Wrestler's Real Name: Zander Followill
Wrestler's Gimmick Name: Zander Young
Wrestlers Nickname:
Height: 5"11
Weight: 235 pounds
Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland
Billed From: Glasgow, Scotland
-----------Hair color/length: Medium, brown/blonde
-----------Eye color: brown
-----------Facial Hair: none
-----------Ring Attire: blue and red and white 3/4s, white and red wristbands forearm length with blue adiddas boots
-----------Backstage Attire: Wrestling gear, Brian Kendrick Style Jackets
-----------Physical Features: average wrestler physique
-----------Tattoos: right forearm: the batman joker "why so serious" underneath
Alignment: babyface
Manager: Neil McCulloch (Zanders Reality TV Cameraman) - sits at ringside with his hi-tech video camera and films all of Zanders Matches. Has a fun loving personality. he is around 6ft 2 and in pretty good shape, he has short brown hair and is usually seen wearing a baseball cap and a Zander TV hoodie. he has no intentions of getting into wrestling and looking into a career in movies someday.
Gimmick: Has his own reality tv show, layed back, likes joking around and giving other people cheek, he is also straight edge.
Strength: techincal, submission, hardcore, strong physique. gets the crowd going to try and get a good fan reaction and uses this to get him fired up.
Weakness: tends to be lazy/late, tends to get distracted by the fans and by and likes to interact (although this can play to his advantage also by getting the fans behind him) and doesn't like being told what to do by authority. disrespectful to his opponent (if heel/tweener). likes to
Trained By: William Regal, Finlay
Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: got into wrestling through high school but got chucked out of the team for turning up hungover on several occasions. went to the gym and by chance met finlay and william regal who were on tour and got talking to them about wrestling. Zander (age 21) had a good physique of a typical wrestler and finlay offered to help train Zander. He trained on his game so much he became finlays best worker at his wrestling school, although he still liked to party he managed to find a good mix. he got to wrestle on the indies on a few occasions and made two dark match apperances on the second biggest wrestling organization through finlay.
he is now a recovering alcoholic which nearly made him giving up wrestling after previously losing a WZCW contract match
now hes ready to step up to the big leagues and become a superstar.
Title History: none
Entrance Music: Crawl - Kings of Leon
Entrance description: lights go out for 5 seconds and rock show like lights flash as music plays, walks to the rings slowly giving out hi 5s to the kids and slides into the ring. goes to the middle rope camera side nearest the entrance and holds his arms out in randy orton fashon. manager neil mcculloch follows him to the ring filming him
Finishers: Spiral Staircase (Arm trap cross-legged STF) and Aha Shake Heartbreak ( black hole slam )
15 Most used moves:
1.(Hat-Trick) german suplex (or on its own)
2.Chelsea Dagger - crossface
3.The Bucket - step - up ezuigiri
4.pump handled slam
5.half boston crab
6.rolling firemans carry slam
7.hard clothesline
8.forearm smash
9.elbow drop
11.sunset flip powerbomb
12.running armdrag (^^ both top rope ^^)
14.The Flying Scotsman - Moonsault
15.samoan drop
Sample RP:
During the commercial break at Meltdown 21 Heel Announcer (John McDonald (made up)) is in the ring.
John- Next week at Meltdown 22 we will have another contract battle royal. One of the contenders is this my guest here tonight on this exclusive wzcw.com interview. Ladies and gentlemen from Glasgow, Scotland, Zander Young.
He says with a lack of enthusiasm.
Shot cuts to backstage as a bald security guard with a golden earring is knocking at a door which appears to be a locker room.
The camera zooms out and the security guard is about 4ft tall and the locker room turns out to be the men’s toilets.
Zander - God damn it im coming! Man, I shouldn’t have ate that battered mars bar earlier.
Zander has a few cans of beer in his hands and opens one of them and takes a few drinks.
Zander and the security guard walk to the ring through the backstage area as the security guard encourages people to fight him.
Midget Guard- Hey what do u think you’re looking at punk, come on then if you think you’re so tough.
Zander keeps walking along beside him looking as surprised as the rest of the crew backstage.
They walk through the curtain together and the guard slaps Zander on the ass. Zander turns around.
Zander- Hey what the hell!?
He then starts throwing the rest of his cans at him as the guard runs backstage.
Zander walks down to the ring and is given a microphone from John.
John - Zander what was that all about?
He says with a disgusted look on his face.
Zander - I have no idea I thought it was just a kid waiting for me for an autograph and he tells me he's my security guard?
John - Ok.... anyways I want to ask you about next weeks contract battle royal, you lost last weeks rumble but you did nearly go the whole 15mins, are you more confident going into the match this week are you? I mean last week, come on kid do think you have what it takes?
Zander - Yeah, I’m very confident, last week was a slip up, I’ll give it 110% this week earn my contract in WZCW.
Zander says with a pissed off look in his face from John's comments.
John - Ok Zander that’s great but I think that with the talent in the ring next week that, well you might struggle, I mean, your not the sharpest knife in the drawer and you’re somewhat drunk now as we speak, that’s not what WZCW is all about.
We are the number one organization in the world with the most technically gifted wrestlers, I have no idea why Vance Bateman would allow you to get a first shot at a contract never mind a second chance.
Zander - Listen here you scrawny little prick ill kick your ass all over the arena...
He grabs him by the neck.
Zander - If you ever....
John interrupts him.
John - Security! help! security!
The real security rush to the ring and grab Zander as hes about to hit John
John - Get him out of here boys, he doesn’t even work here and he never will!
John turns his back to a round of boos from the crowd.
Zander manages to break free and hits John in the back.
John falls down and rolls to the outside and hides behind Becky Serra who’s sitting at ringside.
Zander can still be herd by the camera shouting at John as he walks over to him.
Zander - come on then you little shit you think u can talk to me like that, stop hiding behind a woman and fight me like a man.
John then pushes Becky at Zander and Zander catches her as Johnny runs behind the security.
John - take him out! get him!
he shouts to the guards.
Becky runs off back to her seat as Zander faces off against 5 security guards.
He charges at one of then, spears him down and lays the punches in him but is grabbed by the rest of the security and if dragged to the back. John runs backstage as Zander tries to break free but cant break the guards hold.
The camera cuts to backstage after the next match on the show to the second part of the exclusive wzcw.com video and Zander is still in the securities hold.
John walks up to him.
John - Hey Zander, you’re lucky you still have your match next week. I just spoke to Vance and he wanted me to tell you that your still in the match but if you try and attack any member of WZCW personnel again before the match you better not show up, and incase you do think about showing up, I have also found a man who shares the same opinion of you as i do.
Camera zooms out as John stands next to a Monster Heel who dwarfs John.
John - Guards, get this kid out of my sight.
The guards then take Zander to a windowed exit and tell him to leave.
Zander - Yeah, whatever I’m out of here.
They shut the door behind him but don't realise the window is open.
A beer can then flies through the window and hits John in the face.
John - Damn it close that damn window.
One of the guards closes the window as John asks - Is he still there?
Security Guard - No sir hes walking off.
John - To where?
Security Guard - To the bar across the road Sir.
Camera cuts to John and Monster Heel.
John - Hes ours now.
Camera fades out with John looking pissed and shaking his head whilst Monster Heel clenches his fist.theme