Should AJ Get His Own Four Horsemen?

It would be great to have Styles in a stable as a leader. AJ Is pretty bad at promo ( really bad ) during his segment with flair and then angle and hogan he was yelling " hey i beat that dude" or something.

In a stable it would give him the air time, but not make him look like a fool. People that could be in it
Chris Sabin
Kennedy maybe

Oh and didn't TNA sign nathan jones awhile back but got in a car wreck? He could be the groups badass.
I’m a fan of stables when it’s done in moderation. Currently there is no true stable in TNA so AJ heading up one isn’t too much of a bad idea. Flair and AJ make 2, bring in one more guy, and if not one more guy bring in two guys who can work as a tag team. Hernandez and Morgan maybe?

If booked correctly anything can work. AJ needs to work with Flair a little longer before a stable can be discussed. AJ needs to establish that he doesn’t need Flair, but benefits greatly from working with him, kind of like how HHH did back in the WWE. Flair is the “leader” of the two right now. AJ needs more charisma before he can be a stable leader.

No need to have a guy like Daniels in the group, that would go against the feud that him and AJ had just a month ago, and the reasons why they don’t like each other.
They are setting up for it but give them a different name. Hell look at Evolution they are the only stable to come close to the Horsemen and Flair was behind that. But who should be on stable X lets say till a good name comes?
I posted this on another thread, but I would do

I would really like to see Daniels and Tomko as a tag team. I think they could really work well together. I don't see either getting the push to the world title and they would be able to occasionally wrestle singles matches. I remember the best thing about Tully and Arn was that when they weren't in the Tag Title Hunt they could work on the mid card titles and carry them occasionally so the tag team wouldn't get stale. When the Horsemen didn't like the tag champs they would pair up again.

To me Kaz is being wasted as Suicide. He should get out of the mask, and join the group. I don't know if he fits as well, but of the wrestlers on the current roster, he would be my pick. With TNA's x-division belt, Kaz could compete for that or the global championship.

If I could pick someone from outside of TNA as my fourth instead of Kaz, I would bring in Brent Albright, or Phil Shatter.

As far as a name goes, I could see TNA using simply The Four or The Phenomenal Four. I would try to stay away from that because TAZ would never be able to avoid calling them the The 4 Horseman. I think they need a name all of their own.

I would be a fan of the Darksiders or the Darkside Saints for a Tomko and Daniels tag team. Other than that I need some help on the name.
I find it funny that another thread has started up on the same subject...yet somehow this thread gets burried! I asked if Flair was bringing in the Horsemen- now theres another thread talking about AJ forming his own Horsemen?

I seem to get my threads moved all the time cuz they arent in the correct "place". How does this new thread even get started??

I dont even know what to say...:banghead:
Ric Flair could always start a new faction. I mean Flair AJ with two other younger superstars it could be real strong for TNA.I reckon Flair leading the faction can also help build new superstars. I like the new team Flair & AJ
I find it funny that another thread has started up on the same subject...yet somehow this thread gets burried! I asked if Flair was bringing in the Horsemen- now theres another thread talking about AJ forming his own Horsemen?

I seem to get my threads moved all the time cuz they arent in the correct "place". How does this new thread even get started??

I dont even know what to say...:banghead:

dude I totally had your back man I even brought up this thread in the other one and more people kept posting in that thread.........well i for one think its bollocks I mean I hear about threads that are the same the second gets shut down and the writer gets a notice saying about the first thread already being made; seems like the moderator here really dropped the ball. guess you could say he pulled a Hulk Hogan on Jan 4th ahahhahhahahaah
I agree this is a copy of another thread an this one did not get deleted like it should have so that way all these guys would have had to post on the ORIGINAL one. only no Kaz, it would be Tomko, Daniels, and EY
No. Absolutely not. There is one reason, and one reason alone why I think this.

A.J. Styles is a follower, not a leader. In a stable environment, he's just not believable enough. He's the best in the world right now. Still not quite that good though. The only reason I believe him as a heel right now is because of Ric Flair. Without Flair, A.J. would be a face again on the next impact. He just can't garner enough believability to become a leader of a Four Horsemen type stable. At least not at this point in his career.

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