Shawn And Hunter, Or DX HOF

Will Shawn and Hunter go into the HOF as a team or single stars?

  • Single Superstars

  • As a Team

  • Only Micheals

  • Only Hunter

  • Neither One

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Not sure if this is where this should go, but i saw the E&C one and it made me think, when it is time for both of these men, who obivously both will be inducted into the HOF as both of them are some of the biggest stars ever in the WWE, but my question is, and some may find this crazy, is Shawn Micheals and HHH going to enter as DX or are they going in as seperate parties. The reason i ask this is becuse DX was the team of the 90s, and 2000s, and one of the top 5 in my opinon of all time, they were the stone cold in a team, but now u look at their amazing singles careers, so my question is will hunter and shawn go in seperate or together as a team?
i think there is no question that they will be inducted, i also am pretty sure they will be inducted seperately. both have done some amazing work and both are major players in WWE history. to recognise them a team would take a bit away from their singles careers.

BTW i pissed myself laughing when i saw that someone voted that HHH will never get in the hof. man, vince mcmahons son in law, not in the hall of fame. have i been i a coma for a few years or something? LOL!
No offense, but is this really a question? If both guys retired right now, they would each have more than enough accomplishments under their belt to warrant an individual induction. I see no reason why they would be inducted as DX, especially since DX wasn't always just the two of them, and included about six other people. It was and is certainly a big part of both guys' careers... But that's just it. A part. There is far more that is HOF-worthy about probably two of the biggest stars of the last ten years, and I think that inducting them together would be a disservice to both guys.

And yeah, anyone who thinks that either guy isn't an absolute lock for the Hall of Fame...
I am kinda happy that I inspired a thread. Yay me! Ok, got that outta the way.

This is a pretty clear cut case, where E&C has a bit more time to gain clarity. Edge and Christian both have years left before either retires, and Christian is a borderline case anyway. Thus, the question sought to answer how will they both get into the HOF or not. With DX, Shawn is nearing retirement, and while Hunter is slowing down, he still has some time left before going out. For this reason, even if Shawn isn't inducted the same year he retires, he will likely be in the Hall while Triple H is still active on the roster.

It isn't really a question if either guy will get in. Politics aside, both have had immense careers, and are toted as future Hall of Famers. Both will be in the Hall of Fame sooner or later, and probably won't go in at the same time, unless they both want to be inducted on the same night. So, the DX option is kinda out the window, unless Shawn and Hunter both request it. However, DX will likely be mentioned with both inductions, so the group will be noticed either way. Shawn is the original founder and leader, the guy that made the group what it was. Triple H is the guy that took over and ran with it, expanded it, and saw it through its dying days. Both played a key role in DX, but DX did not encompass either man's career, and the Hall of Fame should reflect as such.
I'm going to have to go with them getting inducted seperatley. They have both had DIFFERENT paths into this game, and both have built the reputation of a HOF'er, thus being inducted seperate would only be inevitable.
Shawn would deffinatley induct Hunter and vice versa, maybe they both come out to DX music (seeing as they will be inducted in seperate years) but to say that DX will be inducted as a tag team IMO is a wrong move. Maybe not for "todays" wrestling fan, but as a fan of the WWF from the 80's/90'S, I have to say that DX was NOT a tag team, they were an ALLIANCE if you will (more than 2 superstars, and entered the ring seperatley, I.e. New age outlaws), but as only HHH and HBK now are holding that legacy in tact, its the Tag Team everyone knows.
There's no question they will go in separately. I can't believe anyone would think differently. DX is great but like someone else said it wasn't always just them. Both of them have accomplished much more as singles than as a team.
I don't know how it could even be questioned. Yes, DX is a legendary tag team in professional wrestling, but it doesn't define either of their careers. This is like asking if Hulk Hogan should have been inducted as part of the nWo instead of by himself, which kind of makes me laugh out loud at the thought. Should Hall and Nash be inducted as The Outsiders? You should look at the careers of the wrestlers and if either one of them had ever had a world title run, you can pretty much bet they'll be inducted seperately.
I think BOTH. First they will each go in on their own and then they'll all go in as DX and rightfully so. Both of their careers would make the hall without any of their DX stuff, and obviously DX wil make it in. It's like Ric Flair is in the Hall and the Four Horsemen should also be, same thing with Hogan and NWO. BOTH.
I voted as single superstars. Sure DX was great and all, but their singles careers is what made them, and is what people will most remember.
Pick you top matches involving these two......I bet almost none of them is a DX match. No offense to DX, but it's just the way it be
Definitely separate inductions for both Hunter and HBK instead of one whole induction as DX. These guys have enough accomplishments that surpass several members currently in the HoF on their resumes, so separate inductions should be the way to go. BTW if they were to induct them as DX, doesn't that mean they also have to include Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, X-Pac, and Chyna who all have some beef with Vince for the last couple years? Plus we all gotta remember that Hunter is the son-in-law who will one day run the company alongside with Steph, so his induction into the HoF will probably not happen immediately. Plus he has a good couple years left on him, unlike HBK who doesn't necessarily have much time left in the WWE as a wrestler. In other words, we're gonna see HBK get inducted into the HoF long before Hunter gets inducted (that's if he ever does since he may be running the show one day).
No chance in hell do they go in as DX. Hell by the time DX first started, Shawn was pretty much already a HOF, helping HHH get the rub he needed. Sure they have been tag champs but in a VERY depleated era for tag teams in WWE. Besides I can name two ex tag partners of Shawn's that helped make for more memorable teams: Marty Jannety and Kevin Nash. Sure HHH is better wrester than Janetty but look at the history of the Rockers, not just WWE but also AWA. In a way, they remind me of the Hardys, with the high flying moves cept the Hardy's took it to a whole different level. And the team of HBK and Diseal? It was short lived however what a great combo, speed, agility, power, they had it all. If HBK was going to be inducted twice, singles and tag team, then Jannety should be the one going in with him.

