Seth Rollins Turns On The Shield, Joins Evolution & Speculation on 3rd Shield member

I'm still not over this heel turn, that's how shocking it was to me. I thought Rollins would be the clear cut face when this group eventually split up, but now, he's the ultimate heel. Rollins actually plays the heel role pretty well if you've seen him as a heel in his ROH days. He was damn good and I think he'll be even better now. I can't wait for the explanation he gives but I think what he'll say might be obvious.

Honestly, I was thinking that The Ascension were going to debut on this show because of the tweet I read. And with HHH controlling things over on NXT, I thought they'd get called up. HHH could slid to the role that Flair had while the Ascension and Orton did the wrestling. It's what I was expecting but what we got instead might be even better. I can't really pass judgement on this angle as a whole right now but I think it'll all work itself out in the end.

Also, props to the Indy crowd. I thought they did well to boo Rollins in the last segment instead of cheering him. We even heard a fan clearly saying "WHY!?" when Rollins handed Orton the chair.
Saw this coming a mile away folks... if you remember WWE botched Rollins turn a few months back when he walked out on the Shield mid-match and then all of a sudden it was like "just kidding" or something. Everyone thought it was going to be Ambrose turning. Seems like they can never make up their minds around there... this should come as no shock.
For those that say The Shield did everything they needed to accomplish? I guess the Horsemen and the NWO did the same thing. How come they didn't break up as soon as that happened? Because they weren't being booked by the WWE. That's why.

The Horsemen and nWo mainly existed for the betterment of one man, Flair and Hogan respectively. Yes, other members of the groups had success, but that wasn't the main goal. The Shield, despite Ambrose holding a singles title, always were a group, working as a group, towards a shared goal. With that in mind, what's left for them to do? They beat Evolution pretty decisively Sunday night, beat the Wyatt family, and beat a few different 3 man supergroups. They've done pretty much everything they can do as a team.

As for Rollins being the one to turn, I like it. As much as I like him, he probably is the least likely of the 3 to find success in WWE due to Ambrose's mic skills and Reigns look and pedigree. By putting him with Evolution, that's a nice added bit a credibility that can help make up that gap, no matter if the gap between the 3 Shield guys is as large as it is perceived to be or not.
This makes no sense to me. Why would Rollins join Evolution when he was with a group of 'brothers' that beat them senseless?

Generally speaking, the fact that enemies often team up, even for just a match (not always this quickly) shows that there’s a certain understanding so to speak between most wrestlers. They all can have heated feuds, yet deep down they supposedly understand why their opponents do the things that they do, either because they too are capable of doing those things or because they understand what kind of ego is involved in the business (storyline wise). Monday at the latest, we should have an explanation as to what reason/benefit Rollins had to doing what he did. Understandably, it may not end up be one that you like, but at least it should hopefully make more sense to you and those who feel as you do. It seems pretty obvious though, wanting to get ahead, even though it means turning on his allies. As others have said, what better way to get ahead then to join Triple H? Even with The Shield having Evolution's number, Triple H made it clear that things weren't gonna end. It's pretty clear that at this point, when Triple H or Stephanie has a grudge they're not gonna go. Rather than permanently have to deal with them, he probably chose to join them and get the benefits that come with it. If you can't beat them join them. Obviously the Shield can beat Evolution in a match, but not in terms of power. Something along those lines.

If I have a group of buddies and we beat up a gang that's been ruling the streets for years, then all of a sudden I decide the grass is greener on the other side and just beat up my buds and join that gang, how much sense would that make?

Not much, but you're talking about reality, not the crazy reality that sports entertainment involves. As you know, not every heel or face turn comes due to a slow build. People suddenly turning on their allies for delusional reasons or reasons of wanting to get ahead is pretty common.
"if you remember WWE botched Rollins turn a few months back when he walked out on the Shield mid-match"

that was vs the Wyatt Family, right after their Elimination Chamber Match, I remember it

and true strange timing for Rollins to jump ship, especially after the Shield beat Evolution at 2 PPV's but what Paige Thriller says does make sense, the Shield have pretty much maxed out their potential - aside from getting edged out by the Wyatt Family, they've done all they could as a faction, won belts and kicked @ss

"that HHH runs the company and the quickest way to achieve what you want is to align yourself with HHH?" . I was thinking the same thing last night, yeah Rollins has beaten Triple H as part of Shield, but if aside from that title run as a tag champ he hasn't tasted Gold in a while, aligning with Triple H could help him in that regard

