Shawn Michael's Final Match


Pre-Show Stalwart
What would you like to see happen?

I hope that at the Raw after a future WrestleMania, Shawn announces that this will be his last year and he is retiring at the next WrestleMania. He goes on to have a bunch of high profile feuds for the rest of the year. All the while, someone dominant, like a Triple H or Brock Lesnar type character, is holding the WWE Championship and is beating everyone that comes his way. Shawn goes on to win the Royal Rumble and challenges this guy for the WWE Title at his final WrestleMania. Sometime before Mania, the match becomes a Last Man Standing match.

During the match, there is a lot of back and forth action with these two guys beating the hell out of each other. Just when you think the dominant guy is going to win, Shawn hits the Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere and they both fall to the ground. As the ref counts to 10, Shawn is able to slowly pull himself back up with the help of the ropes and makes it to his feet just in time. After the bell rings, Shawn falls back to the ground from being exhausted. He wins the WWE Championship and has a farewell ceremony on the next Raw.
I've been thinking about this actually. And don;t get me wrong, I don't want Shawn to retire at all, but it'd be stupid for someone to think that this isn't on his mind if not everyone elses. He isn't in the same physical condition as he has been. and even though that doesn't make much difference to us as the fans as he is still brilliant in the ring, it makes a lot of difference to Shawn Michaels, as he's the one who feels the pain and tiredness that many other people don't understand.

With your suggestion, the one thing I don't understand is him winning the belt the day he retires, I find this pointless. However what I wouldn't fnd pointless is him having a championship run in his final year of wresling, or at least some time before he retires. I don't think many would disagree with the fact he deserves it, and definately deserves more runs than the amount he has been given.

I think Shawn, unlike Ric, should win his last match. the storyline with Flair was good, for him. However I don't think it'd work with Shawn. I think he should set a date, e.g. a Wrestlemania, and tell the world that will be his last match, regardless of win or lose. Him losing the match wouldn't be a bad thing, or a bad reflection of his career, as it certainly wasn't for Flair, however due to the nature of his gimmick of going out compared to Flairs, Shawn should win.

When trying to determine who should be the person to end his career, I think it's safe to say very few people have earned that honour. With Ric Flair, they chose a brilliant superstar to end his career, someone who always has great matches, and who had definately earned that. Out of respect for Flair, Shawn was one of few people who really should have been allowed to end the legacy. This is something Shawn Michaels also deserves. However, take Shawn out of the equation and who are we left with?

Triple H - Definately an option, and at the moment probably my favourite. The 2 have had such brilliant careers, and I'm a fan of HHH. Every WWE fan is familiar with the amount of history between the 2, whether it's love or hatred. Their matches have also always been brilliant. I love seeing them in the ring together, whether together or apart, as you just know you're going to see something special.

I'd never like to see them have another feud, as I think it's been done to the death and would definately take away from every other brilliant thing they've done in the ring. Fans should always remember the past matches they've had, as if they had anymore people would remember this feud for the many who would comaplin "We've seen it all before". However the one thing they haven't seen before is Triple H ending Shawn's career, in Shawns last ever match.

Hulk Hogan - The two had a good match a few years back, and Hogan definately has the fanbase to make this huge. However Shawn doesn't need that, and it'd be upsetting to see Shawn's career ended by this man. The 2 just don't compliment each others styles at all, and even though they can work together, I'd much rather see someone else who Shawn works with brilliantly.

Also, as I stated above, I want Shawn to win his final match. With the people we have at WWE, I think I can say quite easily that Shawn Michaels would not win if put against Hogan. Due to his 'hero' status with many fans, they would be unhappy with him losing, despite it being Shawn's match.

Austin/The Rock - I'm sure you know what I mean by classifying them together. They're both gone now, but still firm in the fans hearts, and still classed as big stars by the majority. Both have been the face of WWE, and everyone knows who they are, even the completely new fans.

Shawn and Austin had a great match before Shawn retired in 1998. Just imagine how much better it'd have been if Shawn wasn't on his way out due to an injury that bad? I think they could really have a good match, and I'd love to see it happen. However, same stands for with Hogan, would he come back to lose? He may do, but I can't see it as completely sure.

And also, a problem with bringing a wrestler such as The Rock, Austin or Hogan back for just that one night, is that the fact it's Shawn's last match would be taken away from. He deserves all attention to be on him, and every cheer to be for him and his career. I can't see it happening with these people returning.

Mr Kennedy - Has A LOT of potential at being huge. I think he's defiately going to be face of the comapny in a few years time. I think the odds on Kennedy ending his career are dependant on when Shawn does decide to retire. If it's Wrestlemania 25, I definately don't think he has a chance. However if it's closer to Wrestlemania 30, I could see him doing this. Not only would it further push his career in the right direction, it would also instantly give him a hall of fame name, if he wasn't aslready at that stage.

