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WrestleMania XXIV: Umaga vs. Batista

Umaga needs a huge push. i just hope batista gets him over. Expect this to be in the top 3-4 matches when WM ends

Are you insane? Umaga needs a push? What the undefeated streak.. mauling through DX, almost becoming World Champion, and being a multi-time Intercontinental champion just was never enough for you?

Umaga is a great talent right now, and definately a note-worthy name, legit for a Heavyweight Championship contender spot. The only thing this match is going to do, is help Batista look even better. Thats what Umaga does.. he makes his opponents look good, getting destroyed by him.

This match is going to be a brawl, with wrestling littered throughout it. I'd love for Umaga to win, but it likely won't happen. Umaga deserves to beat someone like Batista, as Umaga has way more talent and should be considered to have a better future than Batista.
The Match is suppose to be for brand supremecy or bragging rights. Only two problems with this scenario. A) shouldn't ECW be involved in this as well, and B) Batista is a face, and Umaga is a heel so thus Batista will win at Mania which means Smackdown is better but its not. Everyone knows Smackdown can't hold a candle to Raw! thus why it is the B show. So this match was a bad idea for fans at least. If it were to end in Umaga winning (like it should) I would be shocked royaly but lately Vince doesn't understand giving the fans what they want if it bit him in the ass.
The match was confirmed. Umaga vs. Batista for brand supremecy. the match is basically 2 big men with i would say average skills. definately nothing specal but maybe they can get something going.

The brand supremecy point of the match is basically really stupid in my eyes. RAW is hands down the top brand in the WWE any fan can see that. but in the match RAW has the heel, and at Wrestlemania the heels dont go over all that much.

Batista must feel like shit going in to this match, though at least hes on the card he is too big a name for this match. and too big a name for a dumb stipulation like this one.

All and all i expect Batista to come out on top being the face, but hell maybe throw a wrench in the mix why not.

The match out of five i expect a 3 maybe 3.5 stars considering they may put it all out there on the grandest stage of em all.
I can definitely see this match in a lot the same way that the match between Austin/Hart at wm 13. This may seem ridiculus, but bear with me. While of course there are a lot of differences ie this is a big man match, its not submission, this is for brand supremacy, there is no real hatred between the two, but here is where they could make things look quite similar. At WM 13, Hart was the face and Austin was the heel. Hart was well over with the crowd, while Austin was great heel. Austin had just come off winning the kotr, and had a big year capped off with his 'royal rumble victory'. Austin, while a heel, was starting to get the crowd behind him with his behavior, and the match at mania, though he lost, pretty much got him over as a fan favorite for not giving up. Now in this match Batista is the well over face and Umaga is the great heel. Granted Umaga hasn't necessarily had the best of year, he still came very close to winning the world title at the rumble last year, and lately he has been built up into his old monster form. The reactions that Umaga got in the elimination chamber match were something to behold. He was cheered for his double samoan drop, the fans went crazy when he smashed Jericho through the chamber glass, and he got a big push in that he was eliminated only after everyone did their finishers to him. Umaga is definitely someone the fans could get behind b/c of his brutal nature, as strange as it is. So here is the plan for mania. Austin, in his loss to Hart, would not give up to the sharpshooter, and ended up passing out, which showed how tough he was. They could do kind of the same thing with Umaga. Make the match a street fight or something, and allow Batista to gain the victory, but only after unleashing all fury upon Umaga, ie 3-4 batista bombs, spine buster on top of stairs, ect. Make it so that Umaga is completely busted open, but yet still won't stay down for the 3 count. Eventually, Umaga is knocked completely out on the outside or something, and the ref has to call for the bell. It won't be falls count anywhere so Batista can't get the pin. Thus you give Batista the big win, but Umaga gains credibility in that he would not stay down until he was completely obliverated. Umaga does get in a lot of offense on Batista as well, to show his brutal side. So what about this kind of dimension for the match.
First let me say this I hate the WWE cause all around it is horrible the only reason i do watch it is for Umaga why? Because this man literally can manhandle anyone he wants to. He is a great worker that stint in Japan certainly helped out. He has the best move set in the WWE hsi moves are brutal and done with so much power far more than anyone else does anything. Batista was a flash in the pan IMO he is in this match so Umaga can be thrusted into the main event. Think about it if TNA as plans to put the World Title on Samoa Joe who is the WWE's answer to Joe that would be Umaga. Lets face it Batista is not the worker Joe is Umaga is the only guy in the WWE right now who is. That plus Raw hasn't been the dominant brand in a couple years its Raw's time again on top of all the backstage heat on batista for his arrogance I am looking forward to seeing Umaga beat him and get a world title run.
I am looking forward to this match, mainly because Umaga should make it a great match. I dont think that Batista is as bad as most people say he is and he gets a good pop, which should create some major heat on Umaga. That is one thing that makes any match interesting, if the crowd is into it, the match seems more important and usually is more enjoyable to watch. I hope to see Umaga go over in this one, because he has been on a tear lately, and deserves after the showing he put on in the Elimination Chamber. Sadly, though I expect Batista to pick up the win, oh well, at least it will be a good match.
The brand supremecy point of the match is basically really stupid in my eyes. RAW is hands down the top brand in the WWE any fan can see that. but in the match RAW has the heel, and at Wrestlemania the heels dont go over all that much.

