MD 25 - David Cougar and TM vs Zander Young and Frankie Smith

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

A former tag team split up by the tournament reunites to take on former EurAsian Championship contenders Zander Young and Frankie Smith.

Deadline is June 29th at 11:59 EST.
A video package plays on the screen featuring clips of Zander Young in WZCW. Becky Serra’s Voice Is played over the top of the video.

Becky - One man has arrived to change the face of professional wrestling. He has risen above the competition and all expectations. Zander Young brings to you, ZANDER TV.

ZANDER TV text flashes on the screen as the introduction comes to an end.

Zander young, wearing a pair of aviators, is in shot sitting in front of a green screen in his ring attire, on a directors chair, with a picture of a Meltdown show where Zander Young is making is entrance. The picture is taking from the roof.

Zander - ladies and gentlemen, this, is Zander TV. I’m your host Zander Young and welcome to my world.
Zander TV is, without a doubt, the best video show featuring your favourite wrestler, and mine, Zander Young on all of
This week me and Neil went to meet WZCW’s newest interviewer, Stacey Madison, at a top secret location. Here’s how we got on.

Camera fades to black.

The camera fades back in as we see Stacey sitting across the room from Zander and Neil. The walls are covered in a large, purple backdrop and promotional banners of Zander Young hand from the walls which feature photos of Zander Young making his entrance and another of him with an opponent in the ‘Spiral Staircase’. There are also large Yucca plants behind each chair.

Stacey, Neil and Zander talk a bit before shooting the interview.

Stacey - Hey Zander I hope you don’t mind having to come in for a quick interview. This is one of my first one’s in WrestleZone and it’s pretty nerve-racking! She said nervously

Zander - It’s no problem at all, thanks for your time.

Stacey - Yeah, no worries. So is there anything you want to ask me before we go on air?

Zander - No I think we are good to go, Neil?

Neil - Nah, I’m good.

Stacey - Ok, great, lets get started then.

The shot quickly switches to a higher quality of filming as it apparent this is the interview segment. Whenever Stacey speaks the camera is solely focused on her, and whenever either Zander or Neil talk we see both of them in shot. Like a movie interview with the leading actor.

Stacey - Zander, Neil, thanks for coming in today.

Zander - my pleasure
he says and smiles.

Stacey - Zander we all know you have just joined WrestleZone Championship Wrestling, many of the fans wont know much about you, so tell us a little bit about yourself.

Zander - Well Stacey, I was born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland. I started wrestling for the age of about 15, 16 when I joined the school wrestling team. Left school then when I turned 18 and still had a passion for wrestling. But unfortunately I found another passion.

He pauses.

Zander - Alcohol. I spent most nights out on the town with the dole money I got and a nice bit money I made from playing guitar in a band.

Stacey - You also played in a band? she says in an atempt to get off the touchy topic of alcohol addiction.

Zander - Yeah, it was my way of taking a break from wrestling before I turned 18. We played every Saturday night and occasionally supported bigger bands when they came up to play at the smaller venues.

Stacey - Wow that sound cool, but obviously wrestling took priority, did it?

Zander - Yeah, music was just a way of relaxing to me. I had no intentions of making it big with music I just did it for fun.
But I always had a strong passion to become a wrestler ever since I was younger. Me and my little brother would jump about on the trampoline doing moonsaults and dropkicks. Neil would come over with his little video camera and do commentary with his terrible American accent.

Everyone chuckles.

Stacey - Oh, so you guys have always been best friends? She says still giggling.

Neil - Yeah, we lived across the street, my mum was good friends with his mum. And we’re the same age so it was cool being in the same class as well.

Stacey - And you never had a passion for wrestling? She says to Neil.

Neil - I did but I suffered a bad knee ligament injury at a football game at the same time and everything got put on hold for about a year and I just couldn’t get back into the swing of things. But I knew Zander would one day make it and I wanted to be there to support him. He in turn helped me with my studies and I left to go to university to study film producing when I turned 18, so I was returning the favour.

Zander - Yeah, that’s when I started partying and went off the rails a bit. Neil was always there to keep me on the straightened path with my training and gym work. His dad used to be a fitness instructor so Neil learned lots of tips from him.

Stacey - Wow it seemed like you guys had a great relationship together then?

Zander - Yeah, we’re like a married couple now.