Whoever ends Shawn's career will automatically go down in history, as it would be one of the biggest things for someone to do. I also think it would fuel heel heat massively. I can't see many fans being happy with Shawn retiring, and if Shawn also lost his last match to this person, the crowd would turn on him like that. IT all depends on the direction they go in, but it would certaily be interesting.

As for type of match, I think in the end it should just be a regular singles match, no titles, no gimmicks, just Goodbye and Thank you Shawn. This way, nothing could take away from the skill we will see of Shawn that last time, and that we know he will deliver in massively, no matter his physical condition. He will be remembered for so much, that his last match will just be a tribute, yet the tip of the ice berg in what has been an amazing career.
I would have him win the title in his last match because it would be unexpected. No one thought that Flair was going to win. No one would expect Shawn to win the belt in his last match but he could shock the world and prove that he is still and always will be The Showstopper. I would want him to wrestle someone dominant because it could be as good as Eddie/Brock at No Way Out. It made you feel so much better when they won because you weren't expecting it at all.
I would have him win the title in his last match because it would be unexpected. No one thought that Flair was going to win. No one would expect Shawn to win the belt in his last match but he could shock the world and prove that he is still and always will be The Showstopper. I would want him to wrestle someone dominant because it could be as good as Eddie/Brock at No Way Out. It made you feel so much better when they won because you weren't expecting it at all.

Yeah, he will always be the Showstopper, and as I said, I think he should win the belt one final time before he retires. I just don't see the point in it being in his last match. I mean, he'll have no feuds, no title matches, no nothing. I don't think the tirle reign would mean anything.

I'd rather him be champion for a few months at least, have a few good feuds, really good title matches, and make the belt seem increasingly important, and put focus back on the one and only Showstopper.
I would actually have his career end in the same town it began in and probally have him challenge a smaller profile guy like cody rhodes so that he can have a awesome match but at the same time build up someone elses career
I agree. HBK needs a great victory for his last match, but while doing so, if he could build up a young superstar like Rhodes, then more power to him. personally, I believe that would be a great match because Cody Rhodes has shown a lot of talent in his latest matches. However, any match that is set to be the last for HBK would be amazing because that is what Shawn Michaels does best;entertaining and amazing!
I don't think we need to talk about this yet, as I honestly believe HBK has another title run left in him. I think he should end as Undertaker has said he wants to end: after a long title run. Make him World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania 27. Have him be dominant with the title for a complete year. Then, at Wrestlemania 28, have him lose the title and announce his retirement on the following Raw. Have him lose the title, as joeshmooz said, to someone such as Cody Rhodes, or Mr. Kennedy, to build them up.
Trust Becca to make a Will size post on HBK. :disappointed:

Yeah, I definately agree that HBK should win his last match. Because they will want different ways for Ric and HBK to go out on top.

At the moment I am utmost convinced that it will be HBK vs. HHH in a final match. I reckon HBK will win that match though, unless they want to keep the "Pass the Torch" thing going on.

I imagine the amtch of HHH and HBK will be legendary and mean alot. The hype for it will be beyond and above when that happen.

I think that the only other options would be an 'Against all odds' thing for HBK.
Personally as a lifelong Cliq member, I'd like to see him challenge Undertaker for a match at Mania (doesn't have to be for the title) and it's Streak V Career, whichever ending works for me. I'd like to see him leave on his own terms and just win a big match, maybe against Nash (if he leaves TNA). I'd rather see the cowboy riding into the sunset on his own terms than say Orton ends his career and cuts 5 years worth of promos about being the man who killed the Legend of HBK!
Would have to b at Wrestlemania, as Shawn always steals the show and his last match would excel that even further. However, winning the title? That to me would look like they were sticking it to Bret Hart jus that little bit more, to purposely go against tradition when that's Vince's reason for screwing Bret in the first place.
I agree it will have to be at wrestle mania as H.B.K is MR Wrestlemania. As Shawn michaels says the night after a ppv is more important to him then the actual ppv. So i would love to see shawn michaels Challange a face champion at wrestlemania, belt V's career. Lose only to have the face champion give him one more rematch the night after at his farwell see off and have him win it, or another way would to finish his ME status the way he started it a one hour iron man match with him winning it. but i couldnt bare to hear that the H.B.K will be retireing it makes me shudder. all i know is when it happens i will be there to watching his final match.
Shawn should win the title at Wrestlemania 24 in the main event and keep it till wrestlemania 25 feuding with guys like 'Taker, Batista, MVP Jeff Hardy and Jericho.After HBK beats all of these guys clean, staying faces but still be that edgey DX style character that he plays so well, and at about the royal rumble he will enter a program with Mr. Kennedy that is similair to the Fued they had last year but amplifeid and add a few personal aspects to make the fued more juicy and entertaining. Mr. Kennedy should beat HBK clean with his finisher after an awesome 35-45min match and win the title. But the next night on Raw, it will be in San Antonio, Mr. Kennedy will challenge HBK to a "whos-the-better-man-match" and of course HBK will win clean with sweet chin music and have his last match. He will leave to his music, to his fans. The next Raw he will have a ceremony very similair to Flairs.
A year in advance, HBK starts his "farewell tour", except instead of the way they did it with Flair, there's no "if you lose, you retire" stipulation. HBK simply states that he'll be retiring at WrestleMania no matter what.

