Seth Rollins Turns On The Shield, Joins Evolution & Speculation on 3rd Shield member

I know I personally assumed it was going to either be ambrose turning alone, or ambrose and rollins together turning on reigns.

I bet Ambrose turns on Reigns soon enough. It will be a "Can't beat em, join em" colleagues of thing. Roman will be left as the loner up against his ex-Authority partners.
I bet Ambrose turns on Reigns soon enough. It will be a "Can't beat em, join em" colleagues of thing. Roman will be left as the loner up against his ex-Authority partners.


The story writes itself...unless WWE thinks of another swerve of some sort to throw off fans.

Roman Reigns getting everyone against him much like Daniel Bryan has in his Authority storyline is always the way to go.

That said;
I can see Rollins vs Reigns at MitB. Probably followed by Ambrose turning on Reigns post-MitB and then facing him at BattleGround followed by the rumoured HHH vs Roman Reigns showdown at SummerSlam.

Personally; I'd keep Ambrose together with Reigns beyond SummerSlam, and if as most of us believe, Ambrose could be a Top Heel in the company going forward...having him complete a HUGE Heel Turn on Roman Reigns after SummerSlam(with the Authority angle completed ofc, and Rollins off on his own as a Singles guy) which could cement him as a Top Heel going forward with a possible Huge Showdown of Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose at either Royal Rumble or at Wrestlemania 31.

Seth Rollins has got his big moment to stand out which will hopefully mean him going onto bigger and better things post-SummerSlam when this Authority angle is over.

Roman Reigns is rumoured to be facing the boss at SummerSlam, which means his big moment is imminent bar a big mishap on his part.

This leaves Dean Ambrose as the guy who will need his moment at some point, which is why his Heel Turn should also be of Epic proportions which would stand him well going forward.
To start things off, this is only relevant if the WWE decides to put a 3rd man in The Shield and have a 3 on 2 handicap scenario against Evolution.

So, I have two theories as to who the new "third man" could be in The Shield. I'll explain my reasons for both people and hopefully, you guys will share your thoughts and opinions on what I've suggested.

Theory #1: Joey Mercury

A few weeks ago, had an article up about how The Shield considered Joey Mercury to be the "4th member" of The Shield. Now, the last time we saw him on WWE television was when he was paired with CM Punk's Straight Edge Society so yes, it has been a while. From what I understand, Joey Mercury is a backstage talent who works with the superstars to help perfect their in-ring work, etc. He is also one of the trainers down at the WWE performance center. All this means that he is still fully capable of putting on solid matches and understanding how things work.

My scenario would be to have Mercury debut on RAW as The Shield's new Architect and say that they needed someone who knew Rollins just as well as Reigns and Ambrose did. They needed someone who knew and believed in The Shield.

Theory #2: Shane McMahon

Now this one is a bit out there, but currently has a survey up asking fans which superstar they would like to see come back for "one more match". The current leader of this survey is none other than Shane O'Mac himself.

Before anyone jumps down my throat...Yes, I know that Shane is not with the company CURRENTLY and yes, I know that he isn't exactly a young guy anymore but what if Reigns and Ambrose introduce Shane as the 3rd member and say that he came back for one reason, and that is to take out Triple H so he can have what is rightfully his, which is control of WWE. This could open the door to several new storylines such as a new brand split, the return of Mr.McMahon, a match between Shane and Triple H, and much more.

So yes, these are just theories. They may seem crazy but if you guys have anything to add or change, please feel free to comment.
There won't be a third man, because the Shield won't be for much longer. They will dissolve once Evolution beats them and everyone takes their own way.

But if we live in the fantasy world and somehow the Shield gets a third member, it can't be Mercury nor Shane. Most people don't even know who Mercury is and he is pretty irrelevant at this point.
Shane has been out of action for far too long to step in the ring again and he is already running his own business to actually invest time training etc for just a match/feud.

If in fact they somehow decide to take the stupid idea to add a third member, that member has to be someone who is recognizable and can fill the slot that Seth had. Maybe they can hype someone from NXT, they can have Batista turn on Evolution. Since it seems fantasy booking, they can call Punk and tell him to join the Shield (who beat him down for 2 months) or Jericho.
There won't be a third man, because the Shield won't be for much longer. They will dissolve once Evolution beats them and everyone takes their own way.