They all laugh

Neil quickly interrupts - We’re not gay though. He exclaims.
I don’t have anything against them that’s their decision, but my girlfriend would kill me if she thought I was. we share an appartment with Zander. Neil said nervously. Zander stares blankly at him.

Stacey - Ok guys, anyways, moving on.
There are many other young stars like you who seem to have a bright future ahead of you how confident are you of succeeding here?

Zander - Thanks Stacey, yeah I hope to achieve a lot in WZCW but it wont be easy. I’m only 21 and have many new things to learn yet but I’m proud what I’ve achieved so far this early on.

Neil looks on and agrees happily.

Stacey - And what are your goals here exactly?

Zander - The Heavyweight Title is always the obvious one to go for. I’m not ready to challenge yet but I’m looking to make a name for myself.
Defeat in the quarter finals of the Eurasian Championship was tough to handle, I beat a tough opponent in Frankie Smith and came up just short to Anoki. But I will get my chances at a title again, whether it’s the mayhem, Elite X, Eurasian, hell I’m willing to go out there and find a tag team partner to challenge the ‘Full House Daves’ if I get the chance.
And when I do get a title opportunity, I’ll be confident this time around I can get the job done. I have respect for all the title and the current champions, each have their own unique qualities which makes all the WZCW championships so prestigious.

Neil again sits and agrees again.

Stacey - speaking of Frankie Smith, Zander, you two team up this week in an impromptu match up this week in a tag team match against David Cougar and TM. What’s your thoughts on the match?

Zander - Well it’s a tough one Stacey. Cougar and TM are tough opponents. Frankie is a great wrestler too but we have history. I defeated him narrowly in the Eurasian tournament.

Zander looks to the ground.

Zander - And kinda ripped on him a bit in a war of words between Scotland and Ireland.
Hopefully all can be forgiven and forgotten and we can work together for one night to defeat Dave and TM. We both know losing isn’t an option and at our young stages in our careers we both want to win as much as possible and start climbing that ladder to success.

Stacey - Well I wish you the best of luck Zander and I hope we can arrange another interview for the future.
Thanks to you Neil as well, I’ve just noticed your own video camera on the tripod over there, she giggles, and hope you got all you wanted for Zander TV. I’ll be sure to tune into and catch your latest episode.

Zander - Thanks very much for Stacey, good luck.

Zander and Neil shake hands with Stacey as the screen fade to black.

Zander is sitting on his directors chair, still recording his Zander TV show. He talks a bit for a while and ends the episode.

Zander - And remember to tune in next week for more Zander TV.

Screen fades to black.

Zander gets up off screen and walks over to Neil.

Zander - Good show tonight Neil. Can you try and get me a photo shot of my entrance this week from atop the titantron ? That might look cool for next weeks show.

Neil - Yea sure, no problem I will talk to the production crew about setting a camera up there tomorrow.

Zander - Thanks Neil.

Neil - Oh yea, Zander I got some mail for you, you weren’t up this morning and I past the postman on the way out to the car and I just took the mail in with me into the car when I went to get milk. I think it’s just a few fan mail and there’s a bank statement also I think?

He hands over 5 envelopes from his briefcase.

Zander - Ok, I’ll put that bank statement in my bag for when I get home.

He puts the thicker envelope in his jacket pocket.

Zander opens a letter and reads it to himself. His eyes dart back and fore and he mouths the words out as he reads. It’s a habit he has.

Zander - Wow, fan mail from Japan. That’s pretty cool.

He opens another, this one has a lipstick mark over the seal.

Zander - Bit thin this one. He looks inside. There’s nothing in it? He says with a puzzled look on his face.

Neil - Really? He looks into the envelope. Weird eh?

Zander - yea, oh well I’ll read the rest in the car, we’ll miss the start of the football if we hang about much longer.

Neil - ‘tenner bets Falkirk to win’
he says

Zander - Is that some kind of sick joke? He laughs, ok your on ‘tenner bets Dundee United’.

Neil and Zander shake hands

Neil - Ten pound coming my way pal.

Zander - Just get in the damn car
. he says as both walk out laughing towards the exit.

Fade to black
We see Showtime march angrily down the hall, dressed to a tee in the finest business suit and wearing a dark pair of shades that barely hid the pure hate burning in his eyes. He walks right by Becky

Becky: Hey David. How's it...

and continues walking past her. Becky seems to sense something wrong and hurries up to talk to him.

David, what's wrong? Why are you so angry?

Showtime turns around and glares at Becky.

