Send One Guy Over


There is no AJ without Styles
So, i've been thinking about this quite a bit.

Suppose Vince gets crazy or thinks he needs competition, and he gives TNA the opportunity to expose one of their guys by sending him on RAW and giving them a match against someone important like Punk (probably losing that match), maybe with a short pre-match promo.

Who would you send over?
Would you send someone to have a great match like Aries or Styles, would you bank on nostalgia by sending someont the Audience has seen before like Sting, maybe JJ or Angle, or Devon and Bully Ray, or would you send Hardy because everyone likes hardy? You could also send Roode or Storm if you want to show people what "TNA guys" have to offer.

I personally am unsure, i would love to send Styles for a match of the year against Punk, but he sucks really bad at promos so i would probably send Angle. His mix of recognition value and still being able to have amazing matches would seal the deal for me. Maybe i would send Sting but only if there was no other way for him to be on WWE TV.
Even though I don't see this happening.
I have to go with Styles. He has been the face of TNA for years and can have a great match with anyone. Him and Punk would be a great match. Same with Aries.

However, knowing WWE they would rather put a familiar face on TV so it'd end up being Angle. It could make for an interest interbrand PPV though.

Angle/Daniel Bryan
Bully Ray/Ryback
and others could be very entertaining.
Id have to go with Sting. Im an old school fan, and I love seeing the older guys go up against the new guard. Remember how you felt when Nitro and Raw did the simulcast. Thats what sting in a wwe ring would feel like.
To me it all depends on what Vince would be trying to accomplish. If he was going for a one night only type thing for a quick payoff, someone with WWE recognition would be a safe bet, someone like Angle or Hardy. If he wanted to put on a series of entertaining matches, I'd go with Aries or Styles. I feel like he's been trying to sign Sting for so long that he'd probably go with him though. It would be a good way to gauge the fans' reaction to him just in case he was to sign with them.
To me it all depends on what Vince would be trying to accomplish. If he was going for a one night only type thing for a quick payoff, someone with WWE recognition would be a safe bet, someone like Angle or Hardy. If he wanted to put on a series of entertaining matches, I'd go with Aries or Styles. I feel like he's been trying to sign Sting for so long that he'd probably go with him though. It would be a good way to gauge the fans' reaction to him just in case he was to sign with them.

Angle or Hardy would be good choices is you are going for a face that people would know. Sting as someone else mentioned would be another good choice.

I also agree that Styles or Aries would be good choices as well as stars you'd like to get bumped up to the next level and give them some more exposure.

There is one other name I'd like to see considered next to theirs and that's Samoa Joe. Joe & Punk have some history, have had some good matches in the past and worked well together. Up until Hogan/Bishoff came in Joe was one of the big stars in TNA but for the past few years has been pushed down to the mid-card and has become the forgotten man. Giving him an opportunity like this could elevate him just like Punk & Daniel Bryan and give him the push he desperately needs.
Another guy would be Matt Morgan. WWE gave up on him to quickly, and TNA doesn't seem to know what they have in him or he would already be one of the top guys. He has the size and look that could get him over, and he's not to bad on the mic if given the right direction. I'd like to see him in a match with the Big Show or maybe Kane.
This all depends on the purpose of why this person is being sent over. I get it's for promotion, but who's going over who here, and why? Is Orton, or the WWE guy the face or the heel? Or vice versa for TNA? Is it for a larger purpose to link the companies or break down walls? All of this would factor into my answer.
I don't know which TNA guy I would specifically swap for a WWE guy but guys that I would be exchanging around would involve:

Bully Ray

D bryan
CM Punk

These guys are the most talented in their brands. They have awesome in ring ability, mic skills, charisma, gimmicks etc. They are the stars 0f 2012 and are fan magnets.

The guys I would transfer for dream matches are:

Sting to face Taker, Kurt for Bryan and Aries for Punk.

EDIT: Styles for John Cena.
I'd like to see a whole PPV for it. Don't make it about TNA competing with WWE. Just something for the fans. A "Once in a Lifetime" type of feel. It'd be tough with TNA and WWE booking the event because neither would want to look weak, but in the end, they could figure it out.

