Sheamus And Wade Barrett


Pre-Show Stalwart
I thought i would combine my thoughts on these two wrestlers as in a strange way - they will mirror each other.
Sheamus, when he burst on to the scene in my opinion he won his 2 main event titles too quickly , they hadn't really built him up as say when Brock lesnar came on the scene.sheamus then slipped into the mid card, but now hes getting into a decent feud with Christian which no doubt he will win and i can see him becomming champion again probably after Big Show has had one more run. but then who will topple him eventually - well obvious Wade Barrett.
Wade Barrett arrived with a bang with nexus, nexus was disbanded far too early in my opinion again and had several feuds with Cena etc not quite winning the title. now wade is in the mid card(Sheamus again) and I can only see his star rising again, whether that means forming a stable intially with sheamus and then the eventual break up and title fights - so after Sheamus has another title expect wade barret to step up to the plate.
Hopefully the predictions/thoughts of mine also keep Randy Orton out of the picture for a while - may be even getting him a return to raw. just a few thoughts
I don't see Sheamus & Barrett forming a stable for a couple of reasons.

Given that Barrett & Sheamus had a match this past Friday, a match in which Barrett won almost 100% clean, there's more of a chance of these two developing into a full blown feud than teaming up. Sheamus has been on a huge role since coming to SD! and I can see WWE putting him into a feud with Barrett for the purpose of building Barrett back up to a much higher level. Losing a match or two to Barrett won't do any damage to Sheamus since he's barely lost at all since joining the blue brand.

A second reason is that, at this point, neither men need to be part of a stable. Barrett's already been part of a couple of them in which he was the only real star among said factions. He needs to stand on his own now. As for Sheamus, I could see him ultimately challenging Mark Henry for the WHC at some point in the near future. He & Henry both briefly feuded during the summer and both hold a count out victory over the other. So there's definitely "unresolved issues" between the two and it's obvious that Sheamus is a legit contender for the title.
I agree with a stable not being in the cards.

Sheamus just turned face this summer, so it would be foolish to turn him back heel. Barrett is too good as a heel right now to turn face with the Barrett Barrage going on. And as Jack-Hammer said, neither of them need a stable.

I think the two are on a collision course for the WHC. I see Sheamus and Mark Henry getting their unsettled feud going again and Sheamus eventually taking the belt from him. By that point, I can see Wade being WHC caliber.

I would absolutely love to see these two feud. It would be gritty and hard hitting.
I see where you're coming from with the comparisons but sadly? Factions are based on a little more than that. Once you start looking at their alignments or recent history; the idea doesn't make half as much sense. Partly because Wade Barrett has already been included in two failed faction attempts. The WWE doesn't want to try him in another one and you can tell this simply by what he's been saying lately; he wants to almost resurrect his career. So, I doubt he'd start by doing something that killed it in the first place. Now; about Sheamus? I feel like the company made him face for a reason and like the many people above me? I too believe he's being prepped for a lengthy run at the top of the brand. This conflicts with these plans you have in a couple ways. Firstly? They're on two different sides of the alignment scale. Secondly? Right now, their careers are in and are headed in different directions and at different speeds. Lastly? It would in my mind, bring Sheamus down. The guy has worked his way to the top of the ladder again and I feel as if he was shoved back down to the middle card? It really wouldn't be fair to him. In a year or two? Maybe. But nobody can predict that far ahead.

Saying all this though, I wouldn't mind seeing them interact a little. I'm sure they know eachother a little from FCW and I find it could be become quite the show stealer if it was to happen. Wade Barrett has mic skills galore and his opponent can easily carry a match; not trying to state that Wade can't hold his own either. Even that would have to be something saved for a little while, until the Englishman can prove that he can garner enough heat up in the high card. Good concept, they both have had very opposite careers when compared. Just not the right time, that'll come in a few years.
As long as Sheamus and Wade can keep Orton out of the title picture for the forseen future, I'll be happy. As much as Orton is over with the fans, the last thing we the audience needs is another "Super Cena". Sheamus just turned face not too long ago and he's on fire on SmackDown! Wade seems to be turning the corner though and stringing some wins after his failed I.C title run and being in charge of two groups.

These two will not for a team or bond of any degree anytime soon. Wade still needs more wins under his belt, but he's coming along nicely now, where Sheamus is becoming a more credible superstar after his monster push early in his career.
I would like to see Wade's "bare knuckle champion" expertise come into play with his gimmick. Cole talks about it every week, and yet it never realy comes into play. On Smackdown this last week he was losing a fist fight to Orton, which to me could have been he had the advantage and the WWE are losing a bit of an opportunity there.

For example, when they had Kurt Angle, no one can beat him on the mat, or if they did it was a HUGE deal. Same again with Mark Henry, he is the WSM, therefore no one can beat him in the power game.

