Mr. Wrestling 513
Dark Match Winner
Cena should step away from the scene for a couple of months, after a casket match with Kane. This feud could be played with Cena still being a face, but with Kane playing the neutral character, who's not a heel, but just more or less evil. Kane should destroy John Cena...destroy the guy that the kids love...destroy the merch booth selling his stuff...chokeslam a couple of planted fans, wearing Cena gear...thus ending the UCan'tCme gimmick. It's obvious the fans have turned on Cena, and this would capitalize on that 50% that hates him.
You can begin to build someone up as the kid's champ like a Santino (the Christmas Cobra was genius) or Ryder, and keep that element there. If you have Cena destroyed by Kane, he can come back, repackaged..possibly heel, or just with a new twist. This makes him new and exciting, but gives everyone a much needed break from him.
You can begin to build someone up as the kid's champ like a Santino (the Christmas Cobra was genius) or Ryder, and keep that element there. If you have Cena destroyed by Kane, he can come back, repackaged..possibly heel, or just with a new twist. This makes him new and exciting, but gives everyone a much needed break from him.