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Second Half of 2007


The WWE might be (okay, is) in big trouble with injuries to their top guys, but the only up side is there will be some huge returns to look forward to.

In the last 5-6 months of the year (assuming rehab goes well): HHH, HBK, Mr. Kennedy, Undertaker, Mysterio, and to a lesser extent Booker T will all return. Add that to Chris Jericho maybe coming back, a Mick Foley angle, Stone Cold needing to promote The Condemned on DVD so it isn't a complete bomb, and even potential (re)debuts of the Hart kids, Colt Cabana, Paul Birchill, Beth Phoenix, etc.

For as much as a dud the product is now, it really can only get better. The next month or so will be more of the same, but after that I am actually looking forward to it.
I think WWE is better now than it has been for years. New superstars are getting there chance to shine. A lot of the injuries have been good things. Not for the wrestler obviously but for the product. I'm bored of seeing HBK, HHH, Taker, Rey etc. But I will look forward to there returns.

But yeah like you said. Abut August/Sertember time. WWE will really pick up. There's going to be load's of fresh feuds. And hopefully some of the mid card talent will be more established.
Ya sure right now the product is going to down to all the injuries, but it gives certain guys the time to shine and improve and make their mark. I'm also with Jake here in that I'm bored of seeing HBK, HHH, Taker, Rey etc. But I will look forward to there returns it is just that some new blood is good if its the good blodd getting the spot to shine as we all need to relaize that these guys wont wrestle forever. But I see new feuds and thats always makes for good new wrestling tv and by this time some mid-card talent that got the chance to shine during injuries could be impact players now.

But around Summerslam things should be picking up with all the retunrs and by Survivor Series HBK and Taker should be back and next year should be the that wrestlingturns around with future taking the spotlight.
Here's an idea I have kicked around for a while and I think wuld really benefit all parties involved. June is just around the corner, which could mean King of the Ring. Instead of that, however, have either the WWE or World title vacated (like TNA is smartly doing) only instead of the "usual" 8-man tournament for the belt, hold it at KOTR and involve ONLY wrestlers who have NEVER been WWE, ECW, or World Champ. "The New Blood Invitational." With all the injuries, take ONE night to decide the next star and have the tournament consist of 3 from Raw, 3 from Smackdown, and 2 from ECW: 1) Jeff Hardy, 2) Johnny Nitro, 3) Shelton Benjamin, 4) MVP, 5) Ken Kennedy, 6) Mark Henry, 7) CM Punk, 8) Elijah Burke.

Create a true NEW champion for the 2nd half of 2007. Think of the ensuing storylines. Kane goes ballistic because he couldn't enter due to his 24-hour title reign. Jeff Hardy wins the title and Matt gets upset because he wasn't included. Etc, etc, etc. Then, when the regular champs come back, they have a fresh feud to start - who wouldn't want to see Hardy vs Jericho or Kennedy vs Triple H?
I like this idea /\ but you would need to find a way to take the title away from the current champ. I don't like it when they vacate the title for no reason. I think that scenario would really work if someone like Heyman or Bischoff was appointed the new GM and wanted to shake things up. McMahon would just give himself the title.
I know this is probably a stupid idea but lets say at the end of ONS vince gets pissed off tht he lost the title to lashley, and he vacate all the titles in wwe, and on raw he starts a whole bunch of tournaments. and i like the idea of people who never one the title before being able to qualiffy.
Without sounding too sarcastic, you guys should take over the creative side of the company. All the above ideas are fantastic ways to turn the company around. There are guys like MVP and Kennedy, hell even the Hardys who are way over with the fans, the King Of The Ring idea is awesome, I wish the WWE still listened to their fan base.

Like communism, your idea is good on paper but it stumbles in practice. It is what I and my friends used to refer to "The All-mighty reset button" in WCW days. When Russo was brought up and WCW realized it was on the downward spiral, they decided to vacate all belts, stop all feuds, and restart like a new fed. Fans watched the 32-man tournament and then stopped caring. Feuds, heel turns, and face turns occured with no warning. It was chaos. Championships give a federation a point of stability, and should be exercised VERY sparingly except due to injury. Thank you for the compliment on the idea, by the way. It's a dream I have - and one I know will not ever come true.
i think the wwe is in alot of trouble with the recent injuries (hbk, taker, kennedy,
hhh). now it's time for the young guys to get a shot at the title.
With the returns here is my predictions for feuds:

Triple H will return after Orton goes on a high after putting HBK out of action, beating people up etc, one night he issues an open challenge and BAM! TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! Then after that Triple H will envetiably get in the title run, and Cena/HHH at Summerslam or maybe Unforgiven some PPV like that.

