Shango's Film Corner

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  • Great idea; But I think it would have to be weekly

  • Great idea; Monthly would work just fine

  • Bad idea; I would not bother to read your opinions on movies

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Tdigle, would you be willing to write a review of Friday the 13th for the First Edition of Shango's Film Corner? And you also mentioned that it had made quite an impressive box office haul this weekend. Perhaps you would also be willing to do a small piece on that for the Movie News section.
Tdigle, would you be willing to write a review of Friday the 13th for the First Edition of Shango's Film Corner? And you also mentioned that it had made quite an impressive box office haul this weekend. Perhaps you would also be willing to do a small piece on that for the Movie News section.

Yeah, that's fine. When do you need the pieces by?

Now, here's the names I've collected of people who have expressed interest in helping out.


I already plan to do at least one review, and the first entry of Shango's Signature Selections. tdigle is contributing with a review and a box office analysis. I'm looking for maybe one DVD review (I STILL haven't gotten around to watching Layer Cake), some more Movie and Hollywood news, and an editorial piece on some sort of show business current event. I'd be most interested in someone's take on the Chris Brown/Rhianna situation.

If you guys would like to be in the First Edition of Shango's Film Corner, please PM me these things to me by Saturday. I'll try and be fair and use something from each of you, but I can't make any guarantees. The best material is what will be used.
So, umm Bubba......did you see Coraline 3D? I am a Tim Burton fan and I wanted to check out the new 3D. I was not disappointed on either front.
I have not. I heard it's very dark and entertaining, pure Burton.

I WAS trying to go see The International yesterday but I had too much stuff going on.
so this is old hat, but anyway...

whatd you end up thinking of Gran Torino?? I found it average. which is a big compliment considering I think most movies are absolute garbage, and would rather light myself on fire, and jump into a garbage dumpster filled with alligators and poop than watch them.
I didn't see it. It only played in two theaters near me, and in the time that it was in those theaters, I only went once. I picked The Day After Tomorrow over it because I figured if I'm gonna pay ten bucks I might as well get some great special effects.

I'll probably rent it or something.
you sicken me.

what about "Defiance" and "taken"

see either of those?? Ill ask that before I jump into discussion, so im not saying useless stuff.

BTW Gran Torino is a fucking GREAT preformance by Clint, and shit all around everything else. Equals out to average.
Tim Burton is vastly overrated, most of his shit is nothing short of terrible, and the International is alright, but it's nothing special really, the movie just felt like it was trying to be something that it wasn't, it was also rather predictable, I'd say don't bother seeing in in the theater, it'll be on DVD so enough, just rent it

Well knowing Sam's taste in movies he should just prolly skip The International completely
I PMed my Friday The 13th review and box office analysis. Hopefully the weekly column shall be up soon.

It'll be up sometime Sunday... IF I have enough material to work with.

Guys, so far T-Dig is the only one who's submitted any articles for me. I can fill in any of the voids on my own, but I was hoping to make this an ensemble effort. I also have to work til 11 tonight, so if I DO have to finish it myself, I can't guarantee that it'll up tomorrow.

Here's an easy one; I completely whiffed on the fact that the Oscars were this Sunday. If guys could simply send me ballots with your Should Win/ Will Wins for some of the major categories, that would be good. And that can replace the editorial I was gonna do on Chris Brown. That's old news anyway.

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