Sell Out Steve Austin?

Okay, I am surprised no one has made a forum about this, or at least I haven't seen one. But I just read on Wrestlezone that SCSA refused to show up or do a promo for the Decade of Smackdown special, plus he refuses to guest host Raw even though he is in the Hall of Fame.

These are my questions... All I hear is about how The Rock sold out and doesn't care for the buisness and such. The Rock did a promo, The Rock might guest host Raw. What makes SCSA and The Rock so different? Just because SCSA came back more often? Does quantity overtake quality? I read alot on here saying how The Rock could have at least shown up in person, but why can't SCSA do a promo? Does being in the HOF excuse him from givng back to the company that made him? Now I know I am going to get a lot of heat from this but I just have to know what you guys think. I also know alot of peole are going to come on here and say he is injured which is why he can't come back... So apparently if he is too injured to hold a microphone and walk up and down the WWE ramp, then why isn't he too injured to poses for pics in a Muscle and Fitness magazine and make more action movies?

No I am not a SCSA hater and no I am not a Rock mark. I think they both contributed to WWE equally. Like I said before I grew up on Middle Fingers and Whoppin Ass.

The company never made him. They tried to stick him with stupid gimmicks like Frosty McFreeze. The Stone Cold persona was 100% all Austin. Remember that unscripted interview that started the whole Austin 3:16 thing? IMO one of the greatest interviews(even though I hate him I think Hogan's heel turn interview was just as good)I've ever seen.

Sure Vince should get credit for hiring him but he had no clue what he was going to do with him. If Austin didn't break out like he did I don't know where the WWE would be today. If they would even be around.

That said I don't think Dwayne Johnson or Steve Williams are sellouts. They have both earned the right to do what they want. The only thing they ever owed me(or the IWC) is to give 100% every time they wrestled. IMO they both did that. I sure as hell miss them both but would not label either one as sellouts. It's easy to point fingers but maybe Austin has a good reason why he doesn't want to do it.

As far as the IWC, you are banging your head against a brick wall. People will feel how they want to feel.
I think it's all been said pretty much. Everyone has a right to their own opinion but just because you voice yours out doesn't mean that we should agree with it or respect it. To the original poster, trying to tell us that Stone Cold is a sellout is not something I agree with nor do I respect you 1 bit for saying it. Stone Cold has given everything he had to the wrestling business. He's wrestled for 15 years through 2 blown knees, a broken neck, torn bicep and many other injuries. Now he just can't do it anymore. His body can't take it. So why would he water himself down to the WWE fans by showing up every couple of months to be a guest referee or give someone a random stunner. It is fun as hell to see but it waters down what Stone Cold used to be, one of the greatest in the ring characters of all time. What he has given to us the fans is something WE can never pay back to him. Wrestling business has cost Stone Cold his health and his family. And he still kept on going for as long as he could. Yeah, that's a sellout right there.

Again, you get no respect from me what so ever.
I think it's all been said pretty much. Everyone has a right to their own opinion but just because you voice yours out doesn't mean that we should agree with it or respect it. To the original poster, trying to tell us that Stone Cold is a sellout is not something I agree with nor do I respect you 1 bit for saying it. Stone Cold has given everything he had to the wrestling business. He's wrestled for 15 years through 2 blown knees, a broken neck, torn bicep and many other injuries. Now he just can't do it anymore. His body can't take it. So why would he water himself down to the WWE fans by showing up every couple of months to be a guest referee or give someone a random stunner. It is fun as hell to see but it waters down what Stone Cold used to be, one of the greatest in the ring characters of all time. What he has given to us the fans is something WE can never pay back to him. Wrestling business has cost Stone Cold his health and his family. And he still kept on going for as long as he could. Yeah, that's a sellout right there.

Again, you get no respect from me what so ever.

And again like I said before, if you read the entire post you would see I never called SCSA a sell out,Slyfox696 and Sharpsh00ter23 would you please educated this guy, I never asked for your respect nor would I really need it for that matter. Why would I ask for respect from someone who can't even comprehend a single thread before mouthing off like a school kid? Let me ask you this question again in 3rd grade English terms...