Going off of Today's Champions and rosters, I'd book a bunch of Champ vs Champ matches. Here is what I would book.

WWE Diva's Champion vs TNA Knockout's Champion
Eve (WWE) vs Tara (TNA)

WWE World Tag Team Champions vs TNA World Tag Team Champions
Team Hell No (WWE) vs Chavo and Hernandez (TNA)

WWE United States Champion vs TNA Television Champion
Antonio Cesaro (WWE) vs Samoa Joe (TNA)

WWE Intercontinental Champion vs TNA X-Divison Champion
Kofi Kingston (WWE) vs Rob Van Dam (TNA)

WWE Champion vs TNA World Champion
CM Punk (WWE) vs Jeff Hardy (TNA)

Those are my Champion vs Champion matches. Obviously, this leaves out Sheamus, who would have lost to CM Punk in a match to decide who represents the WWE. I'd also throw in a couple more matches.

The Phenom vs The Icon
The Undertaker (WWE) vs Sting (TNA)

John Cena (WWE) vs Bobby Roode (TNA)

Dolph Ziggler (WWE) vs AJ Styles (TNA)

Ryback (WWE) vs Matt Morgan (TNA)

Sheamus (WWE) vs Kurt Angle (TNA)

Randy Orton (WWE) vs Austin Aries (TNA)

The Miz (WWE) vs James Storm (TNA)

Damian Sandow (WWE) vs Bully Ray (TNA)

Then, you can do somethere where someone like Zema Ion or Joey Ryan challenges anyone in the WWE to face them, and out comes Big Show who simply lands a WMD and wins.

What's good about this card, is most of these matches have never taken place, at least in the WWE or TNA. Only Punk vs Hardy has been a main attraction. I know it's a lot of matches, and most of them could be scrapped, or they could stretch it into a couple of PPV events or what have you. These are matchups I would do based on styles and where they stand in each company.
It would be cool if one of those guys could be Austin Aries, i would love to see a match between him and Daniel Bryan, just like in ROH, or i would also like to see James Storm go to the WWE and challenge Antonio Cesaro, or it would be cool to see a champion vs champion match, and that way they can have closure, that would be Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk, in a way they left some unfinished bussiness concidering that Hardy was going out of the WWE, but they can end it with a match like this one........
Interesting answers so far, maybe i should clarify my question as It's Damn Real! suggested.
i thought about the scenario like this:

Vince wants to put TNA on the map so to speak, in order to increase rivalry and buzz->ratings. so there is one TNA guy brought to WWE once to have one match vs a uppermidcard to mainevent guy (Punk or Miz or Orton, not Cena probably).

The WWE guy would probably go over, since vince is no saint, and no storyline aside from maybe "these guys have met before" would be involved at that point, maybe one promo before the match.

therefore, i wanted to ask which guy you would send over to get max recognition for TNA from the WWE crowd, basically asking if you thought that a great match would be better or if you would just send a guy that people know already to make them turn on impact to see "what does sting do now".
Sorry if i asked the question in a unclear manner. i still think the responses are pretty interesting so far.
In your scenario, I would send AJ Styles. AJ is a guy that is great in the ring, he's passable on the mic, he has name value, and he is a guy that built TNA. Before TNA got a show on Spike, I had never seen TNA in my life. Not on TV, not on the internet, nothing, but I knew who AJ Styles was. Honestly, I don't even know how, but I did.

AJ is Mr. TNA, if this were to ever happen, AJ would have to be the guy. There is nobody else.

P.S. If it happened, I would send a familiar face such as Angle or Hardy with him at ringside so people who don't know AJ would at least recognize someone.
I'd like to see a whole PPV for it. Don't make it about TNA competing with WWE. Just something for the fans. A "Once in a Lifetime" type of feel. It'd be tough with TNA and WWE booking the event because neither would want to look weak, but in the end, they could figure it out.

Going off of Today's Champions and rosters, I'd book a bunch of Champ vs Champ matches. Here is what I would book.