Cougar: Becky, The Show is not angry. In fact, I am a very busy man, but you wouldn't understand that because you are not a star like I am, you are not talent around here, you could be replaced at the sight of a wrinkle. At this moment I am on my way to do another live episode of The Show with a very special guest. And I Showtime, the ratings sensation, have no time for small chit chat.

David why do you always have to be in character, it's just me, there are no cameras. You can talk to me.

Uh Becky.

Showtime gives Becky the 'your a dumb idiot' look you normally give co-workers you dislike and points behind Becky where a camera man had been following her.

Oh, don't mind him. They just follow me around. She turns to the camera. I'll make sure they don't put this on.

Showtime shakes his head at Becky and continues to walk away. Becky again runs up and follows.

Fine then, you don't want to talk, then we'll just have an interviewer. I'm sure you may have something you want to talk about. I'm sure your upset over your loss to Ty Burna last Meltdown.

Showtime stops, twitches the slightest bit and removes his shades. A smile crosses over his face unexpectedly and a look of ease in his eyes.

Becky, you just don't understand it. The script goes where it goes. Showtime is written to do great things and great things he shall. Winning a title verse a bunch of people who's common ground is almost total obscurity is not meant to be. Sure Michaels was in it, but he was hurting bad. Milenko was a great champion, but in the crazy no rules bullshit that made out of shape losers like Bobby Creamer and The Grandcan famous. The fact is nobody legitimate is going to win this belt in this tournament, nobody left has any credibility. There are greater things out there, like the Elite-X and the WZCW Heavyweight title, but I will still make history by beating the first ever EurAsian champion. Now that's more legit, saying I beat the first ever champion, then saying I won this title beating a bunch of first match rooks, a women and injured and hardcore beaten pugs.

Alright, but how do you feel about the four that remain?

Ty is nothing but the Cuban Gooden Jr to my Tom Cruise, a lucky break. If it weren't for my devotion to entertain the fans, he'd be ten feet under. Moondragon is nothing more than a Mark Fidrych stereo type, an unknown underdog talent riding high on momentum , but will no doubt tear like the cartilage in his knee and fail. Drake is a strong champion, but only in the crazy bull shit no rules league, in a regular rules match he'd be no match for a superior athlete like myself...

And what about Anoki?

Anoki. Now there is a wrestler who is worthy to share the spotlight with the Show and lose the title to. I would take personal joy in defeating Anoki. I would be thrilled if Anoki won.

Showtime stares off a little into space before realizing Becky is still here and continues walking, Becky close behind.

So are we done?

Just one more thing, this upcoming Meltdown you and Trademark re-team up to face Zander Young and Frankie Smith, your thoughts on the match and your partners sanity? How can you support Trademark and be against Criminal Karnage and Burna?

Becky Becky, there is a difference to what TM does and what they do. They commit crimes, and even murder, for pure enjoyment and amusement. Trademark is simply doing what he's doing to better himself, to make himself stronger. There is a dark side to entertainment, an obsession. Trademark s simply embracing it, and if that makes him stronger than I support him. I think we'll see a much different Trademark at Meltdown. And as for Young and Smith, we eliminated both those guys in the contract match where we got our contracts and they didn't. Frankie may fly off the handle and remember losing to Young. Young is so doped up on sugar and happy pills he may get paranoid and in the end they'll be worried about each other more than the match. Showtime-Trademark Productions is WZCW's best kept secret and to the Garth and Phoenix and the FHD, you guys better watch your backs because we'll be coming for those tag belts. That you can look forward to in your TV guides and see. This week though, you'll all get a warm-up as me and TM walk right on over Young and Smith.

Showtime stops in front of the curtain turns and faces Becky, putting on his sunglasses.

Now if you'll excuse me Becky, I have a very special guest to interview. She's new and not only that, but she's smarter, more attractive, and a way better interviewer than you can ever hope for in your little cheap plastic world.

Showtime exits and Becky looks hurt.
The Show theme song is playing as Showtime David Cougar is seated in seat shouting thanks to the audience.

Cougar: Thank you all so much. We have a terrific show today, with a wonderfully charming new addition to the WZCW roster. Give it up for WZCW's newest interviewer, Stacey Madison.

Stacey walks out from the side in a confident strut. She poses briefly in front of the audience, well aware of her beauty, and takes a seat next to Showtime.

Stacey: Thank you David for having me on your show.