The Undertaker will return before next years Wrestlemania. And feud with Edge, putting Wrestlemania undefeated against Wrestlemania undefeated.

Rey will return and fued with Vince and/or help Lashley out at ONS when Umaga and Shane run down to the ring.

Kennedy will return to Smackdown in a few weeks face, Chris Benoit will have had his re-match against MVP and lost again, thus leaving it open for Kennedy. Who will return and say "I want my MITB back blah blah" but Long will say, how about a US title shot? And so on..

Chris Jericho IS NOT coming back.

Mick Foley is training for his "Final Match" again and im guessing that it will be an ECW Original angle, maybe against Tommy Dreamer or Terry Funk prehaps. But i dont really know about this one, im doubting Funk will come back but you never know with WWE.

Those are my predictions for the injuries, hyped returns etc.
What does the future hold for wwe in this next half of 07? Clearly no one is able to tell due to injuries and what not. So heres what I would like to see in the next half of 2007.

ECW: Lashley takes back the championship and begins his feud with Snitsky. Snitsky gets a major push as the top heel of ECW after "ending" RVD's career. Tag team titles will form which will lead to Marcus Cor Von and Elijah Burke being crowned the tag champs. CM Punk will team up with Striker? or maybe Colt Cobana will be called up to the ECW roster to team with Punk. Either or Punk will team with someone and feud with the New Breed for the titles, as will the Majors.

Smackdown: Edge will reign as World champ till the Fall, where Ken Kennedy wins his first World Title. Batista and Mark Henry will feud again. MVP will go on to holding the United States Championship for the rest of '07. He'll most likely be feuding with Boogeyman and some other loser gimmick guys. Chris Benoit will hopefully feud with Finlay. The tag team division will still head towards a downward slope as Regal and his buddy will claim the titles by years end. I'm also hoping that perhaps this new Hart Foundation will be able to debut on Smackdown! It would most def. add to the tag team division and the cruiserweight division as well. (Teddy Hart is a sick cruiser from what I understand)

RAW: No challengers will really approach Cena till after Summerslam when Triple H successfully walks out of a PPV with a WWE Championship, bringing the old WWE Undisputed Championship back. Cena and Trips will continue a feud till the end of the year and on. Orton will continually be pushed without goin anywhere because he's still putting over other talent. HBK will return in late fall/early winter just in time for the end of the year. Umaga will continue being Mr. McMahon's enforcer. Who knows what will happen with Flair. I picture him just floating around feud to feud. Chris Masters will become the IC champ. Carlito will have a nice feud putting Santino Marella over. RAW's Tag Team division will be the flagship Tag Division. I expect huge matches between Hardys/WGTT/Cade & Murdoch/Nitro & Dykstra. The tag titles will switch between those teams throughout the remaining year.

WWE: In general I believe the second half of '07 will be dedicated to pushing the younger talent. Could it lead to a united WWE for 08?
^^ i agree with the Hart foundation idea, but i will put them on RAW not SD, eventually TWGTT and the new KNM (Kenny Nitro and...Melina?) will improve their game and start good feuds along with the hardys and CAde and M.

ECW: i said it before, i say it now: i wont put ECW on my Xmas list this year...face it, if RVD goes to TNA (which is probable) you cant run a show without major stars. Punk, Elijah, Monty B., are good wrestlers, excellent i would say, but it's kinda soon for them for carrying a entire brand! i would put them: Punk, Elijah & Snitsky to RAW, Monty B., Kevin Thorne, and the rest to SD!, Dreamer can be the new backstage trainer and stuff (2 bad, i like dreamer style, pure ECW original hardcore...) Lashley? He's already in RAW, isn't he? :)
My prediction score to the next semester of ECW: hey! where's ECW??

RAW: Comebacks: HHH for shizzle! but dont expect to see the same HHH from the early 2000's, he will be a monster face, still, the biggest comeback this year. HBK, it is said that probably could make it to Surv Series, lets see, i would LOVE a Heel HBK!! Jericho.?only he knows, but would be pretty cool!!
i see Lashley feuding big guys the rest of the year (maybe umaga, and finish the feud with a shit gimmick match, The Samoan Prison match could be!! LOL!
Cena Is dropping the belt in 2007, maybe before the game returns...
and Khali? please, send him with the Spirit Squad to a nice, long as he is, Sabbathical, and make him return to WM23 in Detroit (dude, that was in april, Oh really? that's a SHAME... )lol!
My prediction score to the next semester of RAW:7/10 (if Cena swear to drop the belt on ONS and keep away from it, i'll change it to 9/10, lol!)

