SD!!! LD if anyone gives a fuck to participate

Does anybody remember that Big Show was supposed to be a hell when he came in?

Yea he came in, and attached Mysterio and got cheerd in the Mayweither fued. Ironicly he started coming out and helping the little guy being beat up. And i agree, weve had show vs Khali, kane, henry, now umaga.
Not bad at all. It's made me want to watch another show or two then SD. The feuds were progressed, built to the title matches, I like it.
i have to say that tonight has been very very good. but i actually think my favorite thing tonight has been seeing a new pillman arriving in kendrick. i really hope it works.
Im pretty sure that table, ladder, and that chair (that aint being used) aint in that ring for nothing, Foley's either getting a chair shot or goin threw that table.
that one sucked becuase they werent gonna risk letting Orton getting fucked up, since he will be a top 3 heel for the next ten years

this one will suck, becuase neither guy has anything to gain for being crazy

See now if they follow the mold of the Taker/HBK HIAC, then the match will be fucking great, but it won't

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