But if we live in the fantasy world and somehow the Shield gets a third member, it can't be Mercury nor Shane. Most people don't even know who Mercury is and he is pretty irrelevant at this point.
Shane has been out of action for far too long to step in the ring again and he is already running his own business to actually invest time training etc for just a match/feud.

If in fact they somehow decide to take the stupid idea to add a third member, that member has to be someone who is recognizable and can fill the slot that Seth had. Maybe they can hype someone from NXT, they can have Batista turn on Evolution. Since it seems fantasy booking, they can call Punk and tell him to join the Shield (who beat him down for 2 months) or Jericho.

I have to Agree. There is no way the Shield will get a Third man. I expect Reigns and Ambrose will continue as a duo for the next month or so, feuding with Rollins, Orton and Triple H, until Reigns gets his shot at HHH one on one at Summerslam.

If for some reason WWE did decide to drag the Storyline out and add a third man, my Number one pick would have to be Sami Zayn. The guys in ring Style would complement the group well and his charisma and in ring ability would mean he would not be overshadowed by the other two. Adrian Neville and Tyson Kidd could probably fill the void left by Rollins, but I dont thing they have the personality to be as successful as what Zayn could.
If there is a new member added to The Shield, it certainly won't be either of those two. Most people either don't know who the hell Joey Mercury is or they either don't remember him. His glory days as one half of MNM took place back in went through roughly the first half of 2006. Since then, he's been a non entity.

As for Shane McMahon, his return would certainly generate a great deal of buzz, but I don't see how it does much for The Shield. He's 44 years old and hasn't wrestled for over 5 years. Even when he did wrestle, it was sporadically. Personally, I think it worked great back in the late 90s and early 2000s with him as this spoiled, rich guy who'd had everything handed to him. Besides, the last I heard, Shane was CEO of China Broadband Inc., a provider of cable broadband services, as well as other digital and analog related services, in Shandong province of the People's Republic of China. He's also on the Board of Directors for International Sports Management. So, it's not as if he can decide to just up and drop everything in order to prepare for a wrestling feud.
Still trying to figure this out, and after watching Payback, I'm more confused now. You risk your career and your body to fight side by side with your "brothers" one night, and twenty-four hours later, you turn on The Shield, the most dominant force in WWE, to join a weakened Evolution? I don't get it.

And if I'm using last night's Smackdown as a sign of things to come, then I don't have high hopes for Rollins future. They regulated Rollins to a bodyguard role, while Orton wrestled in the main event against Big Show. Again, Rollins left the most dominant force in WWE to take a secondary role in Evolution? To make matters worse, Rollins was dubbed the brains of The Shield over and over again, and during the tease for a split, Rollins was the "glue" that held the team together.

Looking at this from a "WWE needs a spark" point of view to justify this turn is the only way Rollins as a heel makes any sense whatsoever to me. Look at the overall landscape in WWE. There's no reason for Shield VS Evolution to continue, and they're the only teams in WWE worthy of facing each other. The WWE WHC is recovering from an injury, so he can't wrestle. CM Punk is gone, Brock Lesnar is gone for the time being, and John Cena got the best of Bray Wyatt, and Cena chasing another world title win doesn't do anything to blow my skirt up. Paige doesn't have a noteworthy challenger waiting for her now, and I'm already bored with Alicia Fox's weekly tantrums.

Whether we like it or not, it's one week later, and we're still talking about the turn, and there's a significant amount of buzz surrounding Rollins as a heel. WWE feels stagnant now, and Raw's been a chore to sit through over the past couple of weeks. Still, that's not going to last for long, and the shock factor will wear off soon.

As far as The Shield goes, they've already beaten everyone on the who's who list, and Reigns and Ambrose don't need a heel turn. The fans want to support and cheer Reigns, and Ambrose is more than capable of holding his own on the mic. BUT the timing of this turn is just awful. Unless Triple H reveals a secret deal, where he agreed to write Rollins a check worth $1 million to turn his back on The Shield, then I don't see a logical reason for Rollins jumping ship after Payback.

