Seth Rollins is not Main Event Material

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
How in the world can anyone take Seth Rollins seriously as WWE Heavyweight Champion ? He's had chance after chance to prove he's worthy of being in the main event , two main event matches with Dean Ambrose that were yawn worthy and were projected to be way better. The main event last night at Battleground that was the worst main event I've probably ever seen. It made Rollins look stupid and unworthy to be where he is on the roster.

He's constantly in the Main Event on RAW and Smackdown, they all end either screwy or he gets speared or pinned by a challenger. The only match I enjoyed with Seth Rollins was the triple threat match with Cena and Lesnar. He was also good when he was working in The Shield, when he was allowed to use his baby face, high flying moves that he has lost. Rollins on his own or at the top of the roster is not working in my opinion.

Seth Rollins fighting for the title or defending the title vs ........ anyone , it has a - who cares ? - feel to it. It certainly lacks any big match feel.
After watching Kevin Owens vs John Cena in three MOTY candidates in a row and every match deserving to be the main event, I can't help but feel that they have the wrong guy at the top right now.
Rollins is a fantastic wrestler and easily Top 5 in the WWE. His mic skills are improving. The interference can get ridiculous, but that's what you get with a cowardly heel. John Cena has been in the main event for over 10 years, and Kevin Owens just debuted. Be patient with Owens, and let Cena get out of the main event scene for a little while.
Seth Rollins is a heel. A heel that isn't interested in being "cool" and getting cheers. He's a great worker because he can do all these crazy flips and athletic moves but he restrains himself and pulls them out at the right moment making them that much more impactful. He knows how to work a match, work the crowd, and can draw a lot of heat when he's on the mic. He actually gets loud boos when he comes out which is very rare in the modern era for people outside of Cena (who also gets some of the loudest cheers). It's completely ridiculous to complain about Rollins. He's the quintessential top heel through and through and he's had a great run as Champion.
I'm not doubting his in ring abilities, his mic skills or his character. They are all medium to - not bad- I'm not saying the guy is terrible, but just not main event worthy in my opinion. I haven't seen the guy in a worthwhile main event match that even the crowd gave a crap about. When The Miz came out last night at Battleground , Jerry Lawler said , " And the crowd goes Mild . "

I can't help get that same feeling with Seth Rollins in the main event picture. There's that - who cares ? - feeling when he fights anyone. Maybe there's alot of room to grow so his main events will get better but.... right now he's undeserving to hold that spot.

P.S - The pre-card match last night was better than The Main Event ( if you can call it a Main Event )
I'm beginning to suspect the same thing, although maybe it's not Rollins' fault. He's a cowardly heel, but those kinds of guys are usually portrayed as crafty and dangerous. Did Rollins show any of those attributes against Lesnar? He just seemed like he was trying to survive.

Did Battleground do anything for him? He got his ass kicked and Taker stole his thunder. Maybe if Rollins got the pin afterwards and it was revealed that he had aligned himself with the vengeful Taker it would work, but the writing is such a mess that I've gotten burned out on Rollins. It didn't help that his match with Lesnar was rather...bland.

'Lesnar Vs Cena' was compelling on a storytelling level, as we were watching the destruction of WWE's strongest competitor. 'Lesnar Vs Cena Vs Rollins' was very exciting, telling a strong story and providing intense action. 'Lesnar Vs Reigns' was violent, brutal but also had perfect psychology and kept me engaged.

Ugh, 'Lesnar vs Kofi' at least had Kofi do a good job at maneuvering out of Lesnar's grip only for his counter-attacks to fail. It was a squash, but it was a stylish squash. 'Lesnar Vs Rollins' had nothing except the twist ending and now I'm confused. Is Taker heel? Will Brock turn heel again? As Taker low blowed Brock, I think it's supposed to be the former but...I dunno! The fans sure loved it.