As for HHH, when he does retire and we look back at his career, we will always remember him most as "The Cerebal Assassin". He was at his best playing the role of heel. DX helped him out, the original with Shawn, Chyna, and Rude, and also when he was the leader with Xpac, Chyna, and New Age Outlaws, but in no way shape or form did it define his career. "The C. Assassin" made him a main eventer for the rest of his career.
They'll both get it. Not only will they both get in, they'll get in again as a tag team. They're both going to be a part of the company for years after they retire from in ring competition. It will be an excuse to get that both back on t.v. as many times as they can. They have more then enough singles accolades, but there will still be money to be made with DX long after they're gone. I honestly see Trips getting in the hall of fame no more than 5 years after he retires. Same with Michaels, but he'll get in right after he retires. A couple years down the road, they'll have a tag match at Mania, coinciding with their induction into the HOF.
They will go in alone, and if you think have problems. As someone said earlier, HBK was a HOF'er BEFORE DX ever came along. Shawn had won the WWF title multiple times before DX was even thought of. HBK had THE best matches of his career before HHH even won the Intercontinental title.

HHH has made his way in this business post-DX. Yes, DX, the STABLE, helped him reach that level. But as the leader of DX, he was never the Worlds Champion, that came after DX was dead and gone. HHH had his biggest matches and feuds after DX was finished. These two have done WAY more in their careers than just being members of a stable.

And, by the way. DX IS NOT A TAG TEAM! Just because Vince brought them back together a few years ago and MADE them a tag team, that doesn't mean they are a legit tag team. They are two mega stars put together, holding tag gold, under the banner of a once great stable. To induct these two in the HOF as DX would be a slap in the face to Rick Rude, Chyna (no one care's, but still), Waltman, Billy Gunn, and Road Dogg. ALL of those people made DX great. If you view DX mainly as a tag team, you obviously didn't watch DX in it's prime.
Yeah, there really is no question here. They will both enter the Hall of Fame seperately and be the highlight of their particular class. Michaels will most definitely be the first within a few years and Triple H will follow suit whenever he retires. There may be some DX references mixed in there since Triple H will probably induct Michaels and HBK may even come back to induct Hunter, but that's about it.
The stupidity of some of these posts on this website never ceases to amaze me. I wonder.......will The Rock ever get in the hof as a singles wrestler or will he go in with Mick Foley as part of the Rock n Sock Connection. By the way that was sarcasm. When will the stupid posts on here stop?

Quit bitching and actually contribute something rather than whining. These posts aren't bad and maybe yours are terrible but you complain to hide them. If you're unhappy with the posts in this website then either leave or don't post, plain and simple.

