Seth Rollins Turns On The Shield, Joins Evolution & Speculation on 3rd Shield member

It was a huge surprise for me when Seth Rollins turned on his Shield brothers and aligned himself with Evolution. I always thought that it would be Dean Ambrose who would be the one to turn on his team.
Well, it didn't look very convincing to me. He never smiled and almost always kept his head down, almost seeming ashamed of what he was doing (or being forced to do). No hug with Orton or HHH, just HHH patting him on the shoulder like he wanted to say : "Good boy ! You made the right decision". Maybe Seth is being blackmailed or HHH has something on Ambrose or Reigns ? You either turn on them OR...???

Just watch again and look at how he acts the whole time. If it is a heel turn just for fame and fortune it was pretty poorly done. He didn't react to the chants of the crowd or nothing, he just stood there like someone just shot his dog.
I was caught off guard, as I thought it would have been Ambrose defecting when the Shield eventually broke up.

I was probably one of the few who wanted that train keep going, but there isn't really another program for them, I guess.

I hope he doesn't flounder as a heel in Evolution as I feel he operates much better when connecting to the fans on a positive wavelength, but he is not one-dimensional so he may be able to pull it off, time will only tell.

As for who will take his place in the Shield?? Maybe they pull the ol' texas switch with Bluetista?? Or my personal favorite, Kevin Steen shows up out of the crowd and just PACKAGE PILEDRIVES EVERYBODY!!! Lol. Cheers, Guys
Well, it didn't look very convincing to me. He never smiled and almost always kept his head down, almost seeming ashamed of what he was doing (or being forced to do). No hug with Orton or HHH, just HHH patting him on the shoulder like he wanted to say : "Good boy ! You made the right decision". Maybe Seth is being blackmailed or HHH has something on Ambrose or Reigns ? You either turn on them OR...???

Just watch again and look at how he acts the whole time. If it is a heel turn just for fame and fortune it was pretty poorly done. He didn't react to the chants of the crowd or nothing, he just stood there like someone just shot his dog.

I noticed his reaction as well. It didn't seem as though Rollins was overjoyed at what he did as he was looking down at the end of RAW
Something no-one else has touched on here...

A few days ago posted an article stating "WWE Needs CM Punk". They claimed the major factor keeping Punk out of WWE was his relationship with Paul Levesque (HHH), and that HHH should put "what's best for business" ahead of his personal feelings and do everything in his power to bring Punk back to the WWE.

Take a second, and get a good picture of Seth Rollins in your minds... keeping in mind the fact he is athletic, capable of bringing a LOT of heat, and an excellent mic worker, with a lengthly pedigree of success in the indy wrestling scene prior to WWE.

Now take that picture of Rollins, cut his hair to a length below the ear, slick it back. Give him a bit of a facial trim, shaved from the corner of his mouth down to his chin. Slap a lip piercing in, a Pepsi tattoo, tape the guys hands to the forearms and a black X on the back of each hand.

Look familiar?

NOT suggesting for a second they would attempt to create the EXACT image of Punk, but if you were to take anyone in the WWE to fit the mould of the void he left in the company, Rollins is the perfect mark.

Take a look at this footage of Punk and Rollins together from NXT, just before Rollins was set to have his first title defense against Michael McGilicutty (aka Curtis Axel):

To me this is genius, and sends a clear message to Punk: "We don't need you"

The company has a storied history of replacing big names in a similar fashion, and is famed for it's ability to consistently breed, produce and promote new superstars.

Food for thought.
The thing about replacing Rollins in The Shield isn't just about replacing his spots but also fitting in with the gimmick of The Shield. The Shield see themselves and present themselves kind of as a soldier would. It reflects in their music, attitude, and everything really. So to put a guy like say Kofi who could replicate Rollins spots would need a major gimmick overhaul if he were to try to fit in with Ambrose and Reigns. Currently, I don't see someone on the WWE roster who really could fill Rollins void. I mean they potentially could bring up someone from NXT but then you have a more saturated version of the group.

Regardless, I have a feeling that WWE is not done when it comes to swerves with this angle. Call it a hunch if you will but I get a feeling that WWE is about to go all M Night Shamylan on this feud and I rally hope they do it right.
With Seth Rollins turning his back on the shield will be see a third member or is this the beginning of the end for the shield?

I think if the shield were to get a third member the only 2 people on the current main/nxt roster I can see is camacho and Tyson Kidd.

