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Santino arrested?


Breaking News: Top WWE Raw Superstar Arrested
05/01/2008 by Ryan Gray

Mike Johnson of the Pro Wrestling Insider is reporting that Santino Marella was arrested at 2:57 AM EDT this morning and charged with Driving Under the Influence.

According to Johnson, he was driving on Westshore Boulevard in Tampa, Florida when he was pulled over. Marella is currently being held in police custody on $500 bond.

We will post more on this developing story as it become available to us.

I am personally shocked by this. He was building up to be a great up and coming star. Do you guys think the WWE will do anyhthing about this, or just let it slide?
If it's alcohol, they'll let it slide. If it's drugs, he'll be suspended. Either way I'm sure there will be some sort of disciplinary action. I personally don't see it really affecting much, except maybe Santino and Carlito not winning the Tag Team Titles. Other than that, business as usual.
What I don't understand is that on the main Wrestlezone site is says "According to the police report, he was arrested at 6301 West Shore Boulevard with a blood alcohol level of 0.061. This figure is below Florida's legal limit in 0.08."

I don't see why he was arrested if he was under the legal limit.

Though this care and others is probably simply a case of someone being slightly over the limit and and not a scenario where he was completely wasted and crashing into stuff. But who knows.
This has been a hot topic today in the Santino Fan Club Room in the Spam Zone.

Fact is, Santino will be able to beat this based on the BAC levels on the report. In fact, I dare say Santino may have a countersuit for harrasment, though I wouldn't pursue it. And also, his BAC was low, but he may have failed a field sobriety test. Maybe he thought he was on the top rope and stumbled a bit, I am not sure.

I wouldn't worry about this too much. Once everyone sees the BAC evidence, Santino will get the charged dropped and then he and Carlito will pick up the tag title hunt right where they left off.
I don't get it... If he was under the legal limit how could he be arrested? To me that makes no sense at all. Mabey there is more to this story then we know right now... Or mabey there isn't, and Santino got stuck with a jackass cop. I really don't think that this will affect Santino espcially given the fact he was still under the limit. He should easily be able to fight whatever he gets as a result of this. Again, I don't think WWE will do anything to him, mabey drug test him for other stuff, but thats about it.
just because hes under the legal limit dosen't mean his driving was up to par or safe driving standards. drinking clouds your judgemeant so add driving and your just looking for trouble. not a smart idea no matter the level
Yeah, it is stupid to arrest someone if they are under the legal limit. Maybe he wasn't arrested for the level, but rather for being reckless and placing others in harm's way. We should get some full details, but he has been released. It may have been a mistake on their part and if so, they owe Santino an apology. I highly doubt anything will happen to him. It would be unfair and unjust to punish someone if they technically did not break the law.
On a related note, did any of you see his mugshot? I was surprised at how nice it was and how he didn't really look like the Santino on TV.
That is the difference, in Texas, between DUI and DWI. Driving under the influence can be given if your driving is seen as unsafe and there is any amount of intoxicant in the body. Driving while impaired is automatic if you over the legal limit. Semantics if you ask me. DUI is more of a judgement call. It's kind of there for cops to give guys who pass sobriety tests, yet still insist on being douchebags.
just because hes under the legal limit dosen't mean his driving was up to par or safe driving standards. drinking clouds your judgemeant so add driving and your just looking for trouble. not a smart idea no matter the level

Well if you're under the legal limit you can't be arrested for a DUI, you'd be arrested for reckless endangerment or something. Perhaps it's a mistake, we know Wrestlezone has a crack reporting squad.

Also, here's the mugshot.
Man, not to be biased or anything, but I thought that it would have been Randy Orton due to all of the stories you hear about. I would not have expected Santino of all people, especially since I heard that he is a really nice and laid back person in reality. I think its bogus that he was pulled over when his alcohol level was well below the limit...I think the cop must have had a stick up his butt and wanted to give hime a hard time. But I will say this, wouldnt it be pretty damn funny if Santino got into character on the cop when it was happening?

Cop: License and registration please.
Santino: Hello-a officer.
Cop: Do you know why I had to pull you over tonight?
Santino: I dont-a know-a. Was I a speeding?
Cop: You were driving carefully and going 37 in a 38 mile an hour speed zone. I think you were drinking...
Santino: Thats-a crazy! Dont-a make-a me open a can-a assiwhip on you!
Cop: Excuse me? You HAVE been drinking! Why dont we take a test and find out.
Santino: No!! I willa not! Ima international supastar!
Cop: You sassing me boy? (forces test on him)
It says here you are under the legal limit, so I am able to let you go...
Santino: thatsa more like-a it!
Cop: ....but I wont! cause I'm a prick and have nothing better to do at this time, than harrass someone of your nature....just so I could get on Entertainment Tonight or Axcess Hollywood!...plus my wife kicked me out....sob
I hope this doesn't affect Santino and Carlito's chances of winning the Tag Titles from Rhodes and Holly(they never defended their titles in four months!). I am sick of those two as champs, Carlito and Santino might bring some light into the Tag Division on RAW if they win the titles, since they both have great promo skills. It doesn't look like such a big deal to me, so I doubt Santino will get punished for this by the the WWE, the same thing happened to Kurt Angle recently and that didn't stop TNA from using him.
its weird that santino was not legally drunk and this gets so much media attention and kurt angle was arrested for a dui wit pills in his mouth and nothin was brought to the mainstrem light
xmoshx, Angle was actually brought up quite a bit on media sites and news reports. When you are someone that big in the industry, it will always surface. The reason why it died down so fast was that he has good pr people and they had him do other things to have people forget about the incident. But I do find it funny that Marella being a high mid-carder was exposed like that. I think that now-a-days, if any body that is on tv gets busted, their mugs are plastered everywhere for people to see. No discrimination on that, thats for sure. lol
Man, not to be biased or anything, but I thought that it would have been Randy Orton due to all of the stories you hear about. I would not have expected Santino of all people, especially since I heard that he is a really nice and laid back person in reality. I think its bogus that he was pulled over when his alcohol level was well below the limit...I think the cop must have had a stick up his butt and wanted to give hime a hard time. But I will say this, wouldnt it be pretty damn funny if Santino got into character on the cop when it was happening?

