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Sheamus Faceturn


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now this isn't calling for a faceturn.. Sheamus should be a heel, he should be a heel for a good long while, he plays the role great, and the guy is just so entertaining..

Obviously they teased him turning face, and frankly I was completly suprised by how well he played the role. It was completely believable, and I honest to god thought they were turning him face for a second, and by the sound of it so did the crowd.. He was getting some SERIOUS Cheers when he was "vacating the title".. Now the whole thing was even better because he took it right back and solidified the fact he dosen't give a shit , he just want's the title.. but it did get me to thinking..

Now the more I see of this guy, the more I can see him playing an absoultely great face.. They don't need him as face, and shouldn't even CONSIDER it as a possiblity in the next few years, but hes a fairly young guy and has a long career ahead of him, I would think he will inevitably turn face at some point, as most people make some sort of turn at least once in there career..

Do you think sheamus could play a compelling face? and what makes you feel like he can or can not..

Personally I would say , Yea the guy can probably play a face just as well as a heel, the crowd cares for him, he got a pop running out with his lead pipe to attack they NXTer's, and again got a decent amount of people behind him when he was going to vacate the title (before you realized it was a ruse).. I even think he might be able to play a face better then his current heel persona, which is saying something because frankly I wouldn't mind him staying heel his entire career, he has done a fantastic job as one.
Of course he can. Just make him more Irish(lol) by having him use Irish lingo as catchphrases like "taste the rainbow" or "Wanna throw fists, mate?!" when hes doing promos. Also he can play the child crap by having hornswoggle come out. He already has the calm voice and the non aggressive features. He just has to smile more and possible dye his hair green and you got a face Sheamus.
Of course Sheamus could turn face and he could make a compelling face. But theirs no reason for that now because raw would only have one main event heel in Edge. A situation in which I could see Sheamus turning face would be if triple h is the leader of the Nxt faction and then you turn triple h and vice versa for Sheamus. So who knows but now im enjoying Sheamus as a heel and I also think it's to soon for a face turn.
Of course he can. Just make him more Irish(lol) by having him use Irish lingo as catchphrases like "taste the rainbow" or "Wanna throw fists, mate?!" when hes doing promos. Also he can play the child crap by having hornswoggle come out. He already has the calm voice and the non aggressive features. He just has to smile more and possible dye his hair green and you got a face Sheamus.

That would be completely awful and would alienate all the fans Sheamus already has. "Taste the rainbow"? Hornswoggle? You should feel bad for suggesting these ideas.

If Sheamus were to turn face, he'd have to play the "honorable warrior" role. In other words, he's still intimidating and brutal, but feels that he's above cowardly tactics and opportunism. It'd be a tweener role more than anything else really.
If anyone had any doubts about Sheamus being main-event material, that promo at the beginning of Raw should have ended them

Cynic that I am, even I was schnookered. It played in well to the whole, for lack of a better term, "WWE vs. NXT" angle; Sheamus got a center stage role last week breaking up the beatdown, getting good camera time with his pipe. How believable it would have been!

The major acting skill in professional wrestling isn't being good as a heel, or being good as a face (although some people, like Jeff Hardy, are so strongly into the face role that they can't get out. John Cena will turn heel eventually, although not anytime soon.) The major acting skill, like any other kind of theater, is creating a believable illusion. Sheamus is going to do just fine in the industry on that account, and he's made the friendships that will back him up should he, say, drop a champion on his injured shoulder, choke a ring announcer with his tie or something like that.
I have no reason to believe that Sheamus wouldn’t be able to play a face character and play it well. However, at this stage, there really isn’t any evidence to suggest how he would do if he did. We are free to speculate about how he could do but we wont really know until he does turn face and that might not be for a long time yet.

However, I have to believe that he could portray a compelling face character. In my opinion, a great wrestling persona is someone who can take whatever is thrown at them and just with it. Whilst Sheamus is definitely an intriguing heel, it remains to be seen whether he could pull off being a good face. If he was told to switch alignment, or if it just became natural with an angle arc, I would hope that Sheamus would try and match people like Triple H, Vince McMahon and Randy Orton, who can pull off both alignments with ease. Then again, it all depends on what the WWE write for that character. With the correct angle, anyone with basic skills has every chance of getting over and I would hope that Sheamus would get something solid.