Barrett should be using his fist fighting skills as his major advanatge and no one should be getting in one with him, or they'll lose.... I'd like WWE to take adavtange of that and make Barrett a huge threat and give him fast hands as a set up maybe to the Wasteland...
I can see where you are coming form in terms of similarities, which is what tag teams and stables are usually built off or act as a foundation. Wade Barrett and Sheamus both have the physical style (which Sheamus makes look far more entertaining than Wade), and are European. However Sheamus is a face, Barrett is a heel and to turn either one would not be a smart move. As strong as my dislike for Barrett is, he is one of the fastest rising heels on Smackdown, Sheamus is the #2 face on Smackdown. Plus did they not have a match on SD recently? Point is that neither of them are on the same track with other so they should either feud with each other or continue the path they are currently on. So no I do not think there is the need or internal desire the company to have a stable consisting of Wade Barrett and Sheamus.
No that shit ain't happening, I'd be all for it and it would be fun to watch but it isn't the right path for either of these guys right now. Sheamus has been on a roll as of late, he's been in feuds with Mark Henry and Christian and really grown as a superstar while making his way to a good upper midcard spot. Barrett has been on a streak of his own picking up substantial momentum with wins over big names including a recent win over Randy Orton on Smackdown!, he's moving up to that same area where Sheamus is. Basically both of them are in the perfect spot right now and they're well on their way to main event success.
The last thing I want to see is Wade Barrett in yet another stable. Frankly, I'm burned out on stables especially now that we already have one on Smackdown with Hunico and company. Both Sheamus and Barrett are doing very well as singles competitors and while I certainly wouldn't rule out an alliance in the future (though not in the foreseeable future), it's definitely not happening anytime soon nor should it happen.

Basically, no need to fix what ain't broken.
The last thing I want to see is Wade Barrett in yet another stable.

I agree. What he did before, he did very well; he had a more authoritative manner than the other members of Nexus and was a wise choice as leader. The thing is, he spent so much time ordering the others around and instructing them to inflict beatings, we didn't see as much of him as a potent force in his own right as we should have.

Now, we do. Wade is working better than ever; his ring repertoire is far more effective than it used to be. He's a wise guy, he's obnoxious, he's sadistic......he's got everything necessary to be a top heel single.

Someday we'll probably cheer for this guy as a face, if for no other reason than everyone goes face sooner or later. For now, though, I can't even imagine cheering Wade......he's just so damn evil.:icon_twisted:
Looks like KB Bryan spent sometime in my brain. We think alike on this subject.

This is what I'm hoping will be the Wrestlemania World Title match. I can imagine these two putting a good 20-25 minute match without having the wasted break holds.

I would've liked to see these two, along with McIntyre & Ryan & headed by Finlay, form a faction when they 1st jumped into the company. But now that they are established with the characters they are, it wouldnt make sense to me.
Whilst I don't agree with a partnership between the two happening, I do see many similarities.

I personally feel that Barret and Sheamus are very much alike. There have a similar fighting style, have had somewhat similar build up's in there career, except Wade losing title matches and Sheamus winning them. I think they look somewhat similar too, just Sheamus obviously more of a brute.

I feel that these 2 can be big time superstars, case can be made that Sheamus already is.

One problem I see. With Wade Barrett, he was initially hated and drew alot of heat. At the moment he doesn't appear to be drawing alot of heat as a heel. I feel they need to spend time on building him up as a bad man, who does bad things. But also, keep his theme of not backing down from a fight up.

I also agree with a previous poster who said they should focus on his bare knuckle history, give him a "william regal" type thing with the brass knucks, don't kid that wouldn't draw heat to him.

I like what they are doing on Smackdown. They've seemingly built the show up from lacking superstars, to now having Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry, Sheamus, Christian, Barrett, Rhodes... all being legimate guys to challenge the Randy Orton/ Big Show level guys.

Furthermore they are building up guys like Dibiase to replace them in the mid card. And Ziggler is getting alot of time on Smackdown, and could easily be the Smackdown heavyweight champion.

Barrett and Sheamus for me should start a bitter rivalry. But not directly. One where they have words backstage, occasionally interfere in matches, or watch on commentry. Build this up until Mania season, and then have the 2 battle it out, and I'd have # 1 contendership on the line.

I feel that Randy Orton-Daniel Bryan-Mark Henry (2 of/ if not all) will make up the SD WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT match at mania, so placing emphasis on wanting to be champion, and having them duel for the contendership would be good in my opinion, and put each over big time.
Why? Tag teams are usually formed with 2 stagnat(e?) midcard guys or by two guys who are each "halves". Forget about this whole "character similarity" stuff, that's just fluff. The basis of tag teams are either filling a roster void or filling an ability void between 2 guys.