Obviously, the next step is for Rollins and Ambrose to strike back and even the odds with a new member. But they're going to need someone, who's capable of creating a real buzz. Otherwise, I can't picture too many people getting their hopes up for a new member.
Shield don't need a new member. I think this would be a good way to reduce Triple H wrestling and focusing on it being Shield vs Orton/Rollins. The Shield is one of the best factions I have seen in many years - I would hate for them to add a new member.
Personally I found this whole betrayal incident utterly sickening all on levels. Arguably the Shield were the most existing wrestling team ever. They have built up a huge fan base world-wide who have paid out to watch them in action via the network, live shows, bought the merchandise and bought into the brand etc. Yet, despite what this whole army of fans clearly want see, Tripe H was determined to put an end to the Shield, with the treacherous Rollins, in spite of having himself enjoyed such a huge following as member of this team, being all too ready to oblige. To have betrayed his comrades by an announcement alone would have been disgraceful enough, but he had to go and end it all, without any warning, by a vicious assault on our heroes, whilst they were rendered utterly helpless. This shocking spectacle was absolutely nothing to do with sport, nor could it be considered in any way to be any kind of victory. It was nothing more than a wholly uncalled for, vicious, attack by a couple of gutless thugs.

No doubt all Shield fans were at least anxious to hear the truth about the appalling way in which Rollins turned on his ‘brothers’. Yet, to add insult to injury, Rollins claims that he owes no one an explanation and that the only person that needs to know is himself. Well Rollins, not only are you guilty of an unwarranted, savage and cowardly assault on your team mates, you also just kicked all of the Shield fans right in the teeth. Yes, you do owe an explanation; yes, you do have a responsibility to all those fans out there. Whether or not Rollins was the architect of the Shield, he has, none the less, gained his reputation and any following (that he did have) on the back of the Shield. Furthermore, Triple H seemed to find no fault with Rollin’s appalling attitude towards these fans, which in itself demonstrates a total lack of understanding about what it means to be a leader within the entertainments industry.

So, Rollins, if you won’t tell us why you did what you did, then we’re all just going to have to go and speculate:

Reason 1 – The Green Eyed Monster – although recognised for his exceptional wrestling skills, Rollin’s was never considered as the leader. Also he didn’t appear to get quite the same level of attention as Ambrose and Reigns, who also both appear to have a substantial following of female admirers. Pitiful though it would be, Rollins betrayal may have been down to nothing more than sour grapes.

Reason 2 – Money, Money, Money – no further elaboration required here.

Reason 3 – Blackmailed - Triple H and his thugs may have something on Rollins. If so, it must have come to light recently, otherwise they’re likely to have used it a lot sooner.

Reason 4 – Threatened in some way – it’s usually best to nip that type of thing in the bud by going to the police or by getting a lawyer.

Reason 5 – Rollins is Triple H’s Manchurian candidate - if this is the reason then Rollins is absolved of all culpability as he is just the victim. This stuff is no longer just in the realm of fiction and conspiracy theories. This stuff is really happening in the real world. I wouldn’t put it past someone like Triple H to use mind control methods if he has the means. I’ve watched footage of the Shield betrayal incident a few times over, to try to fathom it. I noticed that when Tripe H, along with Orton, enters with his sledge hammer, Rollins demeanour changes instantly and he suddenly seems pumped up full of rage. Initially we assume this was rage was towards H and Orton, but it may just be that the sledgehammer, or something within that entrance, has served as the neural trigger, which has instantly switched Rollins into Triple H’s robot. Here are just a few example sites to see the what kind of sinister mind manipulation techniques have been developed:
i've read this some where else, but the reasoning id give to the turn is this:

The Shield had just won against Evolution in a clean sweep, one of the biggest factions in history..there was no where else to go but down for the Shield, and to Rollins, the only thing worthy of taking down next was the Shield itself, and its unfortunate Rollins was the only one who saw the writing on the wall.