WWE Diva's Champion vs TNA Knockout's Champion
Eve (WWE) vs Tara (TNA)

WWE World Tag Team Champions vs TNA World Tag Team Champions
Team Hell No (WWE) vs Chavo and Hernandez (TNA)

WWE United States Champion vs TNA Television Champion
Antonio Cesaro (WWE) vs Samoa Joe (TNA)

WWE Intercontinental Champion vs TNA X-Divison Champion
Kofi Kingston (WWE) vs Rob Van Dam (TNA)

WWE Champion vs TNA World Champion
CM Punk (WWE) vs Jeff Hardy (TNA)

Those are my Champion vs Champion matches. Obviously, this leaves out Sheamus, who would have lost to CM Punk in a match to decide who represents the WWE. I'd also throw in a couple more matches.

The Phenom vs The Icon
The Undertaker (WWE) vs Sting (TNA)

John Cena (WWE) vs Bobby Roode (TNA)

Dolph Ziggler (WWE) vs AJ Styles (TNA)

Ryback (WWE) vs Matt Morgan (TNA)

Sheamus (WWE) vs Kurt Angle (TNA)

Randy Orton (WWE) vs Austin Aries (TNA)

The Miz (WWE) vs James Storm (TNA)

Damian Sandow (WWE) vs Bully Ray (TNA)

Then, you can do somethere where someone like Zema Ion or Joey Ryan challenges anyone in the WWE to face them, and out comes Big Show who simply lands a WMD and wins.

What's good about this card, is most of these matches have never taken place, at least in the WWE or TNA. Only Punk vs Hardy has been a main attraction. I know it's a lot of matches, and most of them could be scrapped, or they could stretch it into a couple of PPV events or what have you. These are matchups I would do based on styles and where they stand in each company.

What a post....I have been reading on this site for years and this is a great idea and must happen. Probably the best post in the world ever.

Its been a long while since i bought or even watched a full payperview other than the main 4.

I would 100% pay £25 $50 for this.
Just for real nostalgia HBK Vs Jeff Jarret. I know it happened with an IC mach years ago but that would be one hell of match up.
I think brother love is right. I think it should be Samoa Joe vs. Punk. They are magic together. Or were. Only a match or three would really let us see.

As for who goes over....time limit draw sounds good to me.
Not that this will ever happen unless Vince signed Joe. And it would not be a draw.

I think Robert Roode vs the miz has promise.
After watching the disappointing Invasion, I have zero faith in Vince to pull off anything with TNA because he will always make sure anyone outside his WWE guys look inferior.

I don't see how the majority of the wrestling audience would even care, kind of like when ECW invaded the WWF in 1996 or 1997 I don't remember exactly. But many people just had no clue who these guys were, at that point I just wasn't exposed to other wrestling organizations. Right now, not enough people care about TNA to make it happen, regardless of talent level.

Fans would react most to Angle, Hardy, Kennedy/Anderson or Sting...but I don't see Vince letting any of them go over his main guys. Angle was an injury hazard to Vince 6 years ago, Hardy is a Wellness hazard, Kennedy/Anderson has problems with Orton ,and Sting is old and has traditionally never done anything to work with Vince.

Guys like Roode, Aries, Storm, and even Styles don't have enough mainstream recognition or exposure regardless of their talent level. They would get lost in the midcard and be jobbing to Miz in no time. Oddly enough, the best bet would be a Hardy VS Punk title for title. They still have history from before Hardy left for TNA so at least people would actually care about the match somewhat.
Sting or Styles would be my picks. Everyone wants to see Sting in WWE before he dies & AJ could have a good match with anybody.

I would also like to see Samoa Joe in WWE,. Just for a match against Punk, Punk/Joe IV for the WWE title.

I've said for years I think it would be epic & very profitable for both sides if WWE & TNA combined for one night only for an epic WWE vs. TNA PPV. Have every champion vs. every champion, a couple classic survivor series styles tag matches, a huge battle royal, & close with Undertaker vs. Sting. It would be amazing, it would obviously sell, & it could go on to be the most bought wrestling event EVER. And while it would offer TNA more exposure, WWE would make more money assuming ofcourse they would do the majority of promotion & set-up, while adding tons of talent for worked out price.
The only way this is gonna happen, is if Vince McMahon buys out TNA from the Carter family, and their affiliates. Otherwise, there really is nothing in it for the "A Company". I doubt very much if the WWE can gain any viewership by marketing a TNA talent for one night; the only people to gain from that event is TNA, and the Impact roster. You know, and the fans...but who gives a fuck about them, right?