Cop: License and registration please.
Santino: Hello-a officer.
Cop: Do you know why I had to pull you over tonight?
Santino: I dont-a know-a. Was I a speeding?
Cop: You were driving carefully and going 37 in a 38 mile an hour speed zone. I think you were drinking...
Santino: Thats-a crazy! Dont-a make-a me open a can-a assiwhip on you!
Cop: Excuse me? You HAVE been drinking! Why dont we take a test and find out.
Santino: No!! I willa not! Ima international supastar!
Cop: You sassing me boy? (forces test on him)
It says here you are under the legal limit, so I am able to let you go...
Santino: thatsa more like-a it!
Cop: ....but I wont! cause I'm a prick and have nothing better to do at this time, than harrass someone of your nature....just so I could get on Entertainment Tonight or Axcess Hollywood!...plus my wife kicked me out....sob

Hilarious! Great stuff. That would be funny to see. In all honesty, I would not be surprised if the cop did it just to be a prick, but the new report makes sense as to why Santino would be arrested. We have an image of what his arrest looks like, but what does his time in jail look like. If Santino were in jail, he'd get his butt handed to him big time.
Well, alot of the things I heard are a bit wierd. After the fact, it was stated that they gave him the alcohol test when he was IN jail, and that he failed the actions given for him to do when he got pulled over. Thats where it gets funny for me....if the guy is giving out sobriety tests like "walking a straight line" and that whole "touch your finger to your nose" bit....why wouldnt he take the extra step and give the blood alcohol level test there as well? It doesnt add up, unless the things stated by reporters where misconstrued....sigh...
I still side with Santino on this one though, I feel this is another case of one of those renegade cops with an attitude that you see on Youtube and TMZ. lol
Santinos stay in jail wouldnt be too bad though...at least he could hold his own and he looks to be pretty much in shape. The only bad part comes, when a guy named "Bubba" walks in and states that he wants to play "Stab the Santino". Thats why when Santino gets there, the only "in-character" thing he needs to say is...."ima calla my lawyer!..and then ima gonna shut upa.." If Bubba is there, its "pleasa donta hurta me". lol
the reason he can and will face DUI charges, is because he was Blood tested some hours after arrest. In some states, it is up to Police officer's disgression as to determine legal intoxication, and if you fail the field sobriety test -- that doesn't always mean you will be immediately tested via Breathalyzer.

Also, Santino tested at what, a .06 or so? That was several hours after arrest -- which means should he have been breathalyzed on the spot -- chances are he would have failed. This is likely not to be an issue in court, since there is no proof of such theory... but there is justification in a DUI arrest and subsequent charges.

Will this affect Santino's current push or status in WWE? Probably not. He will probably be punished by jobbing or being humiliated -- but I don't think WWE will punish him too harshly seeing as it wasn't Drugs, Steroids, or Painkillers, and current media reports shed somewhat of a light of doubt onto the entire series of events.

A Cynic would say "well, WWE could just use this to build Santino's character as a comedic-heel.". This more-than-likely won't happen
Wonder if the cop knew who he was. A lot of times, these trash, scum cops will pick on a celebrity just to brag to the other pigs in blue that they arrested someone of interest. Bottom line is Santino has a suit. If he was in fact under the legal limit, then I agree that he should not have been arrested.

However, is there any record of how he behaved when he was stopped? If he gave the officer shit, that could be the reason, because, of course, cops are better people than the rest of us. :shit:

Poor guy just started getting pushed a little, and now this. Sounds like a bum rap to me.
It doesn't seem like that big of a deal anymore. We haven't heard too much more on the matter and if WWE were going to punish him, we probably would've seen it on Raw last night. Speaking of which, Carlito's Cabana was hysterical last night and I think, no I know it was only because of the interaction between Rodney the Piper and the great Santino Marella. Hot Rod can go with anybody as can Santino. I hope to see more of these two interact verbally. It was funny and it may have been WWE's jab at the DUI when Rowdy told Santino, "The only thing you need is a designated driver, Martini." Classic Hot Rod. And then the chant, "DUI DUI DUI," that was great. I wonder if Santino will make mention of it on Santino's Casa. Unless new evidence comes out, I think that this matter is dead.
It doesn't look like this will affect his push or anything. Nothing says that Santino will have to pay for whats happened...... nothing has really happened anyway.

This is just a big overdone story as usual. Santino and Carlito will definately take the titles from Rhodes and Holly.

If anything does happen to Santino and his push because of this, I will be pretty annoyed and probably confused as well.

There is no real threat to the Interenational superstars because of this.

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