Cameron in trouble with the Law


Gone but never forgotten.
As reported on frontpage news and through TMZ:

TMZ said:
WWE superstar Cameron -- a member of the Funkadactyls -- allegedly offered police $10,000 to let her go after she was arrested for DUI last week ... this according to police.

TMZ obtained the arrest report filed by police in Tampa Bay, Florida ... which shows Cameron -- real name Ariane Nicole Andrew -- was arrested at 2:23 AM on Friday morning outside Tampa International Airport.

The report says Cameron blew a .20 ... more than twice the legal limit in Florida.

After cops took her into custody, the report says Cameron offered one of the officers $10,000 to "let her go because she would lose her job."

Not only was she nailed for drunk driving but now she may face bribery charges. Many superstars have been hit with DWI's but none of them tried to offer the police $10,000 to keep her record clean.

This could put a major damper on the Brodus Clay gimmick since the Funkadactles are a tandem and probably wouldn't work as well if it were just Naomi.

What does everyone think about this? Is this the end of the Funkadactles? Will Cameron be replaced? Will Naomi get her solo? Will Clay's gimmick change at all? Discuss here.
Let me first just say I feel extremely sorry for Cameron because she's a woman and I think that I can understand where she's coming from fearing her job in a male dominated work environment and the fact that she could be looked at as replaceable just like that.

I hope she doesnt get fired as we all make mistakes. Even her bribing the cops shows she loves her job. EVERYONE makes mistakes so dont give me the she shouldve done it in the first place speech. She made a mistake like Orton, Rey, anyone else in WWE history. The bribe wouldnt be a reason to me, as her employer, to kick her out of the WWE. I'd see it as her caring. I mean it's her wanting to save her ass, but I just get it.

Not gonna ramble on that, but Naomi, as much as I wouldnt want it to come at someone's expense, deserves better than this gimmick. It gets her exposure, but she's a phenominal wrestler, can improve mic work, but she has huge potential and needs to start wrestling Layla, Natayla and the other Divas.

No more being a sidekick dancer to a rip off of Flash Funk, it's a waste of her talents. Get two new females to do it, but this is the time for Naomi to go on her own and become champion next year. And hopefully after a not too severe punishment, Cameron can start wrestling even if she goes back to NXT or gets put on Superstars.

I just hope Naomi doesnt go down with her as far as not getting time on TV, if Cameron's termination is inevitable.
That bribery charge might be the kicker. When Alex Riley got caught in a DUI, not only did he continue to appear on TV, but the charge surprisingly disappeared a few months down the line. I wondered about it at the time; although Alex was a nobody, he was involved at that moment in an important program as Miz's assistant, and I felt that this is what made it possible for him to keep going even thought the charge was the type of thing for which WWE would normally make an example by punishing him.

For Cameron, there are similarities and differences with Riley. On the one hand, the Funkaholic routine isn't the hot ticket it was months ago and the company might simply replace her; I don't think it would be that difficult to do.....and I doubt many fans would care, or even notice.

On the other hand, the vital factor is how the company perceives her role. If management thinks she can't be replaced, she won't be. Hell, if the woman has got $10,000 to bribe a police officer, her position with the company is probably more important and high profile than I've been thinking it is.

At any rate, here's a shout out to the officer who refused the bribe. It's good to know that folks with bucks can't always get advantages money can buy and that the cop had the honor to arrest her anyway.

With just a DUI, my guess would have been that when Brodus next comes to the ring, Cameron would be right there, rubbing butts with Naomi. But that bribery charge might change everything.
I didnt know about this until yesterday! The DUI charge probably not that big of a deal A-Ri did that a while back and was quickly forgotten. But the Bribery charge is a whole different beast all in itself. Thats not good for Cameron at all. I think she will be let go and another diva will take her spot as part of the funkadactles.

The Funkasarus program IMO will march on and this wont hurt his gimmick at all as Brodeus Clay didnt do anything wrong. But Cameron had 10K to bribe an officer with wow she isnt doing half as bad as i thought nice try though. But i seriously think its the end of Cameron and really how many of us are gonna notice it anyway!
Personally I think she will be gone. I think the DUI charge alone would have been sufficient to cost her her job. I know lots of other people have received DUI offenses and kept their jobs, but none of them were completely expendable background dancers who offer virtually nothing to the product. Put the attempted bribery on top of this, and the negative publicity it will receive, and I suspect it's future endeavors time for her.