I just don't know what's going on anymore.
Seth Rollins is a fantastic talent that is not being booked correctly, He is one of the top ring technians in the WWE but with that being said He has been thrust into the shit role of coward Champion. It sort of reminds Me of Chris Jericho's first run as Undisputed Champion or Edge's first WHC or even CM Punk's first run. People need to realize that Seth was shot into Superstardom and the main event picture and EVERY Superstar in His position has got some dues to pay. Seth will have His time to shine but people just need to have a little more patience and understanding to how the WWE really works behind the scenes, although I must admit is is frustrating to watch the WWE squander his in-ring abilities. He is also in very desperate need of a credible rival that is not a former Shield member, I think Daniel Bryan would have been perfect if not for His untimely injury. They have worked together in past to great effect and I think a properly booked competitive main event feud between these two would have elevated both of their careers to the next level.
Seth Rollins is a heel. A heel that isn't interested in being "cool" and getting cheers. He's a great worker because he can do all these crazy flips and athletic moves but he restrains himself and pulls them out at the right moment making them that much more impactful. He knows how to work a match, work the crowd, and can draw a lot of heat when he's on the mic. He actually gets loud boos when he comes out which is very rare in the modern era for people outside of Cena (who also gets some of the loudest cheers). It's completely ridiculous to complain about Rollins. He's the quintessential top heel through and through and he's had a great run as Champion.

I was going to type something similar to this but S.O.S did a better job than I would've.

I wouldn't say Rollins isn't main event material its more of how he's been booked. Rollins can go but instead of allowing him to actually show his skills every once in a while. Wwe continues to book him as a "chick****" heel in his championship matches. You can't really use him not having the best matches with Ambrose as a reason for him not being main event material. Because as you said when he was in the Shield/face he shown that he could go. And his match tonight sucked because of Lesnar. [RANT- I hate this version of Lesnar, he's allowed to no sell most of his opponents offense and all he does is suplexes. Most of the IWC (not all) jump down guys like Cena/Ryback/Reigns/etc throats about being limited in the ring but don't say anything about Lesnar doing the same move over and over and over and over again.]
IMO Rollins just need time. He needs to show that he may hide behind J&J and Kane but when he really needs to get "his hands dirty" he can do it with ease.
It's bad booking. Rollins should have won after interference to gloat about beating the 1 in 21-1. Now he comes out as a loser, not a legit main eventer, someone who was there just to fill the space. WWE missed a big opportunity here and its all on them.
As far as being a main eventer goes, Rollins is a legit ME, he is good in the ring and on mic.
And if tou don't agree just ask yourself this ' Would you rather have Sheamus or Reigns in his place'? Coz Ambrose seems to be fading, Lesner won't be there every night. We have cesaro and barret but i'd say rollins is way way better than them.
I reject the notion that Rollins not beating Lesnar somehow makes him unworthy of being a main eventer. Rollins pinning Lesnar wasn't as important as Lesnar being unpinned and maintaining his mystique. When Lesnar does drop a fall to somebody it will really mean something and I don't think Rollins has to be that guy necessarily. The main problem with Rollins/Lesnar was the fact that they're trying to do another Taker/Lesnar match but that's another story.

Aside from John Cena there is nobody on the roster that is a better wrestler than Seth Rollins and he absolutely should have the spot he has. The ladder match between Rollins and Ambrose is a great example of why he's one of the best. That match had a nearly impossible act to follow with Cena/Owens II, but over the course of the match they got the fans more and more invested. It was a ladder match that was nearly 40 minutes long which is a definite challenge, but unlike basically all modern day ladder matches it wasn't just an illogical spotfest. It was a ladder match that told a story and was more in the vein of the classic Rock/HHH ladder match from SummerSlam 1998. That ended up being a great match, and it had Rollins winning clean, all on his own without any help. That's really the hallmark of a great heel. He's a coward who takes the easy way out, he cheats and uses interference whenever he can. Then when his back is finally against the wall, he has no help, and it seems like he'll finally get his comeuppance...he STILL pulls out the win with nothing but his skill. And while Rollins won the match clean, it was such a war and it was so close it still made his opponent Ambrose look like a million bucks. That's old-school wrestling at it's finest.
So by your own standard Seth Rollins isn't main even material? The guy is probably the best wrestler in the company right now. You complain about how is match endings are screwy but you're missing the point that it is literally his role as a cowardly heel do you know anything about roles in Pro Wrestling? Because I don't think you do.

