Should Batista and Bobbly Lashley Return to the WWE Now?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok guys as we all know Batista said he left the WWE becasue his charactor didnt fit the WWE product at the time, but the now the WWE's product is getting a little more edger could Batista's Heel Charactor work better now then it did in 2010,

well for me I think would go down a treat Batista could come in as his old big ego charactor he had going and go straight after Punk and be like the WWE is giving you the ball some little bitch who use to fill the Mid-Card when I was here and can you imagine the Come back Punk will have (they would be epic) plus with Batista back in the WWE would add more star power to the main event scene and with Batista on the card at WM27 would do wonder's for the buy-rates.

Bobby Lashley
the reason Lashley left was to start a MMA career which he has done but not to well, if he came back he could add more star power to the Smackdown Main Event and he could work well with Orton and Mark Henry.

just a little thread I was thinking about
Both guys coming back would be good for WWE to be honest. I think the question you should be asking is would we, the fan, want them back.

IF Batista did return you KNOW VKM would put him in a storyline with JOMO! Just as a hahaha F you JOMO. Go ahead and leave but before you do, could yo go out and do a month long feud with the guy who "turned" your girl out.

Bobby would be cool just to see him take on Mark Henry & Orton. He and Orton could have a good string of matches given the proper angle.
Why should WWE bother bringing back Lashley? I thought he was pretty good in the ring, but he doesn't bring anything else to the table. He has little charisma, no mic skills, and what star power he had has likely faded in the minds of most fans by now. His rings skills and look were good enough for him to get pushed in his first run, but not good enough for WWE to bother taking a risk on someone who has proven to be flaky and unreliable (not to mention that his look wouldn't even stand out anymore with guys like Ezekial Jackson and Titus O'Neil)
batista should return and confront mason ryan and do a stand down...whose the real batista type thing kinda like the sin caras. batista can have a nice feud with other guys like cm punk but i think its highly unlikely the guy made allota money and seems to be humble enough not to push his luck.
Batista, yes. Bobby, no thanks!

I'm a huge Batista fan, and I'm still pretty upset from how they handled his departure. I mea, he lost to duct tape for Christ's sake! You've got the biggest, jacked-up super hero since Hogan facing him, and Batista lost to TAPE! I'd love to see him come back and tear Cena apart. And I don't mean beat him down for 20 minutes, take an AA, and tap out to the STF. I want him to come back and DESTROY JOHN CENA. Not even a Cena-hater, I just want to see big Dave get a little retribution. I think we've got some time before we see him back, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happens sooner or later. He's got his movies going for him, and he probably doesn't need the paycheck, but it's hard to stay away from the millions... I thought the work he was doing near the end was the best of his career, and he finally broke away from being stiff and boring. He got mad and actually had a personality!

Not a Bobby Lashley fan. He just didnt' do it for me... Maybe it was just Donald Trump that ruined the big guy for me.
booby lashly could come back with the conspiracy thing about wwe trying to make john cena wwe champion as always. cuz as i recall before bobby lashly left he was in a hot feud with john cena for the WWE champion ship and they had a really good match
In terms of just sheer name value, I could see the interest in the return of Batista. The IWC loathed the guy to no end, with justification sometimes, but he was over. As for Batista leaving, I don't buy into his reasons. WWE was PG for a long time before Batista wanted to leave. When WWE officially went PG back in '08, Batista didn't seem to have any problems and on through until early in 2010. Batista's character wasn't edgy in any sort of way that couldn't be portrayed in a "PG environment". I think the problem was that WWE was moving in the direction of developing new guys and bringing them up into the top spots in the company. Batista didn't like that as it probably would have meant him having to put over other guys, which means his time in the spotlight was going to be numbered. I think Batista was more concerned over possibly losing his spot than he was with the direction the company was taking. As I said, he didn't mind WWE going PG when he was out there winning World Championships and main eventing big ppvs. If WWE offered Batista enough money, he'd come back in a heartbeat. Would I wanna see him back as a fan? Meh, not really. There are a couple of big powerhouses on the WWE roster right now that are, in my view, better than Batista's ever been. Sheamus is infinitely better both in the ring and on the mic and, believe it or not, Mark Henry has become more interesting in 5 months than Batista was at any point in his entire WWE career.