The Funkasaurus gimmick won't change because of this. They'll simply replace her with another dancer and few if any will even notice. Prior to reading this, I wouldn't have been able to tell you her name, and I'm pretty sure I would not have noticed if she was replaced. Expect to see the Funkasaurus along with Naomi and someone new, shaking and dancing like nothing important has changed. Because simply put, nothing has.
It doesn't shock me that Cameron tried to bribe them because she is a women and within WWE, women can be replaced very easily and Cameron is one of the divas that is being used consistently, maybe not in the ring but is being shown on TV. The 'Funkasarus' gimmick is working fine for her.

This can go either one or 2 ways, with this being a women, she could easily be released and either replace her or let Naomi do it by herself. I hope this doesn't affect Naomi because she deserves ALOT more than her current role. She needs to be in the ring competing. I guess we will find out this monday if she appears or not.
If we really want to consider the bribery bit, she had just (or was about to) blown a .20 on a Breathalyzer. That's sloppy girl stumbling out of the club drunk, but not unable to stand up drunk. It's also "say shit you would never say while sober" drunk. Which ends up on TMZ a lot.

The bribery charge will likely disappear. You have to have conscious intent in order to commit bribery, and any lawyer should be able to point out that a police officer should have been able to discern that someone who was blowing a .20 wasn't in a frame of mind that would allow them to knowingly and willfully offer a law enforcement officer money to circumvent the law. Doesn't stop them from applying the charge, although it does provide a lever for them to get Cameron to take the DUI charge on a plea deal.

The DUI.... yeah. Unless she's blowing the boss, or has some backstage position (pun unintentional but recognized) more vital than her dancing with the Funkadactyls, expect her to be released. Bad press is not welcomed in the WWE. (Hi, Gregory Helms!) Unless there's some reason to keep her that we aren't aware of, there's no reason to keep her.

And Sick James- Everyone makes mistakes. There are also consequences for making mistakes; otherwise, we wouldn't consider them mistakes.
Let me first just say I feel extremely sorry for Cameron because she's a woman and I think that I can understand where she's coming from fearing her job in a male dominated work environment and the fact that she could be looked at as replaceable just like that.

I hope she doesnt get fired as we all make mistakes. Even her bribing the cops shows she loves her job. EVERYONE makes mistakes so dont give me the she shouldve done it in the first place speech. She made a mistake like Orton, Rey, anyone else in WWE history. The bribe wouldnt be a reason to me, as her employer, to kick her out of the WWE. I'd see it as her caring. I mean it's her wanting to save her ass, but I just get it.

Not gonna ramble on that, but Naomi, as much as I wouldnt want it to come at someone's expense, deserves better than this gimmick. It gets her exposure, but she's a phenominal wrestler, can improve mic work, but she has huge potential and needs to start wrestling Layla, Natayla and the other Divas.

No more being a sidekick dancer to a rip off of Flash Funk, it's a waste of her talents. Get two new females to do it, but this is the time for Naomi to go on her own and become champion next year. And hopefully after a not too severe punishment, Cameron can start wrestling even if she goes back to NXT or gets put on Superstars.

I just hope Naomi doesnt go down with her as far as not getting time on TV, if Cameron's termination is inevitable.

1. Everyone's replaceable. It's the harsh truth and the faster you realize that in the world of business the better you are.

2. Your logic about "don't give me the she shouldn't have done it speech everyone makes mistakes" is a little ridiculous don't you think? That pretty much gives everyone the excuse to do wrong. Granted we're all human and we all deserve to be forgiven, but that doesn't give us the right to act stupidly. She's an adult, she lives in America, she's on national TV week in and week out, she's probably drank before, and she has a license, so she could clearly know the law.

3. The problem is time after time people who are popular in society believe that they are entitled to special treatment. Meaning that have an attitude that normal rules and procedures don't apply. They have a mentality that they are above "normal" people. They act differently, break laws, act childish, whatever and find themselves in jams all the time. The irony is once their in a jam they believe they should get special treatment to get out.

4. You said the bribery = she cared about her job. How about she cared about herself? Who wants to go jail? The bribery was given while intoxicated which heightens the desire to be selfish even more. prove to me when an individual is drunk they're thinking about others? Hell her driving on the road when she's drunk isn't showing much concern for anyone else.

5. All of those examples clearly prove my first point. Driving Drunk and Bribery only illustrates her attitude of thinking that normal rules and procedures don't apply to her. Remind you that Tough Enough didn't paint her a good picture to begin with. the show portrayed her as stuck up, self centered, and full of herself.
You know who's pretty damn hot and never on TV? Alicia Fox. She's not doing anything on TV right now. Why not plug her into the spot? Just have Brodus find her backstage and say, "Yo, Alicia, I've been looking for you. Now everybody knows that you are definitely FOXY. What I want to know is, are you funky?" Then she can boogey with Brodus a little bit as the cut to commercial. Then they can just introduce her as the new Funkadactyl. Or just re-hire her hot sister.
1. Everyone's replaceable. It's the harsh truth and the faster you realize that in the world of business the better you are.