Seth is playing his role brilliantly and can gain heat so I don't actually know what the fuck you are talking about.
I reject the notion that Rollins not beating Lesnar somehow makes him unworthy of being a main eventer. Rollins pinning Lesnar wasn't as important as Lesnar being unpinned and maintaining his mystique.

Brock Lesnar's "mystique" is meaningless. The only mystique in wrestling that meant anything was The Undertaker, and they flushed that down the toilet at WrestleMania 30.

As for the topic, Seth Rollins has been consistently hurt by horrifically bad booking. With one or two exceptions, all of his matches end with stereotypical WWE chicken$h!t heel nonsense. It's the same kind of crap that ruined all of Edge's title reigns. Seth Rollins is booked so that he can't defeat any of his opponents without an army of guys backing him up, and it makes him look terrible. He's one of the poorest-booked champions in many years, and that's what's hurting his draw as a potential main event talent.
It's become common place for wrestlers to be classified as not being main event material by some fans whenever they're not booked in exactly the way they feel they should be. Now while I don't agree with all the booking decisions made for Rollins, with the constant use of outside interference being something that's used way too much in my opinion, I think he's done a great job at actually being a traditional heel. As has been mentioned, Rollins isn't trying to be the sort of "cool heel" that it's "edgy" for fans to cheer for. I think it's also become pretty common place for some modern fans to not understand that heels are supposed to be low life, cowardly, cheating scum who do whatever they can in order to achieve success; I can't count the number of times I saw Ric Flair booked in EXACTLY the same way when I was a kid growing up, yet Flair is considered one of THE genuinely all time greats by the vast majority of fans and insiders. A lot of modern fans seem to believe that nearly every heel, or babyface for that matter, should all be booked pretty much the same, namely as this nearly unstoppable, superhuman badass that can eat lightning and crap thunder.

As I alluded to, I do believe they've used the outside interference stuff far too much; if anything makes someone come off as "weak", I think that constant interference does, at least for me. I've no problem with heels cheating, it wouldn't bother me if Rollins cheated to win every single match he was in, but I think that outside interference should be used rarely instead of nearly every single time and I believe that Vince has made it much to formulaic when it comes to heel World Champions.

As for Rollins not being a main event level guy, well, you're entitled to your opinion but I don't think it's one that's shared by a majority of fans. The guy simply has way too much overall talent and Incidentally, I think we MIGHT have seen the first inklings of a babyface turn for Rollins last night given that he slapped Lesnar.
Well SETH is the very best wrestler out of shield triplet in my opinion..Even before the shield breakup or during their heel times I liked Seth Rollins the most out of the three which he actually deserves and is right now in the main event way more forerunning than dean or roman..That's bcoz Seth is a more great talent than them..His mic work is second to none from the elites from the attitude era or CM Punk..

Speaking of Battleground main event..That was designed for the return of The Undertaker..Just that..Seth had nothing better to do there as a high quality match would have any way ruined by the returning vengeful deadman..He saves it all for Summerslam..He kicked KANE in his injured ankle.. He will have to answer to his big brother also..
I think The Undertaker is in HEEL mode this time heading to SS as he will only have one more match in his wrestling career after this at WM32 and go into the Hall of Fame..
Now will Seth face HHH at summerslam or other than that there is nobody I see that he can face but maybe KANE..

But folks Seth Rollins is the best heel WWE produced after Hunter, Chris Jericho, Edge and CMPunk. Yes he belongs there in that elite list above..He is in fact already there..
But folks Seth Rollins is the best heel WWE produced after Hunter, Chris Jericho, Edge and CMPunk.