Why is it okay to call The Rock a sellout for apparently not giving back as much as we like and not call SCSA one for not giving back? ( he said he didnt want to do anything for the Decade of Smackdown or Guest Host Raw) He is injured we ALL know that so quit giving the injured and he broke his neck for the buisness excuse. No one in the WWE is a sell out especially not SCSA or The Rock.

Is that question easier for you to understand?
Sellout. Funny word. You know, you can also say that wrestlers who try to leave whatever indy promotion they're in for the WWE are sellouts. These are people making a living. They are allowed to change profession and not come back. To think that these individuals owe soemthing to anyone is both immature and moronic.
The arguement is "WWE made them!"..ummm the WWE 'made" Austin, The Rock, Hogan to make MILLIONS off of them. Sure these guys enjoy the fame and fortune as well, but don't be naive. I'd love the Rock and austin to be back from time to time, but they don't owe it to me to do so.
So what about the jobbers that get destroyed to put the "superstars" over? Shouldn't the top dogs and WWE brass that makes the millions owe them?
What seperates SCSA from the Rock? First off SCSA came up the right way in wrestling. He didnt have someones name to get him a job. Do most of you guys even realize that the Rocks first match ever was in the WWE. Why does SCSA not get the same treatment as the Rock when he refuses to do stuff for the WWE? Well first off Austin is crippled, he cant wrestle anymore, if he does I dont want to see it. Sorry guys I dont want to see this man paralyzed in the ring. Have you ever been in a sport, got hurt and been unable to compete. I have and it hurts to be anywhere near the sport at these times.
It's funny how professional sports is the only business where people claim that players/performers owe fans and they the teams/companies owe players/performers.

If you left any other job for a different career no one would be claiming that you go back and do your old job again because you owe them. Sure, the whole argument is that without the fans then Stone Cold (or any other wrestler) would not have been as big, but the main point here is that yes, they were doing a job. When that job is finished and they've moved on they don't owe anyone anything. Sure it would be nice to see your favorite wrestlers come back and I'd personally love to see it, but they don;t HAVE to.

Now about Austin "breaking his neck for WWE" yeah, that happened, but he didn't break it for WWE, it was an accident that happened to him. If he worked at Burger King and broke his neck would you be saying he broke his neck for Burger King and they owe him? No. If he was earning 40,000 a year instead of 10 million I'm betting he probably would have called it quits.

I'll bet that when Austins movie is about to be released we'll see him back on WWE TV. Why? Because it's good business for Austin and good business for WWE.

I'm not taking anything away from Steve Austin. He was a great performer and did give up a lot, but the fact is that people here have unrealistic expectation of people in wrestling, just because they are wrestlers.
I am going to be completely honest with you. I hope that someone comes along and closes this thread. This is complete bullshit!

To even suggest that a man who broke his fucking neck in the ring, who blew both of his knees out wrestling, who kept wrestling even when he should've stopped years before he did is a sell out is utterly fucking ridiculous!

I don't care if he wants to do a promo or guest host Raw. He is not obligated to do it. Would it be amazing? Yes. What do you think that The Rock and Stone Cold owe you? They don't owe us a fucking thing. They are not sell outs. They both done what they thought would better themselves and you can't fault a man for wanting to better himself.

This sellout talk makes me sick to my stomach!

That is all!

I agree, the whole sell out argument has been overused to death it has lost all meaning.
What seperates SCSA from the Rock? First off SCSA came up the right way in wrestling. He didnt have someones name to get him a job. Do most of you guys even realize that the Rocks first match ever was in the WWE. Why does SCSA not get the same treatment as the Rock when he refuses to do stuff for the WWE? Well first off Austin is crippled, he cant wrestle anymore, if he does I dont want to see it. Sorry guys I dont want to see this man paralyzed in the ring. Have you ever been in a sport, got hurt and been unable to compete. I have and it hurts to be anywhere near the sport at these times.

