Sell Me On: WZCW

Via Armbar

Has a pretty good dick.
I think I'm going to join, but haven't decided. How about some of you guys involved give me a quick run down of how things work and sell me on joining. Or, if you think I'll completely suck, tell me not to join here.
Come up with an original character
Every two weeks you write an RP which is a promo
Then creative write the two shows.
Best RP wins their match.

There are several belts
Eurasian/Elite X (intercontinental/us)
Mayhem (hardcore)
Tag (tag)

And every three or four rounds of shows there's a PPV.
Thanks Lee, very simple stuff there. Not to brag, but I consider my creative writing one of my strongest attributes so this is something I am becoming more and more interested in. I've also had a character in mind for a while now.
Could we see ArmБарбоса in WZCW?

Get your application in Armbar and help me win the World Heavyweight Title at Lethal Lottery! YOU win the world title? Isn't that something my character would want to do himself? And if this was Via Armbar I was RP'ing as, I would go for it. This character though...he might not be a tag team kinda guy.
This character though...he might not be a tag team kinda guy.

Neither is mine... except in his own head of course. He is a nutcase after all.

In all seriousness, I have found WZCW to be a great distraction from my normal routine of reading/writing about history all day and I have actually surprised myself with the amount of creativity I have managed.

There is also the fun and anticipation of the results of the next show and the banter to be had
I miss it, it's quite good to get regular writing going. I'm glad I have my magazine to write for now.
Also who says you have to be my partner to help me win the World Title?

Just sneak into the ring and beat the shite out of Ty and Gordito as a way to make a statement on your debut and I'll pick up the pieces
I hear ya Barbie.

I haven't had much time to write lately because of training, but after my fight on the 22nd I should have more free time. I just want to get down the essentials of my character and make it as solid as possible. I also need to get to know the other characters, just in case mine shares any similarities.
Барбоса;2727431 said:
Also who says you have to be my partner to help me win the World Title?

Just sneak into the ring and beat the shite out of Ty and Gordito as a way to make a statement on your debut and I'll pick up the pieces

This actually kinda fits with one of the main characteristics of my wrestler. Not that he would want to help you in particular or cause grief to any other wrestler in particular, just that he thrives on creating chaos and hysteria.
Apparently they have powerade and cookies in the lockerroom to munch on while waiting for your match.
It's one of the best places on this site, if not the best. Everyone is very supportive of each others characters and trying to make each show amazing. It really gives you free reign to be as creative as possible. My character made a device called the Power Glove that makes his right hand strong because he is a weak video game geek other wise. He made it while working for the military, went crazy, and decided to join WZCW.

I've only been in the fed for about a month and haven't even had a match (possibly have one coming up) and I'm already hooked on it. Based on how well you post, you would do very well in WZCW.
I think I'm going to join, but haven't decided. How about some of you guys involved give me a quick run down of how things work and sell me on joining. Or, if you think I'll completely suck, tell me not to join here.

You create a character and gimmick, and work on developing it via "promo" RP's. You can approach it like a tradition interview or backstage segment, or you can make it lavish, like old 90's WCW mini movies minus the suck. Cards are booked by a team of top notch folk, who also vote on how matches will go and who comes out on top based on the RP's.

I think you'd be fine at it, you may even come to love it. My advice would be to pick a gimmick that isn't entirely to constricting at first, and to come up with something that has room to evolve over time.

Do it.
Armbar, I dont feel like the 2010 WZ Forum of the Year needs to sell itself to you anymore. The guys have done a great job already.

I'll be honest, I think you would be a great addition and I hope to see you involved sometime soon.

If you're looking for something that won't take you too much to write but will get your creative juices flowing and will provide enough time to distract yourself from the hardships of your life that you may have (i.e. university studies)... then WZCW is a great place. Design a unique character and make that snowball build. The possibilities of character direction are near limitless and will create a story for you. There is only one thing though... I have seen many people join the ranks of WZCW and it becomes the only thing they care about and contribute to this forum the most (over time, of course). I used to post regularly in the NSW section until WZCW. Now, it's a rarity to even visit there.

So if you don't mind leaving it all behind or you have the willpower to keep on keeping on... joining the 'Z is perfectly harmless. That is, until you need to make an appointment with ze doctor. Although his intentions are good, what he may do to you isn't a 100% guarantee you'll feel the same way.

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