Michaels goes through the entire roster. Everyone. Eventually, he has a match against the current champion and wins the title. He goes on a several month title defense - WITHOUT MINDLESS FEUDS - wherein there's no "you kicked my father, now I want revenge" type of things. Instead, everyone wants to challenge him because of how credible you'd be. It isn't an ego issue like it was with isn't a "heels do blah blah to face, face gets mad, challenge is set" typical type of title reign...its "everyone on the roster wants to be the guy who ends HBK's final title reign", in a way.

He retains throughout the entire reign. Finally, at WrestleMania, knowing that even if he wins, he'll retire and the belt will be vacated, they have two specific matches. One of them is a #1 Contenders match (battle royal maybe) to determine one of the two people who will face each other at Backlash to win the vacant title. The other match is Michaels versus his choice. If the choice wins the match, he wins the title and thusly has to defend it against the winner of the #1 contenders match. If he loses and Michaels wins, the belt is vacated, and the #1 contender faces the person Michaels defeated.

Michaels chooses Triple H. I think by now, he should've already had a match with Taker (and I don't think they should put the streak on the line like that), possibly at Summerslam or Survivor Series or something to draw a big crowd, and I don't think anyone else could have a truly honorable match with Michaels. Morrison? Could do well, but despite how big of a fan I am of him, I think he should get his title shot beforehand, not at the grandest stage of them all.

Key here is to make it so HBK vs. HHH is not the typical feud, with one being a heel and doing despicable things and such. Just two friends. With Flair/HBK, they panicked at the end and tried to make HBK a heel in a way, which didn't sit right with me. None of that here.

HBK wins, Sweet Chin Music guessed Iron Man Match. 1-0 score.

Michaels deserves it.
Yeah, he will always be the Showstopper, and as I said, I think he should win the belt one final time before he retires. I just don't see the point in it being in his last match. I mean, he'll have no feuds, no title matches, no nothing. I don't think the tirle reign would mean anything.

I'd rather him be champion for a few months at least, have a few good feuds, really good title matches, and make the belt seem increasingly important, and put focus back on the one and only Showstopper.

Excellent point my friend. HBK has done it all. I think to give him a lengthy title run like his first title reign will prove justified. As far as potiental candidates for his final match, of course HHH would be the obvious fit. I would also like to see HBK Vs. The Rock. Only because it was a very anticipated feud and that the two really dont' like each other and never faced each other. I would love to see the two biggest egos face off and i think it would be even better if they were both heels as well. Just to add i would love to see HBK Vs. AJ Styles. Maybe not as a final but I'm just throwing that out there.
Shawn's last match should be jobbing to Jeff Hardy. It is said that Jeff is going to be the next Shawn Michaels, so having Jeff beat Shawn is a symbol of passing the torch from Showstopper to Showstopper.
I think his final match should be against Undertaker in a Streak vs Career match at Wrestlemania. Though I think it's a little early for Michaels to retire, WM25 would be the best place. WWE has teased about a future match between them in two consecutive Royal Rumbles, both of them are from Texas, and both of them are arguably the best veterans left in the company. It would really set a standard for the younger talent.
Mr Kennedy - Has A LOT of potential at being huge. I think he's defiately going to be face of the comapny in a few years time. I think the odds on Kennedy ending his career are dependant on when Shawn does decide to retire. If it's Wrestlemania 25, I definately don't think he has a chance. However if it's closer to Wrestlemania 30, I could see him doing this. Not only would it further push his career in the right direction, it would also instantly give him a hall of fame name, if he wasn't aslready at that stage.

I hope you're seriously kidding. I mean this is blatant ego feeding to Kennedy marks. There is no way Shawn Michaels would be high on Kennedy ending his career, or being his last match. And if you think it'll happen, you're just as crazy as they are.

You being the biggest H.B.K. fan I know, should know from Shawn Michaels himself that he'd want to go out with a bang, not a fizzle. Mr. Kennedy, "next big thing" or not, is no where near 'bang quality' for Shawn Michaels.

Now as much as I'd love to see John Morrison vs. Shawn Michaels, I'd be just as naive as Kennedy marks, to think that would be H.B.K.'s last possible match. So I'm going to also say, you hit the nail on the head with..