i say you book Ambrose/Reigns vs RKO/Rollins at MITB and some form of that match or a Handicap or a surprise partner for the Shield at Battleground (big Dave?), then at Summerslam you do Amrbrose vs Rollins in a Street Fight, HHH vs Reigns and RKO vs Batista. 3 money matches that dont even involve the WWE Title (Bryan vs Lesnar)
I just thought of this a few minutes ago. If anyone else has posted this idea as a thread, I didn't see it, but I am curious to get opinions on this. With Rollins defecting from the Shield, assuming he won't be back with them in a couple of weeks like Bryan or Punk when they did it, where does this leave the Shield? Should they stay as a duo and continue feuding with the new Evolution? Should they add a member over time? Here's a scenario. We've seen Adam Rose with his new gimmick, basically that of a goofball party animal. In his first couple of matches, we've also seen that his character can have a mean streak when he wants to. He could very easily transition over to a heel any time WWE sees fit to make that move. How about this, though? When the gimmick starts to get old with the fans, which it inevitably will, maybe he can get a beat down by Evolution. The reasons and logic aren't important right now, this is just for conversational sake. Adam Rose could ditch his image right now and become an edgy face. Suppose the Shield recruits him to join. How would you all react to that? I think he'd actually make a good third member.
Adam Rose should not join The Shield. He would be overshadowed by Roman and Ambrose. I also really like the partier character he has, that would never work with The Shield. He'd have to ditch that for something more generic. Not that The Shield are generic, but the persona Rose would have to enter would seem generic compared to the one he currently has. I like seeing him come out to the ring with the bizarre group of partiers in all their silly outfits. As long as there is a need for comedic midcarders, his gimmick will have a home. A more serious character might not work out as well for him. I did not watch NXT back when he had a different gimmick, so I am unfamiliar with his work outside of the Adam Rose character. So, I may be wrong on how well he can portray another gimmick. My main point is that I don't see the longevity that it would have, compared to the party character. If he did join The Shield as its third member, Roman and Ambrose would both get pushed over him. The silliness of his partier character gives him more longevity, so I will have to say no to PingPongBundy's idea. I'd like to see Sami Zayn join instead. He could fill the void that Rollins left as the group's best in-ring wrestler.
Adam Rose should not join The Shield. He would be overshadowed by Roman and Ambrose. I also really like the partier character he has, that would never work with The Shield. He'd have to ditch that for something more generic. Not that The Shield are generic, but the persona Rose would have to enter would seem generic compared to the one he currently has. I like seeing him come out to the ring with the bizarre group of partiers in all their silly outfits. As long as there is a need for comedic midcarders, his gimmick will have a home. A more serious character might not work out as well for him. I did not watch NXT back when he had a different gimmick, so I am unfamiliar with his work outside of the Adam Rose character. So, I may be wrong on how well he can portray another gimmick. My main point is that I don't see the longevity that it would have, compared to the party character. If he did join The Shield as its third member, Roman and Ambrose would both get pushed over him. The silliness of his partier character gives him more longevity, so I will have to say no to PingPongBundy's idea. I'd like to see Sami Zayn join instead. He could fill the void that Rollins left as the group's best in-ring wrestler.

I still don't see the point of a new member joining tbh, unless it is with a view that Seth goes solo and the Shield(with New Member) stays together for a long period(which I don't see happening).

If a new member is to be added just for Storyline purposes(perhaps HHH wants to get in the ring again), then I'd just move someone already on the Main Roster...maybe Ziggler, for instance, who has been defiant of the Authority quite a few times. Might help elevate him again for a short period.
@TheBrain I don't think a new member should/will be added.The simple fact and the matter is WWE has booked The Shield perfectly.At MITB would be the perfect time to end it by having Ambrose turn on Reigns and join Evolution as well.I think at Battleground Roman should end his feud with them and focus on Triple H.At Summerslam I would have Reigns win,Triple H tells him he earned his respect and raise his hand up.The next night he would quit Evolution.Batista rejoins Evolution as the leader and feuds with Roman.After losing to him so many times (NOC,HIAC,Raw) Randy takes the leader roll and kicks out Dave.At SS I would ask Rock to come back and have Rock,Roman,Uso's,and someone else vs. Team Evolution (Randy,Seth,Dean,two other guy's.) after I would have Rock focus on the title and Roman focus on his feud with Evolution/Randy.At RR I would have Roman win it.Beat Rock at WM 31.He would drop the belt to either Wyatt,BNB,Ambrose or Rollins later in the year.As far as Rollins and Ambrose goes I would have Orton quit on them.Ambrose turns on Rollins this time and you got Rollins vs Ambrose for WrestleMania 31 as well.
Hmmm. What would shock HHH and Evolution the most .. who could join the Shield?? Here s a thought.. what if it was all part of the story line.
How about say.... CM Punk??
That .. would be awesome :)
What the WWE Universe wants, what they crave, is a superstar that is edgy. Not this Hustle Loyalty Respect crap, or the Yes movement. Daniel Bryan and the Yes Movement represents the disdain of the fans, but he doesn't embody their plight.

The WWE universe needs raw, edgy superstars. Steve Austin embodied this. The Rock embodies this. Triple H embodies this. Undertaker embodies this. Shawn Michaels embodied this. Brock Lesnar embodies this. The shield, more importantly Seth Rollins embodies this. Whether your a heel or a face, you are the man, and the universe knows it, this is what it's all about.

Good move in my opinion.