SD!: this could(would) be the year of the Edge, i just hope he'll dump this stupid feud with "the CRAP-nimal is unleashed" after ONS. Mysterio is coming, but i smell revenge, and involves certain Maniacal-egocentric-SOB chairman...
certainly, Benoit could (and he deserves it) feud with Edge, but he got some backstage heat with some shit-head who thinks he cant actually cut good promos (ok,he cant... but after seeing him wrestling, who cares?)give the man some main spotlight. Booker should be back soon, Kennedy should be back soon (NO, i dont see Kennedy being champ, not this year...if he turn face, he'll pay the price, but 2008 should be the Big Mouth's Year! Taker...i wish he could make it to survivor series, but is a non- sense, they better keep him healthy til the royal rumble and do some angle with edge. Anybody with JBL for a last run? not me...
could be a really good 2nd semester for the blue brand.
My prediction score to the next semester of Smackdown!: 8/10, and 10/10 if Edge screws Kennedy a title shot match (again), at whatever PPV, now THAT would be the coolest thing(dont get me wrong, Kennedy is THE MAN)before a HUGE rematch at WM.(reminds me a good Rock vs Austin match..., AHH! Good times!!)

In general, the comebacks would help, but im 200% agree with the idea of pushing the young guns, people like Khali, Cena, Lash....hahaha! just fuckin Kidding! people like Carlito, Shelton, Punk, Elijah, some 2 or 3 new big guys, some new tags (majors, kenny &nitro, HArt F. etc.)

and this ladies and Gentlemen, should be the last Summerslam for the Nature Boy, RIC FLAIR, WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! so throw Randy "the Hotel-room-wrecker" Orton to the lion cage, and make him pay for all the shit he did...
and please, if they dont want to give the womens belt to Candice, at least keep her doing that "thang" she does before every match, OMG she's fuckin HOT!!!
My 2 devaluated cents.
I like the idea of the youngens getting thier shot at glory. This will not only put the "new" champ over, but would also help make the rest of the young guns in the tournament "BIG" with the fans.

I would love to see cryme time feud with some tag team in ecw especially if they are not going ot be used on raw.

If Jericho came back, i would also like to see a Mr. Kennedy/Y2J feud. Both have good mic skills which would make for great promos and build ups.

John Cena/Benoit feud would be refreshing. Having Benoit switch over to raw at some point, and it would also put Benoit back into the Title picture.

One thing is for sure, the WWE has options on how they want to go for the second half f the year with all the possible comebacks.

The tag team division is definitely the one title division that needs the build up the most. They should do a tag team gold rush tournament for the new ecw tag titles, this is where they could bring up the new hart fd(if they are ready) and any other tag teams.
I actually spoke of this this afternoon with my best friend. We BS'd about the things going wrong in the WWE. I am just as pissed off as anyone with the product right now. Vince really does start need to listening to the people. But what I discussed with my friend was John Cena and his reign as champion. I told him what the WWE needs to do is take the belt off of him and give it to someone else, and make it a shock or surprise in some way, someone we would expect but who is respected. I mentioned the ratings for Raw have been down because of Cena which I firmly believe. When Edge cashed in his MITB at last years New Years Revolution PPV and went to Raw the next night champion, that was such a groundbreaking moment, the WWE scored what I think was over a 5.0 in the ratings, and that continued for a few weeks until Cena took the belt back at the Royal Rumble and the ratings went back to where they are now, in the mid 3's. Take the belt off Cena, turn him heel and thats all they have to do. Then he asked me who is gonna take the belt off Cena. I gave my honest answer and said Randy Orton. Some may say he isnt ready for that yet but why not. It would be exciting. Give Orton the belt, and during the entire summer have Orton feud with a returning HHH as he seeks revenge for Shawn Michaels. HHH eventually beats Orton for the belt at Summerslam making HHH an 11 time world champion. Upon that happening, HBK will come back and want what he thinks should have been his before his "concussion", which is the word title. At this point they are still "friends" but one night on Raw after Summerslam, HHH, HBK vs Randy Orton and John Cena ...and at the end of the match, you have HBK turn on HHH, ruin the match, kill off DX and have HBK and HHH feud for the WWE Title. Though it has been done already, you cant deny that every time those two are in a program together, its classic. And you know we have to see just one more program with those two before HBK calls it quits. So in my opinion should be focusing on 2 major feuds this summer. Edge vs Mr. Kennedy and HHH vs Randy Orton. John Cena should be put in a program as a heel with maybe Bobby Lashley or Rey Mysterio or maybe even Mick Foley...and after that a feud with Kennedy towards the end of the year. I am just saying this is how I would handle it if I was doing the booking for WWE. So with what I just said, and with all the returning superstars coming back in the second half...the WWE should build onto Wrestlemania 24 because before you know it, it will be here and if they play their cards right to me, they should build it the right way, like how I described thus far. I would love to see Wrestlemania shape up with 3 headlining matches. Edge vs The Undertaker for the World Title. HHH vs HBK for the WWE Title and John Cena vs Randy Orton. Just keep him out of the title picture for a while. Have Kennedy win the MITB Ladder match again, keep it at 6 guys like normal, instead of 8, and have him cash in the briefcase there at the end of the PPV. Thats what I would do. They could have endless possibilites but we wont see anything good come out of it.