I believe HHH and HBK will get in separately and there is no way they would get in as a tag team because they were not one. I could see the original DX with HHH, HBK, Rude, and Chyna being inducted but it is a slight possibility. If the Four Horseman weren't inducted as a group, then I don't see DX doing it either.
They will go in separately because they are legends on their own. They have both had more success as singles stars than they did as DX. Look at Trips' title reigns, or HBK's legendary feuds. DX is awesome and all, but they won't go in as a team. I just don't see that happening. It makes more sense for them to get inducted separately. One thing is for certain though, both guys definitely will be in the HOF in the future. There's no reason for them not to be.
Are my eyes screwed up or something, has someone voted that neither will get in to the hof. please tell me it was a joke. PLEASE!

As i stated before, there is no question that both will be in the hall of fame. arguably 2 of the most influential wrestlers in the recent history of wrestling. the fact that people have said that neither will get in... i'm not dissing you and you're entitled to your opinion but could you please explain what in the world makes you think they will not be in the hall of fame.

The more i say it the more i am convinced it was a joke because there is no reason that they shouldn't.
Without a shadow of a doubt singles superstars, considering (in my eyes) D-generation X as a team never did accomplish enough to call themself Hall of Fame worthy, Shawn and Triple H solidified their legacies under the banner of D-generation X, but it didn't solidify the legacy of D-generation X as much as it did to the single careers of Shawn and Triple.

Besides it would make the most sense to seperately induct them, because I doubt that they'll retire at the same time, and I truely believe that Shawn will be inducted at the Hall of Fame following his retirement.
Triple H might too become inducted the year following his retirement, but as I said, I simply don't see them retiring at the same time, because as it looks now, Shawn could quite possibly go on to retire at Wrestlemania this year, and Triple H still has a few years up his sleeve no doubt.
Ok not to be rude or anything but I kinda just laughed when I started reading this thread. No dout that shawn and HHH will get into the hall of fame and no dout that it will be as singles. But the way I see it is that they will be the main inductie for the h.o.f whenever they do go in. Just like the undertaker, john cena, batista, and probably edge will be some day. Yes DX did some great things in the past but it took them forever to get the tag titles. And sometimes I personally think he titles were put on them because they never did have them and it would look bad for two of the best wrestlers of all time as a team to never get the belts at least once. And to help them sell even more mechindice than they already were. So IMO I think without a dout they will be inductied as single stars and different years. And whoever said that they will be inductied as both singles and a tag team, you must stupid or something because that would make no sense because dx will already be in the H.O.F.
theres no reason for em, to put em in the HOF together. theyve had more success in their respect singles career, and frnkly, the only thing DX is known for is for fcking with Vince and being jackass to everyone else theyve fueded wth
If you put DX in the hall of fame, then everyone who was in the group when it was popular has to go in with them. I doubt the WWE wants luminaries like Sean Waltman in there, so that's that for DX. More to the point though, if the WWE is inducting people on an annual basis, and there's no reason they shouldn't, that means that the potential number of main inductees will dwindle in number pretty sharply. Couple that with the fact that Shawn Michaels will probably retire at least 5 years before Triple H, and the outcome is obvious. As a result, I think it is highly likely that both will go in seperately to each other as the main inductees in there respective years.
I think they'll get inducted separately, but I think when the time comes to get them in there, they'll be inducted in the same class. I honestly see HBK and Triple H going out at the same time. Both have a few more years left in the tank, and can still contribute and get people over. I would love to see title runs for either of them before they retire, but I don't see it happening really.

Neither of them will be a Ric Flair and be wrestling 20 years from now, but they'll still be backstage, or come out for special events every few years. I see them announcing their retirement at the same time, and maybe even having their one last match against one another, or at the same Wrestlemania at least. It may just be wishful thinking, but it's at least a possibility.

Now, at the ceremony, who knows what will happen. They obviously won't skip over the DX highlights in their careers. But I don't see DX going into the Hall of Fame because the faction used to be more than just those two. Putting the name of a faction into the Hall includes all those who have been a part of it. DX isn't a tag team, it's a name. Road Dogg, XPac, Billy Gun, Chyna, etc. would all be included.
So if Shawn and Hunter don't get inducted into the Hall of Fame at the same time, I see HBK going first, and inducting Triple H a year later, or so. And maybe then, like the Rock did his promo, they can open it with an "Are you ready?" promo.

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