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Samoa Joe Will Be WWE Champion- True or False?

He will not be WWE Champion.

Universal Champion is certainly a possibility down the road though, it'll be a while though.
He just debuted tonight, Balor is due back soon so let's wait a few months or a year and see what happens. There are others in his way. Personally I don't see it but stranger things have happened. A run with the US title maybe.
Sure. If Kevin Owens can be the Universal Champion, I don't see why Samoa Joe cannot. He has made an impression, has a special look and personality to him, is great in the ring as well as the mic, and people love him. You can't really get better than that.
I remember a lot of people in forums saying AJ Styles would never hold a world title in WWE when he debuted this time last year, but here we are.

Samoa Joe is 37 years old and theoretically could wrestle for a least the next 3 to 10 years barring no serious injury. Last year when we were talking about Styles, there was only one world title. Joe has debuted in a two world title WWE.

I don't know how he doesn't hold the title. The issue I'm sure will be brought up the most is the issue of look. Joe is a great big boy and has a starkly different look than say the diet Khal Drogo that is Roman Reigns.

We've talked about look to death. Look can be a deterrent, but it is certainly not prohibitive. Mick Foley was a world champion. The KO defence will plague are discussions here for years. The point is, people who draw get world titles.

Joe has Triple H's support. Joe wouldn't have debuted as his enforcer if he didn't. Samoa Joe is an imposing figure. Sadly, WWE likes their heel champions cowardly. If anything Joe will most assuredly have a short run, but his intensity and skill in the ring make him a sure thing.

Samoa Joe will be a world champion in WWE. Most likely that will happen outside of WrestleMania season in 2018.
The whole roster has nearly been a world champ and most of them look like jobbers/mid card at best. Joe will have it easy because of his look and aggressive style. He will be champion in no time.
let him time to grow and take himself out of HHH's shadow because the one thing that can hurt a performer more then anything else is being align with HHH or in owens case, have HHH give you the title.

So For now, i don't see it happening right now, maybe by summerslam because it would love to see Lesnar vs Joe at summerslam for the universal title.

The other option would be to switch him brand when they do the draft this year which unless they have change their mind, they are going to do a draft this year. then i could see him be a world champion before the end of the year again him vs orton or cena or even aj styles would be awesome in my opinion.
I don't see why not, the guy is a complete package. He can go in the ring, is strong on the mic, has a great presence, and has spent 15 years perfecting his gimmick. Samoa Joe is a guy who completely gets it, and it's usually those type of people who end up being the most successful. They brought him in really strong, and I have faith in his ability to build from there.

I just don't see him fading away. Joe's a guy that makes you take notice and holds your attention. In other words, championship material. Yeah, I'm a Joe mark I don't care.
I don't see why not, the guy is a complete package. He can go in the ring, is strong on the mic, has a great presence, and has spent 15 years perfecting his gimmick. Samoa Joe is a guy who completely gets it, and it's usually those type of people who end up being the most successful. They brought him in really strong, and I have faith in his ability to build from there.

I just don't see him fading away. Joe's a guy that makes you take notice and holds your attention. In other words, championship material. Yeah, I'm a Joe mark I don't care.

you didn'T watch his TNA run i guess because their was alot of times during his tna run we're he looked like just another guy especially after he lost the TNA title. When Joe cares about what he'S doing, he hold your attention and he's probably one of the best all around performer in the business no questions ask, but when on the other side of the coins, when he doesn'T care anymore and i've seen that happened alot in TNA, they're nobody better then Joe to fade in the background.

I'm a big fan of the guy but since i've seen both version of joe, i think that if he wants to and just don'T care about what they give him, he will just blend in and fade away like he did in TNA near the end of his run.
you didn'T watch his TNA run i guess because their was alot of times during his tna run we're he looked like just another guy especially after he lost the TNA title. When Joe cares about what he'S doing, he hold your attention and he's probably one of the best all around performer in the business no questions ask, but when on the other side of the coins, when he doesn'T care anymore and i've seen that happened alot in TNA, they're nobody better then Joe to fade in the background.

I'm a big fan of the guy but since i've seen both version of joe, i think that if he wants to and just don'T care about what they give him, he will just blend in and fade away like he did in TNA near the end of his run.

I watched TNA in spurts, have never been a full-time viewer. From what I saw, they misused him spectacularly. They had somebody who could have been their Undertaker and decided to pass on him for WWE rejects and put him in some of the dumbest angles imaginable. I don't blame him for not caring and that shouldn't be an indictment of Joe.

Coming to WWE has rejuvenated him and he's putting in some of the best work of his career in my opinion (or at least what I've seen og his career). Like you said, when he's on, he's one of the best pro wrestlers in the world and because he's finally being treated as he should be, I don't see why he would lose interest.