Agree with most of the consensus that unless Evolution adds another member - Cody Rhodes? Orton-Rollins vs Ambrose-Reigns will be enough for now

plus after Rollins turned his back on the team, I'd figure the Shield would be a big hesitant to bring someone new in so soon

if they do though, I'm partial to someone like Big E, who's a bit redundant in the powerhouse role that Reigns provides, but it would be a nice angle for Big E to join, as he's kind of faded into the background after a pretty lame Intercontinental title run
I saw it coming the minute Reigns made the brothers speech, the only thing that surprised me was that Ambrose didn't turn as well, although in truth he doesn't fit with Triple H and Orton at all.

The timing of the turn is strange, jumping from your dominant team to a losing team you've beaten twice convincingly the night after a big win makes little sense, but it's all down to the promo next week, Rollins explanation will surely hit the standard notes but it's how he delivers it that will matter.

Personally I'd have liked The Shield to continue a while longer as they are so good, but I can see the point of view that they had nothing left to do, plus the show has been treading water for weeks and needed something fresh.

My hope is this will see Rollins come into his own as a singles guy, the path is open for a new top heel to dethrone Daniel Bryan later this year, and with Triple H behind him and his natural enemy the guy earmarked to be the next top face, there's potential there albeit with a lot of hard work, good booking and a bit of luck required.

I don't think The Shield will get a new member, this is the split, I see Reigns and Ambrose sticking together briefly but drifting apart amicably by Summerslam.
I'm saddened by this... I feel there is so much more The Shield could go without splitting, like each having a singles run while being a part of the squad. Rollins, in my opinion, does not fit in the same group as Evolution, whether its style or size or experience; and The Shield is just not the same without him. They can recruit a new member, but that would be just meh. Unless there is another twist coming, this feels like a loss in every aspect.
i was very shocked by it. i expected something to happen, but i thought Rollins would stay face at least. my prediction was for either a new nxt rookie to join Evolution or for Ambrose to turn, but instead it was Rollins and i dont hate it. Rollins can play a heel or face character and make it work. my hope is this leads to a huge heel main event status for him as i like his in ring work and think his mic work is underrated. i also hope the Shield doesnt go away. i am hoping they add an NXT rookie to the group and then push Ambrose and the rookie to the tag titles in the future, but my prediction is it's a tag match with Ambrose and Reigns vs. Orton and Rollins then they move on from that.
I hated and liked the Rollins turn at the same time and here is why. Rollins imo was the breakout star in NXT then he was paired with the shield guys I seen Reigns become huge, Ambrose acted like a leader, and Rollins became a lackey until the face turn and then you saw more of what he did in NXT.

The bad is where and how the turn happened, Rollins helped kick Evolutions ass and stand over them just to turn on the Shield the very next night? Dumb...WCW did something similar to this if I recall with NWO, and all I could think is you hyped up how good they are to join the darkside...

Rollins won't live in a shadow for long, and this was a split that was needed but honestly its going to end up either being a 3-2 which is boring, or we get a new shield member which is also bad because then the shield turns into a broken Nexus which does nothing for any of them. The only thing I can see coming next is Ambrose turning at MITB leading to Reigns picking apart Rollins, Ambrose, Orton and getting Triple H at Summerslam, thats really the only logical choice I see atm and I hope I am wrong but we will see where this goes.
Alright, first of all I enjoyed this so much, it surprised me so much to the point I shouted "you son of a bitch" (yea, it's still real to me dammit), and my jaw dropped. I loved this one. As pretty much everyone, I thought Ambrose would join Evolution if there was a turn coming up.

With that said, I understand why it is Rollins. If it was Ambrose, then the Shield would have nobody to talk for them. Not taking anything away from Rollins, but Dean is just a natural mic guy. On the same note, Evolution needed someone that can perform in the ring, rather than just old, slow guys like HHH or Batista. Orton can cut it, but he isn't Rollins. I completly understand and actually agree with that choice.

Rollins looked amazing next to the other two Evolution members. He definitely has the "it" factor. He just fits as a main event guy.