It's funny you say that Rollins being heel is "edgy" because maybe that is how Rollins needs to play his heel persona. He be the modern day "Edge"! He do the high-flying and ladder matches, but also be brash and cocky like Edge was.
So, with Seth Rollins parading around in a suit on Last Night's RAW, it gave more of a reason to believe that he has indeed gone full heel and sided with the Devil himself, Triple H.

However, we didn't really get any really clear answer as to why he has betrayed his brothers, did we? It did seem as Dean Ambrose said," Let us hear Triple H's words coming out of your mouth"...

Also, why have the Wyatts become Seth's/Authority's new goons for?

It doesn't neccessarily fit with their character,tbh. Yes, they were scheduled for a match with Reigns and Ambrose later on, but still, why come out to save Seth Rollins' Ass anyways?

Couldn't the WWE have used other heels for that segment instead of making the Wyatts look like the Authority's goons?

The Reigns and Ambrose promos were quite straight and to the point. As usual, Ambrose was pure gold, whilst as a huge Reigns fan, I was pleasantly surprised at how well Roman Reigns got his message across, especially the parts on Orton(Who he will definitely be having a Singles match with at Battleground, I believe) and HHH(SummerSlam showdown seems a lock now,lMO)

The Main Event match went well enough. Having Cena be the 3rd guy was ok, I suppose as he nor the Wyatts have new programme anyway, so pairing them seemed the easiest thing to do.

Also, as someone who opposes a new member being added to the Shield, adding guys of Cena's ilk if required makes sense going forward until both Ambrose and Reigns go their seperate ways eventually.

I do have one concern, and that is, whilst Orton because of his experience, can handle being an HHH goon easily without losing anything, having the same done to a Seth Rollins who needs the spotlight going forward until he inevitably goes solo post-Evolution 2.0 is required.

Rollins gave away very little regarding his reasons for defecting, rather he stoked the flames a bit with his "I was the Shield's creator" stuff...but WWE has to be careful not to just make it a case of this "Architect" turning out to just be another puppet of Triple H as Ambrose so clearly alluded to in his brilliant promo last night.
However, we didn't really get any really clear answer as to why he has betrayed his brothers, did we?

We got the standard, yet storyline logical answer: He believes he is the reason that the Shield was as good as they were. He was the glue that held the lunatic and the guy raging with fury together and without him they will surely crash and burn. He's the architect and the brains. He even said that what he did was a business decision, which hints at the fact that there's something in it for him... And the obvious is that if he's aligned with Triple H, he'll have help whenever he needs it and opportunities.

I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the Money in the Bank match for the belt, only to have Ambrose and Reigns ruin it for both him and Orton in a run in.

Also, why have the Wyatts become Seth's/Authority's new goons for?

It doesn't neccessarily fit with their character,tbh.

Couldn't the WWE have used other heels for that segment instead of making the Wyatts look like the Authority's goons?

Haven't they always kind of been aligned with Triple H in some way, shape or form? It doesn't fit their characters, but it does make sense in a twisted way. They're heels. Triple H is a heel. Triple H hates the Shield, the Shield thinks they're better than the Wyatts so by proxy the Wyatts hate the Shield.

I wouldn't say they are Triple H's goons, I'd say it's more common interest than anything else.

And no one else really would have worked. Who else, after all the build up of the Shield and with John Cena's track record, could have even been in the ring with those three? Besides, the Wyatt's involvement was the reason Cena got involved. It set up the main event.

Also, as someone who opposes a new member being added to the Shield, adding guys of Cena's ilk if required makes sense going forward until both Ambrose and Reigns go their seperate ways eventually.

I don't really want a new member added either, but if they do it has to be someone that hasn't been on the main stage yet... Honestly, someone like Corey Graves fits perfect.

I do have one concern, and that is, whilst Orton because of his experience, can handle being an HHH goon easily without losing anything, having the same done to a Seth Rollins who needs the spotlight going forward until he inevitably goes solo post-Evolution 2.0 is required.

I don't think Rollins is a goon. I think he's more of a hired gun. I wouldn't say Orton is a goon either. Orton's promos with Steph/Triple H while he was the Champion showed one thing: He was aligned with them because they are the bosses and it gives him opportunities. When those opportunities started to become more of a problem than a good thing, he got panicky quick. Triple H is a means to an end for Orton. And Rollins is the protected Golden Boy now for Triple H. Neither are goons.
I agree that Rollins and Orton aren't goons per se, they're Authority associates. The Wyatts have done goonish things before for the Authority, mostly during the period before the program with Cena. Kane and the last version of the NAO we just saw, those are examples of goons.
We got the standard, yet storyline logical answer: He believes he is the reason that the Shield was as good as they were. He was the glue that held the lunatic and the guy raging with fury together and without him they will surely crash and burn. He's the architect and the brains. He even said that what he did was a business decision, which hints at the fact that there's something in it for him... And the obvious is that if he's aligned with Triple H, he'll have help whenever he needs it and opportunities.

