Security Guards

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I was in Woolies today having a browse. Doing nothing unusual. Just looking at the DVD's and clothing. When I get this fucking security gueard following me. He was looking at me around corners peek-a-boo style. Not very discreet at all. Not only is this security guard about 10 but he's the skinniest fucker I've ever seen. I wasn't stealing, but what did he hope to achieve if I had been? I could have overpowered him with my foreskin. He was starting to annoy me, this skinny **** in a suit that was 10 sizes too big, lording it up on his fucking walkie talkie. Thinking he's some big hard security guard. So I went to the kids clothing section, which I intended to do anyway. And I picked up a lovley dress for my girl. I then held it against myself to see if it would fit me, shook my head and put it back. I then repeated this about 10 times. And still the **** was following me. I then got bored of playing with him so I went up to him and told him I was leaving now. The lad looked terrified. I gave him a slap on the back and away I went.

Has anyone else seen any pathetic security guards?
Well besides my self yes. Every time I go into the mall with my one friend and go into the one clothing store this is this older fellow about i'd say in his 60's, you could out run him by possibly walking. He follows me around when i am looking at clothes like I am going to stick it under my shirt and run. He stands by the door all the time and just stares at me and my friends but it is so obvious what he is doing. I have never tormented him like you have but i do walk around the store all the time by holding clothing just to see what he is going to do.
It pisses me off because there's plenty of big ugly people in Stoke, and yet they hire a pimply teenager. I might steal just to see what he trys to do. I'm deffo going to stick a sign on his back or something.
I was in Woolies today having a browse. Doing nothing unusual. Just looking at the DVD's and clothing. When I get this fucking security gueard following me. He was looking at me around corners peek-a-boo style. Not very discreet at all. Not only is this security guard about 10 but he's the skinniest fucker I've ever seen. I wasn't stealing, but what did he hope to achieve if I had been? I could have overpowered him with my foreskin. He was starting to annoy me, this skinny **** in a suit that was 10 sizes too big, lording it up on his fucking walkie talkie. Thinking he's some big hard security guard. So I went to the kids clothing section, which I intended to do anyway. And I picked up a lovley dress for my girl. I then held it against myself to see if it would fit me, shook my head and put it back. I then repeated this about 10 times. And still the **** was following me. I then got bored of playing with him so I went up to him and told him I was leaving now. The lad looked terrified. I gave him a slap on the back and away I went.

Has anyone else seen any pathetic security guards?

That's a great story. Thanks for the entertainment.

I never noticed a security guard bothering me. But they don't usually follow women. Apparently women don't steal.
If this boy get's scared when he's approached by me I doubt he could handle MI6.

Think is I saw him outside later having a *** with a bigger uglier security guard and he decided to stare me out. So the lad obviously didn't learn a thing. And worse he thinks he's tough around other people. Only problem is that his friend may well be bigger and uglier than him. But not in a hard way. In a fat, face only a mother could love way.
when i did my work experiance a few years back i was approached by a customer who told me they saw an old lady stealing sweets, i thought it was a joke at first but then i went to see to please the customer and the lady was just sitting there eating all the pic and mix, and then she looked at me grabbed a handful and started running away, it was such an odd experiance... i just realised this story isent about odd secrity guards its more about odd stealers
i know mate you dont seem the type, the only stealer ive ever seen is an old lady, theyre the ones we ought to be looking out for
This story reminds me of two different issues I had at the local Wal*Mart. (Yeah, Iowa isn't big on other stores)

Anyways, so the long hair works wonders for gathering attention from the authority figures, especially in Corn Country, U.S.A. So anyways, I was checking out the toy section cause I like looking to see how close jakks comes to making good like-nesses of wrestlers. Anyways, I notice this guy (which Wal*Mart doesn't have security suits, so much as undercover guys who think they can act normal, by staring) & he was standing at the end of the isle.. just glaring a hole through me.

So, I'm standing, facing the shelves.. long hair, oh, trench coat too.. cause it was winter at the time. (not that I wouldn't sacrifice heat in the summer to look damn good in that coat, but thats another story for another thread.. ANYWAYS) I picked up one of the figures, turned directly facing the guy, then acted shocked, turned my back to him & dropped the figure on the ground. My coat is long enough, that he couldn't of seen me drop this figure.. so I start walking rather fast outta the isle..

Naturally, about 1 minute later.. this dumbass actually stops me & asks if I've found everything okay. I look at him & ask why he'd care, since he doesn't have a name tag or anything on, so naturally.. he doesn't work there?! lol And he was like "Well, I've never seen you before & I know the store cause I live in town, I just thought I could help." (He's saying this, all the while he's checking me out, from top to bottom, literally foreseeable) So my reply was plain & simple.. "Yeah, I'm not actually from town.. but where I am from, when another man looks at me the way you did, I kinda get an uneasy feeling you're about to ask for my number.. & I'm just not into that sorta thing." He literally had no reply other then.. "Well have a nice day."