The thing that bugs me is why did he join though. Apparently, HHH might have promised him some sort of WWEWHC match, or a big spot for something, but if there isn't something like that, then it would seem stupid. The Shield have defeated Evolution twice therefore they have proven they are the better team. Why would Seth turn on them and join Evo? I guess we will wait and see, but they'd better not give a crap excuse.
What do you think of the Rollins turn?
I honestly don't like it because with the "high flyer and entertainer" he is, the heel doesn't really suit him. Ever since turning babyface, everyone started to like Rollins. He has gained a lot of popularity. Just turning him heel and join Evolution makes everyone hates him.

Is this a step toward the main event as a singles wrestler or will he just be a lackey for Randy Orton and Triple H?
Putting Rollins in Evolution doesn't make him a single star. I honestly feel like he is not going anywhere with Triple H and Randy Orton. I feel like Evolution is using him because he is the architect of The Shield; Rollins has the blueprint of The Shield. Triple H's plan is to destroy The Shield; why not take Rollins who knows everything about The Shield.

Do you think he should have been the one to turn?
No. I feel Ambrose should have turned because it seems like Ambrose is better off as a heel than a face. His character is better as a heel.

Would you have preferred if the Shield stuck together?
Yes. Their popularity is off the charts. They have momentum after turning babyface and beating Evolution.

Will Ambrose and Regins bring in someone to replace Rollins and if so, who?
No. There is no point of bringing another member to replace Rollins. The Shield is the never the same without Rollins. Plain and Simple.

Pure Gold, that reaction from Dean Ambrose.

It will be interesting to see how long he remains alongside Roman Reigns, especially if SummerSlam will have Roman Reigns vs Triple H.

Although, I really look forward to seeing a Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins match at some point in the near future....preferably at Wrestlemania 31.
I can't say enough good things about that segment. It was pretty much perfect. I'm really glad Rollins is getting the heel turn as I think that right now, he's got the most to gain from it. I have no doubt he's going to make the most of it. I've been watching him since ROH as Tyler Black and the guy is just incredible.

Reigns sold the attack like a champ and Ambrose definitely scored big with his reaction. I don't think I've been this interested in a storyline for a long time because everything just played out so well. I was almost positive Reigns would have been the one to turn, and of course Ambrose is probably the most natural as a heel... but Rollins? Damn, that was a nice little swerve.

I hate to make such a bold claim, but I think Rollins is headed to HBK territory before too long. Reigns and Ambrose may have been the big picks to go on to bigger things originally (and they still are, of course) but Rollins has a lot of those Shawn qualities that made him such a big star. Great, crisp ring work, he's good on the mic (we'll probably get to see more of that now) and he is a bump machine. Give that guy some ladder matches!

Now, I just hope the follow-through on this storyline is worth it.
Lebron left Cleveland. Peyton left Indianapolis. Modell moved the Browns to Baltimore.

They made these moves because in the situation they were in, they felt they wouldn't achieve the success they were hoping for. Rollins is from the same cloth. He wants individual success. He wants to be the lone star. He felt he wasn't go to accomplish it as a member of The Shield. In some ways, it was obviously going to be him. Reigns hates The Authority and loves his brothers. Ambrose is too crazy for The Authority to control. I like it.

I don't think this will be the end of The Shield. They will bring in a new guy. At least I hope they will. I love The Shield.

Oh, and fuck you Seth Rollins.
Alright, first of all I enjoyed this so much, it surprised me so much to the point I shouted "you son of a bitch" (yea, it's still real to me dammit), and my jaw dropped. I loved this one. As pretty much everyone, I thought Ambrose would join Evolution if there was a turn coming up.

With that said, I understand why it is Rollins. If it was Ambrose, then the Shield would have nobody to talk for them. Not taking anything away from Rollins, but Dean is just a natural mic guy. On the same note, Evolution needed someone that can perform in the ring, rather than just old, slow guys like HHH or Batista. Orton can cut it, but he isn't Rollins. I completly understand and actually agree with that choice.

Rollins looked amazing next to the other two Evolution members. He definitely has the "it" factor. He just fits as a main event guy.

The thing that bugs me is why did he join though. Apparently, HHH might have promised him some sort of WWEWHC match, or a big spot for something, but if there isn't something like that, then it would seem stupid. The Shield have defeated Evolution twice therefore they have proven they are the better team. Why would Seth turn on them and join Evo? I guess we will wait and see, but they'd better not give a crap excuse.