2. Your logic about "don't give me the she shouldn't have done it speech everyone makes mistakes" is a little ridiculous don't you think? That pretty much gives everyone the excuse to do wrong. Granted we're all human and we all deserve to be forgiven, but that doesn't give us the right to act stupidly. She's an adult, she lives in America, she's on national TV week in and week out, she's probably drank before, and she has a license, so she could clearly know the law.

3. The problem is time after time people who are popular in society believe that they are entitled to special treatment. Meaning that have an attitude that normal rules and procedures don't apply. They have a mentality that they are above "normal" people. They act differently, break laws, act childish, whatever and find themselves in jams all the time. The irony is once their in a jam they believe they should get special treatment to get out.

4. You said the bribery = she cared about her job. How about she cared about herself? Who wants to go jail? The bribery was given while intoxicated which heightens the desire to be selfish even more. prove to me when an individual is drunk they're thinking about others? Hell her driving on the road when she's drunk isn't showing much concern for anyone else.

5. All of those examples clearly prove my first point. Driving Drunk and Bribery only illustrates her attitude of thinking that normal rules and procedures don't apply to her. Remind you that Tough Enough didn't paint her a good picture to begin with. the show portrayed her as stuck up, self centered, and full of herself.

Hey, I happen to be stuck up, self centerd and full of myself!

I'm totally joking, maybe not... uh... well, anyway. I see your point on number 2. I just on some other deep level understand her. I just dont think she should be released. The big factor this comes down to is the stupidity of the view of her being less than a guy because she's a woman and being punished more harsh. That's why I compared her to guys

But damn, her first offense they can let her off. Funny WWE is too stupid to use this kind of stuff as good publicity. They have legends who were put in jail for worse currently working and not. They can always use these stars to go to B A STAR talks and speak on turning over new leafs, overcoming negative obstacles and changing or being better and learning from past mistakes and trying to help the kids not make the mistakes they have

Also the no one's perfect, even us bit

MVP shouldve been World Champ but due to his arrest he was out of that picture

It's not right and even other shows do that. A comeback story can be just as helpful and feel good as a story of a goody two shoes that never gets in trouble, you cant relate.
You know who's pretty damn hot and never on TV? Alicia Fox. She's not doing anything on TV right now. Why not plug her into the spot? Just have Brodus find her backstage and say, "Yo, Alicia, I've been looking for you. Now everybody knows that you are definitely FOXY. What I want to know is, are you funky?" Then she can boogey with Brodus a little bit as the cut to commercial. Then they can just introduce her as the new Funkadactyl. Or just re-hire her hot sister.

I thought of them doing this, but she doesnt deserve this either. She was already brought in dancing with DJ Gabriel and finally got to do her own thing. I love her for her swag and her body language etc. She needs to keep doing that and grow.

Naomi doesnt deserve this either. Put two girls in there that dont want to be wrestlers. That or drop the gimmicks and have him go out alone. Besides rumor had it WWE wanted to drop the gimmick with Brodus and go with what he was suppose to be, but he said otherwise, so who knows?

All I know is Naomi should be Divas Champion by WrestleMania next year in the Divas match with Layla, that would be awesome.
I think that if she's not released, she will have a lot of backstage heat with management, not with the superstars, because a lot of them had DUIs before, but she will have heat because of the bribary charges, because the WWE have been trying to have a clean image lately, like the B A star program and stuff, and a WWE superstar trying to brive a police officer will not look good for the WWE, and specialy the superstars, i agree with the fact that everyone make mistakes and learn from them, but unfortunatly in the WWE, if you are not one of the top superstars, you don't have that many chances, and if Cameron is not released, the way that management will treat her, she is gonna wish she was released, i hope i'm wrong, because in my opinion, everyone is deserving of a second chance to make things right, but int the WWE, if you are not Cena, you don't deserve half of a second chance at all.......
Hey, I happen to be stuck up, self centerd and full of myself!