Triple H.: They're best friends and pretty much 'equal' to each other in the W.W.E. Shawn would want Triple H. to be his last match, as they've put on truly great matches each time they step in the ring. Furthermore, almost like Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels won't want some up-and-comer or random guy to be his last match.. he'll want it to be someone who won't gain from it completely, but can hold it in his list of achivements.

H.H.H. v. Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania "??" will be more than likely a HUGE draw for H.B.K.'s final match.

OR, if they don't go with Shawn Michaels v. Undertaker at next year's Wrestlemania, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if at one Mania within the next 5 years they do indeed go with H.B.K. v. Taker, in some type of career match at Wrestlemania. Infact, that would sell bigger than ANY Wrestlemania ever. Because it'll be the Show-Stopper of Wrestlemania's vs. the guy who's undefeated at them.
As a big Shawn Michaels fan, there is only one person I would want him to have his final match against and that would be Triple H. Because of their outside friendship, they have great chemistry in the ring and HBK could actually win because a loss for Triple H wouldn't hurt him. I don't think he would have a problem with putting someone over for his final match, but I would rather him go out next to someone that is at least close to his equal.
i would love to see shawn michaels last match at wrestlemania vs the undertaker they could make a big build up mr wrestlemania vs the streak and in a match that big no titles wouldnt have to be involved. or it could be against triple h in a classic like they did at summer slam or vince can throw a curveball and have bret hart vs shawn michaels as the main even of wrestlemania
Controversial as it seems id like to have Bret Hart his nemesis come back for one match.

It would be cool to have him win it at WM and vacate the title on Raw the next day. Then they could do a Shawn Michaels tribute Tournament for the title.

Id have Shawn win another Royal Rumble before he retires at the least because he is the master of the Rumble, skinning the cat was invented by him and when he won the rumble like that it went down in history.

It would be cool if Shawn went on full time to mentor and train talent for the WWE.

It would be cool to have Shawn fight at No way out as DX for one final time possibly fight HHH for the WWE title as his last match.
Either that or have Stone Colds one last match be with Shawn Michaels.

Id love to see him fight Undertaker in another match tho.
Now that I think about it. I like a lot of your ideas. I'd still stick with Shawn announcing his retirement a year before it happens. Shawn wins King of the Ring and goes on to win the WWE Championship at Summer Slam. A lot of the guys in the back talk about who is going to be the one to end Shawn Michaels' final title reign. A lot of them try but Shawn pulls out a victory every time. Royal Rumble comes around and Triple H wins. Shawn talks about how he always hoped his last match would be against Triple H and that no matter what, they will always be friends. After a long and hard fought battle, Shawn comes away with the win. He hits the Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere and falls on Triple H for the 3-count. After the match, they hug and celebrate in the ring together. The next night on Raw, they throw a ceremony for HBK and Shawn thanks everyone for the memories. The title is then vacated and put up for grabs in a 6 man ladder match at Backlash. The competitors are decided in the preceding weeks before Backlash.
Hmm almost sounds like how another wrestler was going to spend his last night. I would say that they would more then likely have HHH face him since they are friends. However I say HHH win the belt and none of this give the belt because Bret Hart wanted to do that but Vince did not trust him.
Hmm almost sounds like how another wrestler was going to spend his last night. I would say that they would more then likely have HHH face him since they are friends. However I say HHH win the belt and none of this give the belt because Bret Hart wanted to do that but Vince did not trust him.

But shawn aint leaving to tna we are talking about his final match there is a major differance. the match you are talking about was brets final match in the WWE/WWF not retiring match and vince thought he would disgrace the belt. that is the reason He deserves the title in his last match.
Shawn's last match will be a talking point for years afterwards. id like to see marty jannety come back for one of shawns last matches and compete for tag team gold once more, Marty wasnt a good singles wrestler but back in the day the midnight rockers was the best tag team out. could you imagine a
H.B.K vs Bret hart for his final match? i would love to see that again.
Lmao. Sorry, but Bret Hart is NOT participating in Shawns last match. No way, no how. Shawn Michaels has made no secret of the fact he dislikes Brets style, and even his abilities. Their feud is world famous, and even though for the fans as a piece of memrobillia almost, it would be good to see, it would completely disrespect Shawn. He would never want his last match to be with Bret.

As I've said before, the honour will probably go to HHH. The two are great friends and also have a very..colourful history. And I think the only way fans could see HBK V HHH again, would be in a retirement match.
It's got to be Wrestlemania, I don't know whoa against, but it should be the top heel, whoever that may be.

Ironman rules, for the title.

0-0, time running down, Heel puts HBK in the Sharpshooter, Michaels hangs on until the buzzer. Tie. Heel reliquinshes the hold. HBK is broken, announcement made that we're in overtime. Heel measures HBK for finisher, HBK gets up, turns round immediately nails the Sweet Chin Music. 1-2-3. Biggest pop ever

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