Thank you for coming Stacey. Let me say, it is a thrill to have someone so breathtaking and so intelligent as yourself join the WZCW roster. You are in a class well above our current interviewers.

Stacey chuckles a self-indulged laugh.

I have heard. I guess you could say I'm head and shoulders above the rest.

Definitely with what's between the shoulders.

Stacey picks up on what Showtime said, but continues to smile. She pushes her hair back and moves her head closer to Showtime.

I guess you could say I know a few moves that the others can't... quite... do... if you know what I mean.

Showtime turns to the audience and raises up and down his eyebrows. The audience laughs.

Why Stacey my oh my, are we quite forward. How's about we wander off after the Show and I'll show you the Happy Hour of our programming.

Showtime stands up a little off his chair and thrusts a little as the audience cheers.

With me, you wouldn't be able to last a commercial break.

The audience roars as Stacey rests back against the couch, chuckling a little as Showtime returns to his seat. He throws his cue cards off behind him.

I won't be needing those pickup lines anymore then. So Stacey I hear you were recently on something of a rip off of mine, Zander TV. What did you think of that third rate public funded waste of TV space and Zander Young.

Oh it was so unbearable. Nice guys really, but very uninteresting. I had to fake like I gave a damn throughout the whole thing. They figured I was new and were trying to be playful and sweet with me, so I played the whole good girl act to get out of there and spare them a real interview with hard questions they may have had to think about. This is a wrestling company isn't it? I figured he'd be more focused on the opposition ahead.

I like the way you think, you aren't afraid to say much. I think we could make a very excellent team.

I thought we were done on pick-ups.

This ain't a pick-up, it's an offer.

And you couldn't afford it. I'm here to interview and you know what I got a question for you Showtime, how is it that someone so great could be so inconsistent all the time? It isn't just the script is it? Sometimes, maybe, it's just you. Maybe you aren't as great as you yourself think you are.

The Show makes it way to the top in anyway it choses. Look at Seinfeld, one of the best shows in the world, but it didn't catch on until after a few seasons. My rise to the top will be an inevitability, not a question. Zander Young, Frankie Smith, I'd like to wish them luck, but they aren't even in the same league as WZCW's premier tag team in Showtime-Trademark productions. Zander Young is an unfocused mind more interested in playing around and goofing off than he is about wrestling. His third rate TV show is just his attempt to be more like everyone's favourite TV star, me, Showtime David Cougar. The empty fan mail says it all Zander, you are nothing and after Meltdown you will remain just that. As for Frankie Smith, you got lucky over my partner Trademark, but revenge will be his fuel in this match and with it he will over power the both of you. Trademark is doing what is necessary to become better and we will be better at Meltdown. Whoever is tag team champions after Civil Revolution had better watch their backs, because Showtime-Trademark Productions is planning on making a major takeover of WZCW, and Young and Smith are about to be the first ones up for cancelation.

You're very confident, how can you always be so sure of yourself?

If I wasn't sure in myself, then what would be the point. The fact is I don't need to be sure, because I already know that I am the best that this company has seen in a long while. I am the ratings superstar, the highlight of the night every night, and the single greatest thing you could ever find on your TV. Zander Young and Frankie Smith will be seeing stars, but not just the stars of a first class beat down, they will be staring eye to eye with The Star of this company and when the pressure mounts from being in the ring with a mega superstar, the curtain will drop and their dreams of victory will go crashing down with it.

Stacey it was a pleasure to have you on my show. I hope we meet again very shortly.

The same to you David Cougar.

Stacey gets up to leave, but not before posing once more for the audience.

Thank you all for tuning in today. See you all at Meltdown where Showtime-Trademark Productions begins their takeover of WZCW.
Frankie Smith is in the Dojo Gym with his best friend and Training partner,Seamus Murphy.They are sitting on a steel bench,frankie has a bottle of blue powerade in his right hand,a towel in his left.Seamus is reading the newspaper.

Seamus:I wonder who's on page 3 today...
There is a knock on the door.

Who is it?

Frankie stands up,and looks at it,waiting for an answer.

Becky Serra

Seamus looks at Frankie,who nods.

Come on in.

She walks in cautiously,motioning for the cameraman to follow.

Frankie:pull up a bench.
He pats the space beside him.

I'm okay.I just wanted to know how you feel about what happened at meltdown?You got your first victory in WZCW.

Damn,did I?I didn't realise that.