I'm totally joking, maybe not... uh... well, anyway. I see your point on number 2. I just on some other deep level understand her. I just dont think she should be released. The big factor this comes down to is the stupidity of the view of her being less than a guy because she's a woman and being punished more harsh. That's why I compared her to guys

But damn, her first offense they can let her off. Funny WWE is too stupid to use this kind of stuff as good publicity. They have legends who were put in jail for worse currently working and not. They can always use these stars to go to B A STAR talks and speak on turning over new leafs, overcoming negative obstacles and changing or being better and learning from past mistakes and trying to help the kids not make the mistakes they have

Also the no one's perfect, even us bit

MVP shouldve been World Champ but due to his arrest he was out of that picture

It's not right and even other shows do that. A comeback story can be just as helpful and feel good as a story of a goody two shoes that never gets in trouble, you cant relate.

personally i don't know the policies or her attitude behind the scenes. is she replaceable? of course. Does she deserve a second chance? of course. I'm a forgiving person myself, but i also have a good memory and don't forget. if it was up to me and she took it upon herself to change, and change real quick, maybe offer to do some community service, apologize, and ask for forgiveness, then i'd declare it water under the bridge.
I wouldnt be surprised if Cameron is replaced come Monday. Vince seems to be very concerned with the public image of his company and if the actions taken against AW and JTG in the recent weeks have been proof of anything, its that theres a zero tolerance policy for nonsense in the WWE. She'll be gone, not sure if fired, but definitely disciplined for her reckless decisions.
I'd say there is a good chance that she will hear the infamous "YOU'REEEE FIRRRREEEEDDD!" as an entertainer, you are in the spotlight and even though she is interchangeable she is still a known (somewhat) person and will be made accountable. Now maybe, just maybe she would have been slapped on the wrist for the DUI but the Bribery is a dead set felony (not sire about the DUI, not an American so I don't know much about the grading).

This is bad publicity that the WWE will not need or tolerate. As a smaller named performer, she is easily replaced and I believe that this will happen. My question is why are people so stupid to squander their future with something like this because the facts are that while she was a reasonable amount over the limit, she had the potential to cause harm or maybe even worse.
Isn't Naomi the more popular of the two anyway? If she does get pink slipped it may be an opportunity for Naomi to spread her wings by being Brodus's sole manager and gain some additional character development. Also Cameron's departure may be an opportunity for someone like Sandow or another rising heel to spark a heated rivalry with Brodus by taking her out.

Regardless, Brodus isn't going to suffer whether or not she has a job or not.
Let me just first say that I feel extremely sorry for Cameron because she's a woman and I think that I can understand where she's coming from - fearing for her job in a male-dominated work environment and the fact that she could be looked at as replaceable just like that.

I hope she doesn't get fired as we all make mistakes. Even her bribing the cops shows that she loves her job. EVERYONE makes mistakes, so don't give me the "She-Shouldn't-Have-Done-it-in-the-First-Place" Speech. She made a mistake like Orton, Rey and anyone else in WWE History. The bribe wouldn't be a reason to me, as her employer, to kick her out of the WWE. I'd see it as her caring. I mean it's her wanting to save her a**, but I just get it.

I agree with you wholeheartedly here.

Tough Enough didn't paint her a good picture to begin with

I didn't know Cameron was at Tough Enough. Thanks for sharing this.

Is this the end of the Funkadactyles?

No. She could be replaced, *snap*, just like that, and Naomi could continue being the Funkadactyles with another diva.

Will Cameron be replaced?

I wouldn't be surprised if she does get replaced. She could be replaced by Alicia Fox like some people are saying, since the latter's not doing anything right now. The only problem with this idea is that Alicia isn't voluptuous like Cameron, thus ruining the Funkadactyle Vibe, since Naomi's also voluptuous (I'm not trying to be sexist here).

Will Naomi get her solo?

I was actually surprised that Naomi didn't fly solo when she debuted on Raw with Brodus Clay. Wasn't she the NXT Season 3 Runner-up? NXT Runner-ups David Otunga, Michael McGillicutty and Brodus himself were pushed at some point, why wasn't she? Oh right, Triple H wants less diva action.

By the way things are working in the WWE right now, I don't think that she's gonna get her solo, at least not anytime soon. Like I've said, she's probably gonna get a new partner instead... or Cameron will be allowed to keep her position as her partner.

Will Clay's gimmick change at all?

Not at all. Scrapping Cameron out of Team Funk won't hurt Brodus in the slightest. He could still make the Funkasaurus Gimmick work, with of without the Funkadactyles. Otherwise, he's gonna be another boring moster heel...
I've been arrested before traveling through a small redneck town, shit happens. I can relate as to why she would want to make the bribe. The legal system is a profitable industry where lawyers, police, bailbondsmen, and the town itself all make alot of money off your mistakes in life.

As your going through it you want to make it go away and I see why she would offer the bribe, but in the case of DWI other lives are at risk. A bribe won't make that go away. Losing your job over something like this would be difficult especially because nearly every job requires a background check.

