Seriously, respect goes a long way


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Seriously this is pissing me off, the amount of times I've seen this on FB today. You think you're big or clever because you can do a very cheap joke about Jesus. Guys today is Easter, for me this is one of three days of the year I will be pissed off about what you say.

On Eid will you be making Mohammed jokes?

What about Jew jokes on Hannukah?

Exactly, it pisses me off and people need to grow the fuck up.
I didn't think the whole Cena beat Jesus joke would bother you, cause 1. It's Cena Mark mentality for the literal sense, and 2. Jesus = Carlito's bodyguard.

Sorry :(
Yes, its quite disrespectful to insult people's beliefs on one of the few days dedicated to them.

There are plenty of other days to do that.
I find "Zombie Jesus" to be amusing, actually. But yeah, "JESUS SUX" types need to stfu. Just be nice, yaknow?
Meh, I'm an none believer (athiest if you will, I don't call myself that) but I do agree it's disrespectful to talk down to what other people believe in even if you don't believe it yourself, although I do welcome a debate on beliefs, but I won't be disrespectful towards it.
The zombie Jesus thing was funny four years ago when cyanide and happiness made the joke. It's just disrespectful and annoys me.



Seriously this is pissing me off, the amount of times I've seen this on FB today. You think you're big or clever because you can do a very cheap joke about Jesus. Guys today is Easter, for me this is one of three days of the year I will be pissed off about what you say.

On Eid will you be making Mohammed jokes?

What about Jew jokes on Hannukah?

Exactly, it pisses me off and people need to grow the fuck up.

to be honest I could care less about Jew jokes. Believe me I can take a lot of them.
There are actually shows on the History channel that suggest Jesus was a vampire or a zombie.
There are actually shows on the History channel that suggest Jesus was a vampire or a zombie.


Anway, I don't get a day when all stupid people on Earth shut the fuck up and obey my wishes, so I feel no need for other stupid fucking people to watch what they say. Let them be idiots, it's up to you whether or not you get worked up about it.
If I did you would have said

Lee you copied my socialist america one
The way i see it just do what jesus did and what the quran, bible and other religions have taught us, thats to just turn the other cheek, dont worry about peoples jokes man because in the end why does there opinions matter?, its what you hold in your heart that is the right path for you, not anyone else.:shrug:

If people want to be a douche the one day that you want your beliefs to be respected then maybe, just maybe they need to grow up just a little.
Actually, the right path involves doing the right thing. What you hold in your heart has more to do with physiology than anything.



Seriously this is pissing me off, the amount of times I've seen this on FB today. You think you're big or clever because you can do a very cheap joke about Jesus. Guys today is Easter, for me this is one of three days of the year I will be pissed off about what you say.

On Eid will you be making Mohammed jokes?

What about Jew jokes on Hannukah?

Exactly, it pisses me off and people need to grow the fuck up.

You know I love you Lee but you are completely in the wrong here.

Non-believers have as much right to voice their opinions on Easter as much as Christians do. I am atheist and I have to listen to people harping on about how great Jesus was. Whether it is true or not is another story. However, you have to realise that we have as much right to speak our minds as you do. Religion, by it's very nature. puts itself out there for scrutiny.

I would advise that you just turn your cheek every time you see something that bothers you and know that you have your faith. As an atheist, do you know how annoying it is to hear about Jesus? Respect is a two way street, my man.
Yea. It's not funny to anyone. It's just a cry for attention. Which is sad in it's own way. And yes, Facebook. LOL.

I take offense to that since I'm on facebook right now.

Any way

I've always seen it as more of a respect people's opinions and beliefs as opposed to respecting religion in itself.
You know I love you Lee but you are completely in the wrong here.

Non-believers have as much right to voice their opinions on Easter as much as Christians do. I am atheist and I have to listen to people harping on about how great Jesus was. Whether it is true or not is another story. However, you have to realise that we have as much right to speak our minds as you do. Religion, by it's very nature. puts itself out there for scrutiny.

I would advise that you just turn your cheek every time you see something that bothers you and know that you have your faith. As an atheist, do you know how annoying it is to hear about Jesus? Respect is a two way street, my man.
Technically, you are right, you do have the right to express your opinion...but why would you, in this case, unless you were intentionally trying to mock something that Christians believe?

You have the right to, but aside from just being mean, why would you?
You know I love you Lee but you are completely in the wrong here.

Non-believers have as much right to voice their opinions on Easter as much as Christians do. I am atheist and I have to listen to people harping on about how great Jesus was. Whether it is true or not is another story. However, you have to realise that we have as much right to speak our minds as you do. Religion, by it's very nature. puts itself out there for scrutiny.

I would advise that you just turn your cheek every time you see something that bothers you and know that you have your faith. As an atheist, do you know how annoying it is to hear about Jesus? Respect is a two way street, my man.

Do you realise how annoying it is to hear about people go on and on and on against Jesus? I can't even get on a bus now without him being disrespected. There's a whole level of holding a thing of yeah I don't believe in God/religion/whatever but to make sly jokes about it, on what is quite an important day for us is 100% disrepectful.

I'm sure the shit I've gone through for being a christian is more than your shit you've gone through for being an atheist.
I personally wouldn't.

I just let the days go by and don't really get wrapped up in it.

EDIT @ Lee: That is more than likely true. However, without going into too much detail, I find the fact that we celebrate Christian holidays as a nation pretty outdated and redundant. Sure, many people celebrate it but to lots of people, it is just another day. I'm sure the Bible teaches that people's faith should be there own and shouldn't be affected by the thoughts of others. I wouldn't get too worked up about it because these people are just ignorant.

Lots of people have the good sense to shut up and just let the day go by.
However, you have to realise that we have as much right to speak our minds as you do.

Very true, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we're in the right to disrespect towards the religions, and the religious people aren't in the right to bash us for not believing it.

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