He rolls his eyes.Seamus chuckles.Becky looks down,embarassed.

Well now,I am 1 and 1,50 %,.500, whatever you want to say,I achieved what I wanted.I destroyed the man formerly known as TradeMark.My reward.Huh,if you can say that,is a tag team match against Showtime-Trademark productions.Alongside good ol' Zander.I'm not going to say anything like You better not hold me back Zandy,because I haven't earned the right to say that yet.He beat me in my debut singles match,but I was naive then.If Zander does his bit,and I pull my weight,we will put Showtime Trademark Productions on hiatus,permanently.

He wipes some sweat off his brow,and takes a drink of his powerade.

What are your thoughts coming into the 25th installment of Meltdown and your match?

My thoughts,I dunno,maybe it's the powerade-alcohol concoction talking,but at meltdown,Trademark,I've beaten you once,and I damn sure will beat you again.The revenge will fuel you,but I'll be ready.And as for the "Programme",please,this isn't a fucking sitcom,there isn't a script,a director.When you two are lying on the ground,broken,bloodied and beaten,there will be noone there to yell Cut.

He takes another swig of his "powerade".

tell me,how does a TV "star" and a sadomasichist go hand and hand.Me and Zander are one thing,but please.Maybe TM will try slit his wrists with the clapperboard

Seamus and Frankie start laughing.Becky obviously doesn't know what a clapperboard is.Seamus stares at the blank expression on her face.

You know,when they say Take 2,scene 1.

She nods.Frankie and Seamus look at each other.

Except this time,there will be no take 2,no second chances,when Zander and I are finished,you can go crying to your trailer.TM I have your number,Cougar,I have your channel number.After Meltdown,there will be no sequel.I've had enough.
Clar Uair,TM,feicfidh mise sibh ag Meltdown, agus criochnoidh me bhur gairm,agus bhur clar freisin.Slan agus ta bron orm faoi sibh.

Exit Frankie,taking another drink.

What was that?

Our native tongue,Irish,or Gaeilge.

What did he say?

He said:Showtime,TM,I will see you at meltdown,and I will end your careers,and your programme aswell.Goodbye,and sorry about ya.

Seamus leaves the same door as Frankie.

I never knew there was an Irish language.Hmm,you learn something new everyday.


(Sorry about the grammar on some of the words in Irish,I can't find the button to put a fada over some letters.)
Zander and Neil are sitting on a large, white leather sofa in the living room of their apartment. They live in New York City where they look out towards the Statue of Liberty. The rooms walls are painted royal blue and there is a glass coffee table in front of them with an empty pizza box on top of it and a few remote controls for a DVD player or a TV perhaps. The TV plays quietly directly behind the camera but it is impossible to make out what anyone is saying. The light from the TV flickers against the glass of the table.

Neil - What do you want to do now then? He says to Zander with his head in his hands.

Zander - I don’t know.
He groans. I’m so bored. Where’s your 'bird' today?

Neil - my 'bird' is out visiting her mum downtown. Anne says she’ll be back late tonight I think?
He ponders as to what she had told him earlier that day.

Zander - ‘Awrite’

Neil - And we can’t record Zander TV this week either so we’re stuck.

Zander - What exactly did Vance say to you?

Neil - He phoned me up and said that Showtime-Trademark Productions needed all the recording equipment and production crew for a very special show this week. And since we’re new I didn’t want to disagree.

Zander - So what are we meant to do for a show this week?

Neil - Well I asked him that and he said depending on how quickly things go we can use the stuff.

Zander - And what if they take all week?

Neil - Then he will just play a promo of you and Frankie Smith.

Zander - Damn it!
Zander walks up out of shot.

Neil - Hey I’ve been thinkin’ Zander, why don’t we get like an agent or something like a manager thingy. I’m struggling here to keep up to date with all our finances and shit without having to deal with your Zander TV and my movie aspirations. Sorry but it’s a big task and I don’t think I’m up to it.

Zander shouts through from the other room.

Zander - Will that cost much?

Neil - No it wont be too bad, I found a Scottish guy on the internet earlier who has dealed with footballers back in Scotland and England.

Zander - Like Who? Do you want a beer by the way?

Neil - No thanks.

Zander walks back into shot and sits on the couch, he’s holding a bottle of Irn Bru, a Scottish soft drink.

Zander - like who, i said?

Neil - I'll check, he lives in New York now i remember. It’s perfect.

