Seriously, respect goes a long way

I'm Agnostic, and am not too fond of Atheist. Being closed minded about other cultures and beliefs is pretty ignorant, no matter if you believe in them or not. Why not let others enjoy their day?
I'm Agnostic, and am not too fond of Atheist. Being closed minded about other cultures and beliefs is pretty ignorant, no matter if you believe in them or not. Why not let others enjoy their day?

Religions are more ignorant and intolerant towards other religions than atheism has ever been. I agree with what you're saying, but honestly Atheists or even Agnostics for that matter get shit when they aren't nearly as bad on the religious than they are on themselves.
Wouldn't it seem just as childish for people to bitch about others not giving a fuck about their holiday?

No. Not at all. America is a Christian nation. So is England. Just because there is no official declaration saying it, that doesn't make it any less true.

Furthermore, a predominant majority of both nations is Christian. Making the day a national holiday does nothing more than accommodate most of the population and give everyone else a day off. What's bad about this? Do the hospitals close? So the police stop working? Does the military not protect you? No, of course not. What exactly is the big deal?
Religions are more ignorant and intolerant towards other religions than atheism has ever been. I agree with what you're saying, but honestly Atheists or even Agnostics for that matter get shit when they aren't nearly as bad on the religious than they are on themselves.

That's a big load of bullshit. Most of what you hear from atheists is nothing more than mocking people for believing in God. Not that I care. People are as free as they wish to deny their maker. But to mock someone for having faith is childish and stupid.
Religions are more ignorant and intolerant towards other religions than atheism has ever been. I agree with what you're saying, but honestly Atheists or even Agnostics for that matter get shit when they aren't nearly as bad on the religious than they are on themselves.

To add to this. Every religious and non-religous group has those people who just don't give a fuck about other people's beliefs.
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good grief what have I started? defo bed time
Religions are more ignorant and intolerant towards other religions than atheism has ever been. I agree with what you're saying, but honestly Atheists or even Agnostics for that matter get shit when they aren't nearly as bad on the religious than they are on themselves.

I find that there are closed minded assholes on both sides. I've been lumped into both sides as a guy that stands in the middle ground on the issue. My gut tells me that it is improbable that there is a higher power, but not impossible. It riles up people on both sides that say I'm noncommital.

I've never understood the concept of making fun of religions if you are Atheist. I just don't understand the point of it.

Shit like this. People with no idea of the context of what they're saying make snide, backhanded remarks because it's easy to mock the pious, and most the people who do so are likely people who aren't very willing to put effort into anything. Basically, mocking the pious is about as much of an accomplishment as winning an 8th place ribbon at a middle school track meet.


For the record, Christians pushing beliefs on others pisses me off. For the Brits this week there was an attempt to get a christian band at number one in the charts, they failed. It got #4, BBC played the song twice all week, I was over the moon. Just totally gone the wrong way about it.
Shit like this. People with no idea of the context of what they're saying make snide, backhanded remarks because it's easy to mock the pious, and most the people who do so are likely people who aren't very willing to put effort into anything. Basically, mocking the pious is about as much of an accomplishment as winning an 8th place ribbon at a middle school track meet.

I found that to be funny actually.
On the flipside, I don't understand why Religious folk are so bothered by what atheist say either. Shouldn't they just be, oh that's funny, have fun burning in hell fucker.
No. Not at all. America is a Christian nation. So is England. Just because there is no official declaration saying it, that doesn't make it any less true.

Furthermore, a predominant majority of both nations is Christian. Making the day a national holiday does nothing more than accommodate most of the population and give everyone else a day off. What's bad about this? Do the hospitals close? So the police stop working? Does the military not protect you? No, of course not. What exactly is the big deal?

So because the majority of America is made up of Christians, that takes away the right for people who don't give a fuck about Easter to say whatever they'd like about it? I don't care about Easter, one way or the other. Nothing about the holiday affects me. There is no big deal, I don't remember saying that there was. I was simply saying that both sides shouldn't give a fuck what the other says. What you're saying however, is that it's childish for non Christians to say anything bad about their religion and or holidays, but it's not childish for Christians to get all up in arms and throw fits because someone doesn't give a fuck about their religion. How is that fair? So basically it comes down to majority rule? It's okay for the majority of people to bitch and whine because people don't care with no fear of being labeled childish, but it's not okay for the minority to voice and opposing opinion no matter how juvenile or stupid? Just making sure that's what you're saying.
It's funny you say that, FTS, as I am extremely religious. I was not mocking the pious (because to do that would be mocking myself), rather I was mocking the hypocrisy of the Crusades.
tomorrows thread

Does crashin talk through his arse?
I am gonna get out of this one before it is too late.

At the end of the day, I have my beliefs and other have their own. I do not discriminate because of it and hope that the shoe is on the other foot. Personally, I will always find the idea of religion laughable but that is my choice. I don't go around on a mission trying to turn people off of religion. It is a matter of respect, as was mentioned, and people should just believe what makes them happy.
The bar room is also better for mild flaming. People can call each other fucktards in here and no one would care. Religious debates usually devolve into that anyway.
That's a big load of bullshit. Most of what you hear from atheists is nothing more than mocking people for believing in God. Not that I care. People are as free as they wish to deny their maker. But to mock someone for having faith is childish and stupid.

Yet it's okay for the assorted religions to persecute people who don't share faith in the same things? Agreed that many atheists do nothing more than mock and sling mud, but more wars have been started in the name of religion than anything else. Religions bash and mock each other more than atheism does. Last time I checked, there haven't been tens of thousands of deaths in the name of atheism. Can the same be said about Catholicism or Christianity?
The bar room is also better for mild flaming. People can call each other fucktards in here and no one would care. Religious debates usually devolve into that anyway.

What a fucktard ;)
Yet it's okay for the assorted religions to persecute people how don't share faith in the same things? Agreed that many atheists do nothing more than mock and sling mud, but more wars have been started in the name of religion than anything else. Religions bash and mock each other more than atheism does. Last time I checked, there haven't been tens of thousands of deaths in the name of atheism. Can the same be said about Catholicism or Christianity?

I'm pretty sure someone will bring up the Atheist/Communism argument, which is shit.

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