I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the Money in the Bank match for the belt, only to have Ambrose and Reigns ruin it for both him and Orton in a run in.
agree with first part. he did give his reason and the reason that Seth turned was he was the guy who made/created the Shield and without him they will perish. that was what he said and i liked it. as for the last thing, i hope HHH does put him in the ladder title match and i hope Ambrose and Reigns runs in, but in the end, Seth overcomes their interference and wins it. i like Rollins' potential and i think the best guy for Bryan to win the title from is Rollins.
I agree, Ambrose was great.

I don't think the Wyatts are so much doing The Authority's bidding as they are using the company they work for to their advantage. If he's an opportunity to get Cena, they'll go ahead and do what HHH wants.
The Wyatt's were just following that saying, "A friend of my enemy is a friend". Also, whoever thinks Cena should join The Shield, fuck you!
At this point, it seems obvious it was a swerve for the sake of a swerve. Don't get me wrong, I know I always feel the need to join forces with the hated group I just fought against for 30 minutes THE NIGHT BEFORE, but...yeah...

It was dumb. For a main-event story, it should have been better told.
Also, whoever thinks Cena should join The Shield, fuck you!
Thank you! I'm glad someone else realizes the Shield isn't even close to Cena's level yet. Maybe one day they will be as good as Cena, but not for a while.
Thank you! I'm glad someone else realizes the Shield isn't even close to Cena's level yet. Maybe one day they will be as good as Cena, but not for a while.

Lmao! Really, that's not what I meant. Actually, it's the opposite.
So, with Seth Rollins parading around in a suit on Last Night's RAW, it gave more of a reason to believe that he has indeed gone full heel and sided with the Devil himself, Triple H.

However, we didn't really get any really clear answer as to why he has betrayed his brothers, did we? It did seem as Dean Ambrose said," Let us hear Triple H's words coming out of your mouth"...

I think we got a clear answer, actually. Rollins may not have gone into too much detail but he really didn't need to. WWE has been using "Best for Business" as a buzz/hashtag phrase for a few years now and Seth really used that to his advantage in his promo, parroting the phrase itself and declaring that he turned on Ambrose and Reigns because it was what was best for Seth Rollins' own business. His attitude is that he treated the Shield as a business partnership and once it had gone as far as it possibly could... and let's face it, The Shield as a group have worked with ALL of the top stars directly (except for Brock Lesnar) over the last two years and been dominant... and now it is time for Seth to prove why he's been called the Architect of the Shield or referred to numerous times as the glue that holds the trio together.

I like that. It's old school storytelling, but it works. It's simple. It's good.

Also, why have the Wyatts become Seth's/Authority's new goons for?

They haven't. The whole angle on Raw was just a way to get all of the current main event players in a main event match and help to keep Cena relevant and the Shield looking strong.

The Reigns and Ambrose promos were quite straight and to the point.

Agreed. I think the crowd is warming up to Ambrose a little more each time, which is good since I feel like he's just now starting to hit his stride and get comfortable working in WWE. I was a little worried about Reigns at first but he managed to put together a pretty solid promo bit. He's not on his cousin's level just yet but with the right amount of polish he might get... well, hold that thought. It's still VERY premature to speculate anyone becoming as successful of a promo guy as The Rock.

Also, as someone who opposes a new member being added to the Shield, adding guys of Cena's ilk if required makes sense going forward until both Ambrose and Reigns go their seperate ways eventually.

You know, Cena becoming a member/mentor of a babyface Shield wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen, but he would have to make a few minor changes. No more cargo/jorts shorts and bright colors. Someone here or on another message board posted a photoshop image of The Shield with Cena, who was wearing a suit and trench coat and looked a lot like an old film noir detective. I thought that was pretty cool and would be a great way to make Cena fresh again without actually turning him heel since it seems like WWE is terrified of doing that.

I'm still almost 100% against adding a new member to the group, though. I just feel that it would be detrimental to the overall storyline after two years of a huge push and character building.

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