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Sean Waltman Fired By TNA Wrestling


According to reports coming out of TNA iMPACT! tapings last night, it appears that TNA has parted ways with Sean Waltman. http://www.prowrestling.net/artman/publish/TNA/article10012465.shtml

This comes a day after TNA fired Scott Hall, so it looks as though the short lived days of "The Band" have come to an end. It's also been reported that Waltman stated in a recent interview that he's contracted Hepatitis C. As Hep C is usually transmitted through blood, so this would make Waltman potentially dangerous to anyone he wrestles. After all, accidents can happen and wrestlers sometimes get cut via accidents often.

While TNA hasn't used Waltman very much, I'm not surprised nor sorry to see him go. Waltman is little more than dead weight at this point, doesn't really bring anything to the table anymore and, quite frankly, I'm not really sure that he ever did. Waltman made his career riding the coat tails of powerful and well connected friends in wrestling. It served him ok in the WWF and WCW, but things are a bit different in TNA. Being a stooge of Hulk Hogan no longer pays off as it once did.
To be honest, I thought they had let him go weeks ago when they initially wrote him out of the story as it was. Can't say I'm the least bit surprised, though*– Waltman had a tendency to rub a lot of people the wrong way in his career, and that certainly didn't change when he got to TNA – couple that with the fact he contracted Hep C and not only was he a displeasure to work with, but a danger as well.

While I know most folks will revel in the fact that TNA just cut two pieces of drift wood, I've gotta say that the guy this hurts most isn't Scott Hall, Sean Waltman or even Kevin Nash – it's Eric Young, who'll now have to reinvent himself for what feels like the umpteenth time seeing as the legs for this "band" gimmick have been cut out from under him. I never saw the value in him personally, but I know a lot of people enjoy him as a character, and he's got plenty of stroke backstage with guys who want to see him succeed, so I'm curious to see how they approach that.
On one hand I'm excited to see this simply because I want the tag division in professional wrestling to get more credibility. With the Band carrying the straps I felt it was decreasing the credibility in a lost art that we call tag team wrestling.

On the other hand I am very sad to see Scott Hall in maybe his last run in professional wrestling. The guy had loads of potential and I'll always wonder how big of a name he could of been if personal issues didn't come in. Pac is young enough where there is still somewhat hope that he can overcome his issues and put together a run. Atleast to the point where he won't be remembered for the term "pac heat" or never being sober. I wish both them the best of luck.

Hopefully TNA will be able to make a positive out of this and revamp the tag division to where it needs to be. Give the guns a run.. they are LONG overdue.
Waltman and Hall are gone. The Band probably is finished, which is good, IMO. I just wander what will happen with Nash and Young. Will they become a tag team, or will they become single?
I can't hate Hall as Razor Ramone was one of my fave wrestlers back in the day. It's a shame how things have turned out for him, but to be honest I'm glad him and X-pac are gone. I dont' feel they would have brought anything to TNA and hopefully the tag titles go to a team that can really represent the company.

Still a shame to see Hall continuing the downward spiral though. I think Nash should either stay backstage (if he's required at all to be honest) or he could be used as manager for Eric Young if he gets back on the global title path.
I'm not exactly sure what everyone ever saw in Waltman. Like stated before--he rode the coattails of other people. My best (and one of the few) memory of him is Beating Razor Ramon as the 1-2-3 Kid.

I'm not gonna miss his strange jumping around in the ring.
The only reason I feel bad for Waltmans release.Because he stated in the past he was suicidal and wrestling distracted him from his personal demons.I just hope he finds something else to do and not hurt himself or let his disease end him.
Ah cute. So its back to Kevin Nash and Eric Young. AGAIN?! I understand Sean Waltman's release. Its sad. As for Hall, no. Not surprised, not concerned. He was on the right path. For 3 months. I hope TNA finally learns their lesson on trusting "friends".
On the other hand I am very sad to see Scott Hall in maybe his last run in professional wrestling. The guy had loads of potential and I'll always wonder how big of a name he could of been if personal issues didn't come in. Pac is young enough where there is still somewhat hope that he can overcome his issues and put together a run. At least to the point where he won't be remembered for the term "pac heat" or never being sober. I wish both them the best of luck.