LOL at "the right way". What a bunch of BS. You think if Steve Austin could have done it the same way, he wouldn't have? The Rock was in the right place with the right talent and did exactly the same thing as anyone would do. What an empty criticism. As to Austin being crippled, not according to Austin himself. He says he could wrestle two full years at WWE schedule if he wanted to, and he's acting and doing his own stunts in action movies. If Rocky is a sell out (he's not), then so is Austin.
And again like I said before, if you read the entire post you would see I never called SCSA a sell out,Slyfox696 and Sharpsh00ter23 would you please educated this guy, I never asked for your respect nor would I really need it for that matter. Why would I ask for respect from someone who can't even comprehend a single thread before mouthing off like a school kid? Let me ask you this question again in 3rd grade English terms...

Why is it okay to call The Rock a sellout for apparently not giving back as much as we like and not call SCSA one for not giving back? ( he said he didnt want to do anything for the Decade of Smackdown or Guest Host Raw) He is injured we ALL know that so quit giving the injured and he broke his neck for the buisness excuse. No one in the WWE is a sell out especially not SCSA or The Rock.

Is that question easier for you to understand?

I understand perfectly what you are trying to say. You're moaning about "Why is The Rock a sell out and Stone Cold is not?" First of all, I don't think that the Rock is a sell out at all. He did what was best for him and his family. He gave us all 7 years of great entertainment on TV and he doesn't owe anything to anyone. But making the comparison in between the 2 of them is plain ignorant. And here is why:

1) If The Rock really wanted to wrestle he could've done so. He thankfully didn't break his neck, blow his knee or injured himself in a way that would've stopped him from wrestling. Stone Cold has physically broken down to the point where he just couldn't do it anymore. But he didn't want to because he found a career where he could make 10 times as much money and not have to destroy his body while doing so. No one can blame him for that but it is not comparable to Steve Austin at all.

2) The Rock left WWE when he was 30 years old, in his prime. If he wanted to wrestle he could've done it for 10 more years. Stone Cold stopped wrestling when he was 39. Again, not comparable. In professional wrestling once you close in on 40 you should be thinking about retirement. At 30 you are just getting started. At that point SCSA has wrestled for 14 years. The Rock has wrestled for 7.

3) How many times have we seen Stone Cold come back to WWE? He is always doing something with the company and giving back to the fans. He's been on every tour to Iraq. He's guest refereed. He's been a GM. What else do you want from the guy? On the other hand how often do you see the Rock in WWE? When was the last time he's been on a WWE show in person? And the main reason a lot of people say that The Rock sold out is not because he is making movies but because he is above coming back to WWE and wrestling or doing an angle every now and then which he could do if he wanted to. But again I don't blame the guy. He doesn't owe anything to anyone and can do anything he wants to with his life. He is one of most wanted actors in the Hollywood at the moment and is putting that in front of wrestling.

So yeah, maybe SCSA refused to do 1 show. Who cares? That doesn't make him a sellout. Maybe he had something else to do. Or maybe he thought it was a stupid idea to have him do a non live interview. Either way he has already done so much for WWE after retiring that calling him a sellout for it makes you nothing more than an ignorant fool. And yes you are calling him a sellout but instead of having balls to say it directly you are doing it indirectly by giving reasons of why you think he is a sellout and bringing The Rock into the argument.

Again, neither Stone Cold or The Rock are sellouts. They have given us, the wrestling fans some of the best years in professional wrestling. And I am not going to stop being their fan just because I don't see them on TV every week anymore.
I understand perfectly what you are trying to say. You're moaning about "Why is The Rock a sell out and Stone Cold is not?" First of all, I don't think that the Rock is a sell out at all. He did what was best for him and his family. He gave us all 7 years of great entertainment on TV and he doesn't owe anything to anyone. But making the comparison in between the 2 of them is plain ignorant. And here is why:

1) If The Rock really wanted to wrestle he could've done so. He thankfully didn't break his neck, blow his knee or injured himself in a way that would've stopped him from wrestling. Stone Cold has physically broken down to the point where he just couldn't do it anymore. But he didn't want to because he found a career where he could make 10 times as much money and not have to destroy his body while doing so. No one can blame him for that but it is not comparable to Steve Austin at all.