Ha, I was just about to post that Rollins is a great heel but that the WWE Universe has been conditioned by Triple H to think of a heel as a tweener. Seriously, most of Triple H's career he was a heel who tried to get pops from the crowd in the same way a babyface would. He'd make jokes at faces' expense, he started using a sledgehammer as 'his' weapon in the same way the Dudleyz used tables, he'd work a match as face and mostly all the time win clean and, in general, he was a tweener. Not really dissing the guy for it because he broke out during the Attitude Era and was just taking his queue from guys like Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels.
I can see how people feel like that idea but I disagree with the thought, even though I have that who cares feeling.

The reason I think Rollins is main event talent but still have the who cares feeling is because he's booked the same way every match he's in. He doesnt use interference differently, just the same way each time every week. And it hurts him. His moveset doesnt translate as well as a heel as it would if he was a face but he does enough on the mic to pass as a heel.
I think Rollins has tried to do the best he can with what he's been given. If the reports are true, the decision to give him the belt by having him cash in, was made the day of the match. And yes while he should have been prepared at anytime, cashing in at Wrestlemania was probably the biggest moment of his career so far.

The interference in his matches, has been nothing less than infuriating at times, because I do believe that Rollins is capable of beating his opponents without it. They've made him look weak and that's not really what you want your world champ to look. When Lesnar had the title, he was the biggest badass on the roster and he was a heel, so there is really no excuse.

That being said Rollins will be fine, and I do thing he is trying to break out of the mold they've put him into. He has the in ring and mic skills to do the job, I just wish they would let him.
The Lesnar controlled main event was pretty bland as Rollins just got slammed around like a bitch, which is a poor way to display your champion but now it's all clear that it was set up that way to make the Taker v Lesnar Summerslam match.

The finish leaves Rollins with no challenger and there's no way a heel Sheamus will cash in on the company's top heel and will progress his rivalry with Orton.

With Cena beating Owens their rivalry will continue as it doesn't make sense to make Rollins v Cena and they won't give us Ambrose-Rollins again.

No real challenger is almost like when Lesnar with champion with no title matches. Kane may come back for a last run but it's not really anything that will realistically change the title picture.

It was good seeing Taker again.
Not judging him by weak WWE booking and storylines he isn't main event talent.

Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens can carry feuds with anyone on the roster if given the time that KO&Cena or Russev&Cena have had it'd be more entertaining and interesting however would the matches be better? Not sure. He's overrated, but that's kinda the point.
I think Seth Rollins has been booked exactly as management intended him to be. He's attained championship status because of the 'tricks' he's used to get there, mostly in concern to never going it alone. His skill level is top-notch, yet he's rarely been allowed to display these gifts since becoming champion because the storyline called for his buddies to help him every time he got in trouble.

My problem with the whole thing has been that it went on too long; there's only so much cowardice we want to see from the world champion, no matter how he got there. That, plus the fact the guy truly is super talented is what got me calling for a change in his modus operandi.

Last night's scenario, then, was just what I was hoping for. WWE used the 'injury circumstance' to deprive Seth of his help, and I was anxious to see how he'd perform against the most dangerous opponent in the company.

Unlike others in this thread, I thought Seth did fine. He came out determined to deal with Brock on even terms....Seth asked for no quarter and gave none. He didn't run, he didn't hide.

Did he take a beating from Brock? Sure, he does everyone else. Hell, Rollins was allowed to get in a lot more offense than had John Cena, that's for sure.....and given who Seth was facing, I thought he acquitted himself well.

Still, I've felt the company wasn't ready for Rollins to lose his title yet, which surely would have happened had not Undertaker shown up. The match needed....and got....a swerve.