Pac is young enough? Dude is on the wrong side of 35, closer to 40. You are correct though, Hall HAD potential, only that was in 1997. Thirteen years ago. These guys are old, washed up, shells of themselves. TNA did SOMETHING right by cutting the dead (and old) weight.
Well hall has been around for a long time. I remember watching him in the AWA in the late 80's, he was good in his prime but his whole chico crap was getting old. And sean well as it was put he was a gimmicky coat tail rider, pardon the bad sentence structure.
Waltman's release is not at all surprising. And honesty, neither is Scott Hall's. TNA gave them both a chance with this new regime, and it looks like it's just not working out. Waltman's contracting Hep C makes him a danger in the ring if he bleeds. Plus, he's a backstage cancer wherever he goes. And Hall's situation just continues to spiral downwards. I really hope he gets his life on track before it's too late. But TNA is a business, and business decisions have to be made for the betterment of the company (even if they're not making very good ones at the moment, IMO). And, honestly, I didn't like the fact that they were rehashing the original nWO/Wolfpac/Band whatever you want to call it stable anyway. The glory days are over, boys. Please stop hanging on to the 1990s and move on with your lives. As for EY, hopefully this angle didn't drag him down too far. He has a bright future ahead of him.
Trust me...no big loss....I mean c'mon, what could he POSSIBLY contribute? TNA has so many other issues they need to straighten out than be weighed down by has beens, skid rows, and the like. I'm not in the business, so I guess I couldn't understand "when to say when" (i.e. Flair, Hogan). I'm assuming once its in your blood, it either stays in or it doesn't. However, the lights on that show dimmed many years ago. As for Hall...well...that's just a sad state of affairs on him because TNA couldn't even work with him (i.e. losing weight, doing something sensible). I think TNA should focus on one X division issue a week, one Knockout issue a week (and yes I already know, they try), and if at some point they were to ever run the X division storylines and Main eventers storylines together as a crossover, it might make a little bit of sense to some degree (i.e. tell Sting he doesn't have what it takes to show people he's a complete wrestler, then wrestle in the X division since apparently it's open to any and everyone (Joe)). Bring back Petey Williams for main event status, etc. These are merely my opinons.
it's sad to see two awesome wrestlers back in the day become pointless wrestlers. I kinda was excited to see them back in tna but they did nothing in the ring and tna gave 'em shitty storylines or lack there of. Either way anyone could've seen this coming, too bad because they could've had one more final decent run. Wish them the best of luck though with whatever they do. Maybe they can go to celebrity rehab or open up a bar or something. YODEL
If Walt-man can recover from Hep C then TNA should hire him as he is only 37 and has another three years leafed in him IF he could Buckley down then he might get a GOOD tag title run.

Hall on the other hand is 51 and not a good wrestler TNA should have never have hired him and I am glad to see him released he is too many years past his prime and should move onto something different in life!!
Hepatitis C is viral and there is no known cure; you can take meds to help the symptoms but that's it.

No one will want to wrestle him, and to be honest he shouldn't be allowed to wrestle.
anybody who can't see the big swerve developing with all the old NWO guys getting fired is an idiot..
Yeah, as soon as waltman went down... i knew it was a matter of time before scott hall would get arrested, no show, or whatever... its sad.

I wouldn't want the liability of waltman either. Lots of lawsuits would fly.

Pac is young enough? Dude is on the wrong side of 35, closer to 40. You are correct though, Hall HAD potential, only that was in 1997. Thirteen years ago. These guys are old, washed up, shells of themselves. TNA did SOMETHING right by cutting the dead (and old) weight.

Pac is 37 years old. Scott Hall is 51 years old. were talking 13-14 year difference

The Point being Hall might be on his LAST run... Waltman still has time to grow up and put together a good run.