God forbid they take him The “Finlay-Route” and just play off him being Irish. Sure, he is quite jovial sometimes but I feel that they would have to give him more than that to get over as a face. He has the talent to do it but whether it is feasible for him to do so, is a different story.
Well I was lapping it up last night, so it's certainly possible.

People saying that he can have a few years as a heel - I disagree, if Trips comes back, you could have him (Sheamus) as a face, against The Miz (Loved that last night), Edge and HHH - would liven up the division and would be nice to see a different face champion other than Cena.
I will admit that I marked out as hard as anyone for his promo. Like Rayne said, all doubts I had about Sheamus in any type of major role have diminished. I think at some point he will turn face and possibly during the Nexus angle or at least make him a tweener. But for the time being, it looks like his current title run will be better than the last.
Last night when Sheamus was pretending to give back the title, I actually believed he was going to do it. I'm not going to lie.. I was actually marking out with the idea of him turning face. I think he would play a great tweener, kind of like Orton's current gimmick. Though it would be cool to test the waters at some point, I really like his heel gimmick a lot right now, so I'm hoping he keeps with it for awhile.
That would be completely awful and would alienate all the fans Sheamus already has. "Taste the rainbow"? Hornswoggle? You should feel bad for suggesting these ideas.

If Sheamus were to turn face, he'd have to play the "honorable warrior" role. In other words, he's still intimidating and brutal, but feels that he's above cowardly tactics and opportunism. It'd be a tweener role more than anything else really.

I agree one hundred percent. His face role should be similar to the one we saw teased. As the "Honorable Warrior" it would be similar to Randy Orton in the sense that his character doesn't change too much, but isn't a full on babyface either. He would be as brutal as ever, but still his own man. Just make him smile and say 'listen fella' more often :D
I doubt that they teased anything in terms of turning Sheamus anytime soon, I see it as a way where he simply got more heat by tricking the crowd into believing he was doing the right thing, only to bluff them and throw it in their face.

Sheamus could work as a face, I could see it, but I simply would not want to watch him as a face right now, Sheamus probably wouldn't make a great face either, because he screams heel with his power house build and his in-ring intensity, something that Batista had as well (not as much, but intensity is intensity) and I always thought he was a better heel.

Sheamus has a bright future ahead of him, he has future greatness written all over him, and it will be accomplished through a heel gimmick rather than a face gimmick.
have him come out with hornswoggle every week that will make him a huge face lol. j/k that would kill his carrer. he can easily be an aggressive face like orton is but yea they will have to wait a few yrs. he need to dominate raw for a while just like orton did
Now this isn't calling for a faceturn.. Sheamus should be a heel, he should be a heel for a good long while, he plays the role great, and the guy is just so entertaining..

i hope you're being sarcastic. he's awful. he still hasn't been able to generate as much heat as he should and is terrible on the mic. i'm finally awaiting the day when he gets pushed down to jobber status.
Could Sheamus go face? Yes, yes he could and he could probably do a solid job at it. He may be brutal and pretty vicious, but that could also translate into straightforward and determined very easily. I'll admit that at his beginnings I hated him, not just because I was supposed to, but because I didn't think he was a very good performer. His gimmick is one-dimensional and overdone, but that could be simply because he hasn't had a chance for his character to develop yet. He didn't sell very well or wrestle very interestingly...but he's improving. I don't think he's main event material even now, but he's getting there. A face turn might just get him there.

There's another thing to consider about that, though: that Sheamus may become the new Cena. Remember Cena when he started out? People were saying then that he was rubbish and indeed he might have been, but over time he improved. He was going over on people like Kurt Angle, JBL, Triple H, and other major players even though, as many probably said at the time, he might not have deserved it in terms of his performance. He was pushed to the moon and I think we're seeing the same thing with Sheamus. If he's got the staying power to stick around, we on the IWC may soon be complaining not about Supercena, but Supersheamus. And a face turn might actually do that.

If they were to face turn him, they'd have to be careful not to make him another Hogan. Face turn him like Triple H when he goes face and it might work.
Of course he can. Just make him more Irish(lol) by having him use Irish lingo as catchphrases like "taste the rainbow" or "Wanna throw fists, mate?!" when hes doing promos. Also he can play the child crap by having hornswoggle come out. He already has the calm voice and the non aggressive features. He just has to smile more and possible dye his hair green and you got a face Sheamus.