Zander - And what commission does he charge?

Neil - 4.5%

Zander - Aye, ok go for it.

Neil - Great, what time is it?
He asks.

Zander - Sometime after 6? i'm not sure.

Neil - Aw, he ‘willna’ be in at this time of night surely. I’ll phone him tomorrow morning.

Zander turns around picks up an acoustic guitar from behind the sofa, it’s a sunburst colour. He plays it softly.

Zander - Hey I wrote a new song by the way.

Neil - Oh yea? lets hear it then.

Zander strums the guitar, still playing softly and sings. He’s quite a good singer.

Zander - I would run 500 miles to be with you, and I would run right to your door, just to be the man that runs for you…..

Neil looks of puzzled. He interrupts Zander.

Neil - What the hell is that? That was just ‘500 Miles’ by ‘The Proclaimers’ but you changed the lyrics.

Zander plays the song again mumbling the words.

Zander - No. No defiantly not.

Neil - What!? It’s just the same as your last two songs. Loch Lowdown? That was basically Loch Lomond,. And Anne’s Chambers? You only wrote that to get Anne to like you because she caught you looking through her underwear drawer and you got all embarrassed and made up some crappy excuse.

Zander - Hey, I was looking for my guitar tuner to finish writing that song, we’ve established that!

Neil - Yeah, because that was the only logical place it could have been. A place like a guitar bag would have just been stupid to check.

Zander - Whatever. Besides you weren’t even going out then she was just renting a room here.

Neil - So what?

Zander - Never mind.
Anyways, what’s on tomorrow? We should catch a movie.

Neil - Nah, I ‘canna’, sorry. Me and Kate are gonna go to yoga classes. wanna come?

Zander - Yoga? Why would I want to go to yoga?

Neil - Lots of people go to yoga classes. It’s fun and great exercise. You go to he gym every other day and um.. write your songs to relax, so I want to something fun too, and Anne says that it’s brilliant. Well she’s never been before but she’s herd it from a friend.

He smiles at Zander to try and get his approval.

Zander - Whatever man I have to hit the gym tomorrow anyways. Big match this week. Maybe Stacey will notice, yah no?

He winks at Neil and takes a sip of Irn Bru with a smug look on his face.

Neil - Uh Zan’. I don’t think she’s interested in you much. Sorry pal.

Zander - Huh? How do you know that? She was nice to me when we did that interview the other day, wasn’t she?

Neil - Yeah she was nice but I was watching ‘Showtime’ the other day and she didn’t have much nice things to say about us. Or anyone for that matter. Maybe it’s her time of the month you know?

Zander - Huh? How come you think that?

Neil - Well whenever it’s, you know, Anne’s time of the month she gets really pissy with everyone. Well, maybe because Stacey is such a bitch to everyone all the time, maybe it’s the other way about for her?

Zander - That makes no sense at all. She’s obviously in pain at times, so why the hell would she be nice?

Neil - I dunno?
he says and shrugs his shoulders. Maybe she’s one of those people who like pain, uh, a Masochist isn’t it?

Zander - I dunno, don’t ask me.

Zander takes another sip, the smug smile has been wiped from his face.

But yeah, an agent or manager, whatever it is would be helpful. Could help us in securing recording time as well for Zander TV. You sure he’s good?
He asks Neil.
Neil - Well I’ll find out tomorrow when I phone him. See if we can get an interview or something.

Zander - What’s his name again?

Neil - Aw yeah, sorry, em.. let me check.

He picks up a notepad off the floor at his feet. He flicks through until he finds the right page.

Oh, um, ’says here, Steven McCoist. Yeah Steven McCoist is his name.

Zander - ‘Awright’, just make sure you phone him before you go to yoga.
He says in a sarcastic voice. I want him as soon as possible so we don’t get another mix up.
What time is it now? I was gonna catch the last Showtime-Trademark show.
He says in anticipation.

Neil - Zander, we hate those guys remember. They ripped us on it last time.

Zander - I know, still a good show though.

Neil - Zander, it’s the episode where Stacey rips into you as well.
He says, resting one hand over his face.

Zander - Yeah and she’s hot, what’s the problem?
He says and picks up a remote, pressing random buttons, with a cheesy grin on his face.

Neil - Zander, sometimes I think you never gave up drinking for real…..

Zander stares into the screen unaware Neil just spoke to him.

Zander wolf whistles at the TV.

Fade To Black
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