What are your guys thoughts?
if the shield do get a new 3rd member i would put either sami zayn or adrian neville the reason why i put my vote for 1 of those 2 is we have heard reports of kidd getting a overhaul by way of a lucha style gimmick (similar to the sin cara character) and as for camacho i think wwe would want to keep him with his latino hood gimmick
I just had this vision in my head before, "New" Evolution in the ring, HHH proclaiming how he brought down the Shield... cue the music

Ambrose and Reigns come through the crowd, stand up on the announce table and Reigns spouts some rhetoric about you can knock us down but we keep getting up, passes the mic to Ambrose, "You think you can tear down the Shield Hunter? Well I'm afraid I've got some BAD NEWS!"

Barrett needs a big, BIG push... what better way to do it? He is the closest on the roster to fitting the mould, and is a brute with a similar skill set to the other two, plus would look bad-ass in the Shield getup.
A repackaged Sami Zayn would actually fit well with Ambrose and Reigns...but honestly...I think they're going to milk the Orton/Rollins v. Ambrose/Reigns thing for the next 2 PPVs, culminating with HHH v. Reigns at Summerslam, Ambrose v. Rollins, and Orton v. Batista.
They shouldn't get a new member. If you lose a "brother" you don't just go out and get a replacement.

Anyway, there are very few, if any, options. Reigns and Ambrose are ready to go on their own as well and adding a third member would only delay that. They could probably get another 2/3 PPV's out of "The Shield" and that will be that.

It has been absolutely awesome and they deserve to go their separate ways and progress as individual talents. Indeed, that will continue the legacy of this stable better then any new member could.
Ah dammit, I was gonna make this thread. :blush: For some reason, the notion of them adding a third member just popped into my head a few minutes ago.

At any rate, I think it's possible. In Triple H's latest in character interview with Michael Cole, he says that The Shield doesn't exist anymore and said the reason he chose Rollins was because he was the thinker of the group, the brains of the outfit. The fact that Trips has outright stated that The Shield no longer exists translates into The Shield is still around, the feud will continue and he expects to decimate them since they've not only lost a member, but they lost the "brains" of the operation. In a 3 on 2 feud, with 1 of those 3 being a founding member of The Shield, Ambrose & Reigns are at a big disadvantage. As heels, they played the numbers game quite often to help get themselves noticed and their chemistry made them a force to reckon with. Now they don't have the numbers and they can't have that same chemistry.

I don't know if they should get a third member. For or against, there are good arguments to be made. It's an opportunity to possibly elevate someone from NXT right from the start, a means of getting them noticed and part of something relevant immediately. Hell, for that matter, it could be an opportunity to repackage someone already on the WWE roster, giving him a fresh start. At the same time, there's no guarantee that new member will gel with Ambrose & Reigns the way Rollins did. Chemistry is something that some people have and some people don't, it's just how it is in pro wrestling and life itself. Also, they shouldn't just add another member to the group just for the simple sake of keeping things even. The new member HAS to be someone that WWE officials believe in and can bring something unique to the group. A huge selling point for The Shield was the fact that they each brought different qualities, useful qualities at that, to the table. A new member must be able to do that, otherwise I don't see it clicking.

It could be an uphill battle. The original Shield was a fantastic unit, it'd be like The Beatles trying to replace Paul McCartney or John Lennon. Finding someone who can be both different than Rollins in some way while still being able to do a satisfactory job in his spot and add something unique to the group may not be easy.
I loved it. It was unexpected and I'm already excited for the future. I'm, of course, upset that The Shield have lost one of the members but we can now see them progress individually.

Evolution was lacking the original theme. Flair (past), HHH (present), Batista and Orton (future) was perfect. Now we can have; HHH (past) Orton (present) and Rollins (future). They can build up Rollins into a top heel and that might be the making of him. Ambrose was the obvious choice but Rollins perhaps needed it more.

I'd love if he were to win MITB or something. He has a lot of potential and this will only be good for him. The Shield were awesome but it is time to move on. This will undoubtedly be good for Rollins and Reigns; hopefully, Ambrose too.
CM Punk can potentially become the new 3rd member. If there's a BIG WAY he is going to make a return, then this is the way. In addition, become the LEADER of The Shield as well. He can be like a mentor to the young guys Roman & Ambrose. The only reason I say this is because of the WWE 13 LIVE THE REVOLUTION trailer that's 30 seconds. You will notice CM Punk wearing an extremely similar attire to the Shield. I don't think this is a coincidence. It was probably planned ahead of time that one day he will be involved in a storyline that involves joining The Shield. Also ironically, the trailer launched a month prior to The Shields debut on Survivor Series. This may sound far-fetched but I believe the chances aren't really slim for this one.
It's going to be Batista... it's pretty clear - they were even threatening Mason Ryan at one point so I think come Survivor Series when this gets it's blow off then we'll see Dave as part of the Shield.