Look what WWE's done with AJ Styles. Another guy that TNA wasted in his last years with the company.
I said this somewhere ages ago.

Samoa Joe is main event bankable. My concern with bringing him up to the main roster was that creative would fuck about and ruin him as they have some form in this area. Not always admittedly, but the likes of Bo, Breeze and Ascension have me skeptical that they're able to get the best out of everyone, even someone as talented as Joe.
I'm surprised that some people are actually doubting this. They have two World Championships now, obviously he's gonna win one of them at some point. In the two weeks that he's been up he's been involved with the two "new" faces of the company. They shotgunned him into what I'm sure WWE thinks is the second biggest feud heading into WrestleMania, they clearly have a lot of faith in him.

I have no doubt that he'll be World Champion, it's a matter of when and not if.
By the same time next year he'll either a. have the universal championship b. WWE championship c. U.S or I.C championship.
Finn Balor was No.1 Draft pick, and the first universal champion over the guy pushed as the future. Seth, Punk, and Bryan were all huge stars and were noted in ROH. Punk even had runs in TNA. Kevin Owens is their current Universal Championship representing RAW. AJ Styles even with his capability was a TNA guy for most of his entire career and has beaten John Cena several times and carried Smackdown as champion. Most of these guys hardly even reach 3 years into their current WWE runs as well.

Seeing Joe come out in the suit and do the contract signing was enough for me to see he has backing behind him to a heavy extent. We also know how associating with Triple H has benefited a few people and resulted in them holding the Universal Title. In a week span he debuted with HHH, put rollins on the shelf, signed a contract, and has a win over Reigns. He'll be winning some title sooner than we'd think I'd imagine.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was the Heel for Finn Balor upon his return and that was a championship feud. Not going to jump ahead, but by early next year or by the end of this one I think he'll hold the Universal. If he does I don't expect it to be as long as Kevin Owen's reign. Kevin is at like 160+ Days, and I'm not sure how long that would of lasted without Rollins, Reigns, Goldberg, Lesnar, and Braun being sidetracked in other things. Jericho kind of has the U.S title chilling around with him, and Joe doesn't have a distinct direction. I feel like that'll be a stop between him and the universal, if not after.
I believe that they will have Lesnar leave Mania as champion. He will drop the title to Finn Balor during the Summer, and Joe will win the title from Balor in the end of the year.

So yes. He is winning gold this year.
Joe should be the one that takes the title away from lesnar maybe by summerslam and then go on and feud with balor over the title. This would make a lot of sense and you could rehab balor into a position of a main event status before giving him the belt back instead of shoving him down everybody throat right off the bat like they did the first time around.
Yeah Joe has everything it takes to be champ and I definitely feel like he will have a run by this time next year. Unlike a lot of the Indy's, WWE is very short (mostly due to WWE's creative) on badass heel characters. As others have stated they usually make all heels cowardly and weak or are a sort of "monster of the week" like Bran Strowman or Giant Gonzales that is only built up for the face to overcome.

I for one hope they keep Joe strong and with the character hew has perfected his whole life. You don't want to meet him in a dark alley and you don't want to stand between him and what he wants. Joe is basically what I wish they would do with Roman.
He's the one guy from anytime during NXT that I believe you could strap a rocket to a push to the moon and he would not fail. I think he lasted in NXT a lot longer than necessary. However knowing Vince and the way he treats new talent I think he will give it a while until he puts Joe in the proper main event scene. He's already building Strowman up as the big guy so unless you move Joe to SmackDown, I don't see him winning it this year. Next year, WrestleMania possibly.
Samoa Joe I see grabbing the US Title. I doubt very seriously he gets either top straps. There are, barring someone getting hurt, people that VKM has built up for a while in front of him to probably get that run. Joe will be in Upper Mid Card status as the monster heel.
I think he will for a number of reasons.

WWE is clearly pretty invested in him, considering he attacked Rollins and aligned with HHH on his first night. There are two world titles. He's also a really good wrestler and over with the fans. Another thing some people may not have taken into consideration - he's fresh. Goodness I'm just so tired of Reigns/Rollins vs Jericho/Owens that I'll take almost anyone else being in the main event scene. And with this person being talented as Joe, it's a pretty smooth transition. Of course this might not translate to a world championship reign, but people said Punk, Bryan, Styles, and Owens would never win the world title. Again, Joe will be world champion some day.
I would have doubted if there was only one world title. Now that there are two, thanks to brand split, Samoa Joe should and will become a world/universal champion in future. I guess, before 2018 ends,for sure.

It isn't like if he isn't capable of becoming a world champion. He has all the skills that are required to be a World Champion.

In one sentence, the thread title should come true.

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