Like most of the people on here, I agree that this was a good twist and like this move. To your final question, I actually think it makes sense for him to go.

He was always framed as the strategist of the group. The smart one. While the fans like the guy that always challenges the authority figure, when it all boils down to it, the smart play is to align yourself with the power. It may not be a "sexy" reason, but it is actually what a "calculating" person would do. At the end of the day, HHH is very vindictive (Bryan is still dealing with the Authority, through Steph, even after vanquishing HHH and the rest of Evolution on his own at WM) and it doesn't take a genius to see how Rollins could think "Why kill myself going against the guy that makes the rules when I could side with him instead".

Yes, turning on his "brothers" likely needs more of an explanation than that (possibly something along the lines of the usual "I wasn't given the respect of the others", whether true or not) but for someone presented as the "architect" of the Shield, what better way to show your smarts than to align with the Cerebral Assassin?

...other than, you know, the whole problem that HHH has basically turned on everyone he has considered a friend at one point or another :) But hey, you can't have everything.
They say 4-6 weeks before batista returns what if Seth Rollins gets the title shot etc what batista was promised do u see him returning to help the shield?
Honestly, I think Rollins take a step back. As a member of the Shield he was unique and was able to stand out in his own right. Now that he's aligned with two maineventers, he'll be overshadowed by both Orton, and HHH.

As a member of the Shield Rollins was given time because they were basically made to be equals, with Reigns being a little better. I think this move is going to hurt Reigns more than anything. How are they going to make Reigns a threat while always being at a disadvantage? I also don't think they'll recruit a new member. This is now Reigns climb to greatness while overcoming every odd in the book.
So lets just say Seth Rollins wont be rejoining the Shield any time soon, and WWE's plans are to give someone new a push via putting them in the mix (within the next month) as a new member of the Shield along side Ambros and Reigns so they can continue the 6 man tags and keep the Shield going as a group.

What NXT or current main roster guy do you think would be the new member or best fitting for a role in the Shield.

Its all hypothetical. Discuss.
What do you think of the Rollins turn?

I don't like to knee jerk because wrestling has always had the habit of turning dung to gold (and vice versa). Having said that, my initial feeling is that I hate it. The WWe had a successful face stable (a rarity) and what happens after it's crowning moment thus far... it disintegrates? :confused:

Is this a step toward the main event as a singles wrestler or will he just be a lackey for Randy Orton and Triple H?

Great question, I've always found Seth to be the least of the elements as far as portrayal in the Shield and don't think I'm alone in that perception. Any major push just because he is with Triple H and Randy Orton (who haven't exactly looked strong themselves) could be in great danger of the 'Sheamus' effect in fan eyes. Especially if Trip's happens to be thinking of fast tracking him against D-Bry for aesthetic reasons.

Do you think he should have been the one to turn?

No-one in the present or near future. However, when the time had come - Reigns is the guy I'd have turn with the payoff being him (ultimately) taking on a D-Bry/ Cena/ Rock for the title at a major PPV. That way, the WWe could avoid the feeling of a Brock/ Goldberg overpush that has existed in recent years.

Would you have preferred if the Shield stuck together?

Asides from any lingering Evolution/ Triple H storyline, I really feel that the company never really fully addressed the Wyatt rivalry. Plus, Bray and co. did edge the initial scuffles. How much fun could have been had should Triple H make a deal with the devil to eradicate the thorn in his side?

Will Ambrose and Regins bring in someone to replace Rollins and if so, who?

Hmmm, someone who has had issues with Evolution... who might get shafted in mere weeks by Helmsley Authority... who would fill the position of high flying risk taker of the group... YES!!! I think there may be someone lined up to be member three.
Yeah we knew the Shield would somehow disband to make a way for Roman Reigns' push. The Shield was a great fraction whether they were face or heels however they were hard up enough for competition that Evaluation had to get back together.

When it comes down to it Rollins was the "nice one" of the group. Ambrose was the psychopath, Reigns was the muscle and Rollins was like the middle brother who gets lost in the shuffle. Although last night was a huge surprise to those of us watching you had to know he had to do something so he wouldn't get lost in the shuffle. At the same time Evaluation is not meant to last. One day HHH is thinking of retiring from the ring the next he's strapping on the suit. Rollins is being used and he could also be tossed aside after he is deemed to be no longer useful.
So lets just say Seth Rollins wont be rejoining the Shield any time soon, and WWE's plans are to give someone new a push via putting them in the mix (within the next month) as a new member of the Shield along side Ambros and Reigns so they can continue the 6 man tags and keep the Shield going as a group.