As far as Bobby Lashley goes, I just don't really see the appeal generally speaking. I admit that he has a great build and, physically, the guy's a legit powerhouse. However, Lashley himself has said that MMA is where his heart is. In order for WWE to get him back on a regular basis, they'd probably have to pay him a ton of money. In all honesty, they'd probably have to pay him much more than he's actually worth. He's decent inside the ring and does have a good look. He definitely lacks personality and charisma. Aside from his appearance and watching him manhandle a legitimately, at the time, 500+ pound Big Show on the ECW brand, I was never overly impressed by him.

If you take away the look & build of Lashley & Batista, there's not really a whole lot there. There are a lot of talented guys on the roster that are better than they are, the indy scene has stars that could be brought in are just better than they are and probably wouldn't cost nearly as much to bring in.
That "film company" Bobby Lashley signed with today seems pretty bottom of the barrel. All their other movies look like the type of stuff you would find at a gas station in the shady part of town. Maybe the WWE doesn't want him back.
Must admit good wee thread.
This has not crossed my mind but god I couldn imagine a more perfect time for each to go back. Batista Raw, either Heel or Face. As a Heel to help Miz and truth destroy old mentor HHH and little annoying CM Punk, which if any1 remembers shoulda had a way better rivalry. (Punk lost the title due to 'injury" and jericho took it)As a face, could put over Del Rio more with a strong rivalry there.
Any1 who dosent believe in Lashley is an idiot!!! two time ECW champion, brought so much credibility to the title!!! great rivalrys with Umaga, Cena and Big Show!!! Broke the Masterlock!! Shoulda been used better in WWE maybe wuda stuck around longer!!! Kurt Angle rates him as one of the best, enough said!!! ( could say more!) Perfect time to go in against Henry after Henr destroys show again. I aint saying just give him the belt but strong bookings against Henry then Christian would show what he is made off!!! Should go back to his original dominator which was the coolest move since the F5!!! If any1 knows reason he stopped doin this let me know!!!
batista coming back would be awesome!! i think fans would enjoy his return. but it isnt likely since batista said that if the company continues in the direction its heading in, he is even less likely to come back. as for lashley, sure he could come back, he could shine. dont know if he wants to come back. im sure the fans wouldnt mind to much. given i dont know much about lashley only seen a couple matches, but he isnt to bad. either one/both of these men would be good for the wwe product.
I would LOVE to see Lashley return! I thought he was on such a good roll in 2007 against John Cena. Sad to see him leave too soon back then. Anyway, I would have no problem seeing him return and get back into the main event scene. He would have to build his way back up to the top, but that's obvious.

As for Batista, he's already been up to the top, but I think he still has potential in WWE. He is a little on the older side, but I think he has a few years left in him.

Should they return now? I would say sure! Personally, I always thought a Batista/Lashley FEUD would be cool as well. But that's just me. :)
I believe they are not needed now. But if they return it will definitely be good for the WWE. They are not needed now because we have tons of big guys in the roster Mason Ryan (batistwo), Brodus Clay, Ezekiel Jackson, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, and Mark Henry.

But as I said, returning them won't do any harm. I'd love to see Batista vs. Mason Ryan, Sheamus vs. Bobby Lashley.
What was lashley's appeal to anyone at all? With his crooked abs and his banana shaped jaw bone.. Mason Ryan could get some temporary tattoos and some nice shades and pretend to be Batista.

Batista does have a personality so the broatus clay, big zeke, Mason Ryan comparisons are a little off.

I think both are gonna try to do something in MMA before they get too old to be viable so we might not see batista and lashley back for five and ten years respectively.
Batista said he wouldn't return as long as the WWE is PG, but I'm sure for the right amount of money he would come back in a heart beat. I really enjoyed the work Batista did in his last few months with the WWE, and the door was left open for him to return. Then again I doubt with him recently having back surgery that he would want to rush back to the WWE with the traveling and the bumps. I bet he doesn't want to end up like Hogan, and I'm sure he throws his back out enough slamming Melina while Morrison is on the road.

Lashley... umm yeah I can't honestly thing of a reason for him to come back, he left because he felt he wasn't paid enough for his match at WM during the Trump vs Vince storyline. He's got being a cry baby bitch going for him, but that doesn't get you anywhere in the WWE. Id rather not see him, ever again, in any sport or on my TV. He was worthless in the WWE
I thought batista left to do movies? Lashley left to do MMA.