Of course everyone knows RAW is the superior brand, the WWE don't hide that, they give it a larger roster with more top-name stars and more high-profile matches, its where all the mcmahon related storylines take place and its where all the special 3-hour and roullete type shows take place. However if Smakdown always lost and had no decent wrestlers no-one would bother to watch it anymore! The fact that RAW is represented by a heel only adds to the suspense of who will win this thing and with the way the card was (until Jeff got ******ed and messed up a push that took him 10 years too long to earn) every match could be easily predicted beforehand, as-such a bit of suspense is warmly welcomed by me!

Batista must feel like shit going in to this match, though at least hes on the card he is too big a name for this match. and too big a name for a dumb stipulation like this one.

Did I just read that right? How could you possibly be upset with being put in a match like this? First off, hes got a match at 'Mania, hes been chosen as his brands most dominant and worthy wrestler to represent it and if Batista's too big a name for this match then so is Umaga. They are currently in the same position on their respective show, upper-midcard/lower main-eventers, this is a perfect match for 2 men who just missed the title scene this! Anyway, could you really see either of them in MITB? No! Thought so! That would have left the WWE with nothing for eitther man but the newly announced battle royal, but again I can't see roidtista or umaga heading ECW, their too big (size and name).

All-in-all I see this being a very entertaining match and though it seems unlikely that it will be any kind of stipulation (which it should) due to their already being a ladder match, belfast brawl and triple threat match (all no-DQ) I beleive these two will put on an insane show of power and strength & someone will probably bleed!

As others have said I feel this could be a darkhorse to be the showstopper (sorry HBK but other than for nostalgia, I don't think even you can carry Flair this year)
from what im hearing according to the spoilers, its looking like this will end with a controversial ending and umaga will move to smackdown and feud with batista. i think smackdown needs that to happen. umaga looks out of place on raw.
...umaga will move to smackdown and feud with batista. i think smackdown needs that to happen. umaga looks out of place on raw.

I agree that Smackdown could benefit from having Umaga on the roster as they just don't seem to have enough main-eventers (especially since Kane is bassically an ECW guy now and Rey is injured).

I disagree that he looks out of place on Raw, he fits the show perfectly and may even be out of place on Smakdown due to it's more child driven content!
I agree that Smackdown could benefit from having Umaga on the roster as they just don't seem to have enough main-eventers (especially since Kane is bassically an ECW guy now and Rey is injured).

I disagree that he looks out of place on Raw, he fits the show perfectly and may even be out of place on Smakdown due to it's more child driven content!

Finlay is also pretty much off of Smackdown now. Although that may change after Mania.

I also feel that Smackdown will benefit from having Umaga. He is a very good big man and there are some good faces over there like Undertaker, Batista, and Finlay (if he doesnt go to Raw full time) for him to feud with.
I also feel that Smackdown will benefit from having Umaga. He is a very good big man and there are some good faces over there like Undertaker, Batista, and Finlay (if he doesnt go to Raw full time) for him to feud with.