With the returns here is my predictions for feuds:

Triple H will return after Orton goes on a high after putting HBK out of action, beating people up etc, one night he issues an open challenge and BAM! TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! Then after that Triple H will envetiably get in the title run, and Cena/HHH at Summerslam or maybe Unforgiven some PPV like that.

The Undertaker will return before next years Wrestlemania. And feud with Edge, putting Wrestlemania undefeated against Wrestlemania undefeated.

Rey will return and fued with Vince and/or help Lashley out at ONS when Umaga and Shane run down to the ring.

Kennedy will return to Smackdown in a few weeks face, Chris Benoit will have had his re-match against MVP and lost again, thus leaving it open for Kennedy. Who will return and say "I want my MITB back blah blah" but Long will say, how about a US title shot? And so on..

Chris Jericho IS NOT coming back.

Mick Foley is training for his "Final Match" again and im guessing that it will be an ECW Original angle, maybe against Tommy Dreamer or Terry Funk prehaps. But i dont really know about this one, im doubting Funk will come back but you never know with WWE.

Those are my predictions for the injuries, hyped returns etc.
That is a perfect Idea. Have Kennedy win the Money in the Bank and Wrestlemania (again) and have his cash it in at the end of the world title match (that Edge wins) later that night. Give Edge a taste of his own medicine. That would be perfect, since he was going to win the title match at WM anyway. This way he gets revenge on Edge for screwing him and He walks out of WM the World heavyweight Champion.

The other problem with that Ideas is that you kinda waste a money in the bank match. I think Matt Hardy should eventually get a shot at a title and that could be the way they do it.
I am a big fan of women's wrestling, and miss the days of Trish Stratus, Lita, Molly, Ivory, Gail Kim, and other great ladies that could really wrestle. Today's women's division, while it has some promise, is relatively weak, and I think it needs to almost "start over" with a new storyline. Here's my suggestion for a new women's storyline:

OK, this will NEVER happen, but how many of you would like to see something like this to decide the WWE Women's title? First, McMahon gets mad for some reason (perhaps a few divas reject him after he hits on them or something) and fires all the divas. Then the next week, he hires them all back, and says that the women's title is vacant and will be decided "in this very ring" tonight. And in typical McMahon fashion, adds "Oh.. by the way"... and then says that it will be a "last woman standing match". The participants can be Victoria, Mickie, Melina, Maria, Candice, and Torrie. It's basically a free for all with all the ladies in the ring at the same time, and to have a winner all the other ladies have to be knocked out for 10 seconds and only 1 standing. Not really involving blood or weapons, but just a good 8-12 minute match. I'd have Maria and Torrie drop first after a couple minutes, and just stay down. Then I'd have the remaining 4 battle for about 6-7 minutes, at any one time 1 or 2 are down and out, but get up before there's only 1 left standing. At about the 9 or 10 minute mark, I'd have Melina go down, then tease a face winning. But Candice would hit Mickie by mistake, allowing Victoria to hit a Widow's Peak on Mickie. Then Candice would try and hit Victoria with a foreign object, but miss, and Victoria would nail Candice with the Widow's Peak. That would leave Victoria the last woman standing, and your new WWE Women's champion. I'd LOVE to see this match.

What do you all think?
Regarding the injuries, I hope to high heaven that Kennedy is re-asserted in his push when he comes back. I also want him to go head-to-head with Edge, Michaels, or Orton. Those would definitely be matches I'd look forward to. Leading up to and right after Wrestlemania, WWE had probably the worst luck they've had in quite some time. HHH, Taker, and their blossoming young gun all put on the shelf.
Well,my idea won't happen but I think they should do ALOT of rehabbing to the WWE's product.

First,I think they do things along the lines of making the brand extension less obvious.

I think they should use RAW as the WWE programming,ECW as that possibly changing SmackDown to a WCW brand using wrestlers that once wrestled in the old WCW for that show exclusively and the occasional roster swap to freshen up all the brands.

I think they should start making storylines a little edgier since it's now public knowledge that WWE is going more towards adults than children now.

I know a ton should be ton to revitalize the product but I think that's a start.

Hopefully all these returns this year and Gregory Helms next Spring will be what does it.

Who knows,If Vince is smart he could take alot of the ideas put up here and fix a WWE product that is WAY out of touch with what it should be.

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