This is a terrible idea, I'm sure someone has already said this but I could not even scroll down anymore, you should be ashamed of yourself for even typing this words, no, even thinking these words. If Sheamus turns face, it would have to be something big, during a PPV or in the middle of a compelling angle, thats the only way people would be convinced, and when he turns heel, he cant just immediatly start acting like a fuckin kiss ass Irish man in the mold of a face-Finlay, that would just be ridiculous, in order to have Sheamus be a succesful and believable face they should have him keep some of his heel charecteristics and have him be a tweener type face, I could see him getting over that way.
Sheamus was pretty convincing last night while teasing a face turn, but I think he needed a little extra something last night to solidify that he's one of the biggest heels. He pretended to give the title back because he didn't deserve it, but then revealed that he was never going to give it up all along.

He KNEW it was right to give it back but CHOSE not to. He Chose to do wrong. While that is still ok, the best heels in the business have always been that way because they are doing wrong but they believe they are doing right.

He should have added in something like:

"Yeah, the NXT rookies are partially responsible for my title win, but everyone still had an even chance. Everyone had to fight against 3 other opponents plus the rookies, Edge had to, Orton had to, Cena had to, and so did I. It was fair as fair can be, I just had the skill and mental acumen to capitalize on it. If anything, It shows those other guys aren't even in my league if they freeze up anytime something unexpected happens, and that shows that I DESERVE to hold this belt and be the true WWE champion."
Just because he says "Taste the rainbow" doesn't mean he has to say it in a pussy way. It works great if he's standing over a vanquished opponent, drops to a knee and sneers at him, "taste the rainbow, fella!"
If we are talking a face turn for the near future then I would have to say no. He should not be a face for a very long time if they wanted to try that out. I would say they would need to give him a couple years of roster time before they even decided to go that route.

He is getting over as a heel, and is potentially the next main event player in the WWE. He is a fresh face in the main event scene. He is getting his big shot on RAW even, which is pretty impressive to boot. However his character is getting over fine as heel, which was proven if you watched last night's episode of RAW.

He needs to remain a dominant heel because for now the crowd is buying into him in that role, and it's that role that led him to two WWE title reigns. If they were to turn him face, the risk of him being a flop is too much of a risk to take. Keep him heel until he has cemented his place on the roster as a top guy.
he's awful. he still hasn't been able to generate as much heat as he should and is terrible on the mic.QUOTE]
if your waiting for the accent to go away its not. hes horrible on the mic . why? cause you can't understand him? to me that just adds to the heat. the turning over the belt really could of accomplished alot. face turn? maybe loyalty to the lockerroom of the time? possible. ultimately it gives the nexus a possible ally in shemus. when the rest of the lockerroom is against them.
SpoodBeest™;2153512 said:
If we are talking a face turn for the near future then I would have to say no. He should not be a face for a very long time if they wanted to try that out. I would say they would need to give him a couple years of roster time before they even decided to go that route.

He is getting over as a heel, and is potentially the next main event player in the WWE. He is a fresh face in the main event scene. He is getting his big shot on RAW even, which is pretty impressive to boot. However his character is getting over fine as heel, which was proven if you watched last night's episode of RAW.

He needs to remain a dominant heel because for now the crowd is buying into him in that role, and it's that role that led him to two WWE title reigns. If they were to turn him face, the risk of him being a flop is too much of a risk to take. Keep him heel until he has cemented his place on the roster as a top guy.

No, This thread isn't disscussing an Immediate face turn, or even one in the near future. It is a simple fact however that pretty much every superstar "turns" at least once.. There have been very few superstars who spend an entire career as either a face or a heel, it is more likely to see a "turn" then it is to see a guy like Rey mysterio, or Jeff Hardy who spend there entire career one way.

Now we have seen glimpses of what a Face Sheamus would be, we saw him come out to defend raw, and again (even though it was a ruse) put on a nice little act "vacating" the title. It's not much to go on , but it dose give us a small glimpse into how he would play that type a chracter (if he ever turned face).