Its true that Smackdown is face-central for main-eventers, with plenty of men that Umaga could have great matches with that he hasn't already (if you ignore his time as Jamal in 3-minute warning)!

Upon thinking further on the subject, mabye Smackdown is actually the perfect place for Umaga as...

1 He'll never headline the 'A' brand as champion no matter how many shots he gets
2 He's too big a name to headline & thereby get destroyed by the ECW title scene (however the GM was his manager for a while, could work mabye)
3 The whole 'monster' thing goes down well with younger audiences
4 He's already fueded with everyone on RAW worth fueding with
5 He could be a kind of rival heel to the heel stable led by Edge with Edge constantly trying to 'hire' his services before getting destroyed...

The only thing I feel would be a negative aspect of his transfer to Smackdown would be the effect it would have upon Edge. As a heel champion, you have to be the most 'heel' by which I mean the most evil/sinister guy on the brand, ie Orton. With Umaga on the roster I can see Edges reputation for want of a better word being somewhat diminished. However as the saying goes, you can't have your cake and eat it (with my cake being Umaga and Edge being what i'm eating...)

Anywho...As said before I feel this match will be a show stealer, beaten only by 'Taker/Edge which has the potenial to be a classic wih he right promotion and if they let Edge wrestleinstead of cheating like a coward (does anyone else remember when Edge was an 'opportunist' yet wasn't afraid to fight)?
I hope its not going to be another Lesnar Vs. Goldberg match. 2 bulls standing across the ring for 20 minutes, a couple of collar and elbow tie ups and a finishing move thrown in. It isnt going to be a mat classic either, expect a fist fight that'll probablly lead to a count out or disqualification.
I like Batista, and I like Umaga...and I really wish Umaga would win. But sadly, he won't.

We may see some kind of controversial finish, but most likely we'll see Batista go over clean. Which isn't so bad, I guess, but to me Umaga just looks weaker and weaker every big match he has.

But it should be an overall entertaining match, so.
Everyone here thinks Batista is a shoe in tp win this match. I don't think that is the case. There is alot of heat on Batista right now backstage he isn't well liked and his ego is out of control I don't think he is winning this match outright. Umaga is going to carry this match that is for sure he is the best bigman the WWE has right now with no one coming close to him. If i do order WM24 it will be to watch Umaga the man is awesome in the ring it took me a while to realize but he is great the best the WWE has to offer right now. He carried Cena to a good match and Lashley last year at Mania. I expect him to pick up the win or dominate and lose by DQ.
I am looking forward to this match because i think it will either: be a great match, or a terrible one because either they will mix good with their styles or they wont.

But anyway i really want umaga to win but he wont Batista will win.

It is crazy that last year Batista was defending the whc and now hes just in a interpromitional match something must of happened back stage or someone doesnt like him

Does anyone know ???
There's no room for Batista in a main event. It's as simple as that. He can't do it every year. He's not Hogan. And even the Hulkster had a year off at W.M.4.

There's nothing wrong with him having a mid card match. Last year he was the WHC yet he was still in a mid card match. It doesn't make any difference really.
It is crazy that last year Batista was defending the whc and now hes just in a interpromitional match something must of happened back stage or someone doesnt like him

Does anyone know ???

First off he's a personal friend of HHH so it doesn't matter how many people backstage dislike or even hate him. Second, hes hugely over with the fans and sells a ton o'merchandise so he'll always get high-profile if not title matches.

Third, why does everyone keep saying hat Batista was in the title picture just a few months back but isn't anymore what did he do to lose the position. He lost matches thats what! I don't care that its scripted, you can only lose so many times before the storyline moves onto a new contender, it makes it more believable and keeps the show fresh! Anyway, hes still got a singles match (for the pride of your brand which is a big deal even in a fake world) at the biggest pay-per-view in wrestling. This is a big deal, not 'just an interpromotional match'.

As Y 2 Jake said, even had Hogan had a year off from the title scene! If he was in the title picture every year people would stop watching the show.
First off he's a personal friend of HHH so it doesn't matter how many people backstage dislike or even hate him. Second, hes hugely over with the fans and sells a ton o'merchandise so he'll always get high-profile if not title matches.