Suspending disbelief, let's say Vince does "go crazy" and this scenario plays out. But I also would love to see a whole WWE vs. TNA pay-per-view. I've probably scripted out dozens of these things over the years; not so much recently though. So let's say two top wrestling promotions, for the love of their undying fans, put on a one-night-only battle to showcase the best of their respective brands.

WWE vs. TNA: One Night Only

Phenom Meets Icon
The Undertaker vs. Sting

I realize how "mark" ish this probably sounds, but if TNA and WWE are going to collide, they'd be mentally challenged not to include this match as the main event of the night. Sting vs. Undertaker, one time only, at an event like of the biggest things to ever happen to the wrestling industry.

Clash of the Champions
CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy

CM Punk and Jeff Hardy had one of the best World Title feuds in recent history, right before Hardy left the company. Combine all of that material, and the easy promos Punk could cut on being the "savior of WWE" and Hardy "jumping ship" because he couldn't hang with him in the ring, or backstage.

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle

I had to think pretty hard about who should face John Cena at a show like this. These two of had their matches before, but for this kind of show nothing else made sense. If Taker and Sting get one big match, Cena should have his against a star of equal talent and notoriety. Enter: Kurt Angle. John Cena "the company guy" against one who left in his prime, and never came back. John Cena "Mr. Ruthless Agression" who almost upset the Olympic champion in his debut night, all those years ago. THe face of the WWE, against the guy who helped put TNA on the map. Makes sense to me...

Team WWE vs. Team TNA (w/ Special Referee, Christian)
AJ Styles, Chris Daniels, Magnus, James Storm & Robert Roode vs. Kofi Kingston, The Miz, Rey Mysterio, Alberto del Rio & Cody Rhodes

Five TNA-made guys against five WWE-made guys; Mysterio being MAYBE the only exception. Christian makes an interesting special referee, as he's been a World Champion in both companies. He's got loyalties with both of them, and having the weight of deciding the match on his shoulders could yield an interesting result as well. If he screws over WWE, he comes back to Smackdown as a big heel. Side note: this was pretty obviously the only thing I could think of doing with all of these random people, who deserve to be in matches.

Street Fight
Bully Ray vs. Sheamus

Hey look at us, we're too big, bad guys. We're both the alpha males of our company. I have a bigger penis. Blah, blah, blah. Let these two beat the hell out of each other; I'd get a kick out of it.​

Zack Ryder & Ryback vs. Robbie E & Robbie T

So The Robbie's are in the ring, in the middle of the pay-per-view. They're being all...annoying, and talking trash about TNA and WWE. Apparently there's "nobody in either company that could take them, bro!" Out comes Zack Ryder, to a big ovation. Bro. The exhausting exchange of bro-filled retorts echoes around the arena for what feels like hours. Bro. Robbie E says they'd have a match, but Zack Ryder doesn't have a big partner, like big Robbie T. Ryder says he might be able to arrange something "big" and...out comes Ryback. The beast runs through the Robbie's, destroying them in a matter of minutes. Ryback with the tag to Ryder, who hits the "Broski Boot", and the two hit their finishers simultaneously for the win. Pretty easy booking; pretty much rights itself.

Ken Anderson vs. Randy Orton

Wrestling feuds are always fantastic when there's a little bit of real-life bad blood between the competitors. I have no idea how true the rumors about Orton getting Anderson fired are, but it's still something they could build a program on.

Austin Aries & Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan & Samoa Joe

I think it'd be fun to have an inter-brand tag team match. Heels don't give a damn about company alliance. Ziggler and Aries are both arrogant showoffs, and while Bryan and Joe both alternate between heel and face, they could both easily get over with the crowd for the sake of this match. Common bonds and whatnot.