I know not everyone shares my viewpoint, but I do like the guy and see a ton of potential in him as a performer, I thought he shows a ton of potential, he could be the next HUGE wwe star, he is intense, his passion for what he does is very apparent in his work, and the guy has a great look. Personally I love the guys mic work, for the type of charcter he portrays he does a great job with it. Sure he isn't witty, or comical like jericho, or miz try to be, but it takes a differnt type of style on the mic to pull off sheamus's character. Look at a guy like Taker, sure he may not come out like Cena, and drop fun raps, or start bashing people like jericho and miz do, but It takes a completly different approach to pull off that type of character.

I'm honestly excited to see what the future holds for this guy, and after the last few weeks, even though it won't, and shouldn't happen for a very long while, I am excited to see how he would portray a face version of his character. There are alot of people who are great at a specific role, some people play the villan great, some people play the good guy to perfection. I honestly think Sheamus might be one of those special few who can get a crowd to do whatever he wants. I mean they got behind him FAST during that segmant with Mr. Mcmahon, I was really suprised at how much of a reaction it got.
LOL. None of you understood my comments were a joke? Man, if you guys didn't laugh at that you must be stoned. The hair thing should have gave it away. Let me try again: Imagine Sheamus yelling "Taste the rainbow!" as he does a dropkick on Cena. If you don't think his accent coupled with that catchphrase is funny then I give up on you.

Also on a more serious note, I did mention the fact that he isn't an aggressive heel in terms of appearance. That can play a lot to make him more appealing. He's already over the with audience and can give a damn fine(no pun) speech.
First I honestly believe Sheamus does not belong in main event the guy is totally boring and lacks any good wrestling skills. When I see this guy who reminds me of Willie from The Simpsons on steroids would not be champion if he wasn't buddy buddy with HHH. Wasn't Sheamus pretty much a jobber on ECW but yet out of nowhere he is champion ? Seriously The Miz would make a much better heel champion and it would be more believable.
First I honestly believe Sheamus does not belong in main event the guy is totally boring and lacks any good wrestling skills. When I see this guy who reminds me of Willie from The Simpsons on steroids would not be champion if he wasn't buddy buddy with HHH. Wasn't Sheamus pretty much a jobber on ECW but yet out of nowhere he is champion ? Seriously The Miz would make a much better heel champion and it would be more believable.

Sheamus was in ECW for 3 months and lost to Goldust (his only defeat). He did become champion faster then anyone else (I believe he beat Lesnars time) and wasn't really believable during his first reign but he has made believe in him for his second reign. Sure he is HHH's buddy who cares (I despise HHH By the way)? Also The Miz is on a slow rise to the top. He probably will join the main event sooner or later but not everyone can be pushed (alas Sheamus and Swagger) to the top instantly.

On topic, I'm sure a Sheamus face turn may work down the line. He made me believe that he was turning face on Raw this week then had me laughing when he went, "Nar who cares how I won it, its mine". This is wrestling, you can do the most evil things in the world but that doesn't mean you can't ever become a face again.
as long sheamus is in the wwe he will be heel or at the very most angry tweener... however before my fellow countryman was snapped up he was a john cenaesque babyface in irish whip wrestling based in dublin (now defunct i think) and to be honest he was GREAT .............. to an irish audience. from the title of this thread i assume we are not here to speak about what we like or dislike about his charachter but rather about he will or is capable of a face turn......... capable; defo (not for at least 3 years though) but only in an orton or austin kinda way were he still doesnt care whether he is booed or cheered. he will never be complete face like was in ireland but bottom line is that he has become a star far beyond this little island in the atlantic ocean so he adapts and has proved himself in a very short time whether you like or not. triple h wouldnt have taken such a shine or interest in him if that wasn't the case
I believe he could make a good, "noble warrior"-type face. A lone wolf similar to his current character, but one who plays by the rules. The crowd was very into him when they saw him supposedly giving the title back, and he had me fooled as well. This shows that he can make the crowd believe he's a good guy.

If you ask me, he has a good face look. I can't really explain it, I just think that his look works equally well, no matter his alignment.

However, I don't want him to turn face for a while. He's becoming a great, great heel, and I think that he'll only turn face when the crowd decides they want him to be face, just like Orton.

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