Both Sheamus and Barrett can talk and wrestle and have credibility. You can creat two money making stars (products) out of them. You team them and it's only one. Unless you do it short term like Rated RKO.

I see them as better money makers as a foil to one another.

Anyone else think booking Barrett as a "big guy" is kinda foolish though? I mean, he's bigish but not really all that much bigger than Orton and isn't strong enough to pull off the big men moves with the ease and velocity that make you go 'that's a big strong mofo'. Mark henry works because he's big, nasty, and you BELIEVE he could rip you in half. Sheamus works because he's strong like an ox and you BELIEVE he could knock both of your ears to the same side of your head. With Barrett I feel like if he picked me up for wasteland, I could struggle and maybe wiggle my way free.

Obviously I'm speaking in terms of kayfabe, but believability is huge. Barrett just doesn't carry himself or perform moves like a big man. Make him more of a rugged mean ass brawler. Like a taller Finely/Regal.
Why? Tag teams are usually formed with 2 stagnat(e?) midcard guys or by two guys who are each "halves". Forget about this whole "character similarity" stuff, that's just fluff. The basis of tag teams are either filling a roster void or filling an ability void between 2 guys.

Both Sheamus and Barrett can talk and wrestle and have credibility. You can creat two money making stars (products) out of them. You team them and it's only one. Unless you do it short term like Rated RKO.

I see them as better money makers as a foil to one another.

Anyone else think booking Barrett as a "big guy" is kinda foolish though? I mean, he's bigish but not really all that much bigger than Orton and isn't strong enough to pull off the big men moves with the ease and velocity that make you go 'that's a big strong mofo'. Mark henry works because he's big, nasty, and you BELIEVE he could rip you in half. Sheamus works because he's strong like an ox and you BELIEVE he could knock both of your ears to the same side of your head. With Barrett I feel like if he picked me up for wasteland, I could struggle and maybe wiggle my way free.

Obviously I'm speaking in terms of kayfabe, but believability is huge. Barrett just doesn't carry himself or perform moves like a big man. Make him more of a rugged mean ass brawler. Like a taller Finely/Regal.

Barrett's about 3 inches taller and 30lbs heavier than Orton. I think that's quite a bit bigger, although as he's a tall mofo he looks smaller than he is. Other than that, I agree. Barrett's build and background make him more suited for a style centred around him just beating his opponent senseless.

As for Sheamus and Barrett forming a team, I say hell no. For starters, why would they form a team? On WWETV Barrett and Sheamus have been fighting eachother since their paths crossed and clearly don't like one another. Secondly what would they have to gain? Sheamus is a former WWE champ, Barrett's beaten several former world champions. Why would they decide to say "Sheamus, I don't like you, you don't like me and we're both possible contenders for the World Heavyweight Championship. So lets team up and go for the tag team championship even though we'd make more money fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship!"? Thirdly, the tag division is obsolete with the ammount of time WWE has now. People who matter don't need to share the spotlight because that's the only way that they can be showcased. And finally, Barrett's spent the best part of a year as part of a team or stable. If he's going to grow as a performer and a character he has to got it alone and stand on his own two feet.
Barrett's about 3 inches taller and 30lbs heavier than Orton. I think that's quite a bit bigger, although as he's a tall mofo he looks smaller than he is. Other than that, I agree. Barrett's build and background make him more suited for a style centred around him just beating his opponent senseless.

As for Sheamus and Barrett forming a team, I say hell no. For starters, why would they form a team? On WWETV Barrett and Sheamus have been fighting eachother since their paths crossed and clearly don't like one another. Secondly what would they have to gain? Sheamus is a former WWE champ, Barrett's beaten several former world champions. Why would they decide to say "Sheamus, I don't like you, you don't like me and we're both possible contenders for the World Heavyweight Championship. So lets team up and go for the tag team championship even though we'd make more money fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship!"? Thirdly, the tag division is obsolete with the ammount of time WWE has now. People who matter don't need to share the spotlight because that's the only way that they can be showcased. And finally, Barrett's spent the best part of a year as part of a team or stable. If he's going to grow as a performer and a character he has to got it alone and stand on his own two feet.
This is pro wrestling, no one is as big as they say they are. Davey Richards is a midget. Big men are significantly bigger. I doubt he's as much bigger than Orton as they say. Barrett is lanky. He's not a "big man".

I agree with everything else you said. I think the best response to teaming them is not to because they're both successful and talented as singles, so why limited their ability to draw seperately? That'd be like having 2 guys who hit .300 with 30 home runs, one plays first and the other third, but just for shits having them split time at first and paying someone else to play third. Doesn't make sense. You don't put guys who can be singles stars as a team unless it's a temporary thing like Awesome Truth that gets them both more over and puts them in the main event.

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