Neither guys seems to love pro wrestling (or they wouldn't have left to do something else), so no, they shouldn't come back. If your heart isn't in it and you just want to make money, go fuck yourself for all I care.

From a storyline/talent perspective. batista was good. Lashley could be replicated with Mason Ryan. So yes to Batista from that POV.
Should? Possibly, it's not something that they would necessarily benefit from or anything, because they've already made it big in the wrestling industry (At least Batista, Bobby was like a brief success but not like Batista, nowhere near in comparison).

However, would I like to see it? Well Bobby for one never struck me as anything noteworthy, but hell yeah I'd like to see Batista back in WWE! He's always been one of my favorites, and his last period of time with his feud with John Cena was just amazing, despite how many times he was set to lose just because he was planning on leaving. Batista has name value, he's a great entertainer, and he can work a match fairly well considering his somewhat limited move-set.

But that's up to them, Batista could easily make it somewhere else as maybe an MMA fighter like the news were all up and hyped about, or as an actor for that sake. But I don't see why he wouldn't want to come back to WWE at some point or another, which he most likely will anyway, just like The Rock.

Besides it's not really like WWE needs Batista to come back right now, much less Bobby Lashley. They weren't distinct rating pullers, nor do WWE need 2 powerhouses to carry any of the shows, because we already got John Cena and CM Punk hugely over on RAW, and Randy Orton and Big Show hugely over on Smackdown to pull and carry the shows as the faces, with some well over heels to even it out. So with exception of the feel good aspect of Batista returning, most likely as a face, or the brutal domination aspect of Batista returning as a heel, there's no real distinct need for him, much less Bobby Lashley.
Would much rather see Batista return than Lashley and Vince is more likely to chase Batista and make him a more than decent offer at some point than bother going after Lashley.

Lashley's star power will of gone and probably wouldn't make much of a splash in the main event scene compared to a returning Batista. Who could work with someone high up the card from the off straight away where as I would see them having to 'rebuild' Lashley if they wanted to go anywhere really. I would only want to see Batista back as a heel mind, the type he played for the last six months of his stint last time round.
I thought batista left to do movies? Lashley left to do MMA.

Neither guys seems to love pro wrestling (or they wouldn't have left to do something else), so no, they shouldn't come back. If your heart isn't in it and you just want to make money, go fuck yourself for all I care.

From a storyline/talent perspective. batista was good. Lashley could be replicated with Mason Ryan. So yes to Batista from that POV.

Lashley worked in TNA for awhile, but they also gave him the "fuck this guy" treatment because he way to full of himself. I think the combination of him and his wife(exwife) is unbearable. Lashley should go away forever
Batista should stay gone. He might add some star power to the main event tier if he came back but they have better guys to push. Mason Ryan can replace him completely once he improves some. Lashley on the other hand.... He needs to come back. Neither TNA nor MMA worked out for him and he was in line for a potential world title run when he left WWE. I think that he could do well if he returned because he would make a great world champion. He never got that world title run that he should have and we saw what he was capable of in his feud with Cena as well as his involvement with the Hair VS Hair Trump match. ECW doesn't count. Had he already been back by now he could have gotten Mark Henry's push and would be destroying everything in his path. Batista? Maybe, and I'm being generous. Lashley? Bring him back.
I thought batista left to do movies? Lashley left to do MMA.

I thought Batista left to join Strike Force (MMA)?

I would like to see Batista myself. I never really saw much from him, and he seemed like the kind of guy I would have liked. I was watching during his final feud with Cena, and I saw him quit. I still can't believe he quit the way he did. I admire him for it because that had to have taken a lot of balls to go out looking like a baby throwing a temper tantrum. He looked terrible like that, and I can't imagine that was his idea, and yet he sold it.