Third, why does everyone keep saying hat Batista was in the title picture just a few months back but isn't anymore what did he do to lose the position. He lost matches thats what! I don't care that its scripted, you can only lose so many times before the storyline moves onto a new contender, it makes it more believable and keeps the show fresh! Anyway, hes still got a singles match (for the pride of your brand which is a big deal even in a fake world) at the biggest pay-per-view in wrestling. This is a big deal, not 'just an interpromotional match'.

As Y 2 Jake said, even had Hogan had a year off from the title scene! If he was in the title picture every year people would stop watching the show.

Thanks for your opinion and now i think about it your right, he carnt be on the title scene all the time that is boring and less and less people would watch the show if he was in the title picture all the time.

thanks for that majectic marcus
I am looking forward to this match because i think it will either: be a great match, or a terrible one because either they will mix good with their styles or they wont.

But anyway i really want umaga to win but he wont Batista will win.

It is crazy that last year Batista was defending the whc and now hes just in a interpromitional match something must of happened back stage or someone doesnt like him

Does anyone know ???

Well the simple fact is that even when you are the man ... only 2-3 guys from SD! or RAW can headline W'Mania. So when they have a good angle involving Taker vs. Edge then Batista is left out. I don't think his Main Event status is in serious jeopardy though.
As for the match itself ... I am actually kind of looking forward to it. I love Umaga's ring work (as does most of this message board I think), but I also like Batista's work ethic. While Batista still has trouble with some of the most basic things ... the crowd still loves him and he always tries to put on a good show.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Umaga go over in this match ... but alas ... Bataista will get the pinfall.
I'm really starting to see this match as a new start for Umaga. It seems like WWE has started pushing him a bit latley. I mean even last night on Raw he pretty much dominated Cena and Orton, got hit in the head with a chair, didn't flinch from it and (hilariously I might add) Chased JBL out of the arena. Should Umaga beat Batista, or even if he doesn't. I can now see him going to Smackdown to continue the feud. Sometime down the line I can also see him in the WHC picture. Why? Look at the SD! roster... NOT ECW... There are no main event monsters... Enter Umaga. First though is this match. Umaga may not win it, but it may be in a dq from either one of them really loosing it and going crazy with a chair.
Well the rumor that was floating around on the front page a few weeks ago was Umaga would move to SD! to continue the feud with Batista and later on in the year at SummerSlam challenge Undertaker for the WHC. So this match at WM is kinda a rebirth for Umaga on the upper card scene.
they had edge vs taker since last mania when taker won the belt thats the reason y hes not in the title match but they should switch cena to sd and batsita to raw like in 2005 but vice versa and i would like to c umaga wins hes a beast he should be a us champ if he goes to sd
umaga and batista at mania..woooow i gotta say this is shaping up to be one of the best wm's since 19 i mean all the matchups are truly fantastic.... umaga and batista are gonna put up a good show at mania both are big and strong but dave will most likely win and umaga will move to sd afterwards and feud with taker over the summer......man 08 is gonna be a beutiful year and the wwe.
I'm really starting to see this match as a new start for Umaga. It seems like WWE has started pushing him a bit latley. I mean even last night on Raw he pretty much dominated Cena and Orton, got hit in the head with a chair, didn't flinch from it and (hilariously I might add) Chased JBL out of the arena. Should Umaga beat Batista, or even if he doesn't. I can now see him going to Smackdown to continue the feud. Sometime down the line I can also see him in the WHC picture. Why? Look at the SD! roster... NOT ECW... There are no main event monsters... Enter Umaga. First though is this match. Umaga may not win it, but it may be in a dq from either one of them really loosing it and going crazy with a chair.

The beautiful thing about WrestleMania is that you don't have to win to get over big. Just think about Jeff hardy at Mania 2000, Austin at 13, HBK at 10 or even Batista last year. I agree with you 100%. I think No way Out was a great push for Umaga and this match though he may lose will make him look like a beast and worthy of a title. I wouldn't put it past Umaga to be the next star made by WrestleMania.

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