a heel, but just more or less evil. Kane should destroy John Cena...destroy the guy that the kids love...destroy the merch booth selling his stuff...chokeslam a couple of planted fans, wearing Cena gear...thus ending the UCan'tCme gimmick. It's obvious the fans have turned on Cena, and this would capitalize on that 50% that hates him.

You can begin to build someone up as the kid's champ like a Santino (the Christmas Cobra was genius) or Ryder, and keep that element there. If you have Cena destroyed by Kane, he can come back, repackaged..possibly heel, or just with a new twist. This makes him new and exciting, but gives everyone a much needed break from him.
No Cena should not take time off unless he ends up with some sort of injury. He is the best they have in terms of hyping up matches or feuds. They do not have to have him in the WWE Championship scene for a while although it would be a good idea to still keep him around between now and Wrestlemania. Cena can have a strong showing in both the Rumble and Elimination Chamber by claiming he will earn the chance for a WWE Championship shot to walk into his match with the Rock as champion. Obviously he will come up short because their match does not need the title. After Wrestlemania perhaps, but if the rumored heel turn does take place then they will need Cena to stick around to adjust into his new villain role while still having momentum from the turn.
I agree with Rokuma, the current fued with Kane is a perfect way of not only giving cena time off but as well as putting Kane back into the spotlight by destroying cena and being the outsider like he used to be. This gives cena options of either coming back as a heel or getting revenge on Kane later on. At the moment he has way too much heat with the fans as a baby face, by getting booed and even having cena sucks merchandise come out, there definitely needs to be a reavaluation of his current position. If he returns after a decent break, not like a couple of months, a DECENT break, other superstars getting a chance to step up to the new champions, new feuds forming and then after a while when we start to forget John cena, he returns and gains back his respect.
I believe that for his mental health as well as ours he should take some time off. Truth be told, he has made so much money but the guy probably has absolutely no time to spend it. I mean yeah, he has many cars but if the rumors of his life are true the guy is stretched so thin I am afraid sooner or later he may snap from stress. It would suck if he got injured going into Wrestlemania because he is taking on too much at once. I mean seriously none of the major stars work as hard as this guy and more power to him he is living his dream, but eventually he is gonna have to take a seat and let someone else step up to the plate. I just hope that it doesn't come because of an injury. I just don't want the guy to end up burning out because WWE care more about some shitty ratings than a man's life.
To be honest its time for him to just leave for a while, regardless of whether hes truly offended by the shirts and the boos are not. Its hard to go from being loved to hated, even if its just a show. We need a breath of fresh air from all the guys who have been dominating RAW this past year because it has all become extremely repetitive as of late. Appreciate that WWE in general is having some down time and make someone like R Truth champion of a while. Cena can come back before Mania and do his thing and will probably get a nicer reception from the crowd. I remenber when wrestling wasnt all about oversaturating the product with whatever makes money at the moment. The fact that we didnt see Triple H all the time due to injuries made it more special when he came back.
No Cena shouldn't take a break. WWE barely has any outside appeal as it is, why in the hell would you guys want that? At this point in time He along with Triple H and The Undertaker are the only ones that are going to be able to push the newer talents into superstardom. Not only that but Cena is only one of two people that can claim they are the best in the WWE right now.
i think Cena should take some time off... i use to be a huge Cena fan, but like everyone else im getting tired of seeing the same thing every week. his character is fizzling out. if they still want him to have this face character, they should send him away for a while, let the other guys have a chance to make themselves superstars, and then bring him back. im sure some of his fan base that is now booing him will be back on his side. theres only so long you can shove someone in peoples faces. he was SO big for a long time, everywhere was Cena's face. and im sure his body could use the time off too!
If Cena takes time off, it will happen after WM and he will return as a heel. Or should, but we know The Powers That Be have a soft spot for SuperCena
New user. I think John Cena would benifit huge from a few months off tv. As much hate as the guy gets he gives his all and people are just sick of him. I think a good way to get him off tv is have Kane destroy him at the Rumble and keep him out until the Rock decides to grace us with his presence. When Cena does come back they could try and rehash the old corporate champ/representive type thing. They could use John Laurnites to bring him back. Have Cena show up in suit and tie and let Cena cut loose on the fans. He could say he was in on it with Laurnites to get Zack Ryder out of the picture and how he did everything for the business and the fans but now he's out for himself and if that fans want to hate him he will give them a reason too. Have Cena wrestle in his old tights and show he can wrestle because I think he is underated as a wrestler. They could even go the Lex Luger, Harley Race, Mr Huges old angle and bring in Animal for the Huges role or even give Cena a stable. I know people are tired of stables but puting someone like Ted Dibiase or Drew McIntyre with them would give them a hell of a rub. Cena is in need of a makeover worse than anyone and no matter what anyone thinks the WWE needs him, just in a new form. Just my 2 cents worth.
I will admit I have been a Cena fan as long as I can remember but I have to agree with some of you. his character him being a face its not what he used to be. I think with this whole Kane storyline Cena's just going to snape and turn heel. I actually wouldnt mind seeing him heel for a while. I dont know what's with his family but maybe if he did take about a month ot 2 off and then come back maybe people will cheer him or keep booing him I just dont know. or maybe he will turn heel when he comes back. the WWE wont go down if he leaves for a while because they have wrestlers like Randy Orton, CM Punk, and Triple H he comes back every now and then so it wont make the wwe suffer.
He needs time off more than any current WWE star.

At this point we just need him off TV for a couple months..maybe sometime after Wrestlemania.
It's beneficial for Cena and his character, a lot of people are just sick of him.
After mania all momentum and the eyes of the wrestling world will be on cena so having him take a break would be a bit stupid. Although having a break is a good idea as it can keep a wrestler fresh and prevent injury.
When cena returned at the 2008 RR even the biggest Cena haters must have loved it just a little bit. Have cena 'injured' in June/July and have him off camera (let him do a few movies) until the end of the year where he makes a shocking return.
Cena shouldnt take time off, he should GET time off,

al depends on how the match goes down at wm vs the rock

maybe a fake injury, goes mental/heel then get fired/let go so just a taste of what could happen then he get time off by the GM "because they dont want him to see him like this" but return heel

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