Monster's Ball
Kane vs. Abyss

Um. Duh...?
Since guys like Hardy,Bully,RVD are all well known to the WWE fans, I would personally send somebody like Styles or Roode. If you sent over a former WWE star then all you are doing is offering them something they have already seen before and would not really get a feel of what TNA is all about, But if you sent over somebody like Styles or Roode then the WWE would be getting something that they have not seen before and it would come across as new and entertaining.
I like this thread idea. It's always fun to think of these "dream" matches.

I have to admit, I'm old school as well. I would love to see a wrestlemania match Sting vs Shawn Michaels...2 out of three falls.

If I were to go new school, James Storm vs Dolph Ziggler in a 60 minute Iron Man Match.

Like TheLoneCharles said, WWE fans don't have a clue who AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, James Storm and Austin Aries are, but they know who Sting is especially as the WWE have promoted him through some of their DVD's despite him never being with the company and I believe they have or are gonna release a DVD on Sting. WWE fans would likely mistake Styles, Roode, Aries or Storm as jobbers brought in just to be squashed for one night only. And putting on 5 star wrestling matches isn't what really draws anymore especially in today's WWE and if it did then Kofi Kingston would be a main eventer, nostalgia does though. Millions have been dying for years to see Sting face Taker, I'd say it would even bring back some oldschool fans who have switched off of wrestling, it would definitely peak everyones interest to see what Sting does after that on Impact, so the safe bet would be Sting. If not Sting then they could bring back someone like Hardy or Angle but they wouldn't bring the same impact & interest that Sting would because people have already seen them in the WWE and they've already faced half of the roster there. Sting holds something in his hands that Angle, Hardy and everyone else in TNA don't, dream matches that would draw everyone in.
In your scenario, I would send AJ Styles. AJ is a guy that is great in the ring, he's passable on the mic, he has name value, and he is a guy that built TNA. Before TNA got a show on Spike, I had never seen TNA in my life. Not on TV, not on the internet, nothing, but I knew who AJ Styles was. Honestly, I don't even know how, but I did.

AJ is Mr. TNA, if this were to ever happen, AJ would have to be the guy. There is nobody else.

P.S. If it happened, I would send a familiar face such as Angle or Hardy with him at ringside so people who don't know AJ would at least recognize someone.

Style's mic skills are passable but aren't enough to distinguish himself from the pack, His whole gimmick which is being Mr. TNA would be useless in TNA. He would never make it past the mid-card, Evan Bourne 2.0
I have been thinking about this for a while, and it occurs to me that the cross-promotional match I would like to see is a tag match. The team possibilities are various.

No question, I would lie to see HHH and CM Punk. No other team will do. The past and the present while the past is not so terribly old.

My first choice I'd JJ and AJ, for the same reason.
Though, on further examination, I realize I would be just as happy with Angle and Aries.
Both teams fulfill my one requirement for the WWE team very well.

Either way, three of four men have good WWE histories, and the fourth would be sure to impress those unfamiliar. And the match would be excellent. Double DQ, time limit draw, maybe some weird old guys turn on young guys or vice-versa. Even an ambiguous ending wherein both members of each team are involved in different three counts. Does not really matter how it ends as long as both sides look strong.
This might be weird for some people but I'd love to see AJ go to the WWE for one reason only and that's to face John Cena.

AJ is the type of guy that can make ANYONE look good, and Cena not being THAT bad himself, AND the fact that these two are the physical embodiments of each company, I'd LOVE to see that match, regardless of who wins or loses.

I'd also love to see AJ fuckin' school Cena in the ring.

But if we're talking a TOTALLY fictional situation, I'd love to see a Double J and Shawn Michaels feud. I don't care what people say about JJ, the guy is fucking GOLD on the mic and I think if they put their minds together they could muster up a killer feud. Plus, who wouldn't love to see HBK kick JJ's lips off? Natural babyface + Natural heel = epicness.
I like others have said, would like to see Austin Aries come over. The feuds with Punk and DB alone would be worth seeing. I have been watching some of the old ROH stuff and I would definitely like to see Punk and Aries go at it in a WWE ring. A close second would be to see Kurt Angle back in a WWE ring. He could reignite feuds with Cena, and would love to see one more match between him and Taker. Then you have the feuds with Punk and DB here to. These are definitely my top two.

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