What NXT or current main roster guy do you think would be the new member or best fitting for a role in the Shield.

Its all hypothetical. Discuss.

Hypothetical or not, I say nobody. It doesn't need to happen like that. The Shield have been built up strong for over a year and bringing in a new member from NXT wouldn't carry the proper impact. Outside of CM Punk returning and becoming the new third man in the Shield (not gonna happen) there are no main roster guys who could really fill the role, either.

Getting down to brass tacks, the Shield has now become a "three little indians" situation with one already taken out of the mix. This is where the company should split them off into their own individual spotlights. Too often, stables have "broken up" or had important members leave, only to be replaced by somebody else who doesn't fit the motif or who doesn't quite have the impact of the person who left. Even legendary stables like NWO became parodies of themselves by allowing either too many new members or the wrong kind of members into the ranks.

Instead, we see a situation now where three guys who have been given an outstanding push over the last year or so becoming what they were meant to be: three guys who will be in the main event picture for years to come.

BooCocky said:
Honestly, I think Rollins take a step back. As a member of the Shield he was unique and was able to stand out in his own right. Now that he's aligned with two maineventers, he'll be overshadowed by both Orton, and HHH.

I don't think that has to be the case. You could've said the same thing about Evolution when they first formed, with Batista and/or Orton being overshadowed by Trips and Flair. Instead, it elevated them both to main event champions. Sure, Triple H is definitely a main-eventer when he wrestles for reasons that need no explanation. Same goes for Orton. However, I see Trips taking more of a mentor role in Evolution (or whatever Evolution evolves into after this point) like Flair did early in their history. I also believe it would make more sense for Orton to be the odd man out of Evolution once he starts becoming jealous of Trips giving Rollins all of the new opportunities. Basically, Evolution is now the past (HHH), the present (Orton) and the future (Rollins).

This also gives Rollins the opportunity to play a "cool" heel which is something Triple H can definitely help him with as he and DX were always "cool" heels. Again, I will use the HBK example. When he kicked Jannety and split off, he became a "cool" heel which got over big and led to him being one of the most decorated and adored superstars in WWE history.

Also, I think a lot of people might be jumping the shark thinking that HHH/Reigns is going to be the big banner match in this feud eventually. To me, with all of these events unfolding, Rollins/Reigns seems like a better option... and in fact, at this point, with HHH behind him, I see Rollins dark horsing on everyone and winning the title before Reigns or Ambrose so that match will have even more interest when it happens.
I really am NOT sold on this at all. The Shield had been PERFECTLY booked so far. In fact, it's probably the one and only thing WWE has done a good job with in recent years without screwing it up somewhere along the way.

Did they just screw it up?

The Shield was WHITE HOT. Hottest act in the company. No signs of slowing down or becoming stale. Obviously all groups/teams split up eventually but in my opinion it's very, very, questionable to split them up right now, as hot as they are/were.

MAYBE this leads to something even bigger and better. I hope. But frankly I don't have a lot of faith. If Rollins starts eating pins and becomes the Evolution jobber, I will puke.
It's too tough to say how this is gonna play out, but so far I'm cool with it. It was a surprise turn of events -- those can backfire or they can work out perfectly to shake things up. Right now, my feeling is that it shook up the status quo, and could slingshot stories into their next phase. It also gives Rollins an opportunity to be his own man, even with Evolution. The focus has been on Reigns for so long, Rollins was somewhat forgotten as being his own man.

Now, all of this could go south in a hurry if Rollins is just a Batista replacement with the focus still on Triple H. But for now, I'm content to watch it play out.
Cody would make sense... but I just see him joining the Wyatts before he joins Evolution. We know he can do a dark character and there's more "family" based tension there. Evolution has managed as a 3 piece thus far and if someone else is going to join then it evens out. Hopefully not Batista but it's probable... but out of left field Kofi has just taken quite a battering... he could decide he "wants justice" and join the Shield as he is a similar style to Rollins too.
The only person I could see the shield bringing in is CM Punk because he could be thier veteran to counter attack HHH and he's also the only one who fits the description of everything that shield stands for but unfortunately we all know that's not going to happen...

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