Sean Waltman Interview..DX Reunion


Championship Contender
I really didnt know where to put this thread, B-U-T..He mentions DX, The name "DX" is owned by WWE, so i put this ij the WWE forum...So it breaks down into a WWE a way

If ya havent seen the ionterview yet its interresting. He reffers to his as X-Pac (which is also owned by WWE)...Talks about being part of Pro Wrestling Syndicate. Talks of a match involving Kaval and hypes it as match of the year. Then he starts talking about his DX reunion. Says the match involes hisself, Bad Ass Billy Gunn, and Road Dogg Jesse James vs. some team known as Reality Check. Hypes the match, says for Reality Check to keep talking thier trash and they would hand thier ass's to them.

So, my main point in this thread is your all thoughts? thoughts on a DX reunion, and on Waltman reffering to the "DX" gimmick and names that im sure is WWE trademarked...

As far as the reunion, i personally would love to see it...Have always been a DX fan and actually miss the intro and wrestling styles of these 3 guys!!!
I'd personally never consider it a real DX re-union unless it had hunter and shawn in it, they were the real driving force and N.A.W and pac were pretty much add ons. We know this because when billy gunn tried to make a successful singles career it didn't work out, he didn't have the star power of those guy.

With regards to the bit about the copyright names and what-not, I'm really not suprised. Waltman is a tool but I don't think he really cares too much. Somewhere between the liquor store and his room he lost whatever sway he had in a wrestling world. No doubt about it he was a pretty damn good worker in his day, but he's just like Hall. If he's not focused on what he's trying to do, then he'll be out-of-shape, and not really fit for competition.

I don't know the opposing tag team myself, but if they are on the same card as kaval and his opponent, I forget who it was but he's a big indys name, I suppose the match is pretty big drawing. Like I said it'll be cool to see pac, dogg and gunn together again but for me it's not really DX.
You mean New Age Outlaws.
Hm i only watched a bit of the clip and he mentioned the Clique which was not DX
that was Hall, Nash, Triple H, HBK and eventually Xpac.

H'es off with the faries anyway, belongs in the realm of the Hardy's etc. complete idiots who threw away chance after chance and refused to get help.

DX (HHH, HBK) will reunite for the induction of HBK into the HOF. Triple H would be the one to induct him thats about it.

If any of the others are there, it's purely in the crowd watching
HBK was not made by DX, Triple H ok well he got his big break out of DX storylines. It was a big part but they were far bigger then the rest of the leeches
Nexus fan

Yea he mentioned the Clique but he talked alot about DX too...

Yep, hes really out in his own world. he defintly belongs with the likes of the Hardys and Hall..

its very true that Dx made pac, Gunn, and Dogg. I know very well that HBK and HHH made thier own way before dx and even without dx...

For me itll be cool to see these 3 if they do thier old intro. How could you watch it anyways?? i would like to watch it if anyone knows...
holy shit. really. another drug fueled rant by waltman? the guy is an idiot. no dx reunion, no battle coming up. for christ sake, he said davey richards was a former ROH champ. he only held the tag belts.

pac needs rehab. nash is the best friend you can have in the biz if he can get u a job. him and hall fucked up multiple times. unfortunately for pac, hall had the talent & waltman always leeched off of it.

go away pac. let it die. nash will be at HOF\WM & you wont. ur not part of the clique & never will be.
I for one would love to see DX2 make a comeback. HBK and HHH may have started DX, but lasted what? a year or less? Most of my fondest DX memories come from the second group. Although they are beaten up and old, maybe something like this could get the most out of them. Although it looks like a new vs. old Nexus battle right now, it's possible that it's an absolute take over of the WWE kind of swerve like punk mentioned. Dx would fit right in to help HHH after his return to take them out. I would prefer to see a short run to see what they can do and go from there.
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holy shit. really. another drug fueled rant by waltman? the guy is an idiot. no dx reunion, no battle coming up. for christ sake, he said davey richards was a former ROH champ. he only held the tag belts.

pac needs rehab. nash is the best friend you can have in the biz if he can get u a job. him and hall fucked up multiple times. unfortunately for pac, hall had the talent & waltman always leeched off of it.

go away pac. let it die. nash will be at HOF\WM & you wont. ur not part of the clique & never will be.

You know what's sadder than an aging talent who cant let it go? Someone who has the time to take potshots at him on the internet, when I highly doubt you've achieved a fraction of what he's achieved.

Waltman had a fantastic career and was, in his day, a great talent. Some of his early work in the indies as the Lightning Kid was just breathtaking, and I'd recommend anybody check out this part of his career, particularly his work with Jerry Lynn ("Jerry Lynn? Then he must have been carried!" I can hear you shreik. He wasnt. Watch the matches). He was perfect in his first WWF run as the perpetual underdog; his in-ring style was very different to what WWF audiences were used to seeing at the time and he genuinely electrified the crowd. Despite losing most of his matches, there was always this sense that he could steal a victory at any minute no matter who he was wrestling; that was his appeal, anyone who dismisses the character as a "jobber" is missing the point. In his WCW run he totally reinvented himself, basically playing a cahracter who embodies the arrogance and obnoxiousness that fans had associated with the Kliq/Wolfpack and changing his look and moveset to reflect this. It worked nicely; the nWo needed someone to contend for the Cruiserweight title, and the division itself was bolstered by his presence (if only modestly; it was already awesome, afterall). He also featured in some of the more entertaining promos and vignettes; his Ric Flair parody in particular was gold. Finally, he returned to the WWF and was a perfect addition to the new-look DX. I remember Trips announcing him as the new member to little reaction from the crowd, but he quickly had them eating out of the palm of his hand with his "worked shoot" promo about Bischoff and WCW. Before long he was one of the WWF's most popular midcarders, and it would stay that way for a couple of years before his act got stale. We all know what happened then; pathetic stable with Albert and Credible, sloppy, formulaic matches, "X-Pac heat", etc. But the awfulness of his later career does not negate what he did earlier on.

Calling him a "leech" is the height of ignorance. Hell, it's not as if anyone in the Kliq leaned on creative to book him strongly; he never even got a run with a major title, despite easily being over enough in 1999 for an IC title reign. He lost most of his feuds, including one with Shane McMahon of all people. The reason he kept his spot for so long wasnt because he had "buddies in high places" who leant on the bookers, it was because he was talanted and over as hell.

It's also rubbish to say he's dellusional. It's not like he's claiming he'll reform DX in the WWE and that he and the Outlaws are going to have a main event level feud against Nexus and take all the belts. He's just hyping a reunion between him and the Outlaws at an indy show. And guess what, at an indy level, a reunion between him and the Outlaws actually is a big deal. He's hardly showing delusions of grandeur when you look at what he's saying in its proper context. The difference with someone like Matt Hardy, is that Hardy thinks he's a huge name in the big leagues.

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