short term tournament idea

Deexter Jorgan

Has a Dark Passenger on board...
Ok so basically I want to know from every die hard TNA or WWE fan if i created a tournament which spanned over a week would you participate in a debate defending your brand for bragging rights and a huge win over the other side?.

heres my suggestion:

TNA VS WWE bragging rights

The idea is a one week tournament a four on four event that consists of four posters from the TNA section and the WWE sections this will do the following

- Promote both sections

- Give bragging rights to the winning team

- and also promote healthy competition

each team is given a question about a WWE and TNA superstar or creative member who has worked for both companies, they have to debate their case in regards to that persons career in both companies and how they have been more sucessful in one company or the other.

the debates will be moreso for and against .

a five man panel will determine the winners from each day, the winner will recieve 25 points the loser loses a member if they fail to argue for their brand of wrestling.

the team with most members wins and attains bragging rights

to sweeten the pot the loser will have to change their Name to the opposing brands for one month and has to declare their love for that brand without being prejudice towards it (as most TNA and WWE marks do).

now its upto you

The reason i cam up with this idea is because there is alot of debate on which side is better, the TNA marks hate the WWE marks and visa versa and a win in this tournament will give the winning team and its sub forum the bragging rights over the other side, it will be WWE forums best vs tna forums elite.

so what do you think?
It would just turn into an all out WWE vs. TNA war with very little objectivity involved, and there's already enough of that to go around with enough leftovers for second helpings. It's a good concept, but it would never work in the way you want it to.
It would just turn into an all out WWE vs. TNA war with very little objectivity involved, and there's already enough of that to go around with enough leftovers for second helpings. It's a good concept, but it would never work in the way you want it to.

thats why the bragging rights concept will be judged by five mutual parties in this forum, they will be objective and not lean towards either side.
Did you think of this idea while you were lying in bed post-coitus with a five year old?
Norcal, Yourself, Coco (believe it or not), D Man, Shocky

The fact is that all members of board will be impartial, they submit their decisions and we move to the next phase.

I will have no say who wins or lose that wil be based on the board itself.
I believe it would be fair, now what i want from every TNA and WWE loyalist on these here forums is names, I wanna know if you guys would Participate, IDR im looking at you to be the TNA team captain man!
I don't think there's room for another tourney right now...

I wouldn't participate, because being a mark for a single company is stupid as hell.
again it happens, your telling me your not more partial to WWE than TNA doc?.

and again the tourney will only last 1 week, thats a week out of a whole year.
again its morseo to see who can provide the best arguement, with a fun little competition like this one week a year it will aid in discussion about a topic that derails threads everytime a wwe or tna thread is made.

all i will be doing is runing the tourney, the whole decision will be made by the judges, the questions will be impartial and used to highlight discussion and finally prove who has the upper hand.
I propose a rewrite. Teams of people that like TNA and WWE a lot respectively faceoff in a competition that has nothing to do with wrestling and the winning team gets to rename Deexter and the Jersey people have to make them shirts.
You can make whatever you want for free at the Shore Store, right?

This does confirm my suspicion that you believe people from other states would ever wear something like that.
I believe it would be fair, now what i want from every TNA and WWE loyalist on these here forums is names, I wanna know if you guys would Participate, IDR im looking at you to be the TNA team captain man!

Pfft. I'd make a better captain.
So, every time I read "has a Dark Passenger on board" in Deexter's user title, I think he's trying to say that he's pregnant. Like, Arnold in "Junior" status. And then I get thoroughly grossed out. What dude knocked you up?

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