I do believe Seth is a main event performer......don't confuse the running and cheating we've seen from his character as a deficiency in ability on part of the performer.
Man, this shit gets old. It's this repetitive crap that tempts me to just stay off these forums. It's always the same argument; Seth Rollins looks so weak because he can't win a match on his own... guess what people, HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO WIN MATCHES ON HIS OWN. That's what a chickenshit heel does, runs, cheats, hides behind others, and does whatever the fuck it takes to win a match no matter how dirty. Oh yeah, not to mention he was facing Brock friggin Lesnar last night and actually looked stronger than most others who faced Brock. No matter how many suplexes he took, he kept getting up... he slapped Brock in defiance right before getting F5'd, and he actually took Lesnar down.

If you can't decipher the difference between having problems with someone and having problems with their BOOKING, than just stay off the site so we don't have to hear the same thing over and over and over again. Arguably, Seth's booking has been lacklustre.... the talent though, is phenomenal and he shows it week in and week out.
Don't you remember Seth Rollins almost slayed the beast and stabbed a stagger in its heart during the Royal Rumble MainEvent? In my verdict, that's the best booking Rollins was booked into. He had some great moments threatening John Cena to bring back the Authority amongst many others but the recent times he has been booked so weak.

But don't think so much already. Right now he doesn't have anyone to save his back. J&J security and so does Kane are out with injuries (Kayfabe) No we probably will get to see more offensive side of Seth Rollins.

And one ought to agree that Seth is the way far the best heel in the Reality Era, not to say the least. He had proved that many a times but unfortunately this is only way how he can be booked against Brock Lesnar. But if they continue to book him this way against his next feud, Seth certainly loses his money.

Don't you remember Seth Rollins almost slayed the beast and stabbed a stagger in its heart during the Royal Rumble MainEvent? In my verdict, that's the best booking Rollins was booked into. He had some great moments threatening John Cena to bring back the Authority amongst many others but the recent times he has been booked so weak.

But don't think so much already. Right now he doesn't have anyone to save his back. J&J security and so does Kane are out with injuries (Kayfabe) No we probably will get to see more offensive side of Seth Rollins.

And one ought to agree that Seth is the way far the best heel in the Reality Era, not to say the least. He had proved that many a times but unfortunately this is only way how he can be booked against Brock Lesnar. But if they continue to book him this way against his next feud, Seth certainly loses his money.


Have to question this. He's been above average as a heel champion but he was nothing compared to HHH and especially Steph during the Danial Bryan programme. Saying he is by far the best heel of the era is seriously pushing it. I would put Brock above him as a heel during this era, even with him being off TV a lot.
I don't really understand the problem. This is how REAL heel (not "tweeners") champions over the course of wrestling history have acted.

Does anyone remember JBL? I don't think he actually won a match on his own during his 280 day run. It took a series of cheating and strange occurrences for him to retain. Everyone was so sick of him getting by somehow. That was the point. The same was true with Jericho's first run as champion. Someone also mentioned most of Ric Flair's title runs.

Heels are supposed to be... heels.
I don't mind the - coward champion - routine. IF it's being done right. In my opinion , whether it be the writing or what have you, this version of a Seth Rollins cowardly champion is not entertaining as a main eventer on a PPV level. If you are going to be a cowardly champion, at least have your champion put on a GREAT MATCH before he has to resort to a cheating tactic to get him out in the end. The matches he's having before the screwy finishes are simply just not worth the effort. At least when JBL was playing the role of cowardly champion, he was having the best matches he could and used a little ring generalship before he had the screwy or controversial finish. Seth Rollins feud with Randy Orton should have created great Main Event matches yes ? Does anyone remember those matches ? I don't.

Now I read an earlier post of his match with Dean Ambrose ...his ladder match that was supposed to be great. It just plain wasn't, I'm not sure what crowds he was watching but they didn't give two craps about the match...they were drained from the match earlier with Owens and that other guy. ( cena ) Plus throughout the match, it just didn't have enough OOF to it. We watched Ambrose end up getting clobbered to a puddle outside the ring but return like he was The Termanater. You could argue that it was Ambrose's fault that the match sucked and you'd be partially right, he just doesn't have a main event move set and the match suffered for it. The only thing that was good about the match was the creativity of the ending and the fact that it didn't have a screwy one for once.

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