I don't care about Lashley.
Batista should stay gone. He might add some star power to the main event tier if he came back but they have better guys to push. Mason Ryan can replace him completely once he improves some. Lashley on the other hand.... He needs to come back. Neither TNA nor MMA worked out for him and he was in line for a potential world title run when he left WWE. I think that he could do well if he returned because he would make a great world champion. He never got that world title run that he should have and we saw what he was capable of in his feud with Cena as well as his involvement with the Hair VS Hair Trump match. ECW doesn't count. Had he already been back by now he could have gotten Mark Henry's push and would be destroying everything in his path. Batista? Maybe, and I'm being generous. Lashley? Bring him back.
What do u mean it doesn't count? Why do people keep saying that? Big Show and RVD and Kane all held ECW World titles. The importance and prestigue of the title fluctuated but some of WWECW's champs were world champs, some not.

And he could be the guy to take Henry's title easy if these young brats were even walking or talking when Lashley was featured. Batista and Lashley have faded from memory due to the age of WWE fans.

Lashley leavin seemed to just be money related but his bilateral dealings with MMA and TNA might indicate a distaste for pro wrestling.
Batista leavin WWE has to do with WWE not the sport of wrestling so dont go there. He couldnt reach a deal with strikeforce but i believe both men wanted to pull a Brock Lesnar. Although I think Batista could get some special treatment from the UFC if he tried hard enough. Hes not..
Batista - Yes

He is a decent raw and you could get 4-5 major feuds out of him vs current talent

Lashley - No

He isent a draw nor a star. Might aswell push someone currently in the company who will stick around.
I believe it would be great for the company to bring Batista back, and I kind of wish they would. That other guy though, I can't really say as I don't really know much about him.
What do u mean it doesn't count? Why do people keep saying that? Big Show and RVD and Kane all held ECW World titles. The importance and prestigue of the title fluctuated but some of WWECW's champs were world champs, some not.

WWE's ECW Championship does not count as a world title. It was a midcard title that happened to be the only title on a third brand they never needed in the first place. That is what I mean by it doesn't count. It's a title run, but not a world title run. The real ECW's world title was a world title. Once it became revived for WWE's third brand, it was a midcard title.

And he could be the guy to take Henry's title easy if these young brats were even walking or talking when Lashley was featured. Batista and Lashley have faded from memory due to the age of WWE fans.

No they haven't. People still remember Batista quite well. He's only been gone for a year and a half. It takes longer than that to fade into obscurity due to the age of fans. The more successful someone was, the longer it takes for that. Lashley saw some success, so the fans still remember him. Kenny Dykstra left around the same time Lashley did, but was not a success thus he faded into obscurity much faster.

Lashley leavin seemed to just be money related but his bilateral dealings with MMA and TNA might indicate a distaste for pro wrestling.
Batista leavin WWE has to do with WWE not the sport of wrestling so dont go there. He couldnt reach a deal with strikeforce but i believe both men wanted to pull a Brock Lesnar. Although I think Batista could get some special treatment from the UFC if he tried hard enough. Hes not..

Lashley had a great idea with trying to be in TNA at the same time as his MMA career. It just didn't work out due to TNA being, well, TNA. He was not used properly there. Whether they wanted to pull a Lesnar or not does not matter. WWE could use Lashley if he came back because the fans do remember him and there is still financial potential if he got that world title run he missed out on. Batista did just about everything he could in WWE and had little left to prove, if he came back it would just be more of the same when others on the roster now should be getting the push that he'd quickly get.
Before he joined TNA, I thought Lashley's reasons for not wanting to be a pro wrestler were the same as Ken Shamrock's: he didn't like fighting where the results and direction are pre-determined. But if that was so, why did Lashley go to the other pro wrestling company? It certainly wasn't for the money.

Still, WWE gave Lashley a lot of air-time and exposure.....yet he didn't seem to give it much of a chance before leaving. Given his way-below-average mic work and zero personality, I don't know why WWE would look to have him back.

Batista, on the other hand, worked here for a long time. I never thought much of his ring work, but he could hit his spots and give the impression he was a monster. Personally, I wished I could have seen him fight "for real" in a martial arts setting because I believe he probably isn't a true fighter; just a 'roided-up bodybuilding freak. After all this time, it doesn't seem we're ever going to find out.

But, because of his previous status in WWE, I think it would be fine if he did come back. Then, especially after having achieved nothing of note outside the world of pro wrestling, he might be a little easier for the WWE brass to deal with.....on the theory that he couldn't be constantly using the threat of leaving for greener pastures since he couldn't find those pastures when he left the first time. A little humble pie might be just what he needs.

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