2) The Rock left WWE when he was 30 years old, in his prime. If he wanted to wrestle he could've done it for 10 more years. Stone Cold stopped wrestling when he was 39. Again, not comparable. In professional wrestling once you close in on 40 you should be thinking about retirement. At 30 you are just getting started. At that point SCSA has wrestled for 14 years. The Rock has wrestled for 7.

3) How many times have we seen Stone Cold come back to WWE? He is always doing something with the company and giving back to the fans. He's been on every tour to Iraq. He's guest refereed. He's been a GM. What else do you want from the guy? On the other hand how often do you see the Rock in WWE? When was the last time he's been on a WWE show in person? And the main reason a lot of people say that The Rock sold out is not because he is making movies but because he is above coming back to WWE and wrestling or doing an angle every now and then which he could do if he wanted to. But again I don't blame the guy. He doesn't owe anything to anyone and can do anything he wants to with his life. He is one of most wanted actors in the Hollywood at the moment and is putting that in front of wrestling.

So yeah, maybe SCSA refused to do 1 show. Who cares? That doesn't make him a sellout. Maybe he had something else to do. Or maybe he thought it was a stupid idea to have him do a non live interview. Either way he has already done so much for WWE after retiring that calling him a sellout for it makes you nothing more than an ignorant fool. And yes you are calling him a sellout but instead of having balls to say it directly you are doing it indirectly by giving reasons of why you think he is a sellout and bringing The Rock into the argument.

Again, neither Stone Cold or The Rock are sellouts. They have given us, the wrestling fans some of the best years in professional wrestling. And I am not going to stop being their fan just because I don't see them on TV every week anymore.

Well I was agree with you up until you showed me how ignorant you are. For starters I am not a forum gangser so arguing with you is as pointless as reading your second to last paragraph where you think I am scared to say somethign on here. Anothing thing, if I wanted to call someone a sell out I would, I am not afraid of anyone on here, especially you so get it correct before mouthing off like a 3 year old.

But you are right Your input is greatly appreciated and i see where you are coming from but enough with the 3rd grade wanna be rant. I know you are older than that..... or are you?:confused:
Austin a sell out? He's been making sporadic appearances in the WWE for years, he's broken his neck, his knees and everything else are fucking game over. I don't blame him for not wanting to get in the ring, or not wanting to be associated by just wrestling his whole life. Let him make movies, there's more money in that anyways, plus it's a good way for him to prove he's not just a "fake" athlete as most of the outside world perceives wrestlers.
What seperates SCSA from the Rock? First off SCSA came up the right way in wrestling. He didnt have someones name to get him a job. Do most of you guys even realize that the Rocks first match ever was in the WWE. Why does SCSA not get the same treatment as the Rock when he refuses to do stuff for the WWE? Well first off Austin is crippled, he cant wrestle anymore, if he does I dont want to see it. Sorry guys I dont want to see this man paralyzed in the ring. Have you ever been in a sport, got hurt and been unable to compete. I have and it hurts to be anywhere near the sport at these times.

u do realize that The Rock once wrestled as Flex Kavana right? Because he DIDNT WANT TOO use his wrestling name so he can do it on his own..When he came to the WWE, they said that they didnt like that name and since his family has a good history there its only natural he was gonna end up wit it whether he likes it or not..and yet STILL he went wit a name NOT associated wit his family and went wit The Rock...
I'm staying out of this one, I don't think I could take the verbal assault that may follow.

BTW the only people who say Rock sold out, or Hogan sold out, or whoever sold out clearly doesn't appreciate the value of hard work and the rewards you gain from it. These people aren't sell outs, they're products of their hard work.

oh crap, I was meant to stay out of this.
People bitch and whine about anyone who "turns their back on the business", but the fact of the matter is is that they have to if they want to have a shred of credibility in the mainstream. Hogan didn't turn his back on wrestling when he went into cinema, and look how his movie career turned out. It's just a classic needless IWC gripe that people make without thinking. Would you dedicate your life to one career? I know I wouldn't. Seriously, I don't recall seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger talking up bodybuilding when addressing the forest fires in California, what a sell out.

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