Out of left field though, it could be Divas... Charlotte would be an interesting choice to join Evolution and Paige could become the female member of the Shield... gotta be better than what she's doing with "Batshit like a" Fox...
Honestly I hear reports of CM Punk not returning, but I don't think it's true, either he returns in Summerslam or the Royal Rumble, too much is on the line, AJ will be returning too, what do you say to Punk returning?
The only person that fits the shield's mold is CM Punk and it would be cool to have him and HHH feuding with two different factions behind them but I mean the chances of him returning look slimmer and slimmer everyday so if not him then I don't think the shield should get a 3rd member.
Please, enough with CM Punk, as much as i would like to see him back at some point, lets just focus on the current roster. As far as a 3rd shield member, i can see it being Batista. Shortly before summerslam, evolution will be beating down the shield then Batista will come out and save the shield. He may not become a "full" shield member, but he will help them out setting up 3 summerslam matches which was stated earlier in this thread.
CM Punk?!? Really? Really? Really? That move seemed to work out perfectly Nexus.

Adding a third member is not a good idea. They are going to run Orton/Rollins vs. Reigns/Ambrose until Dean is eliminated and H decides or is forced to take care of Reigns on his own.

However, how about some type of Crowe/Ambrose reunion? The Switchblade back in action would be awesome. The promos alone would smoke anything we currently have.
I can't see Batista being the third member of the Shield for a lot of reason. First and foremost, Batista will be gone for some time and I think the Shield will have dissolved by then. Also, the Shield already has a powerhouse, they don't need another one. They need someone like Rollins, a guy who is amazing in the ring. Personally, I don't think anyone should join the Shield. They should try to fight against this 2vs3 situation, eventually figuring out they can't, thus splitting up and fighting their own solo battles.

As a sidenote, why would Punk join the Shield? Didn't the Shield beat Punk down for 2 months or something?
Seth was the perfect choice for the turn because no one saw it coming! By far he is the better all around in ring performer of the Sheild, simply because of hi history. Like C.M. Punk & Bryan Daneilson before him he was huge in ROH & he is better suited to wrestle as a singles performer. Everyone overlooked him & Triple H knew it so like a master card player he sat back and watched the world mark out when he finally played his hand.[/I]
I wonder if Rollins was the right one to turn heel. I think cases can be made for either of the other two to go heel.

Dean Ambrose- He has always seemed more heelish to me. He looks like a thug, and if I thought that they would turn one person out of the Shield, it would be him, since Rollins and Reigns get more cheers and could work as faces, while Ambrose seems to fit better as a heel.

Roman Reigns- They could have had him turn heel on the Shield, and join Evolution. I know that he is popular, and is set for being a top babyface, but hear me out.

Reigns would be a heel and work with Evolution to take out the Shield. The beating on Reigns the previous night was set-up to make Reigns look to still be part of the Shield. But Reigns and Triple H have a falling out, Reigns is kicked out of Evolution, and then they can have Reigns v Triple H at "Summerslam", or even drag it out to "Wrestlemania XXXI" , on the road to making Reigns the "guy". This would give an explanation as to having the much-anticipated Roman Reigns v Triple H feud.
It's all about vision. I can visualize Rollins as a heel WWE champ, dressed up in a suit during promos, getting major heat from the crowd, at the same time impressing them with high flyer moves during matches, very similar to HBK. This kid is the one we've all been waiting for to change the game.
What the WWE Universe wants, what they crave, is a superstar that is edgy. Not this Hustle Loyalty Respect crap, or the Yes movement. Daniel Bryan and the Yes Movement represents the disdain of the fans, but he doesn't embody their plight.

The WWE universe needs raw, edgy superstars. Steve Austin embodied this. The Rock embodies this. Triple H embodies this. Undertaker embodies this. Shawn Michaels embodied this. Brock Lesnar embodies this. The shield, more importantly Seth Rollins embodies this. Whether your a heel or a face, you are the man, and the universe knows it, this is what it's all about.

Good move in my opinion.
I think it was a good move...I'm sure most assumed that there would be a split eventually, but Rollins' turn is probably the last one that most folks would have guessed. I know I personally assumed it was going to either be ambrose turning alone, or ambrose and rollins together turning on reigns.

This swerve is interesting, time will tell if they make the most of it. However, I will say that ambrose and reigns together as the shield does seem strange--neither of them have what it takes to keep them an interesting team in the long run to me.

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