Have You Ever Met A Celebrity, And What Were They Like?

l have also meet some famous sporting people one of crickets best batsman sir gary sobers played for the west Indies , nice guy then l have meet some australian rules footballers some of you may not have heard of them, James Hird(former captain of the Essendon footbal club, just retired last season
2007, a very nice person gives plenty of time to the kids
I meet Cactus Jack at a wrestling show. The guy fought in the stands and took my jacket and started to whip the guy with my jacket and took it with him. After the show some guy said that I could go backstage to see Cactus and get my jacket. He signed my hate was totally in character with the whole bang bang thing. It was a small show in Mississippi. It was cool as I told my mom not to wash my jacket, but she did. I remembering saying I meet Cactus Jack, I even got to be on TV as the local news was backstage. I had no idea that the guy was be WWF Champion and a Best Selling Author. From looking at Mick at the time I couldn't tel if he could read.
I once met all three men running for Premier of the province I live in, so that was neat. I also once met... I can't remember what one... One of the "Dicks" Tag team from a few years ago. After he was fired from WWE, he came to PEI and started doing some local shows. I saw a show one time, and afterwards, I got a few autographs from as many random wrestlers I could. Being the fool I was, and knowing there was a former WWE star around, I was looking for him. I should have known exactly what he looked like, cause I got his autograph, and as he was signing it, I'm like "Oh, YOUR James (or Chad) Dick!" Hahaha. I lost those autographs like three days later.
i've met the entire manchester united squad which was rather cool. managed to get a shirt signed by david beckham and he was a really nice guy. this was before he was actually the big name he is today so hoping it's worth a lot someday!
I had a meet an greet with "Little" Steven Van Zandt from The Sopranos and The E Street Band. He was definitely a "normal" guy, an enjoyed being told how much people enjoy his work. He also tries to make ba jokes.
Ive met Chavo Guerrero..... i took my girl and little cousin to the circus and during the intermission they had to go to the bath room, so I walked with them and Chavo was walking to the bathroom with his wife and 2 kids. I said hi and he was really nice said hi asked how i was doing and if we were enjoying the show. We talked for like 2 min until his wife came back out and I said have fun with your family and he said thanks. when we walked back to our seat we say him pass and he was like 2 rows in front of us and he saw us again and said have fun..... GREAT GUY!

I just recently met Reggi Bush at a signing, WHAT A DICK! The guy was an hour and a half late, I was talking to the people infront of me and they said he was suspposed to be there 4 months ago but called out saying he was to hung over from the night before (they were in the store and heard the guy on the phone saying your hung over! what are we going to tell the people?) anyway the store told everyone he was sick. When we made are way into the store he didn't even look up at anyone didn't say anything top anyone but these girls behind us, they were so happy to see him and when thety asked him for his picture, he said I don't take pictures with fans! They were heart broken.... WHAT A DICK!!!

I also met Roger Huerta. We went to a signing at some cable store, and they didn't really market it well cuz nobody was there. so we went and sat down, he came in, we walked up thinking he was just going to sign some stuff and then leave, but he got us chairs to sit next to him for the whole signing and just talked! We were there for 2 hours just talking to him, only 2 people showed up, and when he left, he gave use tickets to an after party so when we went there we met Quition "Rampage" Jackson who was pretty cool. Roger Huerta is the greatest person i've ever met!
i met William "the refrigerator" Perry at a home depot and I shook his hand it was like a F'n black hole.

I also met a a bunch of players past and present from the Chicago Cubs and all of them were cool but the best one was Ernie Banks got a picture and got to talk to him it was cool
I've met Edge. It was during his second reign as WWE champ. It was right after a house show, and I (not knowing) was standing next to his Hummer H2. We chatted for a while, but he was in a rush because He wanted to go home fast to his family (since the show was in Toronto). He's a pretty down to earth guy, and Luta is pretty cool. Like most wrestlers Edge looks way bigger in real life than on TV. He is really tall.
I've met George Strait. He is a lot shorter in person. Really short, kinda funny. He was a straight-up prick. I'm not a big fan of country music, but i was chatting with him for a few minutes. It was at an event for the Army Reserve, he should have at least acted like he wanted to be there. I had him sign a dollar bill for my mom. I probably ended up spending it on a soda or something. Prick.

I also met all the members of Drowning Pool. Their guitarist is a prick, but the rest of them were pretty cool. Didn't get any autographs, because A) they were stone cold drunk and B) they were all mobbed by their goons before I had a chance to ask....
The only celebs I have met are wrestlers.

Rey Mysterio - He was signing autographs at a local Wal-Mart to promote the release of the WWE Originals CD,totally cool guy and when my friend's girlfriend posed for a pic with him I put bunny ears on her and he just laughed.

Stacy Keibler - At the time she was still with the WWE and she was a total sweetheart,absolutely gorgeous in person and I got a pic with her too.

Scott Steiner - Signed an autograph for me but it seemed like he didn't want to be there...I dunno I just felt a bad vibe coming from him.

That's about it.

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