With the senate campaign underway there's a good chance Cameron will be released. Some get second chances so who knows? But it still sucks to see someone lose their job in todays world.
The Bribery attempt will get her fired. I feel bad for her because she was clearly drunk and dumb but that's no excuse, if charges are filed she'll be done. She can, at this point, only hope that she gets lucky.

IF she is fired though this could be a good thing for Naomi. Way back in NXT 3 she was one of the more ring-ready competitors and really should have won (Kaitlyn showed more charisma and ultimately that's why she won - Naomi and AJ were pretty much tied as the best all rounders and look where AJ is now.)

I'd like to see if they could do anything with Naomi in the show but either way I don't think Brodus will be too adversely affected. A new funkadactyl or even the end of the 'dactyls and Brodus going to the ring solo wouldn't affect him too badly - hell rehire the Bella twins and get them doing it they'd get more and better TV time than they would as Divas Champ - I doubt there are many up and coming women on the roster who would be foolish enough to turn down the exposure it would give them (unless it would be catastrophic to their gimmick)
Are we forgetting something? Vince loves black women.

I realize that women are often paid less and treated poorly in the male dominated work force. Then there are those instances where a woman get's special treatment for the way her hips move when she walks.

Could Vince fire Cameron? I highly doubt it. All she has to do is pout.

Posted from App for Android
Are we forgetting something? Vince loves black women.

I realize that women are often paid less and treated poorly in the male dominated work force. Then there are those instances where a woman get's special treatment for the way her hips move when she walks.

Could Vince fire Cameron? I highly doubt it. All she has to do is pout.

Posted from App for Android

Nobody forgot because nobody thought of such a stupid thing. Vince loves black women, yep plenty of evidence to support this with his white wife...

If it was just a DUI, she would have been punished but still employed but the bribery has just given her the sack. They'll make it an example that the WWE does not in any way tolerate bribery on any level and that all employers should respect the law. She is replaceable, she knows that thats why she did such an idiotic thing after the first idiotic thing of getting into a vehicle influenced. She should have been honest from the get go, apologised took the punishment rather than making everything a hell of a lot worse in her job and personal life.
She was willing to pay 10,000 dollars to a would of been a hell of a lot cheaper just paying for a cab or car service so she could of just avoided the entire situation. Wow, she is dumb.

She is going to get fired.
I can't picture her losing her job over this. It would hurt Brodus Clay's character more than anything, unless they completely change it....or replace her with another funkadactyle....maybe...Alicia Fox?

Nontheless, what she did was stupid and irresponsible. Although, for some reason, I am not surprised. Somebody call her momma

Oh that stupid Drunkadactyl!

She was the prettier of the two I think, but that is it.

Why shouldn't she be fired? I bet anyone but a hardcore WWE fan couldn't even tell them apart or pick her out of a line-up.

She is 1 of 2 of THEE MOST DISPOSABLE members on the FULL TIME roster. Like there aren't other hot girls that can dance? Oh please! Just pick ANY of the girls from the Diva talent searches or something.

She was willing to pay 10,000 dollars to a would of been a hell of a lot cheaper just paying for a cab or car service so she could of just avoided the entire situation. Wow, she is dumb.
^^^^^^^^SUCH TRUTH>>> Or She could have just bump & grinded her way home!?!
At first when I read the thread title I asked myself "Who the heck is Cameron....?". Her name is announced every time Brodus makes an appearance, and I still didn't know who she was until I read thew TMZ report stating that she was a Funkadactyl. That shows the impact she has had. She's incredibly stupid to try to bribe her way out of trouble like that and I fully expect her to be future endeavoured for making such a mistake. Will she be replaced? Probably. They could always throw in any other diva who is currently doing nothing as Cameron's replacement. Brodus needs two divas to come dance with him when he makes his entrance, or does he? It's possible that they keep the Funkasaurus as he is, but with only one Funkadactyl dancing with him in his entrance.

They could perhaps go forward with just Naomi if they do not want to replace Cameron. They'd have to change the entrance to no longer include Cameron's name and Naomi would be referred to as "The Funkadactyl" since there are no longer two. I highly doubt it will change Brodus' character. Cameron is easily replaceable and even if they decide to not replace her then the gimmick can still work as only including the Funkasaurus and one Funkadactyl. It's not the end of either character. Brodus and Naomi are going to be around for a while. It CAN work with only one Funkadactyl, but I'd rather see a replacement come in (if Cameron does in fact get fired for this) so that it remains two. Alicia Fox could be a good replacement if they did need to go that route, she had a previous dancer persona when she was with DJ Gabriel back on ECW.

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