The other time was simply about I'd say 7-8 years back, if that.. my friends & I were out late just wondering the store. We decided to try on a bunch of different hats they had, & naturally then I was an ass.. so I wanted to walk around the store with a cowboy hat on, get a dozen fake flowers & start asking girls to marry me.. (who wouldn't do that, seriously?) Well.. I get stopped by management & ordered! to put the hat up.

So I asked what if I wanted to buy it, & I was trying it out? And the guy flat out said.. "If you're buying it, then please make your purchase, but don't wear something you don't know where its been. It could have lice for all you know." And literally, I threw the hat & was like "What the ****, you sell shit with lice?! What kinda ****ed up store are you running?!" Needless to say, I was escorted out of the store for my not so quiet conversation with the store management.. but come on, what kinda reply is that?!
OMG Every time i go into woolworths there is this security guard who follows me and my mates everytime we go in there,he'll go up the aisle behind us and will actually move shopping items away and stare at us through the aisle and he goes where ever we go and this guy is about 50 + and he squints his eyes at us and sneaks around it so freaking pathetic,and quite funny now coz me n my mates just go in there and go to all different isles and just watch him eventually come along sneaking lol,pathetic.
I would but I dont think I'll be seeing him around the local bars, he looked too young. And I cant very well start twatting him in front of loads of kids in Woolies. Cameras y'know.
Twatting is far better and it sounds far superior! I used to be a security guard when I started uni and I fuckin hated it. I had to do just what your guy was doing and I knew I looked like a right bell-end and wasn't intimidating anyone and it didn't even pay well. Thats why I moved on to bouncing lol pays loads more :)

Oh and when i was a guard I caught 4 people, all girls and all under 16 with makeup, fuckin Leicester chavs lol!
I worked as security at Wilko for a while and I did all my watching with the cameras. Then again my office was right by the exit so I could cut them off easily.

They mostly stole halogen light tubes. Because apparently if you snap them in hafp you can snort something inside them.

FACT. Apparently.
I was down at Superdrug where the camera's were shite and two floors up so dragging suspects back for interogration or whatever was a mission and a half. Wasn't there for long thank fuck lol
That's good to know. I feel better knowing that women steal, too.

Damn right. Just ask Winona Rider. she is known as "Stealy McBitch" now.
also, I once watched a girl trying to steal a DVD at Target. I didnt say anything cause she saw when I was on her way. She dropped the DVD and got out of there. nothing really special, though ive seen a lot of shoplifters get arrested, freakin hilarious! :D
This story reminds me of two different issues I had at the local Wal*Mart. (Yeah, Iowa isn't big on other stores)

Anyways, so the long hair works wonders for gathering attention from the authority figures, especially in Corn Country, U.S.A. So anyways, I was checking out the toy section cause I like looking to see how close jakks comes to making good like-nesses of wrestlers. Anyways, I notice this guy (which Wal*Mart doesn't have security suits, so much as undercover guys who think they can act normal, by staring) & he was standing at the end of the isle.. just glaring a hole through me.

So, I'm standing, facing the shelves.. long hair, oh, trench coat too.. cause it was winter at the time. (not that I wouldn't sacrifice heat in the summer to look damn good in that coat, but thats another story for another thread.. ANYWAYS) I picked up one of the figures, turned directly facing the guy, then acted shocked, turned my back to him & dropped the figure on the ground. My coat is long enough, that he couldn't of seen me drop this figure.. so I start walking rather fast outta the isle..

Naturally, about 1 minute later.. this dumbass actually stops me & asks if I've found everything okay. I look at him & ask why he'd care, since he doesn't have a name tag or anything on, so naturally.. he doesn't work there?! lol And he was like "Well, I've never seen you before & I know the store cause I live in town, I just thought I could help." (He's saying this, all the while he's checking me out, from top to bottom, literally foreseeable) So my reply was plain & simple.. "Yeah, I'm not actually from town.. but where I am from, when another man looks at me the way you did, I kinda get an uneasy feeling you're about to ask for my number.. & I'm just not into that sorta thing." He literally had no reply other then.. "Well have a nice day."

The other time was simply about I'd say 7-8 years back, if that.. my friends & I were out late just wondering the store. We decided to try on a bunch of different hats they had, & naturally then I was an ass.. so I wanted to walk around the store with a cowboy hat on, get a dozen fake flowers & start asking girls to marry me.. (who wouldn't do that, seriously?) Well.. I get stopped by management & ordered! to put the hat up.

So I asked what if I wanted to buy it, & I was trying it out? And the guy flat out said.. "If you're buying it, then please make your purchase, but don't wear something you don't know where its been. It could have lice for all you know." And literally, I threw the hat & was like "What the ****, you sell shit with lice?! What kinda ****ed up store are you running?!" Needless to say, I was escorted out of the store for my not so quiet conversation with the store management.. but come on, what kinda reply is that?!

Yeah they pulled the same exact shit on me here in iowa city, the whole hat thing is really fucked up. And yes BTW wall mart loves to sell stuff with lice on it.

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