Chris Jericho arguably had his best overall year of his career last year at the age of 38.

I don't get what your trying to say in your post? Misawa was putting on 5 star matches at 40 + years old. Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker put on one of the greatest match if not the greatest match of the decade at a combined age of 87...

37 is not old in wrestling.. yes it isn't young either.. but my point was atleast he still has time to turn his shit around. If Hall wants another run he'll have to do it quick.
If Walt-man can recover from Hep C then TNA should hire him as he is only 37 and has another three years leafed in him IF he could Buckley down then he might get a GOOD tag title run.

There is no cure for the Hep C virus. It induces chronic infections somewhere in the vicinity of 50-80% of those that contract itThere are currently being tests conducted on potential Hep C vaccines, but those tests and research has been going on since 2006. There are drugs used in treating these infections, but they aren't always successful and Hep C can be spread to others.

If Waltman gets cut open during a match and his blood gets onto whomever he's wrestling or the referree or even a fan, then there's a chance they'll contract Hep C themselves. Waltman needs to retire as he's going to be placing other people in danger everytime he wrestles.

Several years ago, I think it was revealed that Bob Orton, Jr., Randy Orton's father, had Hep C and didn't inform people about it. During matches Randy had against The Undertaker, Bob Orton was cut open and he did bleed on The Undertaker. It's been said that Taker went absolutely ape shit, understandably so, and Bob Orton was released shortly thereafter.
Much like I said in the Hall thread, so? I could see Waltman being far more valuable than Hall, but still he just doesn't need to be around at this point. He hasn't had a good match in a LONG time and if he has this disease now he's too much of a liability. Also he missed the match or whatever and while it was cleared, he still missed it. I know there was some eligibility thing or whatever, but it's another headache for TNA to deal with. He's been off TV for about a month now and I didn't even realize he hadn't been around. No need to keep him around, so save the money and headaches.
I just heard Waltman on the radio today here in Tampa and he said he was still officially with TNA. However just like you can't believe everything you read online. I think history would tell me not to believe everything Waltman says either.

I think TNA should release him if they haven't. I was a fan of his back in the day but I wont miss him at all.I do wish him well I feel bad for him he's had his demons and survived. It's not curable but he could be healthy for many years if he takes care of himself.
Thought this happens months ago. Regardless, still not too excited about his, even though it makes sense. Hep C + being unreliable = We'll see ya later.

Honestlyt though, Waltman would've been a big part to whole Band thing which is now on life support with Hall out of the picture. He wasn't terrible in the ring and certainly was a capable and charismatic sidekick for Nash. Would've liked to see him stay, but alas, he's no more.
While Waltman is probably more valuable than Hall, I still don't think this release is a big deal. He hadn't been seen on TV in a while, and I can't remember the last time he put on a good match. This is a good move by TNA because Pac won't be missed in the long run, and he would not have been able able to make a significant impact on his own. The Band was kind of interesting at first, but the mystique they had fizzled out pretty quickly. The Band is almost dead at this point, and who knows what TNA will do with Nash and Young now.
Obviously, no one seems surprised that Waltman and Hall were fired; it seemed inevitable, didn't it?

What I'm most interested in is how their firings impact on Hogan. After all, bringing them in was part of the changes he was going to make in the company. It would be interesting to know if the company had to get Hogan's "permission" to get rid of these guys, or has the failure of his tenure (to make TNA as big a force as WWE, as he predicted) dimmed his star enough so that the decision was made without his agreement.

Think about it: when he suggested bringing them in, the Dixie Cups must have pointed out that the two men have multiple instances of screwing up with their employers. Hogan had to vouch for them, didn't he? And what happened before wound up happening again.

Of course, if anyone wants to argue that Hogan had nothing to do with bringing in Waltman & Hall in, I'd have to note that it was an amazing coincidence that they showed up just as Hogan was taking over in January.

Now, they're gone.....and one has to wonder if the whole mess reflects badly on Hogan. Makes me wonder how long it will be before Hogan announces he